Chapter 57
Zhang He, a master of military art of the younger generation, was fortunate to become a celebrity in this era, and this change even caught him off guard.

Even if it has been thought of, if the book is handed over to Lu Zhi, the latter will definitely publicize it in the circle.

After all, introducing and promoting one's students to people in the circle is also one of the duties of a teacher these days.

Zhang He is not Lu Zhi's student, but through Liu Bei's relationship, he can't refuse Lu Zhi's help in publicity.

What I didn't expect was that I could get an assist from Emperor Han and become a celebrity all of a sudden, which was very surprising.

"Haha, Da Dao, if you hadn't joined the army, I'm afraid that the three princes and nine ministers would have to conscript you." Zhang Fei laughed.

I really didn't expect that Zhang He was the first to make a difference in this generation of Zhang family.

If you become a celebrity, you will have a ticket to become an official. After a year or two, you will be filial and honest, that would be perfect!
"No, I'm not the only one who has become famous." Zhang He said modestly.

The four who followed the book naturally gained a wave of fame, not to mention two of them were Zheng Xuan's disciples.

Some people in the circle even believed that the success of this book was thanks to the help of these two people in polishing it.

As for Wang Xiu and Jian Yong, first of all their background and fame, most people think they are just making up the numbers.

Even so, the names of the two of them have already appeared in the circle of scholars.

It only needs to show some achievements, then it will only be a matter of time before he truly becomes a celebrity.

"Da Dao, why don't you come to be the long history of the Hejian Kingdom?" Liu Bei teased.

"Brother, it's not like I don't know about my ink." Zhang He couldn't laugh or cry, "If you are qualified, you have to be Zi Ni or Gong You!"

This is not nonsense, if you want to say that the ones with the richest literary skills have to be Guoyuan and Sun Qian, even Wang Xiu is almost there.

As for Jian Yong, it is doubtful whether this guy can concentrate on handling government affairs and paperwork.

"Xianhe, it's all right for you to continue to be the chief secretary of the army?" Liu Bei looked at Jian Yong.

"No problem!" Jian Yong responded, at least he has gotten used to the military affairs, and he has to learn from the beginning about the government affairs.

Besides, Liu Bei started his career by governing the army and fighting. The focus should be on the army, not on government affairs.

"Zini is the long history, Gongyou is the master, and Shuzhi is the meritorious officer." Liu Bei waved his hand.

Now that Liu Bei is the prime minister of Hejian, it is normal to appoint his cronies as officials.

"Wei!" The three responded, and it was obvious that they were all very happy.

Unexpectedly, the three of them were still white, and less than three months after voting for Liu Bei, they would have jobs one after another and earned a wave of fame.

Fortunately, I became a small official for three to five years, and then transferred to Xiaolian, and officially entered the official career.

Of course, from this moment on, they can also be regarded as Liu Bei's old officials, and they can be regarded as members of this faction.

Normally speaking, Liu Bei would not hold people down. The more students and old officials there are, the more stable he can stand in the court.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the world continues to be stable...

Arriving at the Prime Minister's Office, the handover was completed. From this moment on, Liu Bei became the Prime Minister of the Hejian State, in charge of the military and political power of the county.

Liu Kai, the king of Hejian, has only been in office for four years, but he doesn't like to cause trouble.

I heard that Liu Bei was appointed Prime Minister, and he was still a clan relative, so he asked someone to send a batch of gifts, that's all.

The county kings have great restrictions. Normally, they cannot interfere with government affairs, and they cannot even leave the feudal country easily.

The huge closed country is like a huge prison to them.

But compared to the vassal kings of the Ming Dynasty, it is much better.

Liu Kai didn't take the initiative to contact Liu Bei, and Liu Bei didn't take the initiative to contact Liu Bei. Both of them seemed to maintain a certain tacit understanding.

But there are some things that Liu Bei has to face, such as the Hejian Kingdom, which is riddled with holes, ten rooms and nine empty...

"The current situation in Hejian, what do you think should be done?" Liu Bei had no idea, he didn't understand politics at all, so he could only call all the civil servants to ask, and of course there were four righteous brothers.

