Three Kingdoms: Everything Can Be Gamified

Chapter 429 Recovering Qingzhou

Chapter 429 Recovering Qingzhou
To be honest, it was a coincidence. Zhang He was purely worried that Liu Chong would get in the way, so he asked his headquarters to stay on the outskirts of the mountain forest.

He only said that there might be enemy troops coming from behind and let them ambush here in advance.

Liu Chong didn't know whether he took it seriously or realized that he couldn't help much, so he stayed.

Who knew that Cao Jun really had an army, so he quietly came over. Naturally, this was not hidden from Liu Chong.

After receiving the report from his subordinates, he immediately killed them from behind.

Before the enemy troops could even reach Zhang He's troops, they were ambushed by Liu Chong.

"Haha, I didn't expect to see a big fish!" Liu Chong was very happy.

There are at least five thousand enemy troops in front of them, and their combat power seems to be weaker than our own troops.

In this mountain forest, the effect of the battle formation is not obvious. If the team fights, the general's command is dispensable.

In this way, the combat effectiveness of Liu Chong's troops will be brought into full play. After all, there will be no generals to command randomly.

The two brothers Zhong Jin and Zhong Shen were in charge of commanding Cao's army. They became captains due to their bravery.

I was ordered to ambush in Kaiyang County. I just got the order to ambush here.

Kaiyang was still some distance away from here. They had come over as soon as possible, but who knew that Liu Chong would ambush here first.

After entering the ambush circle, Liu Chong suddenly attacked, and they could only passively fight.

An ambush naturally has the advantage of an ambush, that is, bows and crossbows can be used, and thousands of arrows can be fired at once, killing and injuring many of their soldiers.

General Wei Yan glanced at Liu Chong, didn't care so much, and moved towards Zhong Jin to kill him.

Facing the cavalry in the mountain forest, Wei Yan dismounted and charged, and soon he came to Zhong Jin.

The latter is on horseback, although it is conspicuous, but it also becomes a target.

Just as he was shooting arrows, a large number of arrows and crossbows were shot in this direction.

If the two of them were not in the middle of the army and out of range, they would have become hedgehogs by now.

The two of them planned to dismount. One of the available weapons was the Xuanhua axe, and the other was the Fangtian painted halberd. It was even harder to use them when dismounting.

In desperation, he could only watch Wei Yan getting closer and closer, and then hastily fight.

Limited by the obstacles of the soldiers around them, they had little room to turn.

Wei Yan was different. He could roll to the side or even under the horse's belly. Taking advantage of the blind spot of the opponent's sight, he jumped up with a knife, grabbed Zhong Jin and stabbed him down.

As soon as Zhong Jin was pulled, he was stabbed suddenly in the lower back. Just as he was in pain, three more stabs were applied.

It is said that there is a protective mirror to protect the front, but not the back. Naturally, it will be impossible to die.

Zhong Shen came over and saw his brother killed in battle. He roared and rushed towards Wei Yan, but was killed by Wei Yan using similar techniques.

"That's all? Bah!" Looking at the Zhong brothers who died in battle, Wei Yan spat disdainfully.

The two generals were killed, and the soldiers below were naturally in a panic. Especially after the first round of arrows, their morale began to decline.

Seeing that they could not defeat him, some soldiers dropped their weapons and left quickly.

Veterans all have some experience. The purpose of discarding helmets and armor is not to increase running speed, but to let pursuers pick them up.

There are even some pursuers who will not chase the defeated army that has lost its combat effectiveness.

After all, even if this group of people were to become bandits, they would have no weapons to use, so they would just be refugees.

Not to mention the local county soldiers and county soldiers, even the rural policemen may be able to take care of them.

More people join in. After all, they only have one life. Unless they are family soldiers or clan soldiers, they may continue to resist for a while.

It was a complete collapse, and they were not stupid. Besides, they were not the kind of dead soldiers who didn't even care about their lives.

The five thousand enemy troops were defeated quickly, and even Liu Chong took advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of the fact that the enemy was about to be defeated, and personally joined the battle to fight for a while.

This is probably the first time he has taken the initiative to play, and it feels much better than directing from the center.

Killing enemies on the battlefield, making achievements, etc. are indeed a man's romance.

