Chapter 407
After all, Liu Bei was benevolent and had no intention of killing everyone. After some consideration, he issued the "Kill Hu Order".

There are basically five core contents:
1. Any foreigner holding a weapon can be killed by the Han people.

2. Governments in various states and counties have the obligation to supervise and assist in the implementation of the decree.

3. Kill the barbarians and send their heads to the government, and you can get certain rewards.

The first three items can be said to be the original core content of killing Hu Ling, and the next two items are Liu Bei's benevolence and righteousness.

4. Hu people who take the initiative to lay down their weapons and surrender, and take the initiative to become naturalized, can also receive certain rewards if they are bound and sent to the government.

5. Hu people who have completed Chineseization will be issued good citizen cards. The holders of the cards are regarded as Han people and will not be affected by the "Kill Hu Order".

In terms of rewards, the amount of reward for capturing Hu people is higher than that for killing them.

In Liu Bei's view, barbarians who were hostile to the Han people would naturally be killed without mercy.

However, the Hu people who were friendly to the Han people and even showed no hostility would naturally give them the opportunity to accept Chineseization.

Zhang He agreed with this result and had no reason to object.

Regardless of whether it is left-leaning or right-leaning, it is essentially a position or position, and there is no right or wrong.

Just like belief, even if you convert others, it does not mean that you are right, it just means that you have changed other people's beliefs.

What is really worthy of being despised is the extreme left-leaning and the extreme right-leaning.

Zhang He does not belong to the extreme imperial-Han mentality, so he understands Liu Bei's benevolence and righteousness.

Besides, there are already a group of Chinese-Chinese Hu people, and they cannot be affected by the "Killing Hu People" just because of their Hu people's appearance.

The decree has been issued, but it will take some time for it to be truly implemented.

During this period, the rumor was first revealed, mainly to give those barbarians and barbarians a chance to surrender.

Secondly, good citizen plaques must be made and registered.

The Liangmin card is equivalent to the ID card of a naturalized Hu person, so naturally he must ensure that he is using it.

It is conceivable that if Liu Bei writes a decree and sends it back to Chang'an, it will be over here.

But when the decree arrives in Chang'an, the officials will probably be busy for a long time starting from the Chancellor's Desk.

During this period, Zhang He also completed his troops and led his troops to the north of the city, where they assembled.

Liu Bei's 5000 men stayed behind, and now he was standing on the city wall, looking ahead.

Having said that, the city was built like this in less than a month...

Liu Bei looked back and saw that this was already the prototype of a city, from the location of the yamen to the re-division of the streets.

Some adobe houses have even been built.

The real strength is the city wall. The northern section is already defensive.

Whether it is the height of the city wall or the construction of turrets and gates, these cannot be accomplished in such a short time.

But thinking that Zhang He was personally involved in the construction, I felt that everything was normal.

"Bu Dugen, you claim to be prairie warriors, do you dare to fight me?" As soon as he said that, in the battle formation on Zhang He's side, Zhang He came forward to invite a fight.

According to the arrangement, after him was Huang Zhong, then Xu Huang, and then Pang De.

The opponent has a lot of people. I wonder how many generals there are who can control so many soldiers?
If you can kill a few, then the subsequent fights will naturally be much easier.

Regardless of the fact that Xianbei is composed of tribes drawing troops from each tribe, the chiefs of small tribes are low-level officers, the chiefs of middle tribes are middle-level officers, and the chiefs of large tribes are not necessarily high-level officers.

Not just anyone can control an army of tens of thousands, and in order to facilitate dispatch and command, Bu Dugen will also send his own confidants to lead the army.

"Hey, don't be so arrogant as a Han dog. I, Tuoba Liwei, will come to meet you!" He also said that at the head of the enemy, the enemy generals would rush out of the position, and it was Tuoba Liwei, the young leader of the Tuoba tribe.

He didn't know what happened to his father, but since the Han people had occupied his clan's land, it was impossible for his relatives to still be alive.

Now that the other party is still yelling and scolding like this, he can't swallow it.

