Three Kingdoms: Everything Can Be Gamified

Chapter 192 Liu Hua's Plan

Chapter 192 Liu Hua's Plan

"Shou'er, how's the book revision going?" Early in the morning, Fu Shou was about to come out, but was stopped by Princess Yang'an Liu Hua.

Zhang He recruited people to transcribe Lantai's books, and Fu Shou went to apply without authorization, and she knew about it.

After all, Luoyang is so chaotic, normally you shouldn't go out casually.

If you have to go out, you must know where you are going.

Fortunately, Luoyang is under military control now, and there are soldiers patrolling the streets all the time, so it's not a big problem.

Zhu Jun personally led a team to train soldiers while pacifying the riots in Donghe and Henan Yin.

Huangfu Li led a section and guarded Luoyang.

And Zhu Hao is forming a reclamation corps to sort out the farmland around Luoyang in batches and prepare for farming.

The wheat seeds promised by Liu Bei were delivered yesterday.

Although I still have some doubts about this thing, but now I have no other choice.

During this time, Zhang He was transcribing books, which were originally collected in the Han Dynasty, and non-military veterans were not allowed to read them.

Just because of Liu Bei's merit in rescuing Luoyang, Huangfusong and Zhu Jun also turned a blind eye to this.

The main thing Zhang He said is also reasonable. If there is more chaos in Luoyang, it is difficult to guarantee that these books will not have problems. It is safer to copy a copy and store them separately.

"It's almost finished editing, and it will be completed in just two days." Fu Shou replied.

"How is that Zhang He?" Liu Hua thought for a while and asked.

"A very serious person..." Fushou thought for a while, "It can even be said that it is a bit magical..."

The biggest problem with transcription is the lack of bamboo slips.

Zhang He cut bamboo himself to make bamboo slips, and a large number of bamboo slips were made almost every day.

It can't help but make people a little surprised, how did he do it.

Brushes and ink are still in the palace inventory, the main reason is that Dong Zhuo doesn't like these things.

There are also a lot of bamboo slips and paper, but Huangfusong needs a lot of bamboo slips and paper to deal with Henan Yin's government affairs.

Going forward, the books were sent back, and Zhang He spent one night sorting them all.

Otherwise, with so many volumes, it may take a day or two just to sort them out.

From the beginning of contact, Fu Shou discovered that Zhang He has too many magical places.

For example, if you don't sleep for more than a quarter of an hour every day, you won't be free all day.

For example, when he transcribes books, his efficiency is more than five times that of others. What is rare is that his handwriting can still be maintained well.

Seeing how fast he copied at first, Fu Shou thought he was going to use cursive script, but when he looked closely, it was exactly the same as the original handwriting, and he was even surprised.

"Then, Grandma wants to promise you to be his concubine, are you willing?" Liu Hua asked.

"Ah!" Fu Shou didn't understand, it was too sudden!
"I discussed it with your father, and I think that the current situation in the world is turbulent, and the Fu family should make plans early. The three elder brothers will stay to serve the great man, and the other three will be sent to Liu Liangzhou. They may serve under his command in the future. Just to ensure that the three of them can become officials, we need to get closer to Liu Shijun." Liu Hua said.

Fu Wan has five daughters. The problem is that Fu Shou is the eldest daughter and the oldest.The problem is also here, too old.

Originally, Fu Wan intended to send his daughter to the palace, but the object was not Liu Xie, but Liu Bian.

But Liu Bian was abolished and poisoned. Fortunately, Concubine Tang returned to Yingchuan safely.

Liu Xie is too young, and Fu Shou is five years older than him, which is not suitable.

The main reason is that the concubine sent the concubine to the palace, which somewhat looked down on Liu Xie.

Whether Liu Xie thinks, whether Fu Wan thinks it doesn't matter, mainly Liu Hua thinks so.

The main reason is to see Liu Bei, a young hero in the clan of the Han Dynasty, and I am very optimistic about his prospects.

The question has already been asked, and Liu Bei's five brothers are all married.

It's a pity that I heard that Zhang He already had two concubines, and he treated them very well at the same time. He once promised that the two of them did not have the name of equal wives, but they had the reality of equal wives.

The thoughts that had been suppressed came back up again. If it is Ping's wife, it is fine!

It doesn't matter if the bet is wrong, there are four daughters who can bet separately.

As far as the current situation is concerned, if the preparations are not made early, the Fu family is likely to fall.

In this matter, Fu Wan is an elm-headed man who just wants to show his allegiance to His Majesty.

The problem is that His Majesty can't help himself now.

