Chapter 211 Indoctrination
"Vinegar, why isn't it wine?" Liu Bei was taken aback when he heard this, who would drink vinegar for nothing?

"At first, I thought about the abundance of wild fruits in the Qinling Mountains. Do I want to collect more and use them to make wine? I even thought of cultivating some. I bought a lot of fruits on the market and tried to make wine..." Zhang He had no choice but to go out and order Bring things in.

Turning around, he continued: "There are only two or three types that are suitable, but the yield is too low. The others are too sour and astringent, so they are not suitable for wine making, but on the other hand, they are good for making vinegar. Thinking about the big family, there is no shortage of big fish and big meat. , eat too much and get tired. Brew some fruit vinegar to relieve the tiredness after meals, and there should be some sales."

After all, there are still many problems in the cold chain transportation of modern fruits, let alone ancient times.

It’s okay to say nuts, but berries can’t be stored basically.

It's a pity that there are a lot of wild fruits, but there is no way to sell them for cash.

"Wait a minute, that means you went to Hanzhong to fight a battle, and then made a batch of vinegar by the way... Forget it, I have more problems with this seriousness." Liu Bei was surprised at first, and then realized that he felt There was a lot of fuss.

"It's just a simple fermentation, and it's not a big problem with fine brewing." Zhang He replied.

Probably because he has become accustomed to the relationship of gamification, he has gradually forgotten the cycle required to make something normally.

Having said that, even if he knew, he would still do this, after all, it would be a waste of time to come normally.

Anyway, the brewing technology has been specially promoted to a few common people.As long as you have a little savvy, you will definitely have no worries about food and clothing in the future.

"These bottles are crabapple vinegar, and this is hawthorn vinegar. In addition, this time we went south to eradicate several large honeycombs, so we got a lot of honey and made a few bottles of mead." Zhang He took out all the wine and vinegar.

The beehive was cut on the road. At that time, an old tree fell on the side of the road. Huang Zhong sent people to clean it up. Who knew there was a big beehive inside.

In the end, the bees were driven away with torches and smoke, and the people were rescued anyway, but the time bar dropped a lot.

Seeing that it took so much time, I cut off the hive as compensation.

Honey is collected and used to make wine.The bee pupae were roasted, and they were added to the soldiers who went to cut the hive.

The beeswax was sold in Nanzheng, and someone specially collected it and used it to make candles.

"Those things are not ordinary sour..." Liu Bei laughed, and then opened two bottles, just smelling sour.

This thing should be used for cooking, not for drinking directly.

Zhang He didn't talk nonsense, just poured himself two glasses and drank them on the spot.

Liu Bei was a little puzzled, but finally took a sip.

There is actually a little bit of fruity and sweet taste in the mouth, followed by acid reflux.

The taste is very refreshing, and the acidity is not as high as expected.

It's a bit boring, and it's a bit interesting when you taste it carefully. It's good to relieve the greasy when you have a lot of fish and meat.

"This stuff, to be honest, it's better to use it for cooking." Liu Bei commented.

"Cooking is also good, at least save food." Zhang He replied.

If the grain is abundant, the cost of this thing is higher than that of vinegar, and it is indeed not suitable for cooking.

But food prices are generally high these days, so it’s okay to use fruit vinegar instead, and it’s rare that you can drink it directly.

The sweetness of wild fruits is generally not high, more sour than sweet, and sugar is added for wine making.

The honey wine is pretty good, but Liu Bei thinks this wine is suitable for women, not strong enough!

"One thing to say, this time when I go back, Brother Yu plans to try beekeeping. If it succeeds, the honey and beeswax will be a constant source of energy in the future." Zhang He said his thoughts.

Anyway, after gamifying several times, the bees are selected and bred. It is best to breed a variety that produces honey faster, has a larger yield, and is sufficiently docile.

At that level, it can almost be handed over to the people below to breed.

Calculated, it will take about half a year.

Just before the beginning of spring next year, we can do something else depending on the situation.

"Is there any problem with Jingzhao's government affairs?" Liu Bei teased, "Also, don't call yourself 'fool brother'. You are too modest, which is not good."

With so many talents, if he is still a "foolish brother", how can others deal with themselves?
"I've struggled with this title for a long time..." Zhang He was a little embarrassed, "After all, the sound of 'little brother' makes people feel complicated."

"Why are you in a complicated mood?" Liu Bei scolded with a smile, "Yun Chang calls himself 'Yu', Ziyi calls himself 'X', Yide calls himself 'I', you can call yourself 'I' or not. Don't say anything polite Polite, why are my brothers being polite?"

"Oh, I see!" Zhang He nodded.

Suddenly realized that Zhang Fei's language addiction came from this way?

Is it necessary? !

