Chapter 29

"Waiting for a long time to pass Yumen Pass, you can see your ambition and blood loyalty..." On the official road, 7000 officers and soldiers sang songs, their morale marched forward like a rainbow, and they left Zhuo County for about fifteen miles in a blink of an eye.

On the horizon, an army has been vaguely seen approaching here.

After all, the other party was not a regular army, and they didn't even send out scouts. Instead, it was their own scout team who found them early.

The singing crowd stopped immediately, and subconsciously clenched the weapons in their hands.

The enemy in front of him was so dark that he didn't know why he didn't feel too much pressure and fear in his heart.

Perhaps it is because of the constant singing. While singing repeatedly, the lyrics are quickly occupying their brains.

Probably also knew that he would die, but became more open-minded.

Anyway, if he dies, he will serve the country's will with all his might, and his body will be full of history!

"Haha, I thought the officers and soldiers were useless, but I didn't expect that there were officers and soldiers who dared to go out of the city to fight us to the death?" Seeing a group of officers and soldiers assembled in front of him, the coach Cheng Zhiyuan couldn't help laughing.

From Julu County to the north, all the officials who were greedy for life and afraid of death came all the way, and many of them took the initiative to open the city and surrender.

Those with strong bones will also break the city under their crowd tactics. This kind of county town will not end well.

This kind of frontal attack is better, without the cover of the city wall, they can be drowned by the sea of ​​people!

"Deng Mao, you lead the partial army to test their reality!" Cheng Zhiyuan wanted to press the whole army, but he thought that there was no need to be so troublesome. After all, there were only a few thousand people on the other side, so he sent 2 to [-] people to test them out.

I know my own affairs. It is said that there are 20 troops, but the actual number is [-].

Among the [-] troops, more than [-] are old, weak, women and children, and [-] are ordinary young adults who have been coerced. The core of [-] is the Taiping sect's loyalists and converted people.

After killing officials, burning, killing, looting, and insulting one or two good families, there are not many men who don't learn bad things.

It’s okay if you don’t learn from being bad. At this point, is there any possibility of going back?

Deng Mao didn't talk nonsense, and immediately led the partial army to kill the officers and soldiers.

He is also very particular about his partial army, with [-] core members at the back, forcing [-] coerced civilians to be at the front.

"Brother, be careful, the opponent is coming!" Seeing the opponent leaving the team, Zhang He shouted.

"Don't worry about him, just go straight ahead!" Liu Bei didn't care at all, and just ordered to charge while the opponent was not surrounded.

The enemy's central army is right in front of us, even if there are enemy troops encircling them from both sides, how can there be any time to deal with the side troops separated by the enemy?

Surrounded by these 20 troops, with their small number, they can't be consumed by the opponent.

"Brother, there's no need to be so nervous. The opponent's number is not 20, and the back of the team seems to be full of old and weak women and children." Zhang He reminded.

Why is he so clear? After all, just now, he has entered the gamification in advance, seeing everything through the perspective of God.

From the perspective of the Age of Empires, it is really ironic.

A group of militiamen drove a large group of farmers towards their own regular army.

If it is said that there are still male farmers in the front, then there are female farmers in the back. What does this mean is not obvious?
In the end, according to the ratio of the number of people between the enemy and the enemy, there must be no 20, and [-] to [-] will die.

"This is good news, but our strategy remains the same, we only need to move forward, and don't need to think about anything else!" Liu Bei nodded.

If the number of people is small, they can be killed quickly. After all, they just don't want to kill too many innocent people.

"Here!" Zhang He nodded, and his expression became serious.

From the perspective of God, the size of the enemy army did not bring much pressure to him, but from the first perspective, the densely packed enemies, just approaching, give people a great sense of oppression.

If there is a stalemate, not only physical strength will be consumed, but morale will also drop rapidly.

The army under Liu Bei's command, to put it bluntly, deducted the converted Yellow Turban captives and Zhang's servants, and other soldiers may flee at any time due to morale collapse.

They didn't have any spirit of sacrifice, and they joined the army just to find a good way out.

At the juncture of life and death, the desire to survive will make them give up all morality and even the bottom line of being a human being.

