Three Kingdoms: Everything Can Be Gamified

Chapter 359 The slingshot returns to the world

Chapter 359 The slingshot returns to the world

There was nothing to be prepared for in a field battle, but Ju Shou had several ways of using the terrain to deal with the opponent, but Zhang He directly rejected them.

The enemy and our forces are not equal in strength. Most of the time, we will resort to strategy only when the enemy is outnumbered and we are outnumbered.

You can crush the opponent head-on, but at this time you have to make various calculations, which is inevitably a bit frustrating.

Of course, Moji has its advantages. At least it can further reduce battle losses and at the same time kill the opponent to a greater extent.

It's just that Zhang He planned to hone Ma Chao and Pang De's ability to command troops, and of course Wei Yi and Wu Yi.

"The enemy has three thousand infantry and about four thousand cavalry... No, wasn't there six thousand before?" Zhang He looked at the enemy's information and couldn't help but look at Ma Chao.

"Before Yan Liang came over, the last general took down nearly a thousand people from the other side." Ma Chao said proudly.

After being equipped with crossbows, Ma Chao used mounted archery to cause thousands of casualties to his opponents.

And because of the summer operations, the Southern Huns also suffered some non-combat attrition.

As for Humphrey, it is said that he almost died due to heat stroke.

Later, after treatment by a doctor, he finally regained his life, but he was also very sick and could not exert any strength.

It can be said that the command of the Southern Xiongnu has almost fallen into the hands of his younger brother Huchuquan.

"Is Yan Liang blind?" Zhang He was a little surprised when he heard Yan Liang's information.

"It should be that in the Taihang Mountains, my subordinates used lime powder to blind my eyes..." Yang Lang stepped forward and said.

"He is not completely blind, but his eyesight is greatly reduced, which has affected the battlefield fighting." Jushou added, "Although he cannot personally kill the enemy, commanding the battle does not seem to be a problem."

If it was a problem, then Ma Chao would not have been in a stalemate with the opponent until now.

Although he came to fight the southern Xiongnu, it only lasted five or six days.

"Half-blind Yan Liang..." Zhang He thought thoughtfully.

Then he sent an envoy over, saying that if Yan Liang was willing to submit, he could help him heal his eyes.

Let’s not talk about whether it can be cured or not. Anyway, let’s deceive the person first.

Strictly speaking, if this treatment gamification can be passed perfectly, it may not be impossible to heal his eyes.

If that doesn't work, you can also make medicine into a game. When the time comes, you can make some pills to improve your eyesight, and maybe you'll be cured?
As a result, the man came back, running back.It is said that before he could explain his purpose, Yan Liang ordered him to be executed.

Fortunately, the messenger came from Ye Bushou, rushed out quickly, and came back in a flash.

At this moment, the person looked a little embarrassed, but it was better to be embarrassed than to lose his life.

"Then there's no need to talk?" Zhang He sneered, "The person who killed me, right? Come on, count them all, kill them all!"

"General, just kill the evil leader." Jushou felt that killing them all was a bit too cruel.

After all, there are thousands of strong men. They can be used to build bridges and pave roads, or even send them to mines for mining.

"We haven't even been beaten yet. Who knows what will happen next?" Zhang He replied casually.

Only Zhang He didn't know what Ju Shou was thinking, otherwise he would probably sigh: Isn't what you did more cruel than killing them all? !

Now that Yan Liang's attitude is known, he won't stop fighting anyway.

If you set your own conditions and people don't listen to the problem, then there's nothing to say.

Mainly because of the opponent's brains, Zhang He disliked Yan Liang.

A half-blind and basically useless military commander, if he can send people there, whether he wants to surrender or something else, he is still worthy of his respect.

Do you really think that you are still the so-called 'Hebei Four Court Pillars'?
Is that really the case? Will Yuan Shao send him here alone?

It was said that they were supporting the Southern Xiongnu, but in fact, the Southern Xiongnu were the main ones. The Four Court Pillars ended up like this because they were basically given up by Yuan Shao.

Does Yan Liang know?

Of course he knew, so when he knew he sent someone there, he immediately became angry.

Zhang He can't stand this kind of idiot who can't control his emotions and only thinks about his muscles!

