Three Kingdoms: Everything Can Be Gamified

Chapter 60 Difficult Eating (for further reading)

Chapter 60 Difficult Eating (for further reading)
The warm courtyard, my own dormitory, the joy of reuniting after a long absence, the mutual attraction of hormones.

Accompanied by the thunderstorm of nature, the chaos of the place, two hearts fused into one...

"You know, we haven't seen each other for a long time." Zhang He whispered.

"It's okay, the slave family misses the Patriarch too much too..." Bian Linglong responded in a low voice, but the other places were not idle at all.

During Zhang He's battle, she found out that she was not pregnant. She was very desperate at the time.

After all, as long as you go to the battlefield, there is absolutely no possibility of returning safely.

If there is a child, at least she has something to think about, otherwise she may even be resold by the Zhang family.

Fortunately, everything went well in the past six months. Liu Bei became the Prime Minister of Hejian, and Zhang He was the Marquis of the Army.

Even his stupid younger brother Bian Bing served in the army as a member of the army.

However, if she wanted everything to be guaranteed, Bian Linglong wanted to have a child, not to mention that she was not young either.

Zhang He once vowed that some things cannot be gamified, otherwise the original fun will be lost.

But when things come to an end, it turns out that gamification is not a bad thing.

As expected, it is naturally an indescribable game type, and it becomes a purely winning game on easy difficulty.

Basically, on the basis of ensuring that you are not "defeated", use various methods to "defeat" your opponent more times.

One head-on defeat counts as clearance, the more defeats, the higher the natural evaluation.

It's just normal difficulty, and it's only 20 experience points if you die.

From the moment the game started, Zhang He was no longer enjoying, but completing the task.

After the game passed, he didn't even bother to look at the statistics, and he fell asleep soon after being exhausted.

When I woke up early in the morning, the beauty was no longer by my side.

If there is any insight, it is that some things are indeed not suitable for gamification, and at the same time some things should be restrained!

Having said that, Bian Linglong came in with breakfast lightly.

Seeing that Zhang He had woken up, he was startled at first, then quickly put his breakfast aside, and immediately stepped forward to serve him.

There is nothing to envy the ancients. In modern times, I have favorable conditions. If I hire a young maid with a high salary, I can still enjoy what I should enjoy.

In this era without money or status, Bian Linglong's tenderness and consideration would not belong to her, everything was so realistic.

"Starting today, I will probably be in the military camp except for holidays... but I will be at home for a few days at the beginning of the year." Zhang He said casually while eating breakfast.

"Yes..." Bian Linglong responded obediently, "By the way, how should we arrange for the dancer who was sent home before?"

"Oh, she's at home?" Zhang He was a little surprised. At that time, he handed over to Zhang Fei, but he didn't expect to follow Bian Linglong.

"In the guest room, she didn't dare to come easily without your order." Bian Linglong replied, "She was trained as a dancer since she was a child, entertaining people with sex, and she didn't have much contact with other things."

"It happens that you can sing and she can dance. I will make up a few songs and dances in the future, and I can enjoy them when I am at home. As for normal times, she will be your assistant, helping you with chores, and teaching her when she has time." Zhang He said casually.

I don't know how Liu Bei and the others arrange it, anyway, let's just do it this way!
Speaking of which, I don't even know her name, of course it doesn't matter...

Bian Linglong didn't say anything, Zhang He is the head of the family here, and he does what he says.

After breakfast, Zhang He returned to the barracks. After leaving here for more than ten days, he began to feel a little uncomfortable here.

"Marquis Jun, no matter the reason, you haven't returned to the camp for more than ten days." Le Jin stepped forward to remind him.

"Yes, my training standard is directly doubled." Zhang He replied.

Today, the standard for five-day small practice and ten-day big practice has not changed.

Even the stocks of the Hejian Kingdom cannot support the soldiers of the five thousand counties to have three meals a day, with occasional meat.

In other words, he missed two small exercises and one major exercise.

As a starting point for myself, the training standard for the next three days will be doubled, and the food will be rationed according to the standard share.

"It's enough to complete the normal quota..." Le Jin was a little surprised, and it was only his duty to tell him so.

Zhang He is still young, training at twice the standard, his body may not be able to bear it.

"The emperor broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people!" Zhang He replied, "No one in the army has a special status. I have been away for more than ten days on business, so how much share is missing, double the supplement, this is punishment!"

So from Chenshi, he started training with gamification until Youshi.

