Three Kingdoms: Everything Can Be Gamified

Chapter 388 The Attacking Sun Ce

Chapter 388 The Attacking Sun Ce

Compared with the Central Plains or the Jianghuai region, the damage in Jiangnan was slightly smaller, and Sun Ce was also concerned about containing it before a major outbreak.

After all, most of the land in Jiangnan has not yet been developed, with few fields and many wild animals.

Once the locusts hatch, their natural enemies will start feasting.

Coupled with the dense vegetation in the south, it did not cause much damage to the farmland.

But Yuan Shu's side was different. The farmland under his rule was almost eaten away by locusts.

At the same time, due to limited capabilities and some superstitions, local enthusiasm for culling locusts was not that high, and eventually the crop was completely eliminated.

During that time, people did not even dare to go out. After all, as soon as they opened the windows, a large number of locusts rushed into their homes.

Sun Ce would not miss this opportunity. While others were busy controlling locusts, he was busy expanding.Taking advantage of Yuan Shu's disaster, he immediately led his army northward.

In less than a month, excluding Shouchun, Jiujiang and Lujiang counties had been captured, and the entire Yangzhou was officially occupied.

Sun Ce had been besieging Shouchun for several days, but he did not attack. His main good friend Zhou Yu told him that Yuan Shu had no food and grass, so he only needed to surround Shouchun, and the opponent would either break out of the siege or starve to death.

It is only right that Shouchun should not be too busy gnawing at this hard nut, but take advantage of the siege to seize Yuan Shu's territory.

After all, Liu Bei also began to react, and Taishi Ci began to quickly advance to attack Runan County.

So far, the locust plague has been basically contained.In the beginning, officers and soldiers were required to participate, but now it can be left to local people.

After all, the number of common people was greater than that of the officers and soldiers, and they were probably worried that the officers and soldiers would fight against them for locusts.

"Bo Fu, why don't you form an alliance with Liu Bei?" Zhou Yu followed Sun Ce and tried to persuade him while he was in a good mood.

"I have proclaimed myself emperor, can Liu Bei let me go?" Sun Ce replied.

People are a bit reckless, but they are not stupid after all.If you just separatist power and don't claim to be emperor, then everything is easy to say.

But with your background and starting point, if you want to separate Jiangnan, why should others follow you if you don't want to be the emperor?
If Cheng Pu and others desert Yuan Shu and come back, sooner or later they will attack.

Who can guarantee that before Liu Bei destroys Yuan Shu, Yuan Shu will not destroy himself first?
After weighing the matter, he decided to proclaim himself emperor, and as expected he received the support of some Jiangdong wealthy families.

With the rapid expansion of his power, more and more wealthy families have surrendered to him. For the time being, they have gained a firm foothold and have the ability to fight Yuan Shu.

Therefore, Sun Ce's proclaimed emperor was initially just to protect himself, but in the end he had proclaimed himself emperor, and then he and Liu Bei would fight to the death.

Sooner or later, the two sides will meet each other in war, and the so-called alliance has no meaning at all.

"This year's locust plague, every locust plague, the Central Plains, Guanzhong, and even Hebei have suffered greatly. Liu Bei has no time to take care of himself, but this year is a good opportunity for us to expand rapidly." Zhou Yu thought for a while and said.Since it cannot be undone, we have to find a way to deal with it.

Liu Bei heard that his soldiers were capable, his generals were brave, and his fifth sworn brother Zhang He was a true immortal.

Fortunately, Zhang He was guarding Hebei and would not go south normally, otherwise this battle would probably be impossible to fight.

Of course, the big boss next to him sneered at the rumors of 'immortal'.

Not long after he started his business, he heard that Yu Ji was preaching and had a great reputation in Jiangdong. He immediately arrested him and killed him.

I still remember the moment when Yu Ji's head fell to the ground, he muttered: "What kind of immortal, will you die if your head is cut off..."

It's no wonder that Sun Ce was ruthless. After discovering that the Tao taught by Yu Ji was no different from the Taiping Tao, he certainly couldn't sit still.

How did Sun Jian come to power?
Could it be that Zhu Jun shouted and sent his army to attack the Yellow Turban family?
It had only been ten years since the Yellow Turban Rebellion ended, and Sun Ce did not want another Yellow Turban rebellion under his rule.

Especially when Yu Ji was arrested, a large number of people begged for mercy, which made him determined to kill Yu Ji.

Yu Jiqun, who was called an 'immortal', was beheaded. Another 'immortal', Zhang He, was also considered by Sun Ce to be a man who deceived the public with his evil words.

On the other hand, the martial arts of generals Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were recognized by Cheng Pu and others.

