Old Man Hua glanced at his granddaughter vaguely, nodded and said "really" with certainty.

"...Oh my God...I actually encountered a calamity." Some people muttered to themselves in disbelief.

"The village chief is not afraid...we will protect you."

"Yes, there are quite a few of us. If you dare not take advantage of us, we will beat him to pieces." Some men had already grasped their weapons and were eager to try.

Practicing in the mountains these days was not in vain. Even when it rained heavily, they never slacked off in the cave. They were really good at fighting each other. In addition, there were many of them, so they were really not afraid.

I can't believe that they, who have been practicing hard for so long, can't deal with some rabble.

"Go, go, you guys who are capable." Hua Qiang slapped each of the few men who spoke boldly. I really don't know how many times Prince Ma looked at him. His confidence was so overwhelming.

Of course, having confidence is definitely a good thing, but only if you know the other person clearly.

"Uncle Village Chief, what's going on? You're not mistaken, are you?" Although Hua Qiang was also eager to give it a try, he was still more cautious.

Old Man Hua: "It's not wrong. Although it's not clear, there will definitely be many people. The road ahead has been blocked by them. Unless we change the road, we will have to meet each other."

After hearing this, everyone became serious and the road was blocked. It seemed that they were not wrong.

It is impossible to change lanes. This is the only way to go to Huajia Village and the nearest way.

Of course, there are no other ways, but you need to cross a river. If there was really no difficulty in the past, it would just take more walking and longer time. But after a flood, the single-plank bridge on the river had long since disappeared, leaving only the stone pillars on both sides. , they all carry food on their backs. Floating was too unrealistic in the past, and not everyone can float.

"Village chief, we will do whatever you say," Hua Qiang, the team leader, spoke again.

"Let me tell you your opinions first," Old Man Hua said thoughtfully.

"Uncle the village chief, there are only two options. One is that we go back the same way and delay all night, and then set off again at dawn. I think these people will restrain themselves during the day. The other is that we rush through. There are so many of them. , but there are quite a few of us, not to mention that none of us are vegetarians." After saying this, Hua Qiang's eyes suddenly became sharp, and a trace of killing intent burst out in his eyes.

If they dare to rob him, they will kill him.

Can someone who can gather so many people to rob homes and homes be kind?
He was afraid that his hands were not clean at all and might have contaminated many lives, so Hua Qiang didn't have any psychological burden.

"But what if they are still there at dawn and don't want to give up?" A man couldn't help but interjected.

But it is indeed possible. Will they continue to wait then?

If we wait any longer, we will be delayed for several days. When I think of these many men, I immediately give up the first idea.

They had been out of the valley for so many days, and they wanted to go back.

"Village Chief, how about we break through?" Obviously everyone prefers the second option, which is to be tough and tough, and they are already a little eager to try.

They dare not use real swords or guns against their own people, but they have nothing to worry about against their enemies and bad guys.

Thinking that returning would waste more time, everyone suddenly felt bad. If we had this time, we might as well go back to Huajia Village to tidy up more.

"Uncle village chief, please make up your mind quickly." He was so impatient that he couldn't bear it any longer. "

"We all listen to the village chief."

Everyone is waiting for the village chief to make up his mind.

Old Man Hua looked at his granddaughter. All he knew was what the child said orally. Old Man Hua really didn't know what the real situation was, and to be honest, he didn't know what was going on.None of the men in Huajia Village is a coward. Old Man Hua knows that, but after all, he doesn't know the other party's details and whether he is strong or not. He still hopes to use the safest method.

Once a conflict breaks out, he has no eyes for fists and feet, and even more no eyes for swords and guns. Naturally, he wants to bring back all the people he brought out, all of them with beards and tails.

Sensing Grandpa's gaze, Hua Jin did not speak, but her energy was not idle and was already focused on the group in front.

Compared with the skinny common people nowadays, this group of people can definitely be said to be strong and strong. Among them, the bearded one called the boss is even more muscular, and he can even see fat on his body.

Hua Jin narrowed her eyes, especially when she heard them talking about being raised as fat sheep, the chill in her eyes flashed out.

"Why aren't you here? Didn't you say it would be soon?" The bearded boss became impatient again. "Go and have a look" and pointed at someone at random.

"Don't worry, boss, these fat sheep will definitely not be able to escape."

"It's not the boss who has the final say what happens then. If you're obedient, you'll stay. If you're disobedient, you'll be raised. If you're fattened up, hehe..."

After hearing this, many people started laughing, smacking their lips and moving their lips.

"Let's see if there are any good goods then, and it will make the boss happy."

"It would be better if there was a woman, but it's a pity..."

These words made the bearded man feel better again, and he finally no longer had a sinister face, which was frightening to look at.

Little did he know that Hua Jin heard all of this clearly, and an uncontrollable anger surged in her chest. She took out the crossbow and told her grandfather exactly what to do.

This group of demons who can no longer be called humans have no need to exist anymore.

"Master, we can't retreat. None of us in Huajia Village are cowards. We are just a mob relying on the strength of our numbers. There is nothing to be afraid of." He then took out a sharp dagger and said nothing more. That's what I mean.

"Yes, Jin'er is right. We are not afraid of them. Village chief, please speak."

You are not afraid of a little girl, let alone these big men. They are just fighting. The people of Huajia Village are really not afraid.

I wasn’t afraid before, and I’m even less afraid now.

Old Man Hua glanced at his granddaughter. Looking at everyone's unafraid faces, a sense of pride rose from his chest. Since no one was afraid of him, he, the village chief, had nothing to be afraid of. It was just a fight, regardless of his age. If you are older, your skills may not be worse than those of younger people.

The most important thing is to believe in my granddaughter. This child will not fight a battle that is uncertain.

"Okay, everyone, get ready...just keep walking." Old Man Hua said loudly, and took out the weapons he had inserted in the basket. Even Xiao Si also took out his dagger, and the little boy who was rewarded by his father. crossbow.

"Grandpa, don't worry, your grandson will definitely protect you." Although Xiaosi was a little nervous, he was more excited. He made a gesture of protecting the old man, and even his expression became serious, not as big as before. Lilie.

It should be said or not, although the child is young, the words of protection really make people feel warm in the heart. Old man Hua touched his grandson's head and took the lead to take a step forward. Hua Jin followed her grandpa closely, and her mental strength controlled the reactions of everyone in front of her. All in sight.

"Boss, boss, we're here, we'll be here in a few dozen breaths at most." The younger brother who was sent out quickly came back, shouting and came to Luo Xiuxiao's side.

"Brothers," the bearded boss stood up with joy when he heard this, "Get ready, the fat sheep is coming."

There was a dark and greedy look in his narrowed eyes as he spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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