Chapter 207 207. The ladder is coming
On the other side, not knowing what was going on, Mrs. Qi and her two aunts, nephews, and daughter-in-law fell asleep early with the bed on the floor.

Hua Chengtian accompanied his two brothers-in-law and several eldest nephews to make a bed in his son's room. The older sisters' room was reserved for the younger ones to sleep on.

There had been a series of snoring sounds in the house. Only Hua Chengtian kept his eyes open for a long time in the dark night, listening to the wind and rain outside the door. What was he thinking?
Hua Jin slept with her clingy little cousin. The little girl rarely got to sleep with her cousin and was very excited. She chatted for a long time. Although her cousin responded very little, she did not hide her excitement at all.

The heavy rain came and the dream came true, which affected her mood a little. Hua Jin thought that tonight would be a sleepless night, but she didn't expect that she was much better affected by this lively cousin, and fell asleep amidst the chattering.

When I woke up, almost everyone in the house was already up. The sky was still gloomy and the rain was pounding. My brothers and Xiaosi, who were planning to go to the academy in the rain, were also stopped by their father and grandfather.

The aunts, grandma and mother were cooking in the kitchen, the cousins-in-law were sitting in the main room coaxing the children, and the brothers who had not gone to Cheng Academy were with their cousins ​​in their rooms under the dim light. Read and write.

Everything was so harmonious and warm. This scene was seen by Hua Jin and imprinted in her heart. Then she went to the kitchen and sat in her old seat with a smile on her face.

No matter what, as long as she is here, her beloved family will be fine.

After a warm meal, as the sky became brighter and brighter, the rain finally slowed down a bit. Although it was still not a small amount, it was not so heavy that it was hard to see the road clearly.

Thinking of Sister Hua Fen at home, she was still preparing to go home in the rain.

This time, Mrs. Hua did not stop her, but took her two girls to her room. A quarter of an hour later, the two sisters walked out of their mother's room in a daze, without even hearing the child's father speak.

Then he greeted the children and went back without stopping.

Thanks to their family, they have made a lot of money in the past two years, and they have also bought livestock carts. It is no problem to go back. Even so, Old Man Hua is still worried about his grandchildren getting caught in the rain, so his son and eldest grandson each drive a cart. Send my two daughters home.

Hua Chengtian and Hua Yun'ao spent more than half an hour going back and forth.

"How is it outside?"

This is what Old Man Hua is most concerned about. After such heavy rain, water should have accumulated in the low-lying areas.

"Dad, it's okay right now. Except for some relatively low-lying places, there's no water accumulation yet, but my son has received a message."

"Master, I also heard some news." Hua Yun'ao also spoke.

The village where my aunt's family was married is a little closer to the town, so generally people in the city or town will be relatively well-informed about any news.

As soon as we arrived at Gugujia Village, the village was supposed to be deserted under the heavy rain. Unexpectedly, many people crowded on the village road in the rain.

As I got closer, I realized that it was the town government that sent people to inform the village chiefs of the news.

In short, the message in the last letter is that the heavy rain is coming fiercely and may cause flooding, so everyone should make preparations and move to higher ground as soon as possible.

This news made Hua Yun'ao send her aunt and her family home and hurriedly turned back.

As for why their village did not get the news, it is most likely because their village is too remote. This is not the first time this has happened. In previous years, there were many news that their village was the last to know.

Old Man Hua looked at his eldest grandson and motioned for him to continue.

"Sir, the government sent someone to inform them that they had received news that the heavy rain may cause flooding, so the villagers should prepare and move early."

Hua Chengtian also nodded towards his father, and he heard the same thing.

After hearing this, the old man Hua didn't get angry like Hua Yun'ao thought. Instead, he looked at his grandfather and seemed to feel more relaxed.

"Master..." Such a master made Hua Yun'ao even more worried.

Yes... it's very exciting.Old Man Hua waved his hand. His eldest grandson was right. He was indeed relaxed. He was worried about how to fool the villagers into going up the mountain to avoid disaster after two days of rain. Unexpectedly, the ladder was handed over, and it was in the name of the government. ...You don’t have to worry about the villagers not believing it.

"It's okay," said Old Man Hua.

"Master, is there really going to be a flood?" Even though Hua Yun'ao was calm when hearing the news, it was difficult to remain calm, and worriedly looked at the heavy rain that continued to fall.

"Whether it is possible or not, since there is news from the government, it means there is a high probability. I would rather believe it than not."

"Then, shall we avoid trouble?"

Except for Hua Chengtian and Hua Jin, who already knew the inside story, all of them, including Old Man Hua, looked at Old Man Hua, wanting to know what his wife would do?
"Avoid, you can't bet your life, but you're just waiting for the people from the government to come."

The words of the minor officials were more convincing than his, and they also saved a lot of saliva.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the faint sound of gongs coming from the rain.

"Sir, it's someone from the government office." Hua Yunxiang was the first to react. He didn't even take an umbrella and put on his raincoat, and turned his head into the rain, anxious to confirm.

The news brought by his father and eldest brother made his heart pounding all the time. His mind was filled with floods, and he just hoped it wasn't true.

Hua Chengtian also quickly handed his father an umbrella, not forgetting to take one himself, and the two quickly left the house.

Wherever Mrs. Hua and Mrs. Qi could stand, they followed with umbrellas.

Especially Qi, who had been kept in the dark, was so shocked that she was almost speechless and instinctively ran out with her mother-in-law.

The remaining Hua Jin and the eldest brother Xiao Si followed him out wherever they could stand.

Soon many people ran out of their homes in the rain. They saw a small official wearing official uniform and tiger skin banging a gong on the road in the middle of the village. More and more people were shouting: "Who is it?" He is the "village chief".

Old Man Hua quickly quickened his pace and even had no time to wipe the rain off his face, nodded and smiled at the clerk.

As the saying goes, the King of Hell is easy to meet, but the devil is difficult to deal with. When you need to lower your attitude, you have to lower your attitude. Besides, it is still necessary to have a good relationship with them.

"Hello, sir, the little old man is the village chief." He said and stuffed a dozen copper coins into the palm of the young official's hand. "Thank you, sir, for coming to our village in such a heavy rain. If you don't mind, why don't you go home and have a cup of hot tea?"

"Are you the village chief?" The young official's arrogant face looked better after he felt the copper in his hand.

And this man knows how to speak, so call him Guanye.

Old Man Hua nodded quickly.

"There's no need for hot tea. Time is tight and I have to go to other villages to convey the news."

"Sir, please say..." Old Man Hua smiled flatteringly.

"The government has received news that this heavy rain may cause widespread flooding. Your Excellency has kindly asked us to inform you so that everyone can prepare early and evacuate as soon as possible if something goes wrong."

"Flood?" The people surrounding the clerk panicked.

Flooding is not a trivial matter. If you really work hard for so many years, your family fortune will be destroyed. Don't even think about the things in the house. When you think about it, everyone becomes even more panicked.

(End of this chapter)

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