"General, you really don't need a strategy this time?" Before going into battle, Jushou couldn't help but ask.

It is obvious that we can obtain greater victory at less cost, so why not use it?
"It's too tedious. It's not difficult to say that the opponent is not difficult. There is no need to bother." Zhang He said casually, "Anyway, I will fight first. If the fight is good, then let's continue like this. If I can't do anything to the opponent, then I will fight again." It's not too late to use a trick." Rather, seeing how reckless he was, the other party probably didn't expect that he would come up with a trick.

Maybe, the strategy will be more effective by then.

"Then, general, be careful." What else could Jushou say.

Military advisors occasionally encounter this kind of situation. They have tried their best to make suggestions, but they just don't listen.

I put a lot of thought into formulating several strategies, but none of them were adopted. I feel so tired!

Thanks to him knowing Zhang He Bufan, he was able to start a war directly, so he naturally had the confidence.

Otherwise, I would have to persuade him twice more.

If the other party refuses to answer the question more than three times, then there is no need to bring trouble to yourself.

Pound served as the vanguard, but his soldiers were actually divided into two, supporting Zhang He's troops.

Wu Yi is in front and Wei Yi is behind. Strictly speaking, the two thousand soldiers of the personal guard are the main force and are used to attack Yan Liang's tribe.

Ma Chao's troops were roaming around the periphery, and their target was naturally the cavalry on the southern Xiongnu side.

One thing that needs attention is that the number of cavalry on the Southern Huns' side is twice that of Ma Chao's.

So the opponent only sent 1000 people to harass Ma Chao, but actually put 3000 people into the frontal battlefield.

I plan to kill Pound's men first through mounted shooting.

The cavalry suppressed the light infantry. After all, there were only one or two rows of sword and shield soldiers, and most of them were spearmen, so they had little resistance to arrows.

Especially if the opponent is a mounted shooter, he can shoot an arrow from a distance of 30 meters, even while moving.

Even if the distance is not far, two legs cannot run as fast as four legs.

The only thing that can counter the opponent is naturally a strong crossbow or a strong bow. Long-range weapons with an effective range of more than 50 meters can make the opponent dare not be so unscrupulous even if they cannot counterattack.

Does Pound have such a thing?

Of course!
It's just that it's not a crossbow or a strong bow, but the first long-range weapon that Zhang He put into use - the sling!

There were very few bows and crossbows at the beginning, so I had no choice but to make do with slings, which was a long-range method at least.

When Pound was studying, he read many of these battle cases, and he was still very concerned about the sling.

Not only because of the relationship between admiring Zhang He, but mainly because this thing can continue to be dug deeper and its power can be improved!

After all, the power of the sling is mainly linked to the strength of the slinger, and the other factors are the speed of rotation and the feel of the throw.

As far as the current situation of the army is concerned, the physical fitness of the soldiers is very good, and it is not a problem to throw the stone projectile 50 meters.

So next, what will happen if the stone bullets are replaced by iron balls?
The weight is increased, especially the harder it is, so the power is further increased.

The disadvantage is also obvious, that is, there needs to be a distance of about one meter, which means that it is impossible to throw intensively, until the emergence of three-stage shooting, which gave Pound new ideas.

So the first row of soldiers on both sides lined up, took out the slings from their waists, put on the stone bullets, quickly spun them, and threw them towards the Hun soldiers in front.

Then he immediately came back and the second row came forward and continued throwing.

You don’t even need a third row. After all, this is not a crossbow, and there is no trouble of pulling a string. Just take out the iron ball from the ammunition bag, put it in the throwing bag, spin it a bit and then throw it out.

Just because there are two rows, the soldiers at the back can maintain their formation to the maximum extent and respond at any time.

It was different on the enemy's side. At a distance of 50 meters, the iron ball turned into an arc and fell in front of them. Those who were lucky would be in pain at most.

Those who were unlucky would have been smashed to pieces, with several teeth knocked out.

Especially when these two rows took turns throwing, at a distance of 50 meters, people were throwing two or three rounds in the blink of an eye.

It was okay if it hit people, but if it hit horses, these beasts were immediately frightened and ran around, messing up the battle formation.

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  Pound became Zhang He's little fanboy...


(End of this chapter)

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