Chapter 351 Game
Jushou is dedicated to his responsibilities, even though with his status, he no longer needs to serve as a military advisor on the front line.

Rather, Tian Feng's work would at least triple after he left.

After all, when he cooperates with Tian Feng, he can always achieve the efficiency of 1+1>3.

But from a political perspective, it would not be good for two people from the Jizhou faction to control the Shangshutai at the same time.

As soon as Jushou was transferred, Guoyuan was arranged to replace him.

It is said that it is a temporary generation, and anyone with a discerning eye knows that Guoyuan's rise to power is inevitable.

Jian Yong?
He once said that he was not talented enough and was not good at dealing with the intrigues in officialdom, so he could just take a job as a sinecure.

It's a pity that he couldn't wait until this day came.

If he is still alive now, Liu Bei will probably arrange for him to serve as Da Honglu, one of the Nine Ministers, and he will be regarded as the second Nine Ministers in the imperial court.

Who is the first one?
That was naturally Liu Bei's uncle Liu Yuanqi, and he was the only one with this qualification to serve as Zongzheng, one of the Nine Qings.

Liu Bei lost his father. From that time on, his uncle Liu Yuanqi supported the family's expenses.

Now that he is the emperor, Liu Yuanqi is naturally appointed as Zongzheng.

As for Liu Deran, he stayed here in Zhuo County. As the patriarch of the Liu family in Zhuo County, he was also responsible for taking care of the family's industry.

No one expected that Liu Deran, who received more resources as a direct descendant, became a disciple of Lu Zhi at the same time as Liu Bei, and studied hard, could now only manage the family business.

Liu Bei, who was ignorant and idle at first, has now ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor.

Of course, this is not to say that reading is useless, but Liu Bei has grasped the pulse of the times, while Liu Deran is still queuing up according to the traditional model.

As far as the previous situation is concerned, Liu Bei was still behind Liu Deran in the queue.

"Is the Duke going back this time as Jiu Qing?" During the march, Zhang He was thinking about this matter.

"This all depends on your Majesty's will. I will wait for the ministers to do their best and do their best." Jushou's expression was indifferent, and it was unclear what he was thinking in his heart.

It's just that in this officialdom, the emphasis is on 'doing your best and obeying destiny'. Rumors are just rumors. Although there is a high probability that they will be implemented, as long as the dust is not settled, there will still be changes.

Sometimes there are already rumors in the place that a local XXX will take office, but suddenly someone from out of town comes by parachute.

Zhang He would never believe it if Ju Shou didn't work hard in private.

Even if he doesn't work hard, the people in his group will have to work hard to promote Ju Shou to Jiuqing, laying the foundation for his future role as the Three Dukes.

"The fight was more exciting this time. With this feat, it will be easy for Gong Yu to become Jiu Qing." Zhang He said with a smile.

"Even if there is no such thing, I will naturally do my best in planning." Jushou probably misunderstood something.

Because of different political factions and different political aspirations, Zhang He, Ju Shou and others were somewhat aloof from each other.

In terms of emotion and reason, if the two factions are harmonious, Liu Bei is the one who has the real headache.

In fact, Liu Bei didn't have a headache, and he even breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone was friendly, and he was saved a lot of trouble.

If they fight, then he has to deal with the balance, that will be troublesome.

"When it comes to planning, there is no geographical advantage in Pingyuan State to rely on as far as Jizhou's terrain is concerned." Zhang He lamented.

Most of the so-called strategies rely on the time, place, and people. However, there is no good place in Jizhou to rely on, so we can only consider the time, place, and people.

"No, no, if there is no geographical advantage, the geographical advantage will be created." Jushou shook his head, "Cao Cao has taught us a lesson in this regard."

This is true. After all, when we first attacked Juancheng, who would have thought that there would be tunnels in the villages a few miles outside Juancheng, with three thousand enemy troops hidden inside.

With this village gathering as the center, various strategies were launched one after another. What was not a favorable location turned out to be a favorable location.

