Chapter 318
The people were sent back before dawn, not only Wulu, but also Yin Feng and Bai Rao.

To Zhang He's surprise, Bai Rao did not surrender to Yuan Shao, and the two of them were imprisoned together.

"Tell me what the specific situation is." Zhang He looked at the three of them, "Forget Li Ping (Wulu)'s testimony, take him down and imprison him!"

For example, these Black Mountain bandit leaders have all kinds of strange names. Does anyone really think that these are their real names?

Most of these are their nicknames. After all, they are doing head-turning things, and they are afraid of involving their fellow villagers and family members.

Wu Lu’s real name is Li Ping, and Bai Rao’s real name is Cui Yong.

If you have a good relationship, you will still call them by their nicknames.

"Back to the general, the enemy did indeed send someone over, promising benefits to five...Li Ping from humble position, hoping that we can join him." Bai Rao came forward, "Humble position sternly refused, but I didn't expect that Li Ping would be moved."

At first, many people were forced to surrender with Zhang Yan.

But after so many years of foundation, many people still have some opinions in their hearts when they give it away.

I can only say that Wulu, on the surface, is joking and not taking anything seriously, but in his heart he is harboring bad intentions and planning to find an opportunity to take revenge.

So just a few days ago, the enemy army and Wululiyingwai cooperated and quickly attacked the stronghold.

Yin Feng reluctantly sent someone out to report the news, but soon after the stronghold fell, it was no longer his turn to take charge.

The follow-up was the people from Wulu, who sent someone as Yin Feng to report that the enemy army had been repulsed and a group of prisoners were to be sent.

Of course the prisoners could not be prisoners, and there was something wrong with the people escorting them.

If Zhang He arrived two days late, Zhan County might be in danger.

"Ziyuan, how would you handle the situation at that time?" Zhang He looked at Wu Yi.

"If all the procedures are normal, it's hard to say whether the office will open or not. The best we can do is strengthen the screening." Wu Yi shook his head. At this moment, he was still a little immature and seriously inexperienced.

If something like this were to happen, it was hard to say whether he would be able to identify the enemy's plot and then counterattack.

Maybe you'll see through it, maybe you won't.After all, Wulu's story is real, and so are the slogans and documents, but the prisoners are fake.

"Be careful, the enemy will always look for our weaknesses and then attack suddenly." Zhang He reminded.

This time can be considered a good experience, at least it can let Wu Yi understand the other side of the war.

In the final analysis, war is not just a group fight, it is not just a head-on battle, but also includes various conspiracies and intrigues.

On a larger scale, economic warfare, information warfare and special operations must also be included.

Wu Yi followed him, and most of them fought head-on battles, rarely involving these areas.

It's just that he must also be involved, if he plans to take charge of it alone in the future.

"How many people came from Yuan Shao's side, and who is the general?" Zhang He asked casually.

It was somewhat emotional that Yuan Shaojun came from Jingxing to Aixian County, which meant that Yuan Shao came from Lu Bu's territory.

Even if he doesn't understand, doesn't Chen Gong, as his military advisor, know the allusion of false Taoism to conquer Guo?
"I'm afraid I have to ask Wulu... No, Li Ping knows better. The other party attacked so quickly that we didn't even react, and we didn't know how many people came from the other party. We just accidentally heard him call the other party General Qu. "Bai Rao and Yin Feng replied in a dilemma.

Bai Rao refused the other party's solicitation, so naturally he did not have further contact with the other party.

Among the three, only Wulu has more contact with the other party. If you want to ask for information, it is more convenient to get it from him.

"Where is Wulu?" Zhang He asked casually.

Immediately some soldiers went over to check, but they hurried back not long after, and Yan Wulu bit off his tongue in prison.

Before biting it off, he seemed to have said: "You should never get any news from me!"

In his case, it was either death or not. It was the difference between being executed immediately or being tortured before being executed.

The most valuable thing about him is his understanding of the enemy.

He knew even more clearly that even if he confessed everything, he would still die.

"He's got the guts! That can't be an advantage for him!" Zhang He sneered, "Pull him down for treatment, and then give him a hundred and eight cuts. Every time he is cut, use medicinal powder to stop the bleeding. If he doesn't cut enough, it will be a hundred and eight cuts." Give him death!" Zhang He felt that he was not a cruel person in nature, but he was too angry this time.

"Okay, it doesn't matter who leads the troops!" After giving the order, Zhang He said casually, "Anyway, Yang Lang has been sent out. How far he can fight depends on his ability!"

Anyway, no matter who the opponent is, special operations must continue.

Zhang He wanted to know where the limit of this night force was.

I don’t know who the enemy general is, so leave it to Yang Lang and the others to find out...

No, they were so busy rescuing people last night that they didn't even find out who the enemy general was?

Zhang He took out a small notebook and recorded the situation.

After all, this is the first formal action, so it is normal to have shortcomings.

Record it so that it can be sorted out later... no, summarize and review.

This army is still very immature and they need more whipping.

"Hello!" In the forest, Yang Lang sneezed and felt a chill sweep over him, rising from his heels to the sky.

"Captain, isn't it too cold?" Lin Bao joked.

"No, I always feel that someone is plotting against us..." Yang Lang shook his head, his intuition was always very accurate.

They had just finished an encounter, and the other party sent people to search the mountain, but they ambushed and killed dozens of people.

They had fled before more enemies surrounded them.

Yes, they are not very familiar with this mountain, and the other party is almost the same, even if they incorporate Wulu's tribe.

Although the people were kidnapped by them, the troops were still there, and they were naturally recruited by the other side as pawns.

Even if you kill dozens or hundreds here, it is meaningless. These are the former robes.

There may be some of them who actually don't want to follow Wu Lu in betrayal, but they just can't help themselves.

Until evening, they received an order from Zhang He:
Investigate the identity of the enemy general and the number of enemy troops!Finally, don’t forget that their captives can also be your helpers!
Excluding Wulu's recruits, Bai Rao and Yin Feng's tribe, there may not be that many, but there are still hundreds of people.

This group of people did not surrender, it is possible that some surrendered, and some were always imprisoned.

Of course Yang Lang knows that, but it’s just that when there are many people, bad things happen easily, so he didn’t even let it out in one breath yesterday...

Another worry is that they don't have the skills of people like themselves. If they are really released and people catch up, the whole army may be annihilated by then.

Let them be locked up there and maybe survive.

If he was released by himself, he might lose his life.

He is the biggest on the front line, so naturally it is up to him to decide how to fight. Zhang He can only give a general direction.

He and Zhang He had discussed this issue a long time ago, and the two parties had reached a tacit understanding.

For Zhang He, he hopes that the frontline special forces have enough autonomy. After all, their tactical model is different from that of the normal army.

Besides, if you were in the rear and giving advice to the soldiers on the front line, wouldn't this be like the Privy Council of the Song Dynasty?
"It seems we have obtained the enemy general's information before, right?" Yang Lang thought for a moment.

"It's just that there is no reward for going up there..." Zhang Niu thought for a while.

"You idiot!" Yang Lang slammed Zhang Niu's head, "Why don't you report such important information to us!"

No wonder the other party would issue such an order. No, I'm afraid that stingy boss has already started to keep a small notebook!

 The direct feeling of adjusting your work and rest is that it is better not to adjust your work and rest.I still instinctively want to wait until dark before I start typing. It is difficult to concentrate during the day, and most of the time I am sleepy during the day and at night.

  The work and rest habits that have lasted for three to five years are not so easy to adjust...

  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription!

(End of this chapter)

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