Chapter 440 Departure
Zhang He served as the governor of Bingzhou for many years, making this place stable, making it rich, and making the people here happy.

Everyone is thinking of his kindness. Normally, if Zhang He is to be promoted, everyone will send him gifts, such as the Wanmin Umbrella.

But Zhang He wanted to go on an expedition outside the territory, so he gave up all his positions except Dingxiang Marquis.

Thinking that they might never see Zhang He again, everyone felt uncomfortable and wanted to do something for him.

He took out the money and supplies at home, just hoping that Zhang He would be able to eat well during the expedition.

If the family had any extra heirs, they would send them to the army, hoping to fight for Zhang He on the battlefield.

Even if that doesn't work, you can help transport supplies.

Some people even think that since there is an expedition, it is not good for all men. Women from outside the region are not as smart as the Han people, so they send girls of the right age from home to join the team.

He just said that in the future, if you find a good man in the army to marry, you don’t need a betrothal gift.

Besides, this young man in the army has no women and no family, so how can he concentrate on conquering for Zhang He?

This is only Bingzhou, other states have received news, and there may be people coming from Liangzhou, Jizhou and Youzhou.

No one comes from other states?Of course that's impossible!

In this world, there is never a shortage of people who speculate or have the courage to fight.

Expeditions outside the territory are indeed accompanied by many risks, but once successful, it will be unimaginable wealth.

For ordinary people, even some poor families, this is an opportunity to change their destiny.

"Enough, enough!" Zhang He had to step forward and even ordered people to stop the people coming from all directions.

It is impossible for him to bring 10,000+ or ​​hundreds of thousands of people there in a grand manner. This would be outrageous.

For those who don’t know, they thought they were poaching the big man. Although he was indeed poaching, to this extent it was a bit too much.

When the time came to 197 AD, Zhang He decided to go on an expedition outside the territory, and the number of people following him exceeded [-].

Coupled with the soldiers and baggage, nearly [-] troops marched towards Liangzhou in a mighty manner.

In less than three days, the army arrived in Chang'an. For many people, this was simply unbelievable.

Zhang He also couldn't believe it. It turned out that the gamification of marching did not have the concept of an upper limit on the number of people.

Strictly speaking, there is, that is, the more time is wasted dealing with things, the faster morale will decline.

Fortunately, failure of the game will not set back the path already traveled.

However, the amount of physical energy that should have been consumed will be consumed, and there is no way to reduce it.

In other words, the moment the game fails, fatigue will surge up in one breath, and many people will probably faint from exhaustion.

But the time wasted in dealing with emergencies cannot be reversed.

"Dadao, your team is too big!" After passing Chang'an, Liu Bei came out to check in person.

"Big brother doesn't know. This is the result of streamlining. If we don't stop it, the number of people may exceed 50." Zhang He said helplessly. The people were so enthusiastic that he was afraid of it.

They really brought 50 people there, which looked huge, but the food they consumed every day was astronomical.

By then, even if we lose food to the enemy, we will probably have to continue looting, leaving no room for rest.

"Haha, if you really think about it, the people of Hebei will all be grateful for Dadao's kindness." Liu Bei thought for a while and smiled.

Just the improvement of wheat, chicken and duck varieties has already resulted in countless lives in Hebei.

I don’t know how many people in Liangzhou and Guanzhong survived because of this, did not starve to death, and even had meat to eat occasionally.

The total of these people, 50 is indeed not an exaggeration, and there are also many opportunistic guys who plan to take a chance on their future.

Zhang He can reduce the number to less than [-], which is already considered very good.

It is estimated that when I go to Liangzhou later, there will be a group of people who want to join the army.

"Are there enough supplies?" Liu Bei was a little worried. After all, so many people consume a lot of supplies every day.

"At present, the supplies are enough for half a year, and the rest will be replenished on the way. There is also a batch of supplies that have been stored in Liangzhou in advance. This way, going directly to get them can save a lot of trouble." Zhang He replied.

After all, the main business of the Zhang Chamber of Commerce is animal husbandry, and a large number of horses have to be transported from Liangzhou.

Naturally, a large number of horses are also placed here, and they will be carried together when the time comes.

You can even equip some carriages so that some women can relax.Fortunately, there were no old people or children in the team.

However, if during the march, a young man and woman fall in love and get married, there will be an extra batch of children in the team next year.

"Half a year is not enough..." Liu Bei still felt that the supplies at this stage were not enough. After all, he wanted to go on an expedition outside the territory.

Especially according to the route planned by Zhang He, I am afraid it will take more than half a year.

Cooperating with the attack and detention during the period, there will be no shortage of supplies for one year.

So they immediately sent people to deliver enough supplies for 10 people for half a year.

Anyway, the imperial court currently has no campaign plan, and last year's autumn harvest was a bumper harvest in various places, so there was no shortage of food and materials.

"Brother, this is unreasonable..." Zhang He said quickly.

Now he wants to take official supplies for his personal use.

These supplies are not from internal funds, but from the national treasury, which is equivalent to public tools for private use.

"I am the emperor after all. It's okay to be willful sometimes!" Liu Bei showed the emperor's temper.

Once you say this, you can't take it back. After all, Jun Wuxiyan was just messing around.

"This is nothing, just treat it as an investment for His Highness. Anyway, after a few years of bordering, the imperial court will still take back His Highness's kingdom." Jushou stepped forward.

Taking this into consideration, it would be okay to give Zhang He more supplies.

With sufficient supplies, Zhang He could safely expand his territory.

When the time comes for the imperial court to attack, the territory bordering Zhang He's kingdom will be larger and richer.

Of course, this is also very risky, but at that time, I still have to decide whether I am alive or not, leaving it to future generations to have a headache!

Even if the imperial court didn't attack there by then, as long as there was such a big force there, China would still go out.

Probably subsequent emperors did not dare to neglect the development of military and political affairs, and local wealthy families did not dare to engage in internal fighting.

At least no one dares to be lazy until the kingdom is completely taken over or even destroyed.

From another perspective, this has a very positive significance for the healthy development of the imperial court.

Based on this consideration, this is also the reason why he would agree to be crowned king outside the territory.

Of course, all these are excuses, the core is to help Liu Bei deal with the aftermath...

"Can this thing be stolen?" Zhang He was a little surprised.

"Since the founding of the Han Dynasty, this is the first time that a foreign king has been granted a kingship. Naturally, we should pay more attention to it." Jushou said seriously.

I have to say that with his face, he looks more and more like a politician.

However, Zhang He felt relieved and took over the supplies, and then the army continued to move forward. In less than three days, they arrived at Wuwei County and took over tens of thousands of horses.

Of course, not all of them are war horses. There are slightly inferior rhinoceros horses, which can at least be used for walking and pulling carts.

There are also many mares and foals that are gradually bred and bred on the road.

Even after the mare gives birth, she can provide the team with some mare's milk.

As for whether Zou Yu has any other plans, Zhang He thinks that there should be some. They just plan to cultivate some better horse breeds during the march.

After all, BMW has been a very valuable hard currency at all times and in all countries.

The problem is that what Zhang He needs now is to speed up the march, rather than allocating energy to do other things.

The main reason is that gamification can only target one thing, and cannot gamify several things at the same time.

The army entered the Western Region. According to the original plan, they were to capture this place and reopen the Western Region Protectorate.

Later, I thought that since this was a thankless task, I might as well leave it to the court, so I just passed by.

But even if they were just passing by, the nearly [-] troops made the countries in the Western Regions tremble with fear.

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(End of this chapter)

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