But the result?Before they had a chance to impress themselves, the extremely hungry people knew that they had food. How could they hold back? It only took two or three moments for more people to come.

By the time the villagers realized something was wrong, it was already too late and they were surrounded by a bunch of extremely hungry people.

If they didn't give it, they almost all rushed forward in anger and snatched away the clothes and food in their hands, and even stripped everything off their bodies.

If several villages hadn't joined together and used various weapons to drive away these people, they might even have lost their lives.

But this also exposed the fact that they had food. Now it was like a hornet's nest being poked. Wave after wave of hungry people rushed towards them, using all kinds of despicable methods, which made people feel uncomfortable. It was impossible to guard against it. Even if thousands of people from several villages gathered together for safety, they were still struggling to cope.

After all, if you are stunned, you are afraid of being violent, and if you are stunned, you are afraid of losing your life.

Aunt Hua and the second aunt's husband's family are one of them. Ever since the survivors arrived on the mountain, the days that were relatively comfortable before have completely disappeared. Although they are not living in dire straits, they can't get a good night's sleep even if they go there at night. , I dare not close my eyes tightly, my heart is always raised, because I don’t know when these people will rush over to grab food.

The men were organized by the village chiefs, and patrolled in shifts to frighten these madmen and villains who were crazy and ignored them.

Men from the Zeng family and the Liu family and above were all members of this group. They did not choose to participate in patrols for the safety of their families and others. Otherwise, they would not be able to establish themselves in the village and there would be no one to protect them.

Conflicts occur almost every day, and people are injured every day. It is not unusual for someone to lose his life accidentally.

On this day, the eldest brother of the Liu family was accidentally hit with a stick during a conflict between hundreds of people at night. His head immediately turned red. Although it was not life-threatening, he was seriously injured. He was held up by his son and Brother Liu. The people in the Liu family's main room were quite frightened when they were sent back. Fortunately, after being bandaged by the barefoot doctor, there was no big problem, but they were still scared to death.

Then the eldest son was also injured the next day. Now the whole family was fine except for the second son, and there was no need to go out on patrol.

"Dad, what's going to happen if this goes on? Those people are crazy." Looking at her son and the cloth wrapped around the man's head, Mrs. Liu felt distressed and frightened. She couldn't even think about these frightening days.

Those latecomers were so cruel that they were not afraid of death at all. Even if several of their villages united, they could barely stop them.

"So what if we know? At least we still have a village to rely on here. As long as everyone works together, it's not impossible to survive. Moreover, there is water everywhere and we can't get out. We don't know where to go?"

"His father, doesn't he have a third brother? The high terrain of Huajia Village may not be flooded. They are all direct relatives. He will not ignore us, and he still has parents." The eldest sister-in-law of the Liu family said with luck.

These people were so hungry that they would do anything just for a bite to eat, and they didn't even care about their lives.

Although there were more people on their side, they cared more about their lives, but they were more timid. Sister-in-law of the Liu family always felt uneasy and wanted to leave here.

There was so much food and poultry in their house. If those people broke in, they would not be able to leave anything behind, and they would kill her.

Especially when he saw that his father and son were injured, the idea of ​​leaving became stronger and stronger. Even though he knew that her idea was somewhat practical, he still couldn't help but want to try it.

The eldest brother of the Liu family didn't want to go find his third brother, but looking at the floods below the mountain, his courage immediately disappeared. Can they survive to reach Huajia Village in such a heavy water?

Such a high mountain has been flooded so much. No matter how high the terrain of Huajia Village is, it may not be able to escape the fate of being flooded. It is better to hide in the mountains.At the same time, I couldn't help but resent the third brother. Since he had picked up his parents, why didn't he notify them to go with him? He was really a cold-hearted white-eyed wolf, and he didn't take his brother seriously at all.

"His father?" Seeing the child's father in a daze, the Liu family's sister-in-law couldn't help shouting again.

"Don't think about it. It's impossible to escape from such a big Shuihuajia Village. Besides, we can't even get there, right?"

"It's better to be flooded than to stay here. The people of Huajia Village have always been tough, and it must be fine. Moreover, our third brother's in-laws are the village chiefs. Being able to come to pick up our third brother means that we are ready. It must be on the mountain behind them. Even if we look for There are no villages within a few miles of the remote third brother's place. It will definitely be much safer on the mountain. Dad, you and your son are safe this time, but next time, if something happens, we won't be able to bear it. , how about we go find third brother?"

Sister-in-law Liu was so frightened that she hadn't had a sound sleep for more than ten days in a row. Her mind was filled with the idea of ​​finding her third brother. The third brother and her sons were all strong and strong, and no one dared to bully her. His in-laws will definitely be able to protect them.

"Can't we get through?" Seeing that his mother-in-law didn't hear the important point, the eldest brother of the Liu family said it again helplessly.

If he could leave, he would have gone to find his third brother.

"To make rafts, there are a lot of wood and bamboos on the mountain. Let's make a few more. As long as we are careful, we may not be able to reach Huajia Village."

Sister-in-law Liu hurriedly said that this was what she had figured out in the past few days of fear. She still had a lot of ropes for tying food at home, and she had brought them with her when she went up the mountain. If she didn't know how to make boats and rafts, she should be able to do it.

What's more, the child's father and his second uncle know some simple woodwork.

The child's mother's words made the eldest brother of the Liu family fall into deep thought. Building a raft might be a solution, but he was afraid of encountering something along the way, and then the sky would really respond and the earth would not work.

Although they are still worried here, many of them are not in danger for the time being. The eldest brother of the Liu family can't help but hesitate.

"Dad, think about it carefully. Those people are already crazy with hunger. They would cook anything just for a bite to eat. And in just a few days, we in the village have been injured and died. Really I'm worried and scared. I've been observing the water flow these days when I'm free. Although the water speed is still a bit fast, the water flow has stabilized. As long as we choose a day with less wind, we can stabilize it and we won't be able to reach Qinggu Mountain."

"Let me think about it." The eldest brother of the Liu family touched his injured head.

"Okay, I won't bother you. You should think about it carefully." Seeing that the child's father's tone became more relaxed, Mrs. Liu nodded quickly. Just when she was about to close her mouth, she suddenly remembered another thing.

"By the way, his father and I met the third brother and sister's husband's family the day before yesterday. Maybe I can go and ask their opinions. Then we can take care of each other before we leave together."

When the time comes, several rafts will be tied together, so you don’t have to worry about strong winds.

The eldest sister-in-law of the Liu family had really considered everything and was waiting for her boss to nod.

Although the rain has not gotten lighter these days, the wind has become much lighter. In her opinion, there is still a high chance. It is better than worrying about it all day in the mountains.

I have to say that Mrs. Liu is even better than many men in terms of courage.

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