Three Kingdoms: Everything Can Be Gamified

Chapter 386 The Locust Plague Is Coming

Chapter 386 The Locust Plague Is Coming
On the last day of the year, Zhang He presided over the sealing ceremony and sealed the official seal, symbolizing the end of this year's work.

During the Chinese New Year, the yamen will leave a minimum number of manpower on duty to ensure that some emergencies can be dealt with.

Even Xun You or Zhang Ji have to come over regularly to keep watch.

The only person who does not need to be on duty is naturally Zhang He, unless there is a real emergency.

Similar to later generations, you will not travel far unless necessary, keep your communications open, and let others know where you are going in advance so that others can find you.

After returning to Jinyang, Zhang He became a bit homely and would not leave the mansion unless necessary.

At most, it would be the day when Zhen Yao moved, and he would pay a visit there, mainly to identify the place to Zhen Mi.

After the beginning of the new year, he really had to go to the Yamen to take up his new job. Facing his new boss, he was a little cautious.

But after all, he is Zhen Yi's son. He has no problem with his knowledge and his emotional intelligence.

Historically, he was only promoted as Xiaolian and did not seem to be granted any position.

However, considering that Zhen Yi died young and the eldest son died young, as far as the Zhen family is concerned, the second son is basically responsible for working outside, and Zhen Yao, the youngest son, takes over the family property.

Now the eldest son is still alive, the second son is responsible for the family's property, and the youngest son is sent to his side.

You have to ask why, because Zhen Yao was a concubine.

When the legitimate son is still alive, although Zhang is not a jealous woman, she will subconsciously leave the property to the legitimate son to take care of it.

"In the future, read more, listen more, learn more and talk less." Zhang He warned, left the congratulatory gift and left.

On the way home, Zhang He loosened his fur and felt extremely hot.

This year is a warm winter. It will not be cold throughout the winter. Even wearing a thin fur coat, I feel a little hot inside the carriage.

"There's something wrong with the weather!" Zhang He sighed, vaguely remembering something, but he couldn't remember it clearly.

But since it flashed through my mind, it meant it was something very important.

So I immediately gamified it to help me recall it.

The result was not good. He finally remembered that this year was AD 195.

Let’s not talk about the mess of history. I just remember the severe drought in 194, especially in Guanzhong.

However, the severe drought in Guanzhong was related to Dong Zhuo's disaster in Guanzhong, which caused the collapse of the local water conservancy system.

It did not rain much last year, not only in Guanzhong, but also everywhere.

Fortunately, the wheat cultivated by Zhang He is inherently cold and drought tolerant, and the yield has slightly decreased, but it is still within an acceptable range.

But the drought throughout the year directly caused last year's winter to become very warm.

Zhang Fei hardly stopped, starting from the beginning of autumn and heading south, defeating all of Jiangxia County.

This was not only the three or four counties north of the Dabie Mountains, but also several counties north of the Yangtze River, and three or four counties south of the Yangtze River.

This means that starting from this year, he can attack the four southern counties to the west and Yuzhang to the east.

There is no need to worry about logistics. Taishi Ci has already gone south. What Yuan Shu needs to worry about is whether Taishi Ci will let him go.

It is a pity that Sun Ce did not form an alliance in the end, and he did not even have the intention to submit.

Instead, when Yuan Shu was not paying attention, he completely defeated Yu Zhang.

Now they occupy the four counties in Jiangdong, but when they were about to go west to deal with the four counties in the south, they were blocked by Zhang Fei.

In other words, the imperial court was bordering on Sun Ce's power.

The temperature is so high in winter, let alone in spring, that the temperature cannot freeze insect eggs to death.

After the beginning of spring, the locusts will emerge from the soil and then rapidly expand in size.

After realizing this, Zhang He immediately went to the Yamen, took out the sealed official seal, then wrote a memorial and asked someone to send it to Chang'an urgently.

He couldn't guarantee whether anyone in the court noticed this, and even if someone did, it wouldn't matter if he reminded her again.

"Speaking of locusts, they can be regarded as a stable source of protein in future generations..." Zhang He sighed.

In particular, locusts in locust plagues are basically edible species.

However, I heard that after a locust plague occurs, the locusts will produce a pungent and poisonous smell to prevent them from being eaten by birds.

In fact, even if it is like this, as long as it is done well, there is basically nothing to worry about.