As a result, he suddenly came out, but Zhang He couldn't hold on with three moves, so he was picked and killed on the spot.

"Is this your Xianbei warrior? Nothing more than that!" Zhang He waved his spear with unfinished intent to shake off the remaining blood.

The time that Xianbei dominated the Han Dynasty may have been really long, so that many people felt that they were good at it.Faced with Zhang He's provocation, he was naturally very angry.

"Stop being so arrogant!" Another general came out. His name didn't matter anymore. After all, he was killed by Zhang He in less than five moves.

"You have the nerve to go south with this little ability?" Zhang He provoked.

Two more generals tried to break out, but were stopped by Bu Dugen.

He was not blind and could see that the general in front of him was extremely powerful.

If he continues to send people there, he will most likely die.

Forget about Tuoba Liwei, he was a young patriarch of a defeated tribe with few soldiers under his command.

The second one to go up was one of his cronies, helping him command tens of thousands of troops.

Since he died in battle, it was a question of who would command the tens of thousands of troops, let alone two more who died.

Obviously he also realized that the other party's purpose of challenging the war was naturally not stupid enough to continue sending people to die.

As a Khan, he is calmer than the average Xianbei.

The main thing is that he still remembers that once upon a time, Xianbei was just a vassal of the Han Dynasty.

The main leader, Tan Shihuai, once regretted that he could not take advantage of the big man's weakness to completely destroy him.

When the big man regains his composure, Xianbei is afraid that he will face another ordeal.

Tan Shihuai, a great hero of his generation, actually passed away with regrets. This is probably only known to relatives like Bu Dugen.

It is precisely because of this that Bu Dugen took advantage of the civil war in the Han Dynasty and planned to end Tan Shihuai's regret, also for the sake of Xianbei's future.

Zhang He's cancellation of the border market was just a trigger.

But I never thought that the Han's counterattack would be so fierce and the vanguard army would be defeated so quickly.

"Don't waste time with them. Our numbers are greater than theirs, and they don't have any cavalry. Just kill them!" Bu Dugen saw the second general looking at him in confusion and ordered immediately.

The second general is somewhat dissatisfied. After all, this is equivalent to admitting that his side is inferior to the other side.

But this was the Khan's order after all, so he immediately returned to his army and commanded the army to outflank him from the left and right sides.

"Shoot!" As soon as the enemy troops reached both sides, Wei Yi and Wu Yi gave the order, and the powerful crossbows were suddenly launched, and hundreds of enemy troops fell to the ground.

When Liu Bei came this time, he not only brought a lot of reinforcements, but also a lot of powerful crossbows and crossbow bolts.

It was precisely because of the abundant supplies that Zhang He dared to take the initiative to fight.

Just now, Zhang's repeating crossbow was pushed out, taking advantage of the chaos in the opponent's formation and the slight decrease in speed to quickly fire.

A crossbow with fifty arrows is more terrifying than Zhuge's serial crossbow. The power of the crossbow is reduced due to the projection, but the opponent also lacks iron armor and lacks defense.

When crossbow bolts fall into enemy positions, there are relatively few direct kills, but they also cause a large number of enemy soldiers to be injured.

In one encounter, the two enemy armies numbering over [-] people suffered at least [-] casualties.

A large number of friendly troops were killed, resulting in a significant weakening of the enemy's morale.

What was truly terrifying was the bodies of their companions, which directly hindered their progress.

When the battle formation became chaotic, Zhang He and Qian Zhao each led two thousand cavalry and charged towards the enemy's position.

In terms of speed, the cavalry under the two men were far superior to the Xianbei cavalry. They naturally tore a hole easily and tore the enemy troops on both sides into four halves.

At the same time, he quickly turned around, intending to further tear apart the enemy's position.

For a time, the enemy forces became polarized.The frightened tribesmen have led their troops to retreat in embarrassment.

The other part quickly adjusted their battle formation and divided into several groups to outflank the two cavalry...

 I went to bed early last night, and this happens occasionally, so I got up around 03:30, worked for a while, and immediately started coding.If you don’t code a chapter first, you can start coding now.

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(End of this chapter)

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