Chapter 143
As for the white horse, let alone Gongsun Zan, Liu Bei and Zhao Yun are also famous for their white horses.

Liu Bei sits on a white horse as Lu, which leads to the story of Lu's Savior.

Not to mention that in Xin Qiji's poems later, there is a line that "the horse made by Lu Feikuai, the bow is like a thunderbolt and a string is startled".

It is rumored that Zhao Yun's seat is the Zhaoye Jade Lion, which is also white all over.

This bright horse also appeared in "Water Margin", which indirectly led to Chao Gai's death.

"It's a bit of a pity, why are you a mare?" Zhang He came to Wuyun Taxue.

Normally, there are stallions and mares in the army.

But the Dahan Mazheng is not good, so it needs to rely on imports to a large extent.

Riding mares was also prohibited in the early Western Han Dynasty in order to increase the reserve of horses.

"Hissing?" the foal whispered, probably not understanding, and then went to find the mare to drink milk.

On the contrary, the pure white stallion was a little clumsy. My sister went to drink milk before I realized how bumpy it was.

Looking at its level, it's only level 55, surpassing Jue Ying, but not as good as its older sister.

It can basically be judged that these are fraternal twins, so they absorb different nutrients, have different developmental levels, and have different hair.

In humans, for example, a single female can simultaneously give birth to triplets of different fathers.

"Are you so horny?" Zhang He looked at Jue Ying, after all, these are its seeds.

Both horses are in the same pen, without any third party getting involved, so they are both Jueying's breeds.

"Hiss!" Jueying showed a smug expression, and he had to say that his IQ was good.

Strictly speaking, Jue Ying is only a three-year-old child.

However, it is probably due to the relationship that has been ripened by myself, and the instinct to reproduce has been awakened.

After it is equipped with a mare, under the effect of gamification, the mating is completed in about one to two days.

In the state of gamification, you can intuitively see the mare's belly getting bigger.

It should be said that it is indeed the second generation of good horses bred through gamification, and the speed from pregnancy to delivery has been further shortened.

If there is no gamification in the future, the production can probably be completed within seven or eight months.

Zhang He couldn't help but look at the third-generation black cloud riding snow. If he was lucky, his breeding time could be further shortened.

For example, four or five months of pregnancy or something.

Not only is the birth time reduced, but the probability of giving birth to a good horse or even a horse king will further increase.

On the premise of not harming itself, it can produce at least 10-15 tires.

Unable to determine the number of stallions and mares, would like more stallions if possible.

Not to mention being able to ride, it can also allow more mares to conceive.

The mare is at a disadvantage in this regard, and can only conceive a child of one horse. At most, it will have twins as it is now.

Two days later, new news came from the front line that Dong Zhuo had successfully advanced to Yunwu County, and he took back the county seat of Jincheng.

After receiving the news, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei immediately advanced from Anding to Jincheng County.

Counting the eldest brother and Zhou Sheng guarding in Laowei County, Tai Shici and Zhang Yun in Longxi, they have basically blocked the way of the thieves.

Now it is a little bit of advancement, not to compete with Dong Zhuo for credit, and at the same time forcing Dong Zhuo to take the initiative to counter the rebellion.

This was the idea put forward by Ju Shou. Since he joined, Tian Feng began to concentrate on handling Liangzhou's government affairs, and was no longer responsible for making suggestions.

As for Jia Xu, he is Zhang He's chief bookkeeper and is not responsible for making suggestions.

"What is certain is that our Hanyang County is stable!" Zhang He breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, this was the front line, but with Dong Zhuo's advancement, it gradually became the second line.

On the front line, under the suppression of bandits by Liu Bei and others, those small bandits have all been wiped out.

In other words, there are no rogues who will kill Hanyang. If there are, there is a high probability that someone pretends to be them.

"Recently, all the counties are promoting high-yielding wheat varieties. Is it cultivated by my husband?" During dinner, Zou Yu suddenly mentioned this matter.

"Who else can cultivate such wheat seeds except me?" Zhang He asked back.

Zou Yu nodded, she had always suspected this.

After all, a wheat seed that matures in two months and has an output of five or six shi, or even six or seven shi, is not normal no matter how you look at it.

Coupled with the supporting composting technology, it can also better ensure the fertility of the field.

With the rotation of beans and alfalfa, the loss of basic fertility is minimal, and it can even be improved.

This field is also divided into three, six, and nine grades. The newly developed fields are worthless, after all, there is no fertility.

But after all, it is their own field, so the common people will spend a lot of time using river mud and plant ash to increase its fertility little by little.

Only such a field will attract the covetousness of the aristocratic family, and thus find a way to annex it.

Plant ash and manure proved to be useful, and the common people did it spontaneously.

In order to save manure, the counties even built public toilets in the city, and people regularly went to clean it, and pulled it out of the city at night to go to a fixed place for composting.

