Chapter 403
"I have to say, you really did me a big favor by calling everyone out. Otherwise, with so many people staying behind, it would not be easy for my people to let out so many cattle and sheep..." Zhang He looked towards Tuoba Jiefen is in front of him.

At this moment, he has been made into a human pig, his hands and feet have been cut off, he is deaf and blind, his tongue has been cut out, and his vocal cords have been damaged.

To be honest, Zhang He thought he was going to chop off his hands and feet at first, but in fact it was just the soles of his hands and feet.

The purpose is probably to preserve for him the ability to move to a certain extent, like an animal.

That's right, otherwise it shouldn't be called a human pig, but a human stick.

It's a pity that Tuoba Jiefen can't hear anything. Now he can't even sense the most basic light and dark.

The touch transmitted from his limbs was his last feeling.

Normally, they would be thrown next to the toilet, just like pigs kept in captivity.

The nose was not cut off, but was hooked back with a special hook, making it look more like a pig's nose.

"Leave it for half a month and then kill him." Zhang He ordered.

You are kind-hearted and don't want to see others suffer for too long.

And in his current state, ten days and a half months is a bit conservative, and a few months is almost crazy.

There is no point in torturing a madman.

He can kill people with no more than a nod, but who makes him disobedient?

As long as he demobilized those Han herdsmen and killed them or not, he performed better, and maybe he had the value of ideological education and reform.

"Lulu..." Tuoba Jiefen made a pig noise. Since he had no vocal cords, he could only use his throat and nasal cavity to make sounds.

Zhang He didn't care about Xu's curse. Since he commanded the troops to fight, the enemy's curse was like a compliment to him.

As for the camps here, they are also being actively renovated.

The basic construction has already been completed, and there are even some mud houses and wooden houses.

Xianbei lacked tools and could only build simple buildings. Of course, perhaps they preferred to live in tents.

Take the later Yuan Dynasty as an example. After entering the Central Plains, the Mongols conquered the cities in the Central Plains.

On the one hand, they build luxurious buildings to demonstrate their authority.

On the one hand, because they were not used to living there, they divided a special area and placed yurts as residential areas.

The Xianbei people in front of me are almost the same. The nobles' rooms are huge tents, which look a bit like yurts.

On the other hand, the wooden houses, shacks and earth houses are mostly occupied by Han people, and there are also some lower-class Xianbei people who cannot get tents.

Basically, the more exquisite the house, the higher the status of the person living there.

On the other hand, if it is dilapidated and has a simple structure, it is the residence of the herdsmen.

If Zhang He wants to build a city here, he must first divert water to build a moat. Before that, he must dig out the ditches needed for the moat around it.

At the same time, the foundation is dug out, wooden piles are inserted, the bottom is fixed with stones, and then the soil is backfilled and compacted.

Yinshan is rich in products, so Zhang He was a little bolder and deployed Sanhe soil.

The heavy soldiers and civilian husbands brought here were responsible for going up the mountain to cut down trees and then use the loess to build mud bricks to build mud houses.

Xun You worked harder and led a group of advisers to plan the city's architectural structure and build it according to the standards of the lower county.

The main reason is the size of the camp. It can basically fit into a lower county. Whether it needs to be expanded in the future depends on the situation.

It is already quite some distance from the Great Wall, that is, Qiangyin County is slightly closer, which is also a distance of forty or fifty miles.

Rather than saying that it is a city inhabited by people, it is more appropriate to say that it is a military outpost.

This is indeed an important pass for the grassland to go south to the Great Wall. In addition, the surrounding soil is suitable for farming, and there is a river passing through here. It is indeed a good choice to build a city here.

If not, Xun You would have tried to persuade Zhang He to give up, at least temporarily.

When the world is peaceful and tens of thousands of troops are dispatched to march north, he can build whatever he wants.

The main reason is that by then, the construction of the city will be a national project, funded by Chang'an.

Nowadays, the construction of the city basically involves funding from Bingzhou.

After all, Xun You wanted to stay with Bingzhou. Naturally, it was because of financial considerations of Bingzhou.

The old, weak, women and children who fled to the mountains were detected by Yang Lang's men, and then all were captured when Pang De came forward.

