Chapter 34

"Shuai Qu, there are officers and soldiers coming from behind!" In the Yellow Turban camp, tens of thousands of troops were surrounding Linzi, someone suddenly shouted.

The three leaders immediately got up to check, and found that there was only a small team of two to 300 people, and they couldn't help but sneer.

As far as your soldiers and horses are concerned, are you here to die?
"Send two or 3000 people over and eat the other party!" One of the leaders ordered casually, not paying attention to the other party.

Really two thousand soldiers rushed out to Liu Bei.

When the latter saw this, the other party did not come out in full force, and immediately bit the bullet and killed him.

After all, it is the Yellow Turban army, without long-range weapons to restrain him, otherwise he would not be able to be so bold.

"Kill!" Liu Bei took the lead and charged into the enemy army in a blink of an eye, wielding two swords in his hands, taking away a life every time, and he was in front of the enemy general in a short time.

"The dog officer is to die!" The leader of the yellow scarf didn't expect that the other party would kill him so quickly, so he could only bite the bullet and fight.

Suddenly shot out, Liu Bei continued to move forward, chopped off the gun shaft with his left hand, stabbed with his right hand, and pierced the leader's heart with his long sword.

The five brothers used all the high-quality products created by Zhang He.

In this era, it is already considered a magic weapon.

But when it comes to the magic weapon, Zhang Fei's Meteorite Zhangba Snake Spear is worthy of the name.

It's just that the meteorite is hard to come by, Liu Bei has ordered people to pay attention to it, and get some one after another.

It is believed that within four to five years, all employees will be replaced.

"The leader is dead, run away!" Seeing the leader's death, the group of yellow scarves scattered away immediately.

Someone fled back to report in a hurry. Qu Shuai was annoyed that Linzi had not been breached yet, but when he heard that even a small group of officers and soldiers of 300 people had not been taken care of, and a leader was involved, he was furious.

All the soldiers and horses were mobilized at once, and they rushed towards Liu Bei without dying!
"The enemy army is powerful, retreat temporarily!" Liu Bei was secretly happy when he saw this, but he shouted with a panicked expression.

The soldiers fled in a hurry, looking like they were throwing away their armor.

It's not that he acted well, but that tens of thousands of people are pressing towards him, and everyone wants to run fast to avoid being caught up.

"The person who killed me, you still want to run?" Huang Jinqu Shuai roared, urging the soldiers to hurry up and give chase.

Not long after, the army passed by the valley, and the tens of thousands of troops had to gradually change from a starry formation to a square formation.

But Zhang He, who watched all this on the hillside, prefers to call it 'sardine canned'.

Without organization and discipline, tens of thousands of people crowded together, like sardines in a can.

Gamification, medium difficulty!Zhang He silently read.

This time he tried the medium difficulty, mainly to see what mode it was, and the big deal was soy sauce.

Everything around is gamified, not the imaginary riding and cutting, but the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Playing Romance of the Three Kingdoms in the late Han Dynasty has a strong sense of substitution.

As expected, the only ones he can control are his own troops, the others are friendly troops, and the Yellow Turbans are enemy troops.

The perspective of God remains the same, but it has additional morale attributes.

It can be seen that Liu Bei's morale is a little dangerous.

It is obviously a strategic retreat, but the soldiers seem to be confused about the situation, or the retreat process is frightening, and morale continues to decline...

Looking around, the morale of each department is at the average level, neither improving nor declining for the time being.

What's interesting is that in this mode, I have two more abilities: provocation and encouragement.

"Shouldn't this be low difficulty?" Zhang He didn't know what to say. Compared with the micromanagement of the empire era, this kind of foolish operation is obviously low difficulty.

I wanted to try to encourage them, but finally calmed down. The enemy should not act rashly before they reach the best ambush circle.

If the encouragement leads to a rise in morale, and if something happens, the effect of this ambush will be greatly reduced.

"Kill!" Guan Yu was the first to shout. The cavalry led by him were in ambush ahead, and there was no place to hide.

Seeing that the enemy army was approaching, he took the lead in leading the army to charge forward.

To say hundreds of cavalry, facing tens of thousands of enemy troops is really nothing.

But this time there were more than 100 of them, and the [-] new cavalry under Zou Jing's command also followed suit.

