Chapter 137 Too Active
"Your Majesty is so dishonest, my little girl was under pressure and delivered the horses and materials to the door, but just ordered a set of weapons and armor, but your Majesty kept procrastinating." When Zou met her, she directly asked her to blame her.

"Isn't this still mine?" Zhang He patted Jueying lightly, "Indeed, I did promise, but I didn't say when I would do it. I've been busy raising horses during this period, and I have no intention of forging armor. I'll come back later. Maybe it's in the mood."

"Wait a minute, is this Jue Ying?" Mrs. Zou wanted to say a few words, but when she saw the horse, she almost couldn't recognize it.

No, to be precise, even if I recognize it, I dare not confirm it.

When it was sent out two months ago, it was still a foal, and now it is a mature horse.

Looking at the appearance of this Shenjun, it is completely different from the previous Jueying.

Obviously, the best grooms of the Zou family all said that this horse was at best a good one.

Let's not talk about those, just talk about these two months, how did they grow up like this?
"People's abilities are different." Zhang He turned back, "I can forge the best armor and weapons today, so it's not surprising that I can raise the best horses, right?"

"No, no, this is completely a matter of two fields!" Zou really couldn't help complaining.

"It's nothing surprising, I'm so versatile." Zhang He replied, "That's it, the weapon and armor matter, after a while, will naturally fulfill the contract. Unless, Miss Zou is in a hurry to use it?"

"It's urgent to say it." Zou nodded, "I originally wanted to give it to the Zhang family as a bargaining chip to cancel the engagement."

"Have we been engaged?" Zhang He asked with great interest.

"If the two of us are engaged, then I don't want to call it off." Zou said with a smile, "We are talking about Wuwei Zhang, the eldest son of the direct line, Zhang Ji, works under Dong Zhuo's son-in-law Niu Fu, and has a marriage contract with his youngest daughter since childhood. "

"Since I had a marriage contract since I was a child, why didn't you marry?" Zhang He was a little curious.

"It didn't matter at first, but now he voted for Dong Zhuo." Shaking his head, Mrs. Zou said, "Sooner or later something will happen to Dong Zhuo, and his generals will have to be implicated. If something goes wrong, my daughter will become a widow."

"Hahaha, Dong Zhuo is in the limelight, maybe he can mention it again this year. It's just that the future is unlimited, so how could something happen?" Zhang He laughed.But I was a little curious in my heart, is Zou's vision really so good?Predict your future now?

"Things are always reversed. Dong Zhuo became famous by begging for thieves, but everyone knows what the situation is. So the court can't take action, otherwise it will naturally be liquidated." Zou replied.

The imperial court couldn't settle the matter, and put down the Liangzhou rebellion, as well as the Bingzhou rebellion.

Ding Yuan did not go north in Hanoi, and the court also needed people to go north to suppress the rebellion.

Especially after Liu Hong died, there was no one who could liquidate Dong Zhuo.

It is normal to say that Dong Zhuoyue is presumptuous, so the more people want to liquidate him, the more he is forced to obey Yuan's or the eunuch party.

From the perspective of the Yuan family or the eunuch, such Dong Zhuo can be used with more peace of mind.

If this is the case, then Dong Zhuo's recklessness and barbarism are purely his disguise.

But Zhang He felt that this was the result of Li Ru's plan...

"Aren't you afraid that he will vent his anger on you?" Zhang He asked jokingly.

"The gift of weapons and armor can be regarded as fulfilling the friendship of the previous generation. If he is not satisfied, at most he will kill the little girl!" Zou said indifferently, "Originally, if the lord of the residence is willing to marry the little girl, that would be a good destination. "

It's no wonder that when they first met, they were immediately quoted on the dowry. I'm afraid it had already been calculated since then.

As expected of a merchant's daughter, if Na came back, Cai Yan and Bian Linglong might not be able to play with her.

But everyone is in front of him, if he let it go, it would be too wasteful.

Not to mention the big business behind her, the Zou family will indeed be able to use it for future development in Liangzhou.

"I still say the same thing..." Zhang He looked at Zou Shi, his possessive eyes were not hidden at all.

Zou also just smiled, not afraid, and even puffed out her chest, showing her most attractive side.

In her body, there is no gentleness of Kanto women at all, but there is a bit more liveliness and initiative of modern women.

