Chapter 124

The crossbowmen were shooting, but the Wuhuan cavalry had a small shield to protect their vitals.

But the horses they sat on had no protection, and after being shot in the vitals, they also fell to the ground one after another.

More and more horses become a 'roadblock', causing the cavalry behind to...

They didn't rush forward foolishly. When they realized something was wrong, they immediately went around to the two sides and killed in the direction of the two wings.

At present, Liu Bei's position is where Wangmen and Yan Gang are on the left wing, Zhang Fei and Zhang Hebu are on the right wing, and Liu Bei and Tai Shici are in the middle army.

"Brother, be careful with the left wing later." Zhang He reminded.

Facing the cavalry coming towards him, he just asked the soldiers to raise their guns to prepare for battle, and at the same time ordered the sword and shield soldiers to take down the crossbow behind them.

The pikemen put the tail of the gun against the base, and the tip of the gun was facing the outside, so that it could better resist the charge of the cavalry.

The strong crossbow borrowed from Tai Shici before, the three-stone crossbow, is better reserved for Tai Shici's special crossbowman.

The crossbow on his side was taken from Youzhou's inventory.

After all, they are all friendly troops, and at the same time they need to assist Liu Yu in defense. How can we do without providing bows and arrows/crossbows?
As expected, the opponent was able to attack the pawns, so naturally they had their strengths.

Seeing that the distance was almost the same, they stopped suddenly, and the soldiers quickly picked up the bows behind them, ready to shoot arrows.

Horseback archery like this kind of barbarian is basically 'riding' and 'shooting'. If you don't stop, you can't shoot arrows at all.

In contrast, Gongsun Zan's white horse righteousness is a real horse and shooter.

This requires the cavalry to be able to control the horse well. When the horse realizes that the knight is about to shoot, it will actively slow down to reduce the difficulty of riding and shooting.

Therefore, the real strength of Baima Yi is not because they are good at riding and archery, but because of their excellent riding skills.

It's no wonder that Gongsun Zan has such high requirements on horses, after all, the requirements for riding skills are too strict.

On the Wuhuan cavalry side, looking at the light cavalry in front of them, it might make people overlook the cavalry archers among them.

But before shooting an arrow, you have to stop first, isn't it a living target?

The strong crossbow was thrown out, but the opponent also shot arrows at the first time, the situation was not quite right, the concentration of arrows was a bit high.

That is to say, hundreds of people are shooting arrows, but the effect of shooting thousands of people comes out.

The only explanation is that they shot twice in a row in a very short period of time.

Zhang He saw all this. They held an arrow and a bow together in advance. After shooting the arrows, they bent the bow and set the arrow again, and then performed two rounds of rapid fire.

Unexpectedly, this rapid-fire method would appear on Wuhuan's side.

Did you learn it from Xianbei or the Huns, or did you learn it yourself?
This is not important anymore, but continue to let it go, the opponent can probably suppress the pawns on his side by relying on this rapid fire.

This is basically a method trained against the strong crossbow of the big man. The firing interval of the strong crossbow is very long, especially the big yellow crossbow, which needs to be wound with the feet.

But the opponent's archery method can only shoot you one round at most, so don't expect to go into battle later.

Before the arrows are shot, the shortcomings of one's own side have to bear the baptism of the opponent's arrow rain. Hundreds of people can indeed achieve the results of thousands of people.

This is why they have the confidence to dare to challenge the big man?
"The question is, have you forgotten that there are enemies behind you?" Zhang He sneered and ordered the army to advance.

The own army fired a round of crossbows, and then had to raise their shields to defend. If the opponent didn't kill them, they could only push forward a little bit.

In the case of passive defense, the pikemen of the own army are at a disadvantage.

The opponent's purpose is also the same: After killing the pikemen who restrained them, they will deal with the remaining infantry in close combat.

Zhang He moved forward to attract their attention. It is undeniable that the casualties of his own army are also increasing.

However, after successfully diverting the opponent's attention, Gongsun Zan, who had already circled around, charged towards them.

After a charge, these hundreds of cavalry were rushed to pieces, and the scattered few were easily dealt with by the cavalry archers.

