Chapter 3

"Master, the final payment for the two shipments has arrived." Just after breakfast, Zhang Yuan walked in with the box.

The weapons that Zhang He forged were handed over to Zhang Fei for sale, and they were sold in batches for one settlement.

After a rough calculation, there are more than two hundred coins for five baht, which is [-]% more than expected.

It can be seen that weapons are indeed in short supply now.

I remember that the Yellow Turban will make an incident next year, and it is normal to prepare weapons now.It would be ironic to say that the aristocratic family is also preparing weapons.

After all, the aristocratic and powerful families were aware that the Yellow Turban was going to rebel, but the court didn't notice it until Tang Zhou reported it, and didn't even pay attention to it at first.

Can't all the princes in the court and the middle of the court just eat dry food?
"By the way, I'm going out today, and I'll prepare charcoal fire and iron ingots tomorrow." Zhang He suddenly thought of something, raised his head and ordered.

Usually, Zhang Yuan prepares the charcoal fire and iron materials in advance. When he arrived at the forging room, the charcoal fire had just started to burn, and the forging just started.

Zhang He didn't know forging at all, and he did it purely by cheating.Whether the material used is crude iron or tin iron, charcoal or coal is not very demanding.

The better the material, the better the finished product, and it can be sold at a better price, but the low difficulty allows the use of rough iron ingots at most.

"Yes!" Zhang Yuan responded immediately, somewhat surprised that the head of the family, who hadn't been out for nearly two months, actually wanted to go out?

I almost wanted to look up and look out the window, is the sun coming out from the west?

After breakfast, Zhang He changed into a plain long gown, put on a fur coat, arranged his hair crown, and took a little look in the mirror, which seemed like a handsome young man.

Fortunately, unlike my mother, Zhang Fei's appearance is probably influenced by Zhang Lu's.

"Patriarch, do you need this old slave to follow you?" Seeing that Zhang He was about to go out, Zhang Yuan asked.

"No need, just go out for a stroll and come back. Besides, the law and order in Zhuo County is good, and I won't take the initiative to cause trouble." Zhang He shook his head, opened the door and walked out.

After all, I was busy making money and exercising before, so I didn't go out for almost two months.

The front door of his iron shop is closed and not open to the public, but the forged weapons will be hung on the rack over there, waiting for Zhang Fei to pick them up.

Behind it is a forging room, an open-air smelting field, and a part of it is a mansion.

Just as the door opened, there were already bustling crowds outside. After all, it was in Nanshi, and other shops had already opened their doors to welcome customers.

The sound of hawking, yelling, noise, and occasional barking of vicious dogs caused chickens and ducks to bark, full of fireworks.

Normally, you should go out through the back door, but Zhang He is too lazy to come around in a big circle.

His shop has not been opened for nearly three months, and now there are no signboards, and no one will knock on the door except Zhang Fei.

Looking at the butcher shop next door, many customers were already waiting here, and the two butchers were very busy.

This is the Zhang family's butcher shop, but not Zhang He's butcher shop, just walk by silently.

Zhang He inherited the memory of his predecessor, but his predecessor also belonged to the type who didn't like to go out. Zhuo County was a completely unfamiliar city to him.

In addition, Zhang Lu's family did not allow it to be publicized, even if someone knew that Zhang Fei had a concubine brother, they would not know that it was Zhang He.

Charcoal is selling very well at this time, and even firewood sales are very good.

The fur store took out the fur jackets that had been stockpiled in the summer, and the shop assistants were already shouting outside.

On the main road, there are relatively fewer people here.

In winter, almost no one travels far.

Most of them are people from the surrounding villages, who come to buy and sell things.

People who know how to live are often more budget-conscious.

Zhang He once encountered a hunter who sold the meat and offal of roe deer to a butcher shop, and sent the tanned skin to a fur shop for sale.

Some even process the bones into handicrafts and sell them separately.

Not everyone is an all-rounder, but most people are forced to be all-rounders by life.

"Da Dao, why did you come out?" A loud voice came, and following the sound, it turned out that Zhang Fei was sitting in the wine shop and yelling.

