Chapter 266 266. Keep it to pay the rent



Zeng Yong, who was frowning, was about to speak when Aunt Hua stopped him.

"Mom, what you are saying is as if we don't support you. If I remember correctly, we don't even dare to send out the grain every year as soon as it's harvested, so we don't even dare to keep it at home for a while. What mother said It’s so chilling!”

"In that case, hurry up and send this year's pension, as well as this year's pension money, and clothes. Look what you are wearing, and then look what we are wearing. Look at our clothes, you are your daughter-in-law." I can also see through it, and I don’t feel guilty about it.”

Seeing that the third daughter-in-law didn't get angry, Mrs. Zeng became bolder and gave orders arrogantly.

Originally, Aunt Hua saw that their clothes were in tatters and had the intention of preparing clothes for them, but only if she volunteered instead of like now, which would make Aunt Hua very unhappy.

"Mom, have you forgotten something?"

"Don't forget anything, hurry up." Mother-in-law Zeng couldn't help shouting as she touched her stomach that was burning with hunger. Being able to follow the Sun family all the way was their limit. They finally found their daughter-in-law, Mother-in-law Zeng. I really can't bear it.

"I want to hurry up, but you, have you forgotten that this is a year of great disaster? Our land is still flooded. Where can we get food? My children and I are still relying on my parents' family for financial support. , if there is no harvest, how can my daughter-in-law have food to honor you, but my daughter-in-law will not miss out on my parents even a little bit in terms of money for old age, so all the food we should honor our parents will be turned into money, what do you think, mother?"

"Hua, you vicious woman, you are deliberately trying to starve us to death. My good son was corrupted by you. He must be given pension money and food."

"Mom, I won't bear this responsibility." Aunt Hua chuckled, folded her hands around her chest, and looked like she couldn't get enough of it.

"Third brother, are you just going to watch your wife bully your mother?"

"Mom, you have forgotten that our family is headed by a daughter-in-law. Besides, my mother wants a hundred kilograms of grain with one mouthful. Not to mention that it is a disaster year. Even if it is not a disaster year, who else can give out so much grain except those who have just harvested it? ?”

"You think I want too much?" Mrs. Zeng pointed at her son with trembling fingers and gasped again.

"Yes." Zeng Yong nodded. Looking at his mother who was gasping for air, a trace of unbearability flashed in his heart, but he immediately held it back.

When his parents found out that they were not happy as parents when they saw him, they only saw greed and calculation. At that moment Zeng Yong truly gave up.

Anyway, he has always been a dispensable and unloved son, a free coolie.

Moreover, my parents have always been in good health. Although they are very hungry, they are still so energetic, so I guess there is nothing wrong with them.

"Third son, can't you just leave us alone?" Old man Zeng, who had been shrinking behind and saying nothing, said bitterly. With his hunched back, he barely stood up with the support of his eldest son and looked at his younger son pleadingly.

"Yes, Third Brother, we are brothers with broken bones and still connected tendons. You can't just ignore death. Look at how hungry your parents are. Third Brother, you can really be so cruel."

It has to be said that Boss Zeng still has a little bit of wisdom. Seeing that his mother and daughter-in-law couldn't take advantage, he immediately changed his method and tried to win back the third child's heart by selling his family affection to others.

But before the third child could speak, Aunt Hua still took the lead.

"Brother will now know that you are brothers who have broken bones and connected tendons. Why have you forgotten how eldest brother, a real brother who has broken bones and connected tendons, bullied our child's father? Our child's father still has scars on his heels. He has a deep scar, isn't it given by you, a good brother who broke bones and connected tendons? If the lame man is sent to the hospital a little later, I will remember the kindness of my eldest brother." Zeng The boss didn't dare to look at the third daughter-in-law's sinister eyes and hid behind Old Man Zeng.

He was almost beaten to death by this dominatrix that time. If his parents and the village chief hadn't stopped him... He was terrified just thinking about it, but he didn't dare to provoke him. Boss Zeng felt extremely aggrieved.

Aunt Hua finally felt better for being such an aggrieved family. She glanced at the father's mouth from the corner of her eye and pursed her lips.

"But... you are ruthless but we can't be unintentional. No matter what you say, we can't watch our parents starve to death. The maximum is ten pounds of brown rice and fifty pounds of sweet potatoes. I will shamelessly borrow more for my parents to count as this year's pension food. , Of course, you will also be given money for your filial piety." After saying that, he took out two taels of silver from his body and placed it on the mother-in-law who was sitting on the ground.

"Mom, you may be fine. I gave you an extra five hundred yuan."

"Well, you old third daughter-in-law..."

"Mom, you know I have a bad temper." Aunt Hua interrupted Old Mrs. Zeng's howling and gave her a cold look.

"...If I don't want it, it's easy. I can save it by asking my parents to borrow it. After all, everyone is short of food now. There is everything on the mountain and people can't starve to death now."

Old Mrs. Zeng's voice was stagnant as if she had been strangled by the neck.

She was still a little afraid of her daughter-in-law. If this fierce woman really wanted to get angry, she would really deny her relatives. She swallowed the threats in her mouth knowingly.

She finally vomited out so much food, but she couldn't lose it anymore. She could see her eyes rolling and a hint of calculation flashing through her eyes.

"Forget it, although there is not much food, who knows that we, as parents, care about our children, but the third daughter-in-law, I saw that your father and I were so weak, with only a handful of bones left on our bodies, and the cave was dark and damp. , I’m afraid your father won’t be able to hold on, you sons and daughters-in-law can’t watch your father and I suffer outside, we’d better live with you.”

Old man Zeng also nodded quickly. Although they would rather live with the eldest and second child, the third child obviously seems to have a better life. The children who are two younger than them can also eat more, and the eldest and third child can also When I have an excuse, I come to see the old couple from time to time. After a long time, I wonder where it can be so easy to drive them away.

It has to be said that the old woman's mind was spinning very fast. Old man Zeng glanced at the old woman appreciatively.

The old couple had good intentions, but it's a pity...

Aunt Hua had a sarcastic smile on her lips. As a mother-in-law, she was still as good at abacus as ever!

Looking at Zeng Yong: "What do you think, father?"

Pushing the problem to Zeng Yong, the time has come to test him.

If she dared to agree, even if the relationship between their husband and wife was very good, she would immediately leave the child without a father.

Since you feel so sorry for his parents, let's go through the hardship together.

Aunt Hua's gaze was so threatening. How could Zeng Yong, who had been married for decades, not see it and quickly express his stance.

"Mom, don't think about this. You don't know that our family has five sons, four daughters-in-law, and a litter of children. There is not even room to stand in the house. Besides, the house is not our own, either. If you have to pay rent, if your parents really want to live there, that's fine. The food and money my mother just promised can be kept to pay the rent."

(End of this chapter)

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