In this plain country, there are also many similar villages and counties, which can be used well and have great potential.

On the other hand, after all, we are dealing with Cao's army, and we must also take the issue of geographical convenience into consideration, otherwise we are likely to make the same mistake again. "Actually, there's no need to be so nervous..." Zhang He said casually, just think about it and forget it, don't dampen other people's enthusiasm.

Not to mention staying up all night to investigate and report any problems immediately, not to mention that I have been gamifying the war all the way.

If an enemy appears within a radius of one kilometer, it will naturally enter a gamified state, regardless of whether the enemy is in the sky or underground.

Since Leling went south, he successively captured Yanci County, Ban County and Xipingchang County, but there was no trace of Cao Jun along the way.

This is normal. Cao's army just moved northward and landed near Pingyuan County, so they naturally gathered there.

Even if there is a vanguard of Cao's army, it should be in the two counties of Liguo and Ande surrounding Pingyuan County.

"General, nothing unusual was found in Ande/Liguo County!" Three days later, Yang Lang came back to report that they had carefully inspected the two counties and surrounding villages, and even sneaked into the houses of wealthy locals to inspect, and found nothing. Anomalies are found.

"It seems that they plan to fight us to the death in the plains?" Zhang He thought thoughtfully.

"Impossible!" Jushu replied, "According to the available intelligence, Cao Jun has excellent counselors. Knowing that they are not our opponents, it is absolutely impossible to fight head-on!"

Taking a detailed look at the battles with Cao's army, the other side was actively avoiding head-on battles and designing to enhance their own advantages.

Jushou didn't believe that they were now passively defending Pingyuan County and fighting against themselves head-on.

But Zhang He didn't know what to say. After all, there were indeed no enemy troops within one kilometer.

After investigating all the way, he was more willing to believe his own plug-in.

Jushou confirmed his thoughts and then began to take all the circumstances into consideration.

At the end of the calculation, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, obviously the result had been achieved.

"General, there is a way to defeat Cao Jun quickly!" Jushou replied, "It just requires a little bit of gambling."

"Gamble, this is not in line with your character." Zhang He teased.

"After all, nothing can be 100% certain until something happens. Except for head-on confrontation, any strategy itself has an element of gambling." Jushou's attitude was very serious.

In his opinion, as long as the strategy is not really implemented, it is still a gamble.

It's just that this bet is not that bet. Real gambling is a game between two gamblers with thousands of skills, rather than purely relying on luck.

Rather, if you still rely on luck when participating in gambling, have you made something wrong?
Strategy is a game between two strategists, a contest of skills, but until the end, no one knows the outcome. This is gambling.

Precisely because of the uncertainty, after the military advisor gives a strategy, how many chips the general will invest in this strategy will also directly affect the outcome of the game.

If you are too cautious, even if you win, it will only be a small win, and the other party may win back in the next game.

But if you invest too much, even if you can kill the opponent, once you lose, you will lose nothing.

"Now that the military advisor has made a decision, just do what you have to do!" Zhang He said with a smile.

There is nothing to hesitate, go all-in, win, take it all, lose and run away.

The main reason is that I have the confidence in my heart. With Jushou's strategy and his own cheats, if he still loses like this, he deserves to lose.

The army continued to advance in this way until it reached Pingyuan County, without encountering any organized resistance.

Liguo and Ande counties were also taken down, and no trace of tunnels was found after careful inspection.

Also, people only came to Pingyuan Country in the summer. Even if they capture these counties, how can they dig out the tunnels in a month or two?

With such a big project and so much earthwork, should it be so conspicuous?
There is nothing in the front, and I just came from behind, but is the rear really safe?
At this moment, twenty miles away from Zhang He's headquarters, a Cao army was heading towards their rear.

No one stipulated that Cao Jun could not cross Qingzhou from the south, then cross the river from other places to the north, and go around to the enemy's rear to launch an attack!
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(End of this chapter)

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