Sun Ce is also a warrior, so naturally he is more concerned about it.

Compared with the mysterious magic, Sun Ce recognized the reputation of real swords and real guns.

"God is on our side this year..." After hearing Zhou Yu's words, Sun Ce smiled, "If we don't take the opportunity to expand our territory at this time, we won't have this opportunity next year."

After all, there was a delay in the transmission of the news. Sun Ce didn't know that under Liu Bei's rule, the locusts were almost not enough to eat.

Perhaps after this locust plague, locust dishes have become a fixed dish, but there are not so many locusts in the wild, so someone needs to be dedicated to raising them.

There are not a few people who will make a fortune by raising locusts in later generations.It is a place that specializes in raising cockroaches and flies, which is really incomprehensible.

"It's just that even if Jiujiang and Lujiang are conquered, it will cost a lot to manage and provide disaster relief." Zhou Yu hesitated.

After all, he is also a native of Lujiang.

Yuan Shu mishandled the locust plague this time. Their family had saved themselves, but the effect was not that good.

Even if a batch of locusts is exterminated, another batch will soon come in, and they can't be killed all, they can't be killed at all!

Fortunately, wealthy families have food stored at home.

Let’s just say that Lu Su is a local wealthy man. His parents died young and he still has [-] hu of food at home.

The food reserves of Zhou Yu's family are not that exaggerated, but they are not too little. It is enough for the whole clan to feed them for one or two years.

It would be better to say that in this general environment, everyone is accustomed to stocking up on food, not only for the convenience of controlling food prices, but also for the convenience of surviving the famine years.

"These problems are just a headache for Zibu and the others." Sun Ce laughed.

Military generals fight on the battlefield, and civil servants govern places. Sun Ce does not know how to govern, at least he does not have enough time to learn.

So the only thing he can do is to leave political matters to people he trusts.

Among the brothers, Sun Yi was the type who couldn't read and joined the army with him.

The fourth brother is weak, so he can be ennobled and raised in honor.

Sun Quan was the one he focused on training. He not only gave him famous teachers, but also allowed him to serve as an official and learn political methods from civil servants.

According to the predetermined idea, he was on the battlefield while Sun Quan was in charge of political logistics.

As long as brothers work together, no matter how great the difficulty is, they can always find a way to overcome it.

To put it another way, the reason Sun Ce was able to gain popularity so quickly was because he dared to delegate power?
Seeing this opportunity to rise to the top, a large number of wealthy families naturally flocked here.

"It's hard for a good woman to make a meal without rice. Even if the disasters in Lujiang and Jiujiang are dealt with, our material supplies may be affected." Zhou Yu was still a little worried.

"Then go and attack the Yue people. They are entrenched in the mountains and forests, and they hide a lot of good things." Sun Ce didn't care.

Those Shanyue have lived among the Wuyi Mountains for a long time, and are also active in the mountains and forests south of Kuaiji County.

Sun Ce's territory in the south of the Yangtze River is actually the Wuyi Mountain line, and his territory is to the north.

Excluding one or two coastal counties to the south, it is basically the territory of Shanyue.

After being entrenched for so long, the Yue people could hide a lot of medicinal materials, mountain products, mainly minerals.

After all, Longquan, which was famous in later generations, was called Longyuan in this era. It was the place where Ou Yezi forged his sword, but it was within the scope of Shanyue.

Leaving aside minerals, the main thing is precious metals. Even if gold and silver are not legal tender, silver and gold jewelry can still flow into the market in exchange for higher profits.

For Sun Ce, Shanyue is like his cash machine. Whenever he runs out of money, he just calls him.

Zhou Yu didn't know what to say. Sun Ce kept attacking Shanyue, and sooner or later there would be a full-scale resistance there.

When the time comes, there will be Liu Bei in front and Shan Yue behind. If the front and rear cannot take care of each other, big problems may arise.

However, Sun Ce was already the emperor, and the young Dezhi was even more energetic and confident. Even if Zhou Yu tried to persuade him, he might not listen.

At the same time, in Shouchun Palace, Yuan Shu, who had been besieged for several days, was upset at the moment.

I complained for a long time in the palace, and finally felt a little thirsty, so I shouted: "Bring me honey water!"

 Some people really raise cockroaches and flies, mainly to feed chickens and ducks. They reproduce quickly and are high in protein. The concept is probably similar to raising earthworms.

  Fortunately, there is no real mosquito breeding...

  Not to mention rat breeding. After all, there are many rats that eat them, and the price may be cheap, as long as they don’t let them escape...

  I understand it, but I really don’t agree with it.

  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription!

(End of this chapter)

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