Besides, with the current situation, you can't go to Bingzhou by yourself to serve His Majesty under Dong Zhuo's command, right?
Fu Wan should have worked hard, but in the end it still didn't work.

There is a reason why Fushou is a concubine's daughter, mainly because she doesn't dislike Zhang He.

Versatile, talented young hero with both civil and military skills, he is already the prefect of Hanyang and General Anxi at a young age, which is really a good match.

If they hadn't been married, the media protectors would probably have come from Jixian County, Liangzhou to Luoyang...

"This..." Fu Shou really didn't expect that his mother would arrange such a marriage for him, or would he be a concubine?

Probably he was thinking about it, thinking that Liu Hua was going to please Zhang He by giving himself away, so he couldn't help but feel very sad.

As for liking, it should be more out of curiosity. I have too little contact with Zhang He, so I can't say whether I like it or not...

At most, he was not annoying, definitely not because he was handsome.

That's right, when I came to help transcribe the books, I just had nothing to do and found something to pass the time for myself.

"After they have finished transcribing the scrolls, there is a high probability that they will go back..." Liu Hua looked at Fushou. Your father will go over and discuss with him. Don't worry, he treats his concubine very well..."

What Liu Hua said later, Fu Shou couldn't hear clearly.

He went to Lantai with his head down, but he didn't realize when he arrived.

"What's the matter today? If you're so distracted, I can't let you transcribe the book." Zhang He looked at Fushou. In her state, transcribing the book must have a lot of false characters.

"Then I'll take a break." Fu Shou twitched a bit, and found a place to sit down.

She came here to pass the time, so naturally she didn't like the wages offered here.

Zhang He also knew this and let her rest.

It's just a little strange, why did my temper become so fierce, could it be because of menstruation?

Of course, this is just ridicule. He is a married man anyway, and he knows what happens when a woman has menstruation.

In Fushou's situation, it was more like encountering something unpleasant, and he was a little overwhelmed.

"Why, unhappy?" Zhang He took out a bottle with him, which was his own brewed wine.

The sorghum produced in the Jingzhao area is brewed with corn, rice, glutinous rice and wheat. It is a self-created version of Wuliangye.

Not distilled, the degree is not high, about 12%.

Usually I mainly drink tea, but now I don’t have tea with me, and tea is not easy to carry with me, so I make my own wine.

Specially brewed hundreds of bamboo tubes, sent [-] bottles to Huangfusong and Zhu Jun, sent [-] bottles to Le Yin and Fu Wan, and kept the others.

From time to time, those who have good progress and level are rewarded, and the speed of writing will be accelerated.

Today in Luoyang, food and wine are more valuable than gold, silver and jewelry.

"Don't tell me you don't know how to drink..." Zhang He said with a smile when he handed the bamboo tube to Fushou and saw that she didn't answer it.

Men and women these days can drink some alcohol, but the main reason is that there are not many things that can be drunk.

Tea soup can be regarded as an arty thing, some people like it, but it is not a mainstream drink after all.

"Who said I can't?" Fu Shou puffed up his cheeks, took a sip of wine from the bamboo tube.

She recognized this thing and said it was brewed by Zhang He himself, and from time to time sent to the fastest and best writers.

She is young, and she is no match for those scribes who have been writing letters for a long time to make a living. Every time she is rewarded, she does not have her own share.

The real entrance, but almost choked.

The body of the wine is clear and clean, with a dense mouthfeel, and the finish is better than that of Dukang, but the strength is a bit strong.

I also thought that my father seemed to have gotten it before, and seemed to like it very much, why not leave it to him!
But thinking of my father, I immediately thought of the fact that I was going to be Zhang He's concubine, and suddenly lost my mood again.

"What unhappy things happened, let's talk about it?" Zhang He asked curiously.

The things that can make Fu Wan's daughter unhappy are probably not trivial, so naturally she is a little concerned.

The main reason is that she is a historical beauty, and she was originally Liu Xie's first queen, so it's exciting to think about it.

But she is the daughter of Fu Wan, so it is impossible to give her as a concubine.

"My father wants me to marry someone...and to be someone else's concubine." Fu Shou put down the wine bottle, after all speaking from his heart.

"No! As a servant, there is absolutely no need to promise you to be a concubine. Just say that, if His Majesty is still in Luoyang, you may be sent to the palace. If you are lucky, you will be the queen directly!" Zhang He was a little surprised, who is so lucky.

To make Fu Wan value her so much, even send her daughter out to be a concubine, her status should not be low.