When you are tired, turn on the game to maximize the rest.

Not to mention eating, open the highest difficulty.

Eating simulator?of course not!

Who would have thought that the high difficulty is actually a tower defense game!
Once the food enters the mouth, the game begins. These foods are the monsters that attack the city, and I have to use my teeth, tongue, gastric juice and other organs to continuously weaken them until they are completely eliminated.

The part that cannot be eliminated ends up in the large intestine to be excreted.

The large intestine fills up with food scraps and it's game over.

In other words, you can eat unlimited food without filling it up!

And the food that is 'eliminated' will be turned into nutrients to fully nourish one's body.

The magic is also here, after a certain aspect has been nourished, the remaining nutrients will ignore the nutrients and continue to nourish your body.

That is to say, carbohydrates, fats and so on, will become 'universal nutrients' to nourish the body.

In layman's terms, drinking cold water for nothing can keep your body strong and balanced in nutrition!
The theory is this, the problem is that it is liquid and moves very fast, which invisibly increases the difficulty of eradication.

It's just that they have already reached the level of "you can grow meat by drinking water", so what is there to complain about?

"Difficulty (high), result (excellent), eating experience increased by 900 (+400) points, currently (proficient 79040/100000)."

It's not just that the game is over when the large intestine is full. If there is no food, the game will naturally end as well.

So let alone Le Jin, the others were surprised to find that Zhang He was able to complete three times the training goal without even relying on standard food rations, even with ease.

"It seems that three times is enough..." Zhang He looked at the sky, and the time was almost there. "I will use three times. If other people encounter this situation, they will use twice the amount."

"Here!" Le Jin immediately took orders.With Zhang He taking the lead, I asked who would dare to disobey in the future.

"Da Dao, you can't force yourself like this." Tai Shici came over, after all, he was also in the army.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei inspected the counties, cleared the Xiaoxiao to resettle the refugees, and supervised the counties to implement the orders of the Prime Minister.

Most of the time, their troops are basically out of the barracks.

The problem is that Zhang He and other soldiers from the original county are also in the barracks.

In Tai Shici's view, Zhang He worked so hard to convince the soldiers from the original county, and he was too reluctant.

"Haha, Zi Feiyu knows the joy of fish?" Zhang He laughed, "Third brother, there is not enough time, otherwise I can practice four times!"

Tai Shici remained silent. Since Zhang He said it, there is a high probability that it is true.

"I'll roast a chicken for you tonight, you can't eat some meat like this." Tai Shici said in a low voice.

"If there is roast chicken to eat, then I will not refuse." Zhang He said with a smile, who can resist an extra meal?
After a pause, he seemed to think of something, and asked, "Speaking of which, is there too little meat in the army? Has no one thought about growing some beans, or raising some pigs, or even chickens and ducks before..."

"Da Dao, everyone is here to serve as soldiers, not to farm and raise pigs." Tai Shici reminded.

"The problem is that we have taken in so many refugees. Before next year's autumn harvest, they are just a burden. Why don't we organize them to farm the fields, or even raise pigs, chickens and ducks for us..." Zhang He suggested.

"You have to talk to your eldest brother about this." Tai Shici said angrily.

 For the simple difficulty of eating, I set it as Tetris, using the stomach bag as the place, and the food eaten becomes different cubes.If the proficiency is not high, the falling speed will be faster, and vice versa.

  In the end, if the stomach is full, the game is over, otherwise you can eat or not.

  The medium difficulty is the rhythm master, who eats according to different rhythms and drums.

  The high difficulty is tower defense. The food eaten becomes the enemy attacking the city, and the large intestine becomes the city. If the opponent completely captures it, then the game ends, or the game ends after the food is eaten. Is this reasonable?
  However, you have no way to build defense towers, so you can only use the inherent defense towers, that is, teeth, tongue, stomach pouch, liver and gallbladder, and small intestine for defense.

  To put it another way, it is to consciously control these digestive organs of the body...

  The easy difficulty is to increase the digestion speed of food (absorption efficiency remains unchanged), and the medium difficulty is to increase the digestion and absorption efficiency of food.

  The high difficulty is to turn what you eat into general-purpose energy, better nourish the body, and prevent nutritional imbalances.In theory, drinking water can really grow meat.

  Well, that's it!

  Thanks to book friends VAP, JOJO Taro, and koei_tw for their rewards, thank you for your support for this book, thank you very much!

  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for follow-up reading!
(End of this chapter)

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