Three Kingdoms: Everything Can Be Gamified

Chapter 467 Gold, Silver and Currency Reform

Chapter 467 Gold, Silver and Currency Reform

Guan Yu did not have the humanitarian spirit of Zhang He. In his opinion, if such a short man of three or four feet became Han people, wouldn't it bring down the height of the Han people after a few years?

I didn't see that the Chinese people who had intermarryed with the local Japanese people had all dropped to four or five feet in height, and the shortest was even only three feet.

The nobles intermarry, so they can still maintain that height.

On the contrary, through them, the situation before and after intermarriage can be compared.

Thinking that the average height of China would be lowered by these Japanese, Guan Yu thought for a while and wrote to Liu Bei, stating his interests and harms, hoping that these local Japanese could be humanely destroyed.

More than ten days later, Liu Bei received a reply. This was thanks to the fact that the waterway had matured. Otherwise, the letter might not have come within a month.

"That's right!" Liu Bei's reply only had two words, but these two words were so cruel.

Therefore, we don’t know how long the eradication operation against the indigenous Japanese will continue from now on.

The only thing that is certain is that unless someone wants to raise thieves to respect themselves, Japanese protected areas/inhabitants will not be possible.

During that time, the Chinese Japanese were terrified, fearing that the butcher's knife would fall on their heads.

Everyone is actively learning Chinese, especially those who are three or four feet tall. They are afraid that if they speak slower, the other party will treat them as natives and kill them.

In fact, for this group of people, Guan Yu's idea was to simply kill them, because they were too short.

However, Liu Chong felt that they were descendants of China after all, and since their numbers were small, they would not have much influence.

The main reason is that I am worried that if I can kill three or four feet today, I will be able to kill five or six feet the day after tomorrow. If I continue killing like this, it will only be endless.

Necessary killing does not matter, but basic benevolence and righteousness must be retained, otherwise humanity will be gone.

"So, before you come back, how many Japanese will there be over there? I mean, the original Japanese." Liu Bei looked at Guan Yu. After autumn, Guan Yu returned to Chang'an.

The main reason is that there are so many billions of things that need to be moved back.

He wouldn't worry if someone else came to escort him, but before he could bring it back, [-]% to [-]% of it would be lost on the road.

Having said that, even if the float is less than [-]%, the amount is still astonishing.

The civil servants have been completely busy and crazy. They are very happy. Such a large number also has many negative effects on the big man.

"Supposedly there are no such Japanese people on the so-called Kyushu Island." Guan Yu replied.

They fought all the way from the north to the south, killing all the messy tribes.

Bleeding and drifting is probably not enough, after all, the population base is not at that level.

But if there are corpses everywhere, there won't be any for now. The population base of that height is still not enough.

To sum it up, a little over [-] million people were killed.

"The killing was a bit harsh..." Liu Bei sighed, but did not blame him.

After all, if he is not a Chinese citizen, he has no need to sympathize with him.

But even if it is a foreign race, there are of course three, six or nine levels.

Those who have been attached to the Han for a long time, or whose habits are similar to those of the Han, can still be given basic humane care, focusing on appeasement and Chineseization.

For example, Wuxi Barbarians, Banchen Barbarians, Shanyue Barbarians, Nanzhong Barbarians, etc.

This is not the Chinese civilization circle. Those who are not familiar with or even have a hostile relationship with China, such as the Qiang people in Qinghai and the Xianbei people in the north, basically focus on extermination, supplemented by recruitment and sinicization.

Although those foreign races are not close to China, they have been influenced by Chinese civilization to some extent, and the nobles can even speak Chinese.

Based on this consideration, Liu Bei allowed the recruitment and Chineseization of these foreign races.

As for the native Japanese, they are not familiar with the Han Dynasty and are not a nationality themselves, so they will be killed as long as they are killed.

"The harvest is also very rich. Those guys have a lot of collections. The reason why I came back a little late is mainly to simply refine it. Even so, it still takes about three times to transport it back." Guan Yu sighed with emotion.

