Chapter 44
"The sling is ready!" Liu Bei ordered, and the soldiers took out a tennis-ball-sized stone and put it into the sling.

The sling is not suitable for intensive use. After all, it needs to rely on wrist force and centrifugal force to hit the enemy. If there are people around during the rotation, it is easy to accidentally injure.

But if it cannot be used intensively, the effect will not be so good.

It's just that the sling also has a convenience, that is, it is much easier to train a sling than to train a crossbowman!
All of a sudden, a large number of pawns stepped forward, setting a distance, ready to throw stones at any time.

"Move forward slowly!" Liu Bei ordered, and the army began to push forward.

On the other side, Buji, who was attacking the city, naturally didn't see an army approaching but didn't realize it.

Just looking at the size of the opponent, I really don't care much.

Along the way, more than 20 Zhuangzi and more than a dozen cities have been broken, and the soldiers have gradually become elite.

I saw a lot of two or three thousand county soldiers. At first they were chased away by the county soldiers, but now they are chasing the county soldiers to run bravely. He didn't pay attention to the small group of officers and soldiers of 800 to [-] people.

"Zhou Sheng, you come and deal with them!" Bu Ji shouted at the general, and continued to supervise the siege.

It has been attacking since three days ago. As expected of a county government, Chen Liu is very difficult to fight.

If it were someone else, he would give up, but he knew very well that there must be a lot of armor and weapons in it, especially the bow and crossbow that he lacked.

Rather, if Chen Liu can't even fight, then even if he joins the army in the future, how can he attack Luoyang?

"Yes!" Zhou Sheng took the order, and immediately led [-] soldiers from the headquarters, left the team and killed them.

"The other party seems to underestimate us!" Liu Bei laughed when he heard this.

He also wished that the opponent would divide his forces and fight with tens of thousands of people at the same time, so naturally it would not be as easy as fighting with thousands of people separately.

If it was Xu He's kind of mess, it would be easier if there were too many people. After all, they would be more restrained when there was chaos, and they were suitable for fishing in troubled waters.

"However, as a bandit army, the opponent is indeed very special." Tai Shici said with emotion.

The formation of the opponent is relatively neat, the weapons have begun to be unified, and there are more soldiers in armor at the same time.

Even tattered leather armor is better than unlined clothing.

This is a bandit army that is gradually becoming regularized. It has started to become a professional soldier from rebellious civilians, and the generals are also constantly accumulating experience.

From another perspective, their army is also like this, gradually growing from a military layman to a professional soldier.

"Stones are ready, crossbowmen are ready!" Liu Bei shouted.

Tai Shici also calmed down and concentrated on commanding. The catapults 70 meters away were in charge, and the crossbowmen within 50 meters were in charge.

After one round, Zhang Fei's spearmen were in front, and under the cover of Zhang He and Tai Shici, Liu Bei advanced slowly.

Guan Yu was cruising around the periphery, ready to break the formation at any time.

It's just that the opponent's formation is very neat, and I'm afraid it's not easy to charge.

"Junhou, the other party seems to be shaking something..." The guard looked at Zhou Sheng, pointed to the front and reported to him.

Zhou Sheng was originally a county lieutenant, but was forced to surrender to the Yellow Turban, and because of his joining, Bu Ji gradually became a regular army.

The most direct change is the change in the establishment.

The original titles such as boss, leader, and Qu Shuai were gradually replaced by official titles.

Only Qu Shuai's title has not changed. After all, Bu Ji, who commands an army of [-], has not been officially named a general, so calling Qu Shuai is more appropriate.

"It's scattered like this, what power can it have, just lift up the wooden shield and approach it slowly!" Zhou Sheng shouted.

When the soldiers in the front row heard the words, they immediately raised their wooden shields, which were made of simple wooden boards, and even door panels were modified.

The defense might not be much, but it's better than no shields at all.

Especially the modified door panels, wooden shields similar to plate shields or tower shields, have a wider defense range than ordinary shields.

Seeing that the opponent entered the range of 70 meters, Zhang Fei gave an order, and the soldiers threw stones out one after another, then switched to the second row and started throwing...

This is Zhang He's suggestion. Since you can't throw intensively, then throw in multiple stages.

Prepare three, or even four, throws at a distance of 70 meters, or even 100 meters, and continue to harass the enemy.

If you're lucky, you might even kill one or two enemy soldiers.

"Bang bang bang..." A large number of stones fell on the enemy's position. After all, the stones were the size of tennis balls. Those shields transformed from door panels were smashed and cracked in one hit. They might be broken in two hits, let alone a third hit.

"When did throwing stones have such power?" Zhou Sheng obviously didn't expect that throwing stones would be played out of hand.

Normally speaking, soldiers are asked to throw stones. For soldiers who are hungry and malnourished, it is good to be able to throw 20 meters, but the power is not good.