Hundreds of elderly people died in the resistance, and other women and children were captured.

They thought they were going to suffer humiliation, and they even accepted their fate. After all, most women on the grassland had this fate.It's the children, they're worried that their children will be killed.

Of course there was really no way to stop it, they could only watch it all happen.

The rules of the grassland are like this. It's good to be sad.

In the animal kingdom, male lions die in fights, and their spouses kill their own children themselves to woo the winner.

But the Han people did not make things difficult for them, they just wanted to isolate the children alone.

Without a mother to impart some bad ideas, it would be much easier to reform.

Of course, there was also a special selection process, and the children of the nobles were singled out and executed.

Children of the privileged class, even at the age of four or five, are already aware of the differences between themselves and others.

At this time, if we let them become the common people at the bottom, they will not be reconciled. This is the seed of rebellion.

To conquer a nation, many people think that they need to win over their privileged class and then use them to manage the untouchables.

The reality is that these old privileged people can take refuge in you today, but they can betray you tomorrow.

What really needs to be done is to eliminate the privileged class, and then promote the management class to help them assimilate ordinary people.

Twenty or forty years later, one nation completely disappeared and two nations merged into one.

When the time comes, let your own privileged class take over. Not only will the transition be seamless, but it will also solve the problem of insufficient resource allocation for the nation.

After all, this is about making the cake bigger.

"Yang Lang, what are you doing so sneakily? Why don't you do the investigation work?" Zhang He is directing the construction of the city wall. Through gamification, the construction can be accelerated to a certain extent and the quality can be improved at the same time.

But Yang Langlao was wandering around in his sight, and he knew at a glance that he had something to say, and it was a private matter.

"When is the investigation work not to be done? This subordinate is on vacation..." Yang Lang quickly quibbled, no, explained.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Zhang He asked.

"Among the captive female relatives, there are a group of noble girls, such as the daughters of a certain small clan leader, or the daughters of other large tribes. These people have special status and have been detained in separate cells. They seem to be well-behaved at the moment, but they are hidden dangers." Yang Lang replied.

"Then what do you think?" Zhang He asked.

"My subordinate hopes to take over and convince them..." Yang Lang rubbed his hands.

"It's sleeping clothes, right?" Zhang He said angrily, "It's been so long, I thought you had corrected your problem."

At first, I couldn't stand the suffering of some female relatives in the Taihang Mountains, so I decided to accept them.

When he surrendered, he almost had three thousand beauties in the harem. Fortunately, conditions improved later and some of them were let go one after another, leaving only a dozen or so with good connections.

Nowadays, the Holy Mother's heart is probably overflowing, and she can't bear to see women suffer.

After all, where are the identities of these noble ladies, the worst case scenario is to kill them all.

"You can't stay here. We will send them back to Jinyang the next time we need supplies. Then let your family adjust the conditions well. You will be fully responsible for anything that happens." Zhang He looked at Yang Lang.

Yang Lang had merit in this battle. After all, under the leadership of Ye Bushou, Pang De was able to touch the opponent's flank without attracting Xianbei's attention.

Not to mention, these women and children were captured from the mountains.

"Here!" Yang Lang took the order.

Zhang He shook his head, not knowing whether this guy was a nymphomaniac, a flower protector, or a knight.

Using a group of prisoners to offset his military exploits was a good deal.

After Yang Feng found out, I wonder if he would be beaten...

 When the Meng Yuan Dynasty went south to China, they really designated a yurt area as a residential area because they couldn't get used to living in the city...

  When I read the textbooks in the early years, I saw that a lot of farmland was destroyed and it was said to be used as pasture. Later, it seems that the textbooks on this aspect were cut out a lot or even disappeared.

  The human pig chops off the hands and soles, but not the thighs and arms as well, otherwise it would not be a human pig, but a human stick.After a set of procedures, it is really similar to a pig.

  It can still happen if the nasal cavity and throat tube are used, which is more or less like a pig's braying.

  I have to say that this torture was indeed cruel, and in the end it was more like going crazy than dying.In comparison, being roasted or cut in half is easier to bear, as it is really death after all.

  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription.


(End of this chapter)

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