Boss Luoji couldn't believe it when he saw the arrow in his heart. After a heart-wrenching feeling of pain and suffocation, Boss Luoji couldn't help but fall backwards. At the last moment when he fell, he used his last strength to shoot towards the person who shot the arrow at him. The man still took out the machete in his hand.

This disaster was suffocating, but for him it was an opportunity to rise. It allowed him to taste the taste of power and be able to decide the life and death of others instead of being stepped on and begging for mercy like before. In his opinion, the future will be good. There are so many days left, and I don’t want to die at all, so how can I be willing to die?
Even if he dies, he still has to hold his back. Unfortunately, although the dying person has explosive power, his strength is limited after all. The machete fell to the ground halfway.

Just like this, the bearded boss stared at the machete that fell to the ground with his eyes wide open unwillingly. He never understood until his death how this group of people who were obviously ordinary people could be so powerful, especially with weapons more powerful than bows and arrows.

As soon as the bearded boss died, the few remaining people were completely frightened. They had no intention of resisting and would not dare to do so. Unless they wanted to follow in the footsteps of the boss, they would kneel on the ground and only instinctively beg for mercy. .

"Spare your life, spare your life, hero, spare your life," several people cried and kowtowed to beg for mercy.

This scene happened in front of them two days ago. Who would have thought that it would be them today, and even the boss would be gone.

"Village Chief..." The big guy looked at Old Man Hua.

Let them fight. The village chief is good at handling things, especially with such a group of evil people. He is afraid that if he accidentally holds the knife in his hand, he will have his own consciousness, and he will do it again.

"Tie them up first." Old Man Hua looked at these people expressionlessly. No matter how miserable they were, they could not erase the fact that they were harming others.

"Which of you is injured? Is it serious?" If you have that time, you might as well care more about the people in your own village.

"Hua Qiang, hurry up and bandage the injury." Old Hua took out the medical bag from his granddaughter and handed it to Hua Qiang.

"Uncle the village chief is fine. It's just some skin injuries that don't need bandaging."

They are all men who have come from rough places. No one cares about a little injury. What's more, it is their capital to show off. They don't have to worry about bragging when they go back. When the time comes, they can show off the scars on their bodies and let other people in the village worship them.

"That's not okay." How can Old Man Hua agree? These are good men in their village and cannot allow any mistakes. Besides, wounds in such a hot weather are still very easy to get infected if they are not treated.

"Hua Qiang..."

Hua Qiang quickly took the medicine bag and took the injured brother to apply medicine.

There were no serious injuries, at most they were scratches. As long as they were grateful to Hua Jin, Hua Jin's crossbows would appear on time whenever there was danger. It was because of this that they had nothing to do, and they were grateful in their hearts!
To be honest, with this accuracy and eyesight, these guys have to say "submit". If it were for them to fight in a dark place, it would be impossible to use a crossbow unless they are at close range. Otherwise, in the end He also didn't put the crossbow back because he couldn't see clearly and he was afraid of accidentally injuring one of his own.

Speaking of almost accidentally injuring one of our own, I have to mention Xiaosi. This boy's courage is commendable, but his accuracy is really hard to explain. If their reactions were not quite sensitive, they might have explained it here.

The problem is caused by our own people, thank you! !
With the plug-in Hua Jin here, not many of the injured were dealt with quickly.

In fact, Old Man Hua had already learned about it from his granddaughter, otherwise he wouldn't be so calm.

Seeing that everyone was fine, Old Man Hua once again looked at the gangsters who had been tied up. Anyone who was still alive and breathing was tied up and fell to the ground.

"Spare your life, hero, spare your life, spare your life, we are all forced, please spare us..."

The trembling begging for mercy never stopped, and there was a faint smell of urine coming out, making everyone take a few steps back in disgust.

"Want to live?" Old Man Hua looked at the people on the ground. Even though they looked particularly pitiful, with scars and bruises, they couldn't arouse any sympathy from Old Man Hua.

If there were no evil thoughts in his heart, how could he be killed? It was all his own fault. I don’t know how many people had been killed by them. This time, they could be considered as eliminating harm for the people.

Thinking of