Chapter 405
In the eyes of many people, Ye Bu Shuang is a strengthened scout. Those who actually know Ye Bu Shuang will know that this team has some overlap with the scouts in business, but they are completely different in nature.

It is difficult to say whether decapitation tactics such as special operations will be recognized.

After all, in this era, special operations are inevitably linked to assassins.

This is equivalent to not daring to fight head-on and only daring to play outside the game. Coupled with the guidance of some public opinion, it will inevitably be looked down upon by others.

Since the beheading tactic was discovered and special forces officially appeared, the whole world has been training...

Just like a tactical nuclear bomb, you can not launch it, but you can't live without it.

The problem is that in this era, it is the first time for special operations to occur, and it also involves beheading operations. This is linked to assassins and can easily be resisted.

However, this is originally a matter of public opinion control. Besides, the assassinations against Liu Bei, Zhang He and others were not done once or twice.

One or two people talk about benevolence, righteousness and morality, but in fact, if they can't fight head-on, they rely on assassination to solve the problem.

Zhang He originally planned to follow the mainstream and not engage in so many off-market moves.

But now, with the attitude of being unkind and unjust, the special forces have been implemented.

"There's nothing wrong with beheading, but it's very risky." Zhang He shook his head.

If they fail, Yang Lang and his gang won't be able to come back.

Even if he succeeds and Bu Dugen dies, his power will inevitably be in civil strife, which will give Kebineng a chance.

If two forces could be destroyed at the same time, that would be okay, but simply destroying one force would not be a good thing.

Seeing Zhang He denying his proposal, Yang Lang breathed a sigh of relief.

The risk of this mission is indeed very high, and he has no confidence in saying this.

But he was really scared, so Zhang He ran to act as bait when his brain got hot.

Just when everyone was worried about how to fight this battle beautifully, within two days, at least [-] troops gathered from behind.

Huang Zhong under Taishi Ci, Xu Huang under Zhang Fei, Zhang He under Guan Yu...

What troubled Zhang He the most was that Liu Bei actually led an army of [-] people over in person. His deputy was Zhou Sheng, and the commander of his bodyguard was Mi Fang.

"Brother..." Zhang He looked at Liu Bei with some embarrassment.

As the emperor of the Han Dynasty, he had made a promise not to lead a military expedition in person, so why did he break his vow again this time?
He appeared here and I was really worried about his safety.

Shaobei looked at the troops behind him, somewhat puzzled as to why all four armies had sent people over.

And they are all in Bingzhou. To say that Xianbei went south, Bingzhou and Youzhou have happened, and the situation in Youzhou is even more serious.

"The barbarians invaded our country. As the emperor of the Han Dynasty, how could I ignore it?" Liu Bei didn't care. "Xianbei has bullied me for many years. Now that I have ascended the throne as emperor, I vow to avenge my shame. I dare to ask everyone here, you Have you ever been afraid?"

"No!" The generals responded one after another. Even if they were a little scared at this time, they still had to speak harshly.

The one who showed the most obvious performance was probably Mi Fang, who was not a pure military commander in the first place.

It can only be said that under the protection of Mi Zhu, he was too comfortable, resulting in a sparse civil and military affairs.

Fortunately, he still has some martial arts skills, and at the same time he has supplemented his skills in military strategy, so he can be a general.

Being brought out now has the intention of brushing up on his resume.

As Liu Bei's pro-army commander, he is almost the safest.

There is no need to do anything. In the end, you can earn some military merit, go back and see the situation, and you can at least mention it again within three years.

"See, no one is afraid. What is Dadao afraid of?" Liu Bei said with a smile, "With you guys protecting me, what do I have to be afraid of?"

There is really nothing to be afraid of. Normally, as long as Liu Bei doesn't wander around, he will be fine unless all his people are dead.

What I'm most afraid of is that this guy's brain will get hot and he will lead the charge directly into the enemy's formation...

"Then the eldest brother must promise the younger brother not to lead the charge easily again." Zhang He reminded.

"Okay, okay, I promise you this!" Liu Bei said with a smile.

From Liu Bei, Zhang He learned that not only Bingzhou, but also Youzhou, at least [-] troops had arrived to support the front line.

Counting the [-] troops guarding there, the total is [-] troops guarding.At the same time, through the calculations of Jushou and others, Wuhuan and the tribes of Eastern Xianbei were fighting.

