Chapter 401
"Stubborn!" Seeing that the other party had no intention of listening, Zhang He said through gritted teeth.

Judging from the opponent's posture, no matter how you look at it, they are going to fight stubbornly.

With thousands of Han prisoners, how could they give up such good human shields?

I have to say that this Xianbei patriarch is ruthless. Perhaps he did not consider the possibility of defeat, but just how much price he would have to pay to repel the Han army in front of him.

The result of defeat and the annihilation of the whole clan may not have been thought of at all.

Perhaps his thinking model stayed on the grassland model: all the men of the defeated side were killed and all the women were robbed. Only the children who were less than the height of the carriage were spared and were taken back as slaves.

Since you are going to be killed anyway, what's the point of telling me that? !

Zhang He, who realized this, felt somewhat emotional.

These guys have been in the civil war for too long and have forgotten that China is a country of etiquette.

Basically, as long as you have a better attitude and are a little more submissive, you can basically survive.

Even if I am not very friendly to the Hu people, facing so many laborers, it is impossible to kill them at will.

We must also admit that sometimes it may not be better than death...

"Proceed as planned!" Zhang He signaled, and the army began to move quickly.

The leader is naturally the two thousand heavy cavalry who lead the attack. They can be said to be the key to breaking the formation.

But the number of two thousand is still a bit small. There are tens of thousands of people on the other side piled there. It is true that they can't use their moves and can't rush through them.

The other party deliberately set up a turtle formation to make it difficult for him to bite down.

There are still thousands of Han people in front of us. If we want to charge, we must first step over their corpses...

Under Tuoba Jiefen's order, the turtle formation slowly moved forward.

The front, left, and right are guarded by infantry and civilians. The center is dominated by cavalry. The soldiers ride on horseback and hold crossbows to increase the range of the projectile.

As soon as the words were spoken, war weapons were pushed out one after another, and it was the shield car that stood in front of the army.

You don’t need to think about it to know who has the strength to help Xianbei improve technology...

Of course, we can only say that it is most likely Yuan Shao. After all, all forces now use shield cars.

To deal with your own army's catapults, strong bows and crossbows, and armor-piercing arrows.

To a certain extent, this thing can also resist cavalry charges. Of course, they cannot charge. This thing relies heavily on infantry.

Xianbei is not good at infantry combat, but that doesn't mean they can't, it just doesn't use it at all.

They had never used a shield car before, but it was obviously not possible this time.

Jining is a place surrounded by mountains, water, and naturally there are woods.

There is naturally no shortage of wood and the like.

But in terms of craftsmanship, it is naturally not much better. It lacks iron, so it can only be thickened.

It just looks rough, has terrible speed, and doesn't have much defense.

But this is enough, as long as the army advances to about sixty steps, they dare to launch.

They even used Han herdsmen as pioneers to disrupt the opponent's battle formation, and then ordinary people flanked them to restrict their range of activities, and finally launched a charge...

It has to be said that Tuoba Jiefen has taken everything into consideration.

Guess what they saw?
Zhang Hebu retreated!

Yes, the entire army retreated and did not engage them at all.

"Stop!" Tuoba Jiefen had to give the order to stop, but with tens of thousands of troops, when the order was passed on, the battle formation was a bit chaotic.

After all, many of them were ordinary people, especially thousands of herdsmen, who were not specialized warriors.

Rather, it is unclear whether the Xianbei guys will have special battle formation training.

There was chaos in the battle formation, but this was not something Tuoba Jiefen needed to worry about. After all, there were subordinates in each department maintaining stability.

Not to mention this kind of unanimous external situation, are everyone really united...?Looking at everyone talking to the outside world together, it turns out that most people's thoughts are simple and they just want to survive.

They also had a grassland mentality and were worried that these Han people would massacre them, so they had to resist together.

Most of them could not speak Chinese and could not understand what the Han people were saying, so they could only resist passively.

The concept of nation and country does not exist in China today, let alone these Xianbei people.

Seeing that the Han army was retreating and had no intention of fighting, they were also a little confused.Could it be that the other party was afraid and didn't dare to fight?

The oppression of life and death gradually dissipates, and the emphasis on life takes up high ground.

No one wants to die if they can, so they stagnate unconsciously, and the queue becomes even more chaotic.

Not to mention the Han herdsmen who were most afraid of death. Pushing a shield cart, if others could take three steps, it would be good if they could take one step.

The entire battle formation became chaotic, but Tuoba Jiefen didn't pay attention to it. His eyes were on the Han army in front.

They retreated. Why did they retreat? Was it fear or did they have other motives?
Probably for the purpose of testing, Tuoba Jiefen ordered to continue advancing, and the army continued to move forward.

But after walking less than two miles, he became a little irritated. After all, these infantry were moving too slowly!
It's like I'm used to watching videos at twice the speed, and suddenly I switch to normal speed.

Driving an electric car at [-] mph, the speed limit suddenly has to be [-] mph.

The only feeling is that it is slow, too slow, and uncomfortable!
"Why so slow?" Tuoba Jiefen asked.

"The infantry below saw the opponent retreating and refused to fight!" The subordinate general came over to report.

Even if it weren't for this factor, the physical fitness of those ordinary people would not be much better. They were still old, weak, women and children.

No matter what civilization it is, as long as there is class, the privileged class will be the ones who have enough to eat.

The treatment of the lower class depends on the level of education they receive. The more enlightened the people, the better the treatment.

Later, China really valued education and really wanted to train everyone as a mathematical, physical and chemical talent.

In foreign countries, people at the bottom are educated happily and prevent them from truly acquiring culture.

It would be better to say that happy education for the people at the bottom is the general trend, as long as there is still such a thing as class.

Compared with the Han Dynasty, which gradually began to pay attention to education, Xianbei was a cultural desert.

Let alone Chinese, Xianbei’s own writing and culture have not yet truly appeared.

In this context, if all the benefits are ten, the nobility and privileged class are six, the clan chiefs who belong to the family are two, and the workers in the management are one, the common people who occupy [-]% in the end can only get [-]% of the benefits.

But that doesn't matter, because below them, there are herd slaves who have even less status and no benefits at all.

It would be better to say that it was the existence of herdsmen that prevented class conflicts from breaking out.

With so little profit, how could he risk his life if his life was not in danger? !

"Forget it, let's retreat a little!" Tuoba Jiefen saw this and immediately gave the order.

If you advance, the other party will retreat. If you continue, you won’t even know how far away the main camp is.

Since the other party doesn't want to fight, why waste time? The original purpose is to delay time until Bu Dugen comes over.

If the other person wants to grind, just grind with him!
But when they retreated, Zhang He began to move forward again.

"Fighting but not fighting, retreating yet not retreating, are you kidding me?" Upon seeing this, Tuoba Jiefen tightened his grip on his riding whip and roared.

"A joke?" Zhang He had a good hearing, so he finally heard it, "Thank you so much for playing with me for a long time!"

Just as they were saying this, there was a rumbling sound on the horizon, and not long after, a large group of cattle and sheep rushed towards them...

 Nowadays, when watching live games that take more than an hour, I am used to turning on double speed, because after all, I can finish it earlier.

  In the end, I finished watching it all. Occasionally I planned to watch it at normal speed when I had time, but found that I was not used to it.Especially when it comes to Seven Days Kill, it feels like running frame by frame, it’s so grinding...

  Not to mention driving, I am used to driving an electric car at [-] to [-] kilometers per hour, but when I go back to drive one at [-] kilometers per hour, the speed feels slower than a bicycle.

  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription!

(End of this chapter)

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