The mountains are full of people, so even if you want to hide something, you can't hide it, so more and more people go down the mountain to look for it.

Many people really gained something, and some were not even afraid of danger and fished a lot of things from the lake. After all, many people were drowned on the way and carried a lot of things with them. Food, bedding, etc. were all because of the rain. The rain was also wrapped tightly with waterproof tarpaulin. A lot of it floated on the water and did not sink. Some of it was hit by the waves and hit the mountainside.

As long as you are not afraid of falling into the water, you can still fish it out using your brain.

Indeed, there are many people who do this. They have to fish for themselves and their families even if they know there is danger.

Of course, no one is stupid, and certain protective measures must still be taken.

Being able to float on the water means that they are tightly bundled, and they are all good food and clothing. As packages are picked up one by one, many people have temporarily overcome the current difficulties and solved the problem of food to keep out the cold. question.

But most people are still wary of danger. In this situation, they are reluctant to eat food. Most of them brave the rain and search for food in the mountains and fields. They even try to store the leftover wild vegetables and mushrooms.

The rain makes people panic, and it hurts their bodies. Who dares to eat their own food with all their strength, and seeing that the rain shows no sign of stopping, there is no food at home, which is the only thing that can save their lives. Something.

All of them are very precious, and they will eat if they can. Who knows how long this disaster will last, and whether there will be greater difficulties waiting for them in the future. They are all experienced in being beaten hard in life, and everyone knows Don't dare to gamble.

And wherever there are people, there will be disputes, not to mention this is such a special period.

Some people use their own hands to support themselves so that their families will not starve to death, while others want to take shortcuts so that they can survive.

Except for powerful families with strong cohesion and a large number of people, the whole village is together, and some people who are left alone become the targets of some people taking shortcuts.

Especially as the days of hiding in the mountains became longer and longer, and there was less and less food to eat, some people couldn't bear it anymore.


"Brother, we don't have much food. We can last for three days at most. What should we do? You have to get a charter!" A skinny man with buck teeth looked under a hay shed made of wood and withered grass. A man with the same buck teeth rested against a tree.

The man glanced at him flirtatiously, irritably wiping the rainwater that fell on his face, with obvious displeasure on his face.

"What should I do? I don't have any hands or feet, so I won't go out to look for it!" The eldest brother of the group, the buck-toothed boss, glared at the brother who spoke. The more he thought about it, the angrier he got, and he stood up and kicked the third brother directly.

Buck-toothed San is quite domineering outside, but in front of his elder brother, he only gets beaten. He has been afraid of being beaten since he was a child, and he can't even muster the heart to resist.

No, it should be said that the brothers are more afraid of the boss.

"Can't find it..." Buck Teeth shrank his head.

Where can you find food at this time? Even those who come out to dig wild vegetables are always in groups, and there are very few people alone.

As for the wild vegetables that they could eat, they had already been dug up by others. Even wild fruits were hard to find unless they were willing to go deep into the mountains.

"If you can't find it, you'll starve to death." The buck-toothed boss couldn't help but kicked the third child again.

"Brother, isn't this the solution?" The one who spoke was slightly prettier, but still had some buck teeth. There were two brothers beside him. Except for the youngest one, his teeth were normal. The others knew they were brothers just by looking at their teeth.

"Of course I know. Let's talk about it in the evening. The third and fourth brothers have nothing to do and go out for a walk in the afternoon." When the buck-toothed boss said this, the other brothers understood.

In the end, I was really hungry and couldn't stand it anymore. The young and old grabbed a handful of brown rice mixed with some leftover wild vegetables and the brothers ate until they were full, and then waited patiently until night.They are the five lazy and greedy brothers from Shangrao Village. To raise such five sons, it is obvious that their parents are not hardworking. The family is very poor, let alone marrying wives for their sons.

When the flood came, my parents reacted too slowly and were swept in. In fact, my parents were swept away. The brothers were very lucky, otherwise they would not have enough food to eat.

The rain continued to pour all day long, and even at night it showed no sign of letting up.

People who had survived another day leaned on the most important food under their straw sheds and couldn't resist the sleepiness and fell asleep one after another.

The five buck-toothed brothers also slept for a while under the simple shed they built. When they fell asleep, they were no longer hungry and felt less uncomfortable.

As the twilight grew darker and darker, the buck-toothed man who was sleeping soundly opened his eyes suddenly, and at the same time, there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

He stood up, put on his raincoat and bamboo hat, and kicked his brothers who were sleeping on the straw mat with his feet.

"Get up" growled.

The familiar pain caused the four buck-toothed brothers to open their eyes immediately. They were confused for a moment when they saw the black tears standing in front of them. They woke up instantly and quickly stood up.

"Big brother" has been accumulating power for a long time, and the brothers didn't dare to let go, so they shouted quickly.

"Hurry up and get ready, go out and do something." He said, picking up the hatchet on the side and sharpening it on the stone a few times, as well as a bundle of rope in the corner.

The brothers didn't dare to delay, so they hurriedly packed up and put on their own raincoats and hats.

"Let's go." Seeing his younger brother getting ready, the buck-toothed boss took the lead and walked ahead.

Rich people don't dare to go to large families, and even people who live in the whole village don't dare to go, but there are no scruples about single families scattered around, especially those with a small population.

The surrounding environment has been clearly understood these days, and some people know it even better. The only inconvenience is that it is too dark. Even if you open your eyes to the maximum, it is still the same as being blind. The rain hits your eyes so much that you can't open them at all. Mud mud The soft road is slippery and you have to be careful every step you take. Only when you have a firm footing can you dare to take the second step.

The short section of the mountain road took a long time. If the buck-toothed third brother hadn't caught the fifth brother who was about to slide down the mountain with his eyes and hands, the five brothers might have turned into the fourth brother. They were so scared that they were covered in cold sweat. .

"Be careful," the buck-toothed boss frowned and shouted. He didn't care much about his younger brother's life. He just felt that having more brothers would be more intimidating. Ordinary people would have to weigh their ideas carefully.

Just like when they want to influence other people's ideas at this moment, they also think carefully.

Without their eldest brother saying anything, the brothers were even more careful. If this pitch-black thing rolled down the mountain, the chance of survival was really slim.

They haven't married yet, they haven't even tasted what it's like to be a woman, but they can't just let it go.

After pouring the incense, the five brothers stopped.

"Brother, do you see the pine tree in front? There is a family of six living below, three cubs and four adults. Two of them are old and there is only one man. From our observation, the cubs are not too thin. There should be no shortage of food at home. .”

"A few feet above them, there is also a family under the boulder. There are only two men in the family. In the evening, the woman inside thought the porridge was a bit thin. I guess there is no shortage of food at home."

The buck-toothed fourth man repeated in a low voice the information he and his third brother had observed in the afternoon.

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