Subconsciously thought of Huangfusong, but then thought it was unreliable.

Finally, I thought of Yuan Shao or Yuan Shu, and even Liu Bei thought of it.

After all, to be someone's concubine, the other party must be married.

As for himself, Zhang He never thought that even if Fu Shou was born as a concubine, she would still be the daughter of Fu Wan.

It is more reliable to say Xu to myself, Xu to Liu Bei.

It's just that when I think of Fushou becoming the eldest brother's concubine, my mood is somewhat complicated...

"Puff, Your Majesty is only ten years old this year, and I am already fifteen, a full five years apart. How can I become a queen?" Fu Wan was amused.

Who knows?

Maybe it's because Liu Xie lacked maternal love since he was a child. Seeing you is like seeing his mother, and he has attachment?
"Don't underestimate yourself so much. After all, you naturally give people a feeling of closeness. You are like a relative, which makes people feel at ease." Zhang He replied, "Your Majesty is still young, and he is held hostage by Dong Zhuo. He is in constant fear. Seeing you Maybe you'll fall in love with her right away."

"Haha, you really can talk." Fu Shou smiled sweetly, "Unfortunately, with the current situation, we won't go north no matter what."

How can there be any reason for running back obediently after escaping from Dong Zhuo just now?
After a pause, he looked at Zhang He and asked, " said that I am naturally close to people, so do you also feel this way?"

"Why, plan to elope with me?" Zhang He smiled, "The problem is that I will get married too, even if... wait a minute, there will never be someone your father wants, just a mere one?"

"No...huh, I'm ignoring you!" Fu Shou's thoughts were punctured, and he was about to run away.

really me?
Zhang He was a little surprised, what could he do?
I just came to Luoyang, and if I want to say that Chuanguo Yuxi and Lantai Collection are the result of my own planning, let's not talk about that.

Getting Xun You to join him was already considered unlucky. After Fu Wan wanted to promise Fu Shou to be his concubine, he wondered if he was in a dream.

Recently, too many gamifications have been made while sleeping, and I am also playing games in my dreams. When I wake up, I am full of energy, but it is inevitable that I feel a little confused.

Only when he cleared the game and the settlement prompt sounded by the plug-in, did he realize that it was just Nankey Yimeng.

That being the case, all of this is not a dream.

Perhaps, this Chuan Guo Yuxi really has a certain kind of luck, which makes everything go smoothly for him?
No, if that's the case, then I'm really reluctant to let it out...

Of course, he also knew that this was just an illusion.

If you want to know the truth, it's not easy, gamification is it!
"Difficulty, result (perfect), thinking to improve 200 (+100) experience, current (entry 15554/20000)."

The game was passed perfectly, and the logic was fully functioning. Finally, I wanted to understand that I had a lot of chips without knowing it.

Maybe Fu Wan thought about marrying Liu Bei. The problem is that Liu Bei is already married, and for him a concubine is a concubine.

Probably Fu Wan heard somewhere that he had a good attitude towards concubines, so he had this idea.

In addition, Fu Shou is a concubine's daughter after all, not as precious as a prostitute's daughter.

I didn't take the initiative, but others brought it to my door, God didn't take it, but I was to blame!

 Encountered and spent so much space to write, it is really a curse if you don't accept it.

  The Chuanguo Yuxi is really not that magical. It is said that in the pre-Qin period, Qin Shihuang threw this thing away, and someone fished it out and gave it to him.But to be honest, who knows if it was He's Bi that was recovered at that time?No way, it was a fake made by Qin Shihuang on purpose.

  After all, I just said that this is the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, and lost it on the back, that would be unlucky.

  Lost and recovered, on the contrary, it shows that Daqin is really destined to return.

  It's better to say that since Heshibi became the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, this thing has changed from jade to a symbol.

  As long as everyone approves it, then it is the Chuanguo Jade Seal. On the contrary, if everyone does not approve it, it may not be the Chuanguo Jade Seal even if it is He's Bi.

  The most typical example is the Qing Dynasty. It was said that the Chuanguo Yuxi had been lost in the Yuan Dynasty. As a result, Hou Jin used the name of finding the Chuanguo Yuxi to give many people an excuse to surrender.

  Really when they are stupid, don't know it's fake?Yes, they knew, but so what, it was just an excuse to surrender!

  Therefore, the symbolic meaning of this thing has been greater than the actual meaning, and it has become the carrier of 'Chinese orthodoxy'.

  The question is, Huaxia orthodoxy, why should it be tied to this piece of jade?
  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription!

(End of this chapter)

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