Besides, there are so many chickens and ducks in various places. Before the locust plague occurs, they can just rush out and eat the locusts in the fields.Even if we catch the locusts before the locust plague has formed, then there shouldn't be any poisonous ingredients, right?

It's hypocritical to say that even if it is poisonous, a locust is only as big as a locust. If you have to eat hundreds or thousands of them, there is nothing wrong with poisoning.

But talking about harm without dosage is inevitably a bit alarmist. Do we still expect those people to eat hundreds or thousands of locusts a day? !
Poisonous konjac can be eaten after processing. It’s strange that locusts can be poisonous even if they are steamed, boiled, dried and ground into powder!

Thinking of this, I just happened to write down the method of dealing with the locust plague.

I'm somewhat worried, after all, these days I actually have some respect for locusts and associate them with gods.

Considering this factor, it is necessary to submit the letter yourself.

Anyway, in their eyes, he is already an immortal.

The immortal has given a solution to the problem, who else dares to nag.

When I came back to my senses, I had already written tens of thousands of words eloquently, and my wrists were a little sore.

Thanks to the fact that paper has been widely used in official documents, otherwise at least one cart of bamboo slips would have to be loaded.

"Your Majesty, is there anything urgent?" Zhang Ji, who was on duty, came over and asked.

"A bit, but it's not now, it's something that is about to happen." Zhang He replied, "Be prepared in advance before it happens. By the way, let me know that there will be an emergency meeting tomorrow and there are things that need to be discussed."

"Wei!" Upon seeing this, Zhang naturally did not dare to neglect and immediately arranged for people to pass the news out.

After Zhang Ji left, Zhang He suddenly realized something, and immediately took out new paper and wrote two official documents to Jizhou and Youzhou at the same time.

This matter is nationwide, not just Bingzhou. When the imperial court discusses it and passes the edict, the locust plague may have already begun to take shape.

It is necessary to inform them in advance and let them prepare in advance.

What?Do you no longer have the power to interfere in local government affairs?
Zhang He wanted to see who dared to ignore his orders in this matter!
A month ago, I killed so many people in Jizhou, could someone really forget about it?

Not long after, some cavalrymen left in a hurry, which was a rare thing during the Spring Festival.

Anyone with some sense realizes that something big is about to happen, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

Those with connections naturally began to inquire about what happened.

It is better to say that it has been like this in all dynasties. If there is news from above or there is any trouble, the first people to know are naturally the insiders.

Then they inquired through various channels from related households and even merchants.

In the end, when the news started to be reported and ordinary people knew about it, the real benefits had been divided among insiders and related households.

There is no connection between ancient times and modern times. In ancient times, it was very difficult to know certain information. It was really difficult to know without real connections.

Nowadays, a lot of information is at least made public, although it is only on the department website or not on a large scale.

No matter how busy or tired you are, pay attention to these website channels regularly to understand the latest policies, and you may be able to grab some leftovers.

Putting aside the interests, the key is to avoid pitfalls in time.

Naturally, word spread quickly about possible locust plagues in various places.

This matter cannot be hidden, especially some experienced farmers will know. After all, there were 25 locust plagues in the entire Eastern Han Dynasty (220-195 AD) in 38 years, with an average of one outbreak every five years.

If you are a little older, you can basically determine this matter through some signs.

When the news was sent to Chang'an, the whole of Hebei basically knew about it.

Therefore, Chang'an also gave the approval in the shortest possible time:
Suspend all military operations and fight against locusts nationwide!

 Historically, there was indeed a severe drought in 194, which led to the locust plague in 195.

  The locust plague was indeed very serious in the late Han Dynasty. This is not a fiction. Of course, it’s okay if you think I’m making it up.

  Locusts do have a pungent smell and toxins after forming a locust plague.

  The birds don't eat it, but they eat it raw.

  Of course people will cook it before eating it, but it is hard to say whether the smell will decompose after heating or become non-toxic.

  It’s not right to talk about the harm regardless of the dose. It’s impossible for a person to eat locusts three times a day.

  Besides, with such a large population, even the locusts may not be enough to divide the food.

  But in order to prevent some people from popularizing the knowledge that locusts are poisonous, yes, let me directly say that they should be eaten before the locust plague is formed and they are still larvae. Is that okay?
  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription!

(End of this chapter)

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