Three Kingdoms: Everything Can Be Gamified

Chapter 460: War equipment shows its power in foreign lands

Chapter 460: War equipment shows its power in foreign lands
"His Royal Highness, King Xia, do you need our support?" Ardashir happened to come over, mainly regarding the issue of food supply, and planned to discuss it with Zhang He.

The impact of the war on the local area was still great. Even if he successfully captured Mulu City before summer, this year's autumn harvest would still be reduced due to the war.

There wasn't enough here, so we had to come over to Zhang He's side. After all, he had captured quite a lot along the way.

He only needs to give himself a month's military rations, and he can lead his people to get supplies from the south, or even Kushan.

Ardashir has great ambitions, and if he cannot go west, he will go east. The emperor of Kushan died in battle, and the young emperor disobeyed the crowd. Now the country is in chaos.

This is really a good opportunity to take advantage of it. If you don't want to eat Kushan, at least you want a piece of meat.

As soon as the results came, Apameia City sent troops, and Aldashir naturally would not miss this opportunity to perform.

"It's not necessary. If there are only 5 people, but if there are 10 people, you may need to come over and clean up the mess." Zhang He said casually, "After more than two months of rest, our soldiers have fully recovered their physical strength. .”

When Zhang He said that, Ardashir remembered that this army came here from the distant Han Dynasty and traveled thousands of miles.

The marching speed along the way was still so terrifying. If he had brought so many people with him, it would be great to reach Lan City before autumn.

After all, there are not many cavalry in the team, most of them are infantry, and there are also a large number of civilians.

Later, there were also a large number of people, craftsmen and prisoners from various places who surrendered.

Normally, these will further slow down the marching speed.

But these Han people still maintained a marching speed of more than 100 miles a day, which seemed incredible to Aldashir.

To say that I am not tired at all would be a lie, especially since this is a completely new environment.

Not only the physical fatigue, but also the mental fatigue is more serious.

Aldashir believes that this is most likely the reason why Zhang He established his country here in advance.

Now two months have passed, and after experiencing rest and founding the country, the mentality of the people below is also different.

In the past, it was just about removing obstacles on the way forward, but now it has an additional meaning, which is to protect one's home.

Zhang He didn't know what Aldashir was thinking. If he knew, he would tell him: "Yes, the Chinese people who protect their homeland are the most terrifying existences!"

"The food you need... is just right. Someone has brought it to you. Wait a day or two and we will get it done as soon as possible." After Zhang He finished speaking, he motioned for the army to go to battle.

Everyone is already a mature general, so there is no need for him to take command from the center.

Now he can be a king with peace of mind and build his kingdom better with the help of officials.

I have more free time, and I have the conditions to do other things, such as raising camels.

Zhang He even brought the species he cultivated here for reproduction.

In the future, cross-breeding of native species may be carried out to adapt them to the local environment.

As for the European Large White pigs and Landrace pigs, Zhang He has been coveting them for a long time. If he crosses them with the black pigs he has bred, the final result of the breeding will definitely be excellent.

Ardashir followed Zhang He, and the two came to the city wall and looked at the two armies that had been lined up below.

Judging from the soldiers, Zhang He's side is only one-third of the opponent's.

Horses and camels, not to mention, are less than half as powerful as each other.

Considering that with his own help, Zhang Hebu had repelled the reinforcements from Mulu City before, it can be seen that the number of people is not very important.

Ardashir was very interested in how the Han people's combat effectiveness was when they were at their peak.

This may serve as the basis for his attitude towards Xia Guo in the future.

Of course, you have to prepare for the worst and run away at any time.

So he missed the scene of war weapons being carried out. After all, he was considering sending the war horses under the city wall so that he could ride away immediately if necessary.

When he turned back, he found that there were a lot of extra equipment in front of the battle formation.

These instruments were not available before, at least I have not seen these Han people using them.

"What are these?" He asked without knowing, and Aldashir immediately asked Zhang He. "I won't say what the war equipment is specifically. Anyway, just look at it." Zhang He said casually.

"It seems that there was no such thing before..." Ardashir couldn't help but ask.

"Of course not. Many of them were built in the past two months and took me about ten days." Zhang He replied.

With so many war equipment, you told me that it was only used for ten days?

Although Ardashir didn't know much about instruments, he also knew that these complicated structures would take a lot of time to do carpentry, let alone assemble.

To complete it in ten days, at least hundreds of craftsmen must work together.

In fact, it is not that there are no craftsmen involved. The low-end carpentry is outsourced, otherwise it would take about five days.

Zhang He's production speed is not comparable to that of ordinary people. After all, others have different proficiency levels, but he only needs to complete the game.

This process is very boring, but as long as you follow the standard process, you can perfectly produce a war machine.

Even the more you play and the higher your proficiency, the higher the probability of completing the level perfectly.

When you are tired, others must rest, eat, and possibly digest food.

He only needs to sit down casually for 10 minutes and gamify it, and he can last three to four hours.

If you want to sleep, rest for about ten minutes and you will be full of energy.

Even if you eat, you can finish it as quickly as possible without even needing to digest it.

Rather, watching Zhang He eat is even a kind of enjoyment.

After all, it feels very sweet and has an inexplicable rhythm.

If it weren't for the inability to learn, it might become a trend.

At such a fast speed, it is very easy to do anything, and the speed is beyond expectations.

Just now, Zhang's company has prepared more than 50 crossbows and made a lot of crossbow arrows.

Of course, the arrowheads are made in batches of molds. Thousands of people are outsourced to help make the arrow body, and hundreds of craftsmen are finally required to glue the arrow feathers on.

Otherwise, Zhang and himself would not be able to build so many special crossbow arrows in one go.

Speaking of which, facing the enemy's vanguard charge, the one who counterattacked them was Zhang's repeating crossbow.

A large number of crossbow arrows were shot out in an overwhelming manner, and the opponent was also stunned by the shots. Before he could stop, the arrows were already raining in his face.

Naturally, there were thousands of casualties, and the number of casualties was about three thousand...

At the same time, the heavy catapults began to throw, but what flew out was not stone bombs, but gasoline bombs!
The thing was in mid-air, and the gunpowder inside exploded, destroying the jar and spilling gasoline mixed with white phosphorus.

The principle is very simple, just a jar with gasoline on top and gunpowder on the bottom layer.

Light the fuse and throw the jar out at the same time. Normally, when it flies into the air and is about to fall, the fuse will burn out and then detonate the gunpowder.

The explosion of gunpowder caused the jar to fall into pieces, and sparks appeared as gasoline bombs, and then splashed down.

It was a large sheet of flame that stuck to the enemy's body with the help of white phosphorus, burning not only the skin and flesh, but also the bones.

"Evil God, this is the weapon of the Evil God!" the leading general shouted, his voice trembling, obviously he was afraid.

More than 20 catapults were thrown wildly, and a large amount of flames fell from the sky. The enemy troops were frantically trying to escape from the area, but with so many people arrayed here, the friendly forces became an obstacle to their escape.

Then the bed crossbow began to lift up. After raising the base, it launched at a 45-degree angle, causing further damage.

Seeing that there was no close combat yet, the opponent had already suffered such terrible casualties, and Aldashir was so surprised that he could not open his mouth from ear to ear...

 The crushing of civilization!

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(End of this chapter)

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