"Guo Xiang, for the current plan, it is natural to preside over the work of the autumn harvest, and the rest is not too urgent." Guo Yuan stepped forward.

Hejian Kingdom looks dilapidated, but it is much better than Julu and Weijun.

As the scattered thieves were defeated, the local aristocratic families also began to replant. As long as the autumn harvest is guaranteed to be smooth, then the only way to survive is to reduce production.

Compared to Julu County, this year's harvest is going to end...

"Brother, there are still some scattered thieves in the area. We should send troops to maintain law and order. Curfews should be enforced in various places until law and order are restored." Zhang He also came forward to propose.

Maslow divided human needs into five levels, the first level is physiological needs, and the second level is safety needs.

In Zhang He's view, in terms of China's actual situation, security needs are at the top of the list instead.

After all, when everyone is poor, anyone who eats an extra bite may be in danger.

If safety issues are not met, then physiological requirements are also difficult to be met.

Regardless of the fact that the main force of the Yellow Turbans has been defeated, the three brothers of the Zhang family have been put to death, a large number of scattered Yellow Turbans are wandering around and making trouble, Xiao Xiaoxiao in various counties and townships took the opportunity to cause trouble.

If this problem is not resolved, it will be difficult for the economy and people's livelihood to recover.

"That makes sense!" Liu Bei nodded.

I have never had any contact with the actual government affairs, but after all in Zhuo County, I helped Gongsun Zan deal with many problems.

Naturally, he is aware of the impact of those rangers, Xiaoxiao not restricting them, on the local area.

After a little thought, he immediately announced: "All counties are ordered to implement curfews, and Yide and Yunchang will lead the army to attack the rogues!"

"Here!" Guan Yu and Zhang Fei took orders immediately.

"Ziyi, you and Da Dao go to take over the army of the county, and streamline it by the way, and don't accept any unqualified ones." Liu Bei immediately ordered.

"Here!" The two responded one after another.On the contrary, Zhang He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and it would be best not to let him handle government affairs.

Next, there must be discussions for nearly two hours on how to resettle the refugees, protect the autumn harvest, and how to prepare materials to protect against the cold in winter.

Zhang Fei was yawning continuously, while Guan Yu closed his eyes and rested his mind, wondering if he fell asleep.

Tai Shici listened with great interest, but Zhang He was forced to say a few words from time to time, mainly because Liu Bei would take the initiative to ask questions.

The more they asked questions, the more Liu Bei and others discovered that Zhang He's knowledge was very complicated.

It seems to know everything, but nothing is systematic.

Some ideas, even in their opinion, are simply whimsical, even bold.

In the end, even Sun Qian and Guoyuan could not help feeling: If Zhang He had had a good teacher since he was a child, he would be a great Confucianist now.

After all, the meeting was over, and the last thing was that Liu Bei sent Bian Bing back to Zhuo County to take over his family.

After everyone settles down, they may be here for the next two or three years, and they should also bring their families over to enjoy the blessings.

As for the house, I also asked someone to characterize it, whether to buy it or not, at least I rented one and had a place to stay.

Liu Bei was the most relaxed. In the government office of the Prime Minister of the country, the front is the yamen and the back is the back house.

"Third brother, why don't we go to the county barracks first?" Leaving the yamen, seeing that it was still early, Zhang He proposed.

"That's good!" Tai Shici nodded. After all, this county's national soldiers should take over as soon as possible, otherwise changes will happen later.

When I came to the army, I found that there were at least [-] county soldiers here, but it can also be said that good and bad are mixed.

Many of them responded to the recruitment of the prefecture and state to join the army because of the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

He said he was a soldier, but he was a quack.

The two entered the barracks, took out their talisman cards, and quickly took over the barracks under the suppression of the soldiers under their command.

"What? Your name is Zhang He?" Zhang He came to one of the military lords, "What a coincidence, my name is Zhang He. Our names are so similar, we should get closer in the future!"

 Since he is Prime Minister of Hejian, I don't know if anyone has guessed that Zhang Xi is from Hejian County.

  He was recruited into the army during the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and was not reused until Han Fu came to power. Now he should still be in the national army of Hejian County.

  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for follow-up reading!

(End of this chapter)

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