Chapter 278

The people of Bingzhou, excluding the local wealthy families, many of whom were kidnapped by Dong Zhuo, were already very poor.

Even after settling down and allocating land last year, the nature of poverty has not changed.

Joining the army is a good choice, but if you choose farming, you will most likely not have money to buy a plow.

It can only be used by them first, the government will advance the cost, and then let them repay in installments.

What is the proportion of interest and how to supervise it is not something Zhang He needs to worry about.

Instead, several copies of the structure of the Quyuan plow were made and sent to Yanzhou, Yuzhou and Guanzhong respectively.

After all, it is the spring plowing period, so it is necessary to speed up the cultivation.

When the efficiency of farming increases, the manpower and time required will be greatly reduced, and even women can farm.

In this way, more men can be mobilized. Of course, they may not be mobilized, but they must be taken precautions just in case!

"Speaking of which, are there too many widows under our rule now?" Zhang He thought for a moment.

"Whether they have children or not, there are indeed many widows who are still in childbearing age." Xun You sighed.

Let's just say that there were tens of thousands of casualties and many auxiliary troops fled. I don't know where they went.

Theoretically, if Liu Bei could come back, given his character, he could probably be pardoned.

If he is dead, then he is really dead. If he is single, it is better. If he is married, his wife will definitely be a widow.

"Order it!" Zhang He thought for a while, "Order the widows in Bingzhou who are still in childbearing age to remarry. Those who have not remarried within this year will need to pay an additional tax."

Don't worry about humanitarianism, that's what it has to be these days.

It's a pity that social welfare has not been raised yet, otherwise childbirth would be encouraged and the state would raise children.

Even like many predecessors who traveled through time, he raised the children of soldiers who died in battle until they were 16 years old.

Speaking of which, after Liu Bei returned to Chang'an, he adopted Jian Yong's son Jian He as his adopted son.

I originally planned to take Jian Yong's wife as my concubine and take good care of them through this method.

However, Jian Yong's wife felt that she was not beautiful and declined Liu Bei's offer.

Jian Yong said that he only married a wife after settling down in Liangzhou.

His wife is a daughter of a wealthy family in Guanzhong. Her family noticed that Jian Yong had a good relationship with Liu Bei and was single, so they worked hard to facilitate this matter.

Jian Yong was born as a commoner and had nothing to be attached to in Zhuo County, so he got married in Liangzhou and his son was only two years old.

"Of course it doesn't matter if you remarry, but what if you don't have enough men?" Xun You asked.

The problem now is not whether women should remarry, but that there are not many people to whom they can remarry, unless it is a man with several women.

Of course this is not possible, it will make men become lazy.

Zhang He knew very well that there was a period of time when the number of men in South Vietnam dropped sharply, and a large number of women were engaged in special industries. Polygamy was even the norm.

In order to increase the population, they even went to China to borrow seeds. The child was a boy and he ran back soon.

As the ratio of men to women there increased, this situation gradually decreased.

But at first, the life of the men who were still alive in South Vietnam was not very comfortable, especially the large number of Vietnamese and French mixed-race people there.

Zhang He did not hope that his decree would lead to a large number of polygamists and eventually men would be spoiled.

"Since we can't do it here, let's bring it in!" Zhang He replied, "We still have a lot of land here and can develop a lot of land. Even if we can't do it here, we still have Guanzhong and Liangzhou..."

After a pause, he gave a formal order: "I will send people to various states and counties to spread rumors. As long as you come here, you will be given women, land, and tax exemption for three years!"

"What a great idea!" Xun You nodded and recruited people from other forces. This was really draining the pot!

Normally, you only need to take the initiative to make some arrangements in the early stage, and then these people will take the initiative to help publicize (show off), thus attracting more singles.

But whether it will be released at that time is another matter.

Strictly speaking, the government has not really promised anything.

If the bachelors of the opposing force come to your side, then their number of soldiers and population will decrease.

To put it another way, poaching 1 people is equivalent to killing [-] soldiers of the opponent, which is also considered a great achievement!
"It's best to discuss this with His Highness. If His Highness cooperates, the effect will be better." Zhang Ji reminded.Zhang He nodded, immediately picked up the document and started writing in a "swish" style.

Three or four days later, Liu Bei received the document, read it again and again, and finally summoned the civil and military officials to ask their opinions.

From his own point of view, Liu Bei was eager to implement it immediately.

The main reason is that I am worried about missing something or that something is not perfect, so I call everyone over to ask.

Another reason is that no matter how good the government decree is, someone needs to implement it.

One or two people are involved in the implementation of this document. If the implementation is not good, they will all bear responsibility.

I have to say that Liu Bei's political IQ has indeed improved to a certain extent in the past two years.

"Your Highness, there are a large number of widows everywhere now..." Tian Feng thought for a moment, "If we can do that, others can do the same."

"Changwen, what do you think?" Liu Bei looked at Chen Qun, he looked thoughtful from the beginning.

It should be said that he is indeed the Chen family of Yingchuan. Chen Qun has shown great talent in politics at a young age.

After all, historically, this person also rose from the position of Shangshu Ling.

Those who could serve as ministers were experts in politics from the late Han Dynasty to the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

However, Chen Qun is more like a pure politician than a practical person.

"Why don't we add another rumor? If a widow of suitable age comes over, send it to a man!" Chen Qun said casually.

Since there are many widows, men will be born, and if there are many men, widows will be born. To sum up, it is all population anyway!

If the other party wants to do it, let him do it. Let's just say that not everyone can do this thing.

That is to say, the wealthy families in Bingzhou, Guanzhong and Chenliu were relatively docile, mainly because they died a lot, so they had extra fields for the people.

Other forces cannot do that. There are too many wealthy families under them, and most of the fields under those forces have been divided up by wealthy families like you.

It is not easy to take the fields out of their hands and distribute them to ordinary people.

They are also welcome to use violent means to seize it. When they lose people's hearts, it will be much easier to fight them by themselves.

"But if more people come, will we have so much land?" Tian Feng was a little worried.

"Is there no battle plan this year?" Liu Bei thought for a while.

"I don't know about Yanzhou and Yuzhou, but Bingzhou seems to be determined to develop this year, depending on the situation." Tian Feng replied.

This is normal, after all, Bingzhou was only taken from Dong Zhuo in the first half of last year.

According to him, Bingzhou must develop well in the past three years, and foreign wars and other things should be done after three years.

At least if conditions permit, small-scale combat will not be a big problem after next year.

"The problem is that most of the places have been developed. What places have we not developed?" Liu Bei asked.

"Chenliu County, Yingchuan County and Nanyang County?" Jushou thought for a while.

The problem is the front line, which may turn into a battlefield at any time. Normally, it is not suitable for heavy investment.

To put it bluntly, even if people come over, they will not choose to settle on this front line. It is too unsafe.

Once a war breaks out here, not to mention your own industry, you may even lose your life.

"Speaking of which, Dadao seems to have said that he wants to attack the Southern Huns..." Liu Bei thought of one thing.

"It's not impossible for the Southern Xiongnu." Tian Feng thought for a moment.

After all, their territory itself is not very good for horse racing, and the advantage of the cavalry cannot be used. In the final analysis, they are easy to bully.

"Then what are you waiting for? Give Dadao the order!" Liu Bei waved his hand.

With his own approval, Zhang He can fight without restraint.

 I'm a little stuck. I've just finished Chapter 3 now. I said it will be three chapters, so I won't say any more. I'm going to code tomorrow's part later.

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(End of this chapter)

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