"Everywhere is afraid of a bumper harvest this year, but the Zhang family in Wuwei probably won't be happy." Zou Yu reminded.

After all, he monopolizes Liangzhou's grain trading. He has hoarded some grain before and plans to sell it at a high price.

But now a large number of cheap wheat is on the market, which has brought down the price all at once.

Did the food purchased at a 'high price' before be thrown into my own hands?
"The question is how much arable land can there be in Liangzhou?" Zhang He shook his head.

Many places have been forced to open terraced fields, and the plains are scarce, and the food produced is limited.

It can only be said that even if Liangzhou is developed reasonably, the food is only barely enough for the normal expenses of the counties in Liangzhou. If there is a war, there may be a shortage of food, and there is a high probability that it will be imported from the Jingzhao area.

As a price, sell the cattle, sheep and horses bought by the Hu people, and of course all kinds of leather goods.

Probably also because Liangzhou has become a distribution center for cattle, sheep and horses, so the horses in Kanto, Hebei and Jiangnan are considered to be Liangzhou horses, although they are obviously produced in Qianghu.

"The problem of food is just an excuse. My husband should know the specific reason." Zou Yu reminded.

Zhang He looked at Zou Yu and naturally understood.

His fiancé has been pried away by himself, and any man can't bear it!
"But what can he do to me?" Zhang He sneered.

Zhang Ji is just Niu Fu's subordinate now, that is to say, Niu Fu is still separated from Dong Zhuo.

As long as he is really that important, then it should also be Dong Zhuo's direct subordinates, such as Li Jue and Hua Xiong.

It is not difficult to see from this that Dong Zhuo really didn't pay much attention to Zhang Ji.

After all, don't look at the Zhang family monopolizing Liangzhou's grain trade.

But the largest grain producing area in Liangzhou is not Wuwei, but Wudu!

Wudu's grain output probably accounted for [-]% or even [-]% of Liangzhou's.

Dong Zhuo only needs to disconnect the transportation channel, and he can easily break the Zhang family's monopoly.

It might be better to say that the Zhang family can still monopolize Liangzhou's grain now, just because Zhang Ji is Niu Fu's subordinate.

"He may not be able to, but there are actually quite a few rich families who have opinions..." Zou Yu reminded, "Many people intend to take advantage of this opportunity to manipulate the price of food to make a small profit, but more is to force the common people borrow money, thereby forcing them to become sharecroppers.”

I understand, my own actions have ruined many people's small calculations.

In other words, I offended a large number of noble families in Liangzhou without knowing it...

The problem is that you advertise yourself as a great benevolent person who cultivates and educates families, builds bridges and paves roads, but embezzles national interests and commits illegal things.

Lao Tzu curbed this behavior, and ended up hating Lao Tzu?

Yes, I did break the inherent unspoken rules, but in the future Liu Bei will separate Liangzhou.

The reason for someone to embezzle the country is to infringe Liu Bei's interests, and rounding up also infringes Zhang He's interests.

Then there's nothing to say, they're all going to hell!
In the final analysis, we can't really set the price of food for these powerful families, otherwise, what will happen to Liu Bei's military food supply in the future?
"It's just right, enough time to go to the office!" Zhang He counted the time, got up and left.

If you want to talk about how to repair and repair these wealthy families, of course, go to the Yamen to find Jia Xu's staff!

 In modern times, there is a kind of mushroom called Tricholoma. Because it is very delicious, it is purchased in large quantities everywhere.Before the popularization of artificial cultivation, it was basically purchased in Zhangjiakou, so it was called Tricholoma.But in fact Tricholoma is produced in Inner Mongolia, and it is only distributed in Zhangjiakou.

  So I think that Liangzhou horses are distributed and sold in Liangzhou, so they are called Liangzhou horses.After all, Liangzhou's environment is not suitable for raising and racing horses...

  Rather than doing business, the rich people naturally prefer to continuously annex land by manipulating food prices and lending usury, forcing self-cultivating farmers to become domestic slaves.This is not only more secure, but also can flaunt the heirloom of farming and reading.

  Merchants, most of them are treacherous people with a bad reputation.

  Properly repairing bridges and paving roads, raising a name is all that matters in the final analysis.

  After all, didn’t the money for building bridges and roads come from those tenant farmers and common people?
  It's just that even if everyone knows it, it's hard to tell. If you don't expose it, someone will repair the bridge and pave the road.If people stop pretending to be exposed, then there will be no benefits.To say that the ancients were stupid is sometimes not necessarily the case.Since there is no way to resist, those who insist on exposing them either have other motives or are stupid.

  The problem is that Liu Bei will use Liangzhou as his base in the future, and if someone infringes on his interests, Zhang He will naturally take care of it.

  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription!

(End of this chapter)

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