Chapter 258

"Report! Cao Cao had no intention of stopping at all, and instead continued to kill towards Xiapi!" Within two days, another messenger came to deliver a message. This was probably Mi Fang's last message.

Next, he will probably have to make a choice for his family, and there is a high probability that he will defect to Cao Cao.

As for whether to communicate with Liu Bei privately, it depends on the specific situation.

Isn't that the case with the Chen family in Xiapi?

Chen Gui has taken his son Chen Ying and is ready to serve Cao Cao.

It can be said that everyone is not optimistic about Tao Qian now, thinking that he will either surrender voluntarily, or they will force him to surrender.

We can't wait for Cao Cao to conquer Xiapi and slaughter all the chickens and dogs here, right?
"Cao Cao, the traitors of the Han!" Liu Bei was furious. He ignored his warning, and openly clamored for Tao Qian to surrender.

It was also heard before that Cao Cao had assassinated Dong Zhuo, and he even issued a call to action against Dong Zhuo, recruiting the princes of the world to attack Dong Zhuo.

I thought I was a righteous man, but I didn't expect to be so cruel!

"Liu Bei will definitely kill this beast in his lifetime!" Liu Bei stood up, walked around, and finally couldn't help but shout.

"Your Highness, there is some good news before that." Zhang Xiu happened to come over, and seeing Liu Bei looking so angry, he said tentatively.

"Speak!" Liu Bei yelled, he had already suppressed his emotions, otherwise he would be more rude.

"There was news from Wuguan that Yuan Jun's general Lei Bo planned to attack at night, but was instead used by General Zhang. The counter-night attack defeated the enemy and Wuguan rescued! In addition, the general has already led his army to kill Nanyang County. Some of the enemy troops on the side seem to have withdrawn." Zhang Xiu hurriedly replied.

In the past two days, he had been paying attention to the movements of Yuan's army. There were almost [-] soldiers. Counting other ambushes and civilians, more than [-] troops were gathered there.

His thousand cavalry are really not enough to fill the gap between people's teeth.

Especially Yuan Shu not only had more than [-] cavalry, but also a large number of strong crossbows.At that time, the scout approached and was almost killed by a crossbow.

Still in shock, thousands of cavalry rushed over, killed more than a dozen people, and only two or three came back alive.

Later, most of them left, and only a few thousand soldiers were left here. Only the scouts sent out could come back in full force.

"That is to say, there are almost tens of thousands of troops heading towards Nanyang County?" Liu Bei opened his eyes.

On Zhang He's side, there were only about three or four thousand soldiers, and the rest were captured prisoners. When they encountered tens of thousands of enemy troops and surrounded by thousands of cavalry, even if they captured Nanyang County, they would not be able to hold it!

Obviously Xuzhou could not be rescued, but Liu Bei couldn't help but began to struggle, whether to kill Yingchuan, all the way to Nanyang County.

"Brother, give me some troops, I'll go and destroy Yuan Shu's soldiers in Yingchuan!" Zhang Fei stepped forward.

"Okay, Junyi will go with you, be careful!" Liu Bei nodded. Four thousand soldiers were enough to deal with Yuan Shu's thousands of soldiers.

Fighting cannot only depend on the number of people, but also on the level of equipment and training. An excellent general can turn the tide of the battle.

With the strength of Zhang Fei and Zhang Yun, it is not a big problem to deal with six or seven thousand enemy troops, as long as the opponent's equipment and strength are not too outrageous.

What Liu Bei didn't know was that the general who was left behind in Yingchuan by Yuan Shu was of course Zhang Xun, but several of his subordinates were Sun Jian's old subordinates.

Huang Gai, Han Dang, Cheng Pu and Zhu Zhi are all here.

Historically, Zhu Zhi was invited to Xuzhou to quell the rebellion, but he was not under Yuan Shu's command.

Coincidentally, Sun Ce kept his filial piety and did not return to his hometown in Fuchun. Anyway, he went to Xuzhou and stayed there for a full year.

If the jade seal was obtained by Sun Jian, it would most likely be given to Zhu Zhi for safekeeping. Sun Ce went to keep the jade seal, but in fact he accepted the jade seal.

But history has changed, Zhu Zhi has no past, and Sun Ce and his party continue to return to his hometown in Fuchun to observe filial piety.

However, Sun Jian's old department was completely under Yuan Shu's command.

No matter what, if they stay here, they still have official status, so if Sun Ce fails to start a family, he can at least be pulled out.

If he followed Sun Ce as a private soldier, he would have no idea whether Sun Ce, who was still white, could start a family.

Especially if he leaves suddenly, he will definitely turn against Yuan Shu, and he may not be happy if he goes to work for him at that time.

But now that the world situation is like this, several people are now considering whether to go south to join Sun Ce.

If conditions permit, raising troops in the south of the Yangtze River may not be impossible to separate one side.

Anyway, now, separatism must be the norm, and Sun Ce's last scruples about starting a family are gone.

But Yuan Shu arranged for people to monitor them at all times, so he couldn't leave rashly.

It is said that the cost of food, grass and luggage is not a small number for thousands of people.