It's really shocking. There is too much gold, silver and copper on Kyushu Island, and there are many open-pit gold and silver mines, which are very easy to mine.

The Japanese country did not have its own financial system, so gold and silver were only used as precious metals to be made into some jewelry, gold and silverware and so on.

In terms of smelting technology, only civilizations dominated by Yamatai have it, and the technology is not very high.

They are basically smelting and forging techniques from the pre-Qin era. Over 400 years have passed, but the technology has regressed.

Later, Liu Chong searched for documents and found out that the craftsman who was good at forging had died on the road.The people over there are completely groping for smelting, and now they can figure out some primitive techniques, which is pretty good.

"With so many gold, silver and copper reserves, the currency reform proposed by Dadao can almost begin." Liu Bei breathed a sigh of relief.

In the Han Dynasty, only five baht coins were legal tender. It didn't matter before, but after the population increased, the problem of copper shortage became prominent.

In particular, many people like to reserve money, which further reduces the circulation of money in the market.

In some remote places, bartering has even begun. This is not a situation that should occur in a civilized country.

Especially for bulk goods, it is impossible for big businessmen to carry so many five-baht coins.

So they negotiated privately to use gold cakes as the unit of settlement.

The problem is that this thing has no official certification, and the quality cannot be guaranteed. Even if there is a problem, the government does not know how to deal with it.

But if currency reform is to be carried out, the current gold, silver and copper reserves of the Han Dynasty obviously cannot support it.

Zhang He had raised this issue a long time ago, but it has not yet been implemented, or even prepared...

"Those civil servants were so panicked, they obviously realized that the currency reform was about to begin." Guan Yu said with a smile.

With so much gold, silver, and copper, it is impossible to say that all of them are saved, or all of them are made into gold and silver utensils, or jewelry.

The market can’t consume that much, and it’s a pure waste if you don’t have to go out.

The core scribes were naturally aware of the proposal for currency reform, so they had the foresight to make preparations.

In case Liu Bei really brought it up, everyone would be caught off guard.

"Actually, there's no rush for this. It won't be gradually popularized in four or five years." Liu Bei shook his head. "I heard that there is more gold, silver, copper and a lot of sulfur on Honshu Island. Compared with gold, silver, copper, and sulfur, ours The edges are even missing..."

After all, black powder has appeared, and subsequent research requires more sulfur. Saltpeter can be collected near the toilet.

"Of course there is no problem with this, but we need manpower. Especially there are too many Japanese people over there, so we need a certain number of immigrants." Guan Yu said.

Simply relying on a small number of civil servants to monitor and restrain them, without the Han people diluting it, would simply help the Japanese progress.

According to Guan Yu's wishes, at least half of the Japanese will be sent back, and they are all nobles from their side.

Then replace half of the Han people, or even more in the past, through marriage or other methods, and gradually complete the Chineseization.

In this way, we can ensure that that side becomes the land of the Han Dynasty.

"There is a shortage of immigrants everywhere, but there are still solutions..." Liu Bei thought for a while.

The final solution was to send some of the Xianbei, Shanyue, Barbarians and Wuhuan people there, and send back most of the Japanese.

Several ethnic groups restricted each other, diluted each other, and finally became completely naturalized.

It happens that many foreign races have been subdued, but before they are completely Chineseized, whether it is centralized processing or decentralized processing, it will be a trouble.

It is better to send it to the Japanese country. Even if there is a problem, there will be no trouble across the sea.

Not only the Japanese country, but also the Han Dynasty itself could do this, just divide several areas for them to live in.

Guan Yu didn't care, he could solve the problem anyway, and at the same time, it would be good if he didn't make things easier for the Japanese.

Things have come to an end here, and everything is moving in a good direction.

But Liu Bei missed Zhang He a little. After all, the big man had developed so far that everything seemed to have his traces.

It is the great loss of the Han Dynasty that such a talented person with both civil and military skills cannot stay.

I don’t know how Zhang He is doing in a foreign land after almost a year has passed...

"Hello!" Zhang He, who was far away in Taixi, sneezed unexpectedly.

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(End of this chapter)

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