In a nutshell, this army has not really been trained, and it is better to say it is a gang than an army.

"Kill!" Seeing the enemy approaching, Liu Bei shouted, and personally led the army to kill.

Zhang He followed closely behind. His duty was to cover Liu Bei's charge, and he would also kill the enemy's main general if conditions permit.

Tai Shici and Zhang Fei are on the left and right, and their duty is also very simple, which is to prevent the enemy from encircling them as much as possible.

In a battle of this level, Tai Shici's crossbow team can only serve as infantry.

It's one thing not to have practiced it well, just a little bow and crossbow, it can't do much damage, but speeds up their charge.

Instead, Guan Yu's cavalry was wandering around, looking for a fighter.

There are more than a hundred cavalry, and they can't rush into the enemy army.

However, the sharp-eyed Guan Yu found that Deng Mao was in a hurry to surround Liu Bei, and as a result his rear army was somewhat empty.

"Follow me to kill!" Guan Yu shouted, and the cavalry charged suddenly.

The distance between the two sides was already close, and he had already reached Deng Mao's rear army in a short time.

The latter also just noticed the cavalry and was about to call for guns. In fact, there are so many guns, they are basically farm tools.

The real main force of the Yellow Turbans is in Jizhou, and their goal is to attack Luoyang.

Not only them, but the Yellow Turbans of Qingzhou, Yanzhou, Yuzhou and Jingzhou all have their ultimate goal in Luoyang.

Perhaps everyone's thinking is very simple, as long as they enter Luoyang and kill the emperor, then the dynasty can be changed, and Huang Tian can replace Cang Tian.

Coming towards Youzhou at this time, it naturally doesn't even count as the main force.

It was a remnant of Julu prefect Guo Dian who escaped from the defeat of the headquarters during the battle of Zhang Bao, with Cheng Zhiyuan as the head and Deng Mao as the deputy.

They entered Youzhou under the name of Yellow Turban, mainly because they did not dare to go back and planned to stand on their own in Youzhou.

Along the way, under the name of the yellow scarves, the number of local villagers soared to 20, and the number was [-], but the actual weapons and armor were not complete.

Seeing Guan Yu approaching, Deng Mao also panicked. He only knew that long pole weapons were more effective against cavalry.

Before the soldiers could set up their weapons, Guan Yu was already in front of him. The Qinglong Yanyue Knife swung twice at a very short speed.

Guan Yu is used to chopping melons and vegetables. After all, the weapons made by the fifth brother are so good!

With him at the head, the cavalry began to rush towards the enemy's position.

Ordinary people would be frightened when they saw more than a dozen competitive bicycles rushing over, not to mention motorcycles. This is a biological instinct.

As for the soldiers under Deng Mao's command, seeing this situation, they instinctively moved away, so they exposed Deng Mao of the Chinese army.

"The thief will stop wantonly!" Seeing the opponent coming, Deng Mao naturally would not sit still and killed Guan Yu.

"Hey!" Guan Yu yelled, and the Qinglong Yanyue knife in his hand raised and lowered, and the two sides passed by.

Deng Mao was very strange, why didn't he seem to hit the opponent when he clearly killed him just now?

Why is the body a little weak, and the person has become a lot lighter...

Deng Mao, who had only half of his body left, fell off the horse with a bang, and the big knife he was holding was cut in half at this moment.

The army drove straight in, and Deng Mao's troops were torn apart in an instant.

Without restraint, the [-] people immediately scattered and fled, wishing they could grow two more legs.

Instead, some of Cheng Zhiyuan's soldiers were disrupted.

Even the soldiers in the headquarters who were urged by the supervising team began to think about whether to run with them...

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  There is no such thing as Cheng Zhiyuan in the official history. From a large scale point of view, the Yellow Turbans are indeed marching towards Luoyang.So what did Cheng Zhiyuan say? I assumed that the scattered people who were expelled from Xiaquyang would grow up all the way through Zhongshan County and Hejian County all the way north to Zhuo County. Counting the old and weak, women and children, it would be reasonable to gather [-] people, right?
  They all gathered 20 people, so it is not surprising that they claim [-] troops.


(End of this chapter)

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