Since Lou Ban was executed, there was not much chaos within Wuhuan. After all, Qiu Liju's Cong Zi Tadun was already older than Lou Ban and more prestigious.

But it was Lou Ban who secretly led his troops southward for revenge, but was defeated and executed.

This caused Qiu Liju's tribe to suffer from injuries. Nanlou, Su Puyan, Wuyan and other tribes were ready to move, and it took some time to rectify.

After the reorganization, Wuhuan went south three times, but was beaten back by Zhang Liao.

Seeing losses one after another, this was no solution. Wuhuan also had to make a living. This had a certain impact on the prestige of several clan leaders.

Seeing that Xianbei was coming, Jushou used a plan to release some goodwill, and then conducted a border market to let Wuhuan get some benefits.

Through the border market, Youzhou also bought a large number of cattle, sheep and war horses.

The most important thing is that when the Eastern Xianbei tribes went south, Wuhuan, who had regained his strength a little, saw that there were big men in front to contain them, so they launched an attack from the side.

To say that earlier, Xianbei and Wuhuan were both Donghu who were bullied by the Xiongnu.

Now that Xianbei has become the master, he is also bullying Wuhuan. How could Wuhuan be willing to do so?

Why are the tribes of Eastern Xianbei always inconspicuous? After all, they have to fight Kebineng on the one hand and Wuhuan on the other.

It was probably after Wuhuan was defeated and conquered by Cao Cao that they became free and gradually emerged.

"No, so many troops have been mobilized from the front line. What will happen to the front line?" Zhang He was a little worried.

"I am announcing to the world that now that Xianbei is marching south, when the great enemy of the nation is at hand, we should work together to defeat the foreign enemy. Before the foreign enemy is repulsed, whoever launches a civil war without authorization will be regarded as a traitor and a traitor to our Chinese nation." Liu Bei replied.

"They may not care about this..." Zhang He felt that this was a bit childish.

"So most of the soldiers who went north are actually new soldiers, but the generals are veterans. The real elite soldiers are still on the front line. If they dare to fight here, they will be defeated once and for all!" Liu Bei said casually.

Not only must we defeat them, but we must also completely discredit them and make them lose the support of the people.

This is not a strategy that Liu Bei could come up with, and it is unlikely that Ju Shuo and Tian Feng would do it either. It is somewhat like Jia Xu's style, but too gentle.

"Brother, who came up with this plan?" Zhang He was a little confused.

"He is a counselor who has just become an official. Pang Tong, the son of the Pang family in Nanjun, is now serving as a military advisor in the army." Liu Bei replied.

As soon as the words were spoken, a young man with an undistinguished appearance in the army came out to signal.

"Commander Pang looks so young!" Zhang He exclaimed.

"No talent, Pang is only seventeen this year." Pang Tong replied, he was seventeen in disguise but sixteen in reality.

The Zhuge family has settled in Chang'an, and Zhuge Jin has passed the imperial examination and became an official.

Zhuge Liang did not go to Jingzhou, did not become a disciple of Pang De, and did not gain the respect of Sima Hui.

Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Infant did not appear, Pang Tong died and became a famous scholar in Jingzhou. He became a military advisor based on his true talent and practical knowledge.

It is rare that he is only 16 years old, which really makes people feel sad.

However, he went north to Chang'an the year before last and spent two years reading books in the library to consolidate his knowledge. Moreover, because of his humble appearance, he worked harder than ordinary people.

With extraordinary talents and extraordinary efforts, he has achieved more results in two years than he did in four or five years in previous years.

In the end, he took the initiative to serve as an official, and after passing the assessment, he served as a military advisor. The main reason was that Liu Bei wanted to fight in person, so he came forward to support and help with suggestions.

Compared with Ju Sue and Tian Feng who came forward to persuade him, he naturally got the opportunity to join the army, but Ju Sue and Tian Feng were retained.

Zhang He didn't know this, but he was a little emotional: I didn't expect that history had changed dramatically, and the Crouching Dragon and Phoenix were still used by Liu Bei!
 There was no peace when assassins were popular in ancient times, so special operations were very likely to be attacked by wealthy families in ancient times.

  The protagonist's situation is special, but under normal circumstances, if special forces were developed in ancient times, there is a high probability that decapitation operations would not be possible unless they could already surpass the wealthy families.

  Why do we play in modern times? The main reason is that everyone is playing, so there is nothing to worry about.

  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription!

(End of this chapter)

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