Gongsun Zan didn't stop, and immediately went to the other side.

Compared with Zhang He's side, the situation on Wangmen Yan Gang's side was more serious, probably because of insufficient training, the battle formation became chaotic.

Even Wangmen has shown his intention to retreat, and the battle formation actually started to retreat.

But when they retreated a little, the enemy army moved forward, and there was a tendency not to stop until they were killed.

With the obstacles of the Wang family, Yan Gang has no choice but to make a move. The biggest obstacle in the war is actually the friendly army. Nothing is more ironic than this.

Gongsun Zan was very dissatisfied. After this battle, he would definitely settle accounts with Wangmen.

This is his confidant who was promoted from the family general. He did not expect to behave so unbearably after taking the position.

"It's almost there, we can finish it!" Liu Bei ordered to push forward.

Qiu Liju's [-] cavalry were in disarray by now, and some tribal leaders had already left in a hurry when they saw that something was wrong.

In the final analysis, the main thing was that Guan Yu went to Qiu Liju and took him down on the spot.

If it weren't for the value of this product, it would have been chopped off with a knife.

The entire war has entered garbage time, and the rest is to see how far the enemy can be wiped out, and whether it can capture a batch of war horses to the maximum.

"Brother, this horse is the best of Wuhuan's horses, and it's just for brother to travel!" Guan Yu rode over, with a maroon horse beside him, which was Qiu Liju's mount.

As the leader of Wuhuan, it is normal to have a good horse.

It's not as good as Chiche, Lu's class, but it's also a top-notch horse.

"This horse is more suitable for Yunchang, so it belongs to Yunchang!" Liu Bei shook his head and gave the horse to Guan Yu.

Mainly because he could see that Guan Yu was very satisfied with the horse.

Guan Yu was originally tall, and with the addition of armor and Qinglong Yanyue knife, ordinary war horses had to be ridden with three in rotation, and they could not charge for a long time.

For him, a good horse can reduce the frequency of changing horses and increase the endurance of combat.

However, this claret horse is still a bit of rubbish, not up to the level of Chiche, so it can only be said that it is making do at this stage.

Zhang He thought about it, maybe he could borrow it, find a few suitable horses to match, and then see if he could breed and optimize a few better war horses.

After all, it's been so long since he raised his army, and this is the only good horse he's ever encountered.

Not to mention Liu Bei at this stage, none of the brothers have good horses to ride.

Gongsun Zan was different. He came from a good background, but the white horse he sat on looked like an extraordinary one.

I just don't know, is it because of this horse that the white horse Yicong is the white horse?
On the same day, the army simply rested and charged in the direction of Feiru.

In less than two days, the army broke through Qiu Liju's camp and rescued some Han people.

It's a pity that women who have been ruined have no way to restore their innocence.

Fortunately, these days, they are not too harsh on this aspect.

By the Ming and Qing Dynasties, they probably had to observe the festival to the death, or become nuns, and women's crowns may also be an option.

Some of the money, food and supplies were chased back, but more had been transported to the grassland, and some of them were taken away by the leader Wuhuan who had fled back.

Naturally, this operation seemed to completely drive the Wuhuan invaders out of China.

It took a few days to wait for Liu Yu to be held accountable. As expected, he even filed a complaint.

Of course he knew that this was a great victory, but this would also completely destroy the relationship between Dahan and Wuhuan.

A battle of ideas is similar to a party struggle. Liu Yu really doesn't hesitate at all in this regard...

 The dodder of the red oyster originally meant a tiger, that is, a red tiger, and later it was passed down to become a red rabbit.

  This is a statement, the specifics are not known, but I agree with this statement.

  So far, the brothers finally have a good horse, and the follow-up depends on the protagonist.

  Wang Men was a general under Gongsun Zan's command, but later he voted for Yuan Shao and turned to attack Gongsun Zan...

  Therefore, in terms of character design, it is set that the character is not very good, and usually fights fiercely, but when it comes to life and death, it will be cowardly, greedy for life and afraid of death.

  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription!

(End of this chapter)

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