"I am invincible, follow me to kill the thief!" Seeing that Guan Yu had already moved, Zhang He shouted.

He didn't expect to use the encouragement skill, but he wanted to shout slogans. Fortunately, he didn't act rashly just now.

The morale of the people in the surrounding area skyrocketed for a while. Zhang He really didn't expect that this skill would have an effect on allies.

There are many tactics and strategies that can be used in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms battlefield.

Unfortunately, Zhang He can only use provocation and encouragement at present. Is it because he does not control enough, or he has not learned...

It is the first time to try the medium difficulty, and he still doesn't understand this mode very well.

However, following his shout, Taishi Ci's and Zhang Fei's troops also led their troops down the mountain.

Zou Jing hesitated for a while, but finally led his troops to follow.

The crossbowmen took advantage of the hillside to hold back arrows from a long distance. This is the first time they have been put into actual combat.

It was also thanks to the fact that Zou Jing also had five hundred crossbowmen on his side, so Jian Yu didn't look so weak.

In the previous battle in Zhuo County, Zou Jing seemed to have not been promoted, but the five thousand soldiers under his command were promoted.

Zhang Fei can be said to be the most enjoyable kill, and almost no one can stop him along the way.

The problem is that there are too many enemies, and he doesn't know where the enemy commander is, so he can only rush towards the man on horseback.

Zhang He is also struggling with this aspect. Age of Empires can also determine the target by observing hero units.

Now this pattern is not very easy to recognize. Fortunately, after carefully checking the armor, you can usually recognize it.

"A mere thieves, who have the guts to commit a disturbance, why don't you just catch them?" Zhang He shouted, this was his attempt to provoke.

The provocation seemed to work, and I don't know if it was luck or the enemy's command was lower than that of Zhang He.

After a provocation, an army of the opponent gradually broke away from the army and came towards Zhang He.

"The opponent has more than one general?" Zhang He immediately realized this and shouted.

"Don't worry about him, just kill him!" Zhang Fei didn't care about these things, he swung the Zhang Ba Snake Spear, and killed a large number of people every time.

Really just fight on the battlefield and finish "Dynasty Warriors" abruptly.

To say that the Zhangba Snake Spear is indeed a unique magical weapon, but it would be a little wasteful to be used by him like this, but it is really cool!
But because of Zhang He's relationship, a whole army of the enemy army moved towards him, and as a result, the enemy army became loose.

Guan Yu took the opportunity to kill, and in a blink of an eye, he was in front of an enemy general, raised his knife and fell, and beheaded him face-to-face.

By the way, he rushed all the way, and almost no one could stop him.

The enemy army was now divided into three parts, and part of them began to flee in all directions because of the collapse of morale.

On the other hand, Qi Qushuai was surrounded by Zhang Fei and Zou Jing.

The trouble was that the team that was provoked by Zhang He gathered all of them and headed towards him, but the formation gradually became more orderly.

Now he understands, no wonder this is a medium difficulty, the difference in combat power between the enemy and us has become more reasonable, the position of the enemy general has become less obvious, and finally the morale factor is introduced.

Seeing that there are skills that can be used, but if they are not available, they will put themselves in a trap.

With a sound of "嗖...", an arrow pierced through the air and fell into the enemy army.

An enemy general looked at his chest in disbelief and fell to the ground.

The army broke up immediately, and Tai Shici, who was not far away, also bowed with satisfaction.

 To say that Romance of the Three Kingdoms seems to be a turn-based system in the early days, and acts according to the sequence of actions.But at the beginning of the fourteenth, it seems to be an instant system, but this is more reasonable.

  The high difficulty setting is riding and slashing, and the actual riding and slashing is no different from real command operations...

  The basic principle is that the lower the level, the more child's play, and the higher the level, the closer to the real situation. It's just a game background.

  For example, for martial arts, I plan to use "For Honor" for high difficulty, or Mortal Kombat.

  Life is like a game, playing games in life, if you put on a game shell, in reality you have to keep practicing on your own if you want to be awesome, isn't life like this.

  In fact, there is no need to worry about the cheating problem. It is the same way to practice and study hard. Isn't it good to play games comfortably?

  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for follow-up reading!
  Whether there is a third round of recommendations depends on how hard you give. If you have time, please help me and read it, please!

(End of this chapter)

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