Chapter 158 158. What if?
She desperately wants to have a bigger space, but unfortunately she also knows that having such a space is beyond the pale, unless she is God's daughter.

But if it's just in case, maybe you can try it, the novel doesn't say...

Thinking of this, Hua Jin slapped herself, quickly went back to the room, opened the closet and removed the clothes inside, and there was a password safe inside.

If it weren't for the sudden sense of crisis, I would have forgotten about the safe at home.

After opening it, she took out a mahogany box and gently touched the patterns on the mahogany box. A trace of sadness flashed in Hua Jin's eyes.

The box was locked with a small lock with a simple shape. Taking out the key from the safe, Huajin opened the wooden box with a sad expression.

After opening it, the first thing that caught my eye was the house book that she almost spent all her family property in exchange for. The novelty had long since passed, and she glanced at it and took it aside. Then, with red eyes trembling, she took out another red book from inside. The words "household registration book" made Hua Jin's eyes blurry.

She sniffed and opened her household registration book and saw the page with the word "cancel" written on it. Hua Jin, who thought she could bear it long ago, couldn't help but shed tears and gently touched the names of her father and mother.

In the countless difficult days, it was the household registration book and the photo album at home that allowed her to survive those difficult days.

That is, the high-paced life of these years of work left her no time to think about it, and these most precious memories were put in the safe.

Tightly hold the household registration book to his heart and wait for a while before wiping away tears and put the household registration book aside. Below is the photo album which is as important as the household registration book. Zhang Zhang's beautiful memories of childhood burst into tears again.

"Mom and Dad, I'm doing well now, you can finally rest assured," Hua Jin murmured to herself with tears in her eyes.

After calming down, he put the photo albums in the wooden box on the bed one by one, revealing the jewelry box at the bottom.

Inside are all mother's jewelry, and Hua Jin never opened it again for fear of being sad after her mother passed away and put it in the wooden box.

If she didn't want to verify her own thoughts, she didn't want to touch her mother's things that were not necessary.

It contained not only her mother's but also her parents' money that they had saved for her since she was born. They said that these would be her dowry when she grew up and got married.

Inside were all the love of her parents for her, Hua Jin opened several layers of jewelry boxes in one breath.

She remembered that there was a time when her mother was obsessed with jade, but her father would give it to her on any anniversary or something.

If there hadn't been that accident, their family would have been a very happy family, with their parents running their own shops and living a fulfilling and prosperous life.

Looking at the gold jewelry in the box, Hua Jin calmed down her mood.

The top three drawers are all my mother's own, and the bottom two are the dowry my mother saves for her every year.

In the end... Hua Jin was indeed stunned.

There were only gold and silver ornaments in several drawers. The jade bracelets, pendants, rings and bracelets all disappeared, leaving only a few red and black threads telling Huajin of their past existence.

...It is really gone, if it is not swallowed by the space itself, how can this be explained?

Even a thief would not just steal a few boxes of gold and silver jewelry if he could not tell the real from the fake.

So... there is only one explanation.

Thinking of this, Hua Jin became excited, and immediately had the illusion that maybe she was really God's daughter.

Whether it is useful or not, you will know if you try it.

It just so happened that the day after tomorrow I should go to the town to deliver drawing paper, so I went to the jewelry store there to buy some similar jade.

I just have to do an overtime class tomorrow to draw a few more pictures, Hua Jin, who was lying on the bed in a daze after washing, couldn't help thinking about it.


Hua Jin opened her eyes while sweating profusely. Seeing the familiar environment, she took several deep breaths before waking up.

I had a dream again, exactly the same as the dream I had in the car that day, and it was more detailed.

In the dream, God seemed to want to punish people. Disasters followed one after another. It started with a rain in early autumn. When the waterlogging was finally over, the people began to breathe a sigh of relief. The business came one after another, and then came the extreme cold. It just crossed the autumn and only gave a transition of ten days. The temperature dropped extremely rapidly. At the coldest time, it could reach minus [-] or [-] degrees. I don’t know how many people died of freezing in a year. people.

The extreme cold gave people less than half a year to breathe. Just when everyone thought the disaster was finally over, an unprecedented drought suddenly came and ushered in nearly a year of extreme heat.

In the past few years, successive disasters have followed one after another, and the court is too busy to take care of itself. The social order that was not much in order to survive has completely disappeared, and self-proclaimed kings abound everywhere.

Died of thirst, starved to death, countless people were killed, and corpses can be seen everywhere.

Human life is even lower in the dust. You can kill your life without blinking for a sip of water, or you can sell your wife or daughter directly to her for a handful of rice, or even for the sake of living. Some people can no longer be called human beings.

An extreme tropical event took away countless lives, took away people's last hope, and took away human beings' limited rationality.

But the next earthquake reduced the human beings who had survived so hard, and then the long-lost rain finally appeared, followed by hail, and the place Huajin looked at was full of desolation and desolation, and then Huajin just woke up.

Feeling the sticky brocade on her body, she went straight into the bathroom, and let the shower wash over her body. With her eyes closed, the scenes in her dream were replaying in her mind one after another.

I don't know if it's because I think about it day by day and dream about it at night, which leads to that dream again.

Even the sequence of disasters is exactly the same, is there such a coincidence?

So real, so real that she could empathize with it.

The sense of urgency in Hua Jin's heart rose again, and after taking a shower, Hua Jin left the space.

The sky was already slightly bright, and as soon as he stepped out of the space, he felt the obvious heat, frowning, Hua Jin went straight to his father and grandfather who were tidying up the vegetable field in the backyard.

Just go to the backyard to look for them at this time. If you don't look for them anymore, you have to go to the field.

"Father, Grandpa..." Hua Jin trotted to his father who was watering the vegetable field. The old man Hua was on the other side of the vegetable field. Involuntarily with a smiling face.

"Jin'er, why do you wake up so early?" Old man Hua walked towards his granddaughter.

"That's right, why don't you sleep more, it's still early?" Hua Chengtian looked at his daughter and smiled, and was also very curious about the serious expression on her face, thinking that it was Xiaosi who provoked his sister again?

"Don't be sleepy anymore, Dad, I have something to tell you." Hua Jin looked at Hua Chengtian and Old Man Hua seriously with a serious face.

After thinking about the dream, she felt that she still had to tell her father and grandpa. It would be better if it didn't happen. If it really came true, it would give father and grandpa time to deal with it.

Especially since grandpa is still the head of a village, and most of the people in the village are related by relatives. In the dream, there is still one year before the disaster, which is enough for everyone to prepare.

(End of this chapter)

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