"Drink it early in the morning?" Zhang He walked over and looked up at Zhang's wine shop.

Zhang Fei is not too old this year, but he is not too young to drink. After all, the main business of his family is wine and meat.

"It's winter, how refreshing it is to drink a glass of hot wine! Da Dao, do you want to come together?" Zhang Fei waved at Zhang He, and suddenly thought of something, "No, Da Dao, you actually went out!"

"If it wasn't for your order, why didn't it come out in two months?" Zhang He said angrily.

Thanks to Zhang Fei for finding him a few orders, otherwise eating would be a problem.

Fifteen or sixteen-year-old children are working as blacksmiths, and they look so frail. Otherwise, no one would come to such a blacksmith shop to buy things.

"Can you blame me?" Zhang Fei looked at the friends at the same table, "You guys have a three-month delivery time for each batch, but my younger brother typed it out in ten days."

"Patriarch Zhang also has a younger brother, why haven't I heard of it before?" Several friends were even more curious about this after hearing the words.

"Haha!" Zhang Fei laughed loudly and came to Zhang He, "This is my younger brother He, now you and I know each other!"

"Zhang's concubine He, I have met you all." Zhang He cupped his hands and saluted.

When everyone heard that he was a bastard, they understood why they had never heard of it before.

The main reason is that the two brothers have a big difference in painting style.

Those who are familiar with the Zhang family feel that Zhang He is more like the previous family head.As for Zhang Fei, it really makes people wonder whether Zhang Lushi stole the man.

"Ah, there are robbers!" A sudden shout not far away attracted everyone's attention.

But some ruffians snatched the woman's bag and ran towards the crowd.After all, it was the end of the year, and these Xiao Xiaoxiao also started to make achievements.

The woman was dressed gorgeously, accompanied by two servant girls, and she could be seen from a wealthy family.

It probably came from outside, and there was nothing to guard against, so Xiao Xiao got his hands.

As for the people around, most of them just watched, and a few of them might even gloat.

Zhang He thought for a while, this is a good opportunity to earn fame.Immediately meditated 'gamification, low difficulty', and then chased after him.

"Da Dao, why are you joining in the fun?!" Seeing this, Zhang Fei quickly chased after him.

Most of these Xiaoxiao gangs commit crimes, and one of them is too bad to get himself involved. Don't you dare to chase after you if you don't see ordinary people?

I can chase after myself, but it's not necessary.

It never occurred to Zhang He to chase after him, so he had to follow up immediately, so as not to cause any accident to him.

Chasing after him felt weird, how could this one and the one wearing a long gown with furs run faster than himself?
In fact, from Zhang He's perspective, he is playing a parkour game.

The thief runs in front, and he chases behind. While chasing, he must avoid surrounding obstacles.

This is not 'agility', but a 'chasing' game. His clothes belong to the deceleration item, which can be deducted from the average speed.

Every time you are blocked by an obstacle, the speed will drop a little, and the game will fail if the enemy disappears from view.

After all, it is the first gamification, the skills are 'beginner' level, and the number of obstacles is unusually large.

There are also gold coins scattered along the road, implying the concept of a 'perfect pass'.

Not long after he ate the first gold coin, he found that it was not just a standard for calculating grades, and his speed improved slightly.

Problems also follow, the faster the speed, the easier it is to run into obstacles.

What is outrageous is that people who are supposed to stand there sometimes suddenly jump out and become obstacles.

There were not too many pedestrians on the road, but in Zhang Fei's eyes, Zhang He not only avoided obstacles skillfully, but also broke through the obstruction of local gangsters.

"When did Da Dao become so powerful?" Zhang Fei was surprised before realizing that he still underestimated his concubine brother.

After more than ten minutes, Zhang He cornered the thief, and the game was declared over.

"Difficulty (low), result (perfect), parkour experience increased by 20 (+10), current (beginner 20/1000)"

But five or six hooligans suddenly appeared around, and the culprit also showed a complacent expression. Zhang He knew that the matter was not over yet.

 Seeking to follow up, ask for recommendation, ask for collection!


(End of this chapter)

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