Chapter 23

Zhang He still doesn't have a horse to travel, and a village chief doesn't need a horse. It's good to have a rough horse for transportation.

Hundreds of war horses were organized into a cavalry, commanded by Guan Yu.

Quite normal, the Qinglong Yanyue Knife that Zhang He made for him weighed 84 jin.

Holding this thing and fighting back, the physical strength will be exhausted very quickly.However, the effect of breaking shield/armor is very good, and cavalry combat can further exert its power.

"Basically speaking, the second brother led the army into the enemy's position, opened a gap with the Qinglong Yanyue knife, and the cavalry drove straight in after them, tearing apart the enemy's position." Since no one knows how to train cavalry, Zhang He and his half-bad guys gave advice.

"Hmm..." Guan Yu nodded when he heard the words: So that's the case, not to kill the enemy, but to break the formation.

Back at the camp, Zhang He was really tired.

It's no wonder that when Liu Bei raised his troops, he basically hit a wall everywhere.

Just talking about Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, the two gods of war, had almost no ability to command battles at first.

Only relying on actual combat on the battlefield to accumulate, this progress is too slow!
"Brother, the Gongsun family should have quite a collection of books. I wonder if we can borrow some military books?" Zhang He found Liu Bei.

"Da Dao wants to read military books?" Liu Bei obviously misunderstood, "It's just that other books are okay, and military books are hard to borrow."

Other books, as long as you have money, you can buy them anyway, after all, there are special booksellers.

However, military books are forbidden to be circulated, and they cannot be bought outside. Naturally, the aristocratic and wealthy families carefully preserve them to prevent this knowledge from leaking out.

"Forget it, I'll try to write a book some other day..." Zhang He shook his head, he really didn't have the time to read ordinary books.

"Oh, Da Dao actually plans to write a book and talk about it?" Zhang Fei immediately came over when he heard the words.

"Write some vernacular. As for finishing and polishing... How about Xianhe help me, after the book is finished, you will be the second author!" Zhang He found Jian Yong. After all, he did not study much classical Chinese, and he learned it when he was in school.

"You can do what you want!" Jian Yong was naturally interested.

No scribe these days can resist the temptation to write a book.

In the previous battle, 100 yellow scarves were captured. According to Zhang He's request, Liu Bei selected the most elite [-] people to add to the army, and the rest were sent to the government office.

The prefect counted the heads and prisoners, and the battle report raised the number of enemy troops to [-]. The officers and soldiers were mainly Liu Bei and supplemented.

"Da Dao, brother, I don't understand, it's obviously our credit..." Guan Yu found Zhang He, he couldn't understand, why they gave up the big head to the government, they obviously didn't do anything.

"Because we don't have the strength and influence to monopolize the credit." Zhang He shook his head helplessly.

Liu Bei often hangs around in the circle, so he vaguely understands his intentions, but the other three brothers are at a loss.

"Yun Chang, if we earn credits from fighting outside for a long time, but the officers and soldiers don't show any performance, what will the court think? What will the prefect think?" Liu Bei stepped forward to explain, "As Da Dao said, we are still too weak, and sometimes we have to take the initiative to give up some credit."

Only in this way, the government will actively cooperate with Liu Bei, provide information and various conveniences, and relieve some worries.

Besides defeating [-] enemy troops, even if the imperial court takes more than [-]% to [-]% of the credit, Liu Bei's loss is not much.

"Xuande!" Jian Yong approached with a smile, "It's already been negotiated, one bow for the army, five crossbows, and each arrow/bolt is ten dollars!"

The price is a bit high!Zhang He murmured secretly, as far as he knew, the military bow was five or six hundred yuan, and the crossbow was two rounds, which meant that the arrows/crossbow bolts were at the market price.

To say that it is indeed a time of war, is it okay to double the price?

But there was no place to buy what I wanted to buy before. This is also the benefit of good dealings.

In theory, Zhang He can also do it, but traditionally speaking, forging is forging, bow making is bow making, and crossbow is another craft.

It's not surprising that there is no craftsman who can specialize in everything.

"Ziyi, this is the best bow, take a look..." Liu Bei picked out the best bow and gave it to Tai Shici.

"Brother Xie!" Tai Shici took the longbow, and he already knew that it was an ordinary military bow, so it was fine.