Liu Bei is really not used to drinking fruit vinegar, but when this thing develops, it can indeed save a lot of food.

Let Zhang He copy down the brewing method, and he will find a way to promote it.

"Do you still need to copy it?" Zhang He retorted, "As long as you have experience in making vinegar, you can produce it after a few gropings. I plan to copy the specific formula to a commercial company. When it comes to the market in large quantities, others will see it. Naturally, it will be profitable. Will follow suit."

"That's fine... and Da Dao, your firm is too good at doing business. Is there any way to make money, and I'm short of money for my brother!" Liu Bei asked immediately.

Even after many years, he still likes gorgeous clothes, good horses and dogs, and is also interested in those luxuries, but he is short of money.

The firm would give him some dividends every year, but the firm made too much money, and he was a little jealous.

"There is no such thing as a stable profit in business. Even if you come up with a new technology, if you don't keep it secret, others will use it in a few moments, and the street will be ruined in a blink of an eye. The things that originally made money, several businesses lowered prices, and it didn't take long for them to become cabbage. The price is up." Zhang He said angrily.

If it is safe, it is of course the mining industry. After all, the mine is there, and everyone has the skills to dig it, but who is qualified to dig it is a problem.

"No wonder the former Han Dynasty wanted to specialize in salt and iron..." Liu Bei was thoughtful.

"The monopoly of salt and iron can indeed guarantee the quality and sales channels of salt and iron, at least it will not flow into the grassland in large quantities. Not to mention the centralized casting and sales of large quantities, the cost will naturally be further reduced. But those wealthy families are jealous of this profit, insisting on saying yes We have no choice but to compete with the people for profit, after all, we are able to operate now because the salt and iron franchise has been abolished." Zhang He said helplessly.

As for other than competing for profit with the people, those who design corruption, shoddy, buy and sell by force...

Let’s just say that the management problem is linked to the production problem, as is the regular warehouse system, and the excuses for the abolition are all management problems.

Since there is a problem with the management system, then the system should be improved, and the salt and iron franchise and regular warehouses will be abolished. Doesn't this destroy the Great Wall?

As a result, the local disaster resistance capacity is almost zero, and the government has no reserves, so it can only watch helplessly in case of natural disasters.

It doesn't matter to the aristocratic family, they don't lack food at all, and they can even take the opportunity to annex land and buy domestic slaves.

From the perspective of the Hao family, Zhang He did not want to restore these two systems.

But from the perspective of the long-term stability of the Han Dynasty, it must be restored.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even have to bring it up here.

Of course, it's useless to bring it up, Liu Bei is currently at most a wealthy family, and he is still the founder of the mountain, and he is still some distance away from the emperor.

But it will be a matter of time, it is better to let him have this concept in advance.

"Indeed, it's true that the issue of management involves the rationality of the system itself, which is indeed wrong." Liu Bei also reacted.

After getting along with Zhang He for a long time, sometimes he feels that there may be something wrong with his three views.

Many of the previous methods of 'benefiting the country and the people', or 'hiding wealth from the people', now seem to have problems.

It is mainly due to the different angles of thinking about the problem. Only now have I discovered that the so-called "people" are all aristocratic families, and the common people are a group of heads of state.

No wonder the chief officials of the thirteen prefectures are called state shepherds, and shepherds guard one side. This is treating the people like cattle, sheep and livestock!
"Some things, don't spread them out, as long as you and I know about them." Liu Bei took a deep breath, and finally said solemnly.

"Where are there any outsiders here... Outside, I won't talk nonsense." Zhang He replied.

 If a person has too much money, it is inevitable that some people will be jealous.So how did the Emperor's House get the money? Of course, it was the salt and iron franchise. Among other things, if Liu Bei dared to do this, at least one-third of the economic income of the Zou family would be lost.

  Speaking of it, I really can't figure it out. The Western Han Dynasty established a regular warehouse, but it was abolished on the grounds that it was easy to be bought and sold by force. The salt and iron franchise was also abolished for similar reasons.

  It was going to be established tonight, but it was stopped by people using the excuse of the former Han...

  What I can't figure out is that this is obviously a problem with management, not a problem with the system. If there is a problem with management, the officials who have the problem should be investigated, and then the management regulations should be improved!
  In addition, the officials had problems, and then the officials used this as an excuse to ask the emperor to abolish this system...

  Should thieves be so blatant when they shout to catch thieves?
  But then again, no matter how you guarantee your system, others will seriously implement it.

  In the end, no matter how you modify it, the officials will come to implement it at the bottom. If they don't cooperate, no matter how many times you change the system, the final conclusion is of course that there is still a problem.

  Suddenly, I understood a little bit why the Ming Dynasty wanted eunuchs to manage these industries...

  However, eunuchs are also greedy, so there is really no solution.

  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription!

(End of this chapter)

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