"Report!" Suddenly a scout came back to report, "Liu Bei's department, there is a partial army coming towards us!"

"How many people?" Zhang Xun turned over, if possible, he would rather lie down.

The rear is unstable and there is no need to attack.

When necessary, he will return to Nanyang to support Yuan Shu.

Obviously I have no desire to attack at all, but I just wanted to scare Liu Bei a little bit, but the other party really sent people to fight...

Liu Bei is also true, Cao Cao has tens of thousands of people on Chen Liu's side, if you don't fight them, why come and attack us?
"The number of people is about three or four thousand, and they did not bring supplies!" The scout replied.

Liu Bei said he was going to send auxiliary soldiers to Zhang Fei, but the latter said no, he would come back as soon as he went.

Just a few thousand dollars is not enough to fill his teeth.

So they only carried three days' worth of dry food and supplies and went straight to kill them.

According to Zhang Fei's intention, they can beat the other party to the ground on the same day, if it is too late, take a rest for a day, and then beat them to the ground the next day.

After breaking up the opponent, the opponent's supplies, and even their auxiliary soldiers and civilian husbands, are not all their own?
This was also the idea he got from the Battle of Wuguan. Zhang He gathered the opponent's surrendered troops, and then seized the opponent's baggage and supplies, using this as the basis to attack Nanyang.

Then he can naturally destroy the soldiers here, seize their supplies, and then beat Yingchuan down.

When the time comes to attack from both sides, it depends on where Yuan Shu runs!
It doesn't matter if he doesn't run away. The main reason is that he has some scruples and doesn't want to attack Zhang He with all his strength.

Is it wrong for an older brother to protect his younger brother? !

"Haha, you have the nerve to come here with just this small force?" Zhang Xun laughed, "Call all your troops and go over and teach them a lesson!"

Although I really didn't want to fight, but the other party came to call, mainly because the other party only called three to 4000 people, and it would be too wasteful not to bully the past.

It's best to defeat these people. Liu Bei has sent three or two thousand men one after another to die. Maybe he can earn military exploits and feel happy in this way!
"Wu that thief general, if he has balls, he would be better off hiding in the barracks than coming out to fight!" As soon as he said that, Zhang Fei had already arrived at the outskirts of the barracks.

As soon as the voice roared, the entire barracks heard it.

Zhang He shrank his head. The general seemed more vulgar than before. Was it because he hadn't seen him for so long?
Or in other words, what has he experienced in the past few years?
"That voice sounds like Zhang Fei?" Huang Gai was thoughtful in the military camp.

Sun Jian was the first to come to Luoyang, but he met Liu Bei, and he probably knew his righteous brothers in the subsequent relationship.

I have also competed in private, and it is common for generals to compete.

It turned out that the righteous brothers under Liu Bei's command were more powerful than the other.

Especially Zhang Fei, if they just compete, they can't survive ten moves in Zhang Fei's hands.

If it is a fight on the battlefield, it may last a little longer, but the opponent's weapon is not easy to deal with.

Longer than ordinary spears, it is the treasure of riding and fighting, especially when this guy uses that weapon as a long knife, it makes people lose their temper...

"Maybe this is an opportunity!" Zhu Zhi mused, he was the most flexible mind among the four.

"Tell me about it!" Cheng Pu stepped forward.

 In history, Zhu Zhi was invited by Tao Qian to go to Xuzhou to suppress the rebellion.To say that when Cao Cao attacked Xuzhou, he should have been there, maybe Cao Cao didn't hit the part he was guarding.

  Later, Sun Ce kept his filial piety, but he was not in Fuchun, but went to Xuzhou.Considering that he later took out the Imperial Seal in exchange for Sun Jian's old troops, it is difficult to say whether Sun Jian entrusted the Imperial Seal to Zhu Zhi, and then Sun Ce went to Xuzhou to observe filial piety, actually taking over the imperial seal.

  If this is the case, Sun Jian does not have a jade seal, and he is not afraid of others searching for it.Probably no one expected that Sun Jian would entrust Zhu Zhi with such an important thing.

  Of course, there are no specific historical records, so it is just my personal guess. Just read it.

  In addition, Sun Ce handed over Wu Chenghou to Sun Kuang, probably because Sun Kuang was weak and sick, and there was a high probability that he would not be able to become an official.

  Of course, the Sun family's property is actually still in the hands of Sun Jing, and Sun Jing is responsible for supporting the Sun family's various expenses from the beginning to the end.It can be said that Sun Jing contributed a lot to the success of the Sun family.

  On the other hand, Yuan Shao, after being adopted by Yuan Cheng, he was a complete collateral lineage. From his official career to becoming the general's staff, he actually dealt with Yuan's various inconvenient matters.

  If Yuan Tan had not been adopted by Yuan Ji, his reputation in the Yuan family would probably not be as good as that of Yuan Shu.

  A domestic slave is too much, but normally Yuan Shao has nothing to do with the family master.Even if there were alternatives, Yuan Shu would be the top choice, and his direct descendant would of course be Yuan Ji.

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(End of this chapter)

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