However, Liu Bei personally chose for him, and he was still very moved.

"I want to form a crossbow team of 100 people and hand it over to Ziyi to lead, how about it?" Liu Bei struck while the iron was hot.

Among the five brothers, Tai Shici's arrow skills are the most brilliant, and the bow and crossbow team trained must also be very elite.

"Good!" Tai Shici immediately agreed.

"Yide, I also bought a batch of long spears, how about I give them to you to form a long spearman?" Liu Bei looked at Zhang Fei.

"Okay!" Zhang Fei nodded, and it worked just fine with his Zhangba Snake Spear.

It should be said that Zhang He can also make long spears, but a hundred guns are okay, and there is no way to mass-build them in a short time.

Besides, ordinary soldiers, what are they doing with such good weapons?
Liu Bei has already positioned Zhang He to build and repair weapons for officers above the military rank.

In other words, ordinary weapon maintenance does not require him to dispatch himself.This is also a good thing for Zhang He, and he doesn't want to be held back by the forging.

The general is the main job, and forging is a side job in spare time.

In the next ten days or so, Liu Bei fought frequently. Through the information provided by the government, he took the initiative to find the Yellow Turban stragglers or vanguards. He won battles and relieved the siege of counties and towns.

More and more families, in order to thank Liu Bei, gave a lot of supplies and even money.

There are also many young children who hope to join the rebel army.

Even a fool can see that this is a shortcut to success!
"Brother, two thousand is almost the same, there can be no more." Seeing that the team had reached two thousand soldiers, Zhang He took the initiative to stop.

As far as the size of Zhuojun is concerned, there are 500 soldiers and 500 logistics personnel, which is already the limit, let alone 150 horses, which also require miscellaneous grains for feeding.

If you want your war horse to be strong, you need beans and salt.

"Yes, I think so too." Liu Bei nodded, but actually he was waiting for Zhang He's words.

Otherwise, with so many families, if you join them or not, it will inevitably be regarded as favoritism.

"However, if you can read and write, you can recruit a few clerks. Brother Xianhe and Bian Bing will soon be overwhelmed!" Zhang He added.

Jian Yong is really the only Chinese officer in the army, and he was appointed as the chief secretary of the army. Bian Bingtong counted, and now he is studying with Jian Yong, and by the way, he acts as a helper, and also serves as a food officer.

With just one and a half civil servants managing an army of 2000 people, it is almost impossible to hold on.

Earlier, Zhang He was talking about the book, but in Jian Yong's state, how dare he waste his time?
Liu Bei also reacted immediately, and quickly discussed with the wealthy families in several surrounding counties, and finally recruited three or four collateral descendants.

They are all at the level of proficiency in writing and ink, and they can only learn while following the army.

"How much military exploits have we earned so far?" Guan Yu asked casually during the break.

The time has come to May, and there are still more than a month left for the official campaign.

During this period of time, I have been in a state of nervous tension, and it is rare to take a break.

Also because they have been fighting, everyone has no time to care about the results of the battle.

"More than 20 thieves were defeated, more than [-] heads were captured, and more than [-] were captured." Liu Bei replied, and he was also very concerned about this.

"What 20, we will defeat [-] to [-] enemy troops." Guan Yu shook his head. The government's battle report is getting more and more outrageous.

"The problem is this outrageous military exploits. The prefect will definitely be promoted, and maybe Gongsun Zan will be promoted too. If we can become an official in Luoyang, then we will be regarded as someone in the court." Zhang He shook his head. "Besides, we are a group of volunteers who casually defeated tens of thousands of 10,000+ troops. How can those regular troops deal with themselves?"

Facts are facts, but if you keep people from stepping down, they will also keep you from being promoted. This is also a fact.

"Da Dao, how do you feel that you are very familiar with the officialdom?" Liu Bei looked at Zhang He in surprise.

"There is nothing like this in all dynasties..." Zhang He said casually, "Just read more history books!"

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription!

  The price is checked from the information in the personal library. Is it not guaranteed? It is said that the gap will not be too big.

  Still the same sentence, follow-up reading of the new book issue is very important, please help me a little bit when you have time, and brush up the follow-up reading.


(End of this chapter)

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