It has to be said that this kind of woman is more to Zhang He's appetite.

Even so, in any case, Mrs. Zou was a little too proactive.

Or, she has seen too many men who think with their lower body, so she thinks that all men in the world are like this?

Right, that is it!

If it weren't for the male reproductive instinct, which man would go after a woman?
In essence, women set the test in order to find stronger males to reproduce.

Only men who pass the test can have the qualifications to reproduce.

After all, this is the original form of marriage.

It is human nature not to be affected by primitive impulses, or to deliberately use this set of rules for profit.

There are two sides to human nature, the beautiful side is called love, and the ugly side is called egoism.

Zhang He resisted the impulse and kept himself calm, which is also a manifestation of human nature.

This is not to say that he is a gentleman, but that he is a newcomer, and he is inevitably a little wary of this kind of local snake in Liangzhou.

"Then I said that too..." Seeing that Zhang He didn't respond, Mrs. Zou felt a little dissatisfied, so she left these words and left.

"The armor and weapons will be finished within ten days at most, and they will be delivered by someone at that time." Zhang He said.

"Young lady, just wait." Mrs. Zou turned her head and saluted, then turned and left again.

"It's a pity..." Zhang He sighed.

"If the head of the family is interested in this girl, why not ask the envoy to come forward and talk to the Zou family." Wei Yi was a little puzzled.

"I'm interested in her, but I don't have to get her." Zhang He shook his head, "It's just a pity that there are not many high-ranking people. If we can find out Zou's real purpose, at least we won't be so passive. "

There is no evidence, but I always feel that Zou's approach to him is for some purpose.

From her words, there is more or less the meaning of inciting herself to seize power.

Either divorce his wife and marry her, or seize power and become the governor of Liangzhou, so she is willing to commit herself as a concubine.

Heh, you deliberately turned yourself against Liu Bei, right?

Liu Bei said that 'brothers are like siblings, women are like clothes'. At that time, Zhang He still felt that he should be very loyal to brothers.

Until I accidentally discovered that there is a sentence in "Three Kingdoms · Volume 32 · Shu Shu II · The Second Biography of the First Lord": The First Lord did not like reading books, but liked dogs, horses, music, and beautiful clothes.

Men, just listen to what you have to say.

It's just that Liu Bei really values ​​brotherhood. Sometimes I really can't look at what a person has said, but look at what he has done.

If it is said and done, it is even more rare.

"Then, will the next five days be enough to train you?" Zhang He looked at Jueying and began to try to tame the beast.

In theory, it's okay if you don't waste your time.

It's just that Zhang He is somewhat curious, whether he can tame some tigers and leopards, and then improve the species through breeding, and finally form a real tiger and leopard cavalry.

Even if it doesn't work, it's pretty cool to train one or two beasts for riding.

Thus, Jueying became the first victim.

He was ridden out by Zhang He in full armor every day, and came back in the evening.

Through continuous weight training and the use of skills, its level is gradually improved.For three meals a day, Zhang He eats the "healthy salad" cooked by Zhang He himself.

A salad made from tender grass and beans, combined with several medicinal materials.

Jueying was not used to eating at first, but gradually got used to it on the third day.

Probably after getting used to it, I no longer reject the taste.

Or, it clearly felt that it was getting stronger.

Seven days later, Zhang He personally put on a horseshoe for Jueying, looked at Jueying who had reached the full level, and nodded with satisfaction.

 The next few volumes may still focus on horses and women, and try to prepare horses for the brothers before the year 189 arrives.It is necessary to cultivate several batches of excellent horse breeds for subsequent reproduction.

  The horses that have been optimized through gamification cannot reach the speed of Zhang He's personal operation, and the growth period of four to five years can probably be shortened to two to three years.

  This is not shortening the lifespan, but similar to the Saiyans, the childhood and old age are relatively short, the youth is particularly long, and the total length of the lifespan remains unchanged.

  There is one thing to say, Zou's emphasis on assassinating the history is more or less meant to make Zhang He and Liu Bei turn against each other.

  But if you really want to count, there are cases where the governor is transferred to the governor, but the situation of the governor being transferred to the governor probably has to be in a remote county, and it is possible to be the governor in a rich state...

  Zhang He is both the prefect. The governor of Liangzhou is more like a demotion than a promotion. The Liangzhou pastor is fine.

  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription!

(End of this chapter)

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