In addition, there is no shortage of war bows and crossbows. No one has used stone throwing attacks for a long time, and even if they were used, they would be shot.

Using a large trebuchet, you don't need to be too fast to throw a large stone. It falls from a height of three or four meters, and normal people will die if they get hit.

The disadvantage is that it can only be built on the spot, and there is no way to move it at will. It can only be projected towards a fixed point, which is basically used for siege.

But the officers and soldiers in front of them, their throwing stones is a bit interesting, and they used some tricks to expand the range and power of the stone throwing.

Seeing that the headquarters has entered the range of 50 meters, the stone thrown by the opponent is naturally more powerful.

If they accidentally hit their own soldiers, some of them were smashed to the ground and fell to the ground.

Being hit on the arm, the fracture happened every minute, and if you were lucky, you would have to dislocate it.

But it doesn't matter, it's already within 50 meters...

"Rush!" Zhou Sheng waved the command flag in his hand violently, and waved it forward.

The officers below got the order and immediately commanded the soldiers to start charging.

It's just that they are not quite used to the command of Lingqi, and the formation is starting to be a little chaotic.

Seeing that the opponent entered within 50 meters, the catapult quickly retreated, picked up his spear and prepared to fight.

"Shoot!" The crossbowmen lined up. Under Tai Shici's order, the crossbowmen shot first. More than 200 crossbow bolts shot into the enemy's position. At least dozens of people fell to the ground and many more were injured.

The opponent's formation began to be affected, but the speed of attack did not change at all.

They are used to advancing under the rain of arrows, and perhaps they know better that it is easier to become the enemy's target if they stop.

It doesn't need to be too far, the opponent must retreat within ten meters, otherwise, if there is a battle, no number of crossbowmen will be enough to kill.

"Shoot!" The opponent entered the 20-meter range, Tai Shici gave an order, and the archers began to shoot arrows.

Give them more time, one aspect is the time needed to bend the bow and set the arrow, and the main reason is aiming.

It is better to say that there are too few archers, so it is necessary to shoot as accurately as possible to hit the enemy as much as possible.

Tai Shici was good at archery, and he taught archers all he could. If it wasn't for experience and accuracy, it would take a long time to train, and all his men might be true marksmen.

Even if it is like this now, it is still to shoot and kill the enemy as much as possible.

Because throwing stones smashed the shield, the crossbowman further increased the casualties, and it became much easier for the archer to target the enemy without a shield.

Dozens of people fell to the ground at once, Tai Shici was quite satisfied with the result.

He waved his hand, motioning for the archer to retreat.

On the contrary, it was a crossbowman who had changed into a sword and shield at this moment and became a sword and card player.

Of course, Tai Shici was on the flank, and Zhang Fei in the front was ready to fight.

It's just that it's not Zhang Fei's turn to dispatch at all, and Guan Yu has already aimed at the opportunity to kill all the way...

Relying on the gap that had already appeared in the battle formation, he rushed in quickly, raising his knife and dropping it, sweeping up a bloody storm every time.

The Qinglong Yanyue Knife in his hand at this moment was already forged by Zhang He with meteorite.

It's just that Zhang He obviously misremembered the weight of the Qinglong Yanyue Knife, and he made 82 catties into 84 catties. Fortunately, it was Han catties, and the conversion was only 42 catties, 21 kilograms.

For Guan Yu, whether he weighed 82 or 84 catties was not a big problem. He was already tall and strong enough, but he was too light to perform well.

But when he was about to reach the front of the formation and kill Zhou Sheng.

But a child jumped out and stopped in front of him: "Don't even think about hurting Father!"

 Before, I always remembered that the Qinglong Yanyue Knife was 84 catties, but someone corrected me and found out that it was 82 catties. It doesn’t matter, it’s okay, it’s just that the protagonist made a mistake. Anyway, he made it, so the Qinglong Yanyue Knife is 84 catties.

  The catapults of the Han Dynasty should have no wheels to move, and they were all fixed throws.The thunderbolt chariot made by Liu Ye is movable with wheels, not to mention it is used for siege, and it will not affect the performance of the army when used in battle.

  Of course, I am just a writer who has become a monk halfway through, and I am not specialized in studying history. If I am wrong, you can correct me, and I will accept it humbly.

  However, for the sake of artistry, please don't complain about the behavior of putting some romances and your own settings into it. After all, I am really not writing a historical biography, and there is really no need to follow everything according to history.

  The third round of recommendation is coming, thank you for your help all the time, and I hope you will continue to work hard.

  How should I put it, after all, there are many recommended rounds, so I naturally have to continue writing, so that the number of free words will be more, right?Good for you and good for me.

  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for follow-up reading!

(End of this chapter)

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