"General, why did you commit suicide yourself?" Liu Chong's sudden attack shocked Wei Yan, and he quickly escorted him over.

"The enemy is about to collapse. I will come over and rush to kill them to speed up their collapse." Liu Chong naturally had his reasons. "General Zhang is still fighting the enemy in front. Let's go to support!" "Here!" Wei Yan was obviously caught. This sophistry convinced me that supporting friendly forces was more important in the end, and I couldn't care less about it.

The army simply surrendered the prisoners, and most of the soldiers had followed Liu Chong and Wei Yan to support Zhang He.

Seeing an army coming from behind, Xia Houyuan originally wanted to complain about why these guys came now.

Until he saw that the people coming over were not the Zhong brothers, he immediately realized that something was wrong. Was he being double-teamed?

"Retreat, retreat!" If he continued to fight, he would definitely die, so Xia Houyuan immediately ordered a retreat.

I was also very unhappy. These enemy troops were cunning. They pretended to leave during the day and came back again at night.

Kill them back as soon as they come back, but there is another army ambushing them on the outside. Otherwise, they would be double-teamed by themselves now.

There is nothing wrong with the strategist's strategy, it can only be said that the other party is too smart.

"Where to run!" Seeing that Xia Houyuan was about to run, Zhang He and Wei Yan surrounded him on the left and right.

Xia Houyuan saw that Wei Yan was younger, so he naturally killed him in his direction.

After the actual battle, I discovered that Bu Zhan was actually on par with me.

Liu Bei occupies such a large territory, it is not surprising that he has so many powerful generals under his command.

General Si'an, which one is not a fierce general?But I never thought that an unknown red-faced man could have such strength.

The other party is still younger than himself. If he is given a few years to hone his martial arts skills, he may not even be his opponent.

But now was not the time to sigh. Xia Houyuan knew very well that if he failed to break through, he would really be doomed.

With the help of his own soldiers, he quickly made a forcible breakout.

I wanted to get on the horse, but the current situation was already crowded. The mountain forest had a lot of trees, and so many soldiers were crowded here. The guards wanted to send the horses over, but they were blocked at the back.

Seeing Zhang He chasing after him, Xia Houyuan knew that he might not be able to escape.

If you can't run away, you can't run away. Xia Houyuan plans to fight to the end, but he doesn't want to be defeated faster by Zhang He and Wei Yan.

In less than ten moves, Wei Yan had already slashed his foot.

Suddenly his left foot lost a little weight, and the man knelt down. Then Zhang He and Wei Yan stepped forward at the same time and pushed him to the ground.

After a while, soldiers came to take over and tied him up.

In order to prevent Xia Houyuan from biting his tongue and committing suicide, he had to use rags to block it.

As for this rag, I honestly don’t know where it came from.

Normally, when you really can't find rags, you might just take off the shoes of a missing soldier and stuff them in.

"Yeah, yeah!" He didn't know whether it was because the rag didn't taste good, or he was dissatisfied with being so humiliated, or maybe both. Xia Houyuan kept struggling, but unfortunately it didn't make any sense.

But this rope, the soldiers below were specially trained in the art of binding. The more they struggled with the rope, the tighter it became.

By the middle of the night, the fighting here was basically over.

With the rain, all the traces of the defeated soldiers were washed away, so naturally there was no way to pursue them. After all, this old forest was not safe in itself.

After a final count, we found that our five thousand soldiers had suffered thousands of casualties, with more casualties and fewer casualties.

The total number of seriously injured and killed was more than 300.

Tens of thousands of enemy troops were routed, [-] were killed directly, [-] were wounded, [-] were captured, and the remaining [-] fled.

Not long after, the army came out of the mountain smoothly, and then immediately headed towards Kaiyang County to kill.

Within three days, Kaiyang County took the initiative to surrender to Kaicheng.News came from the front line that Guan Yu successfully defeated Cao Ren in Jinan County, and the latter escaped by boat at night.

You don’t need to think about it to know that Qingzhou is about to be fully recovered.

Good news also came from Taishi Ci in the south. The army successfully crossed the Huaihe River and headed towards Lujiang County and Jiujiang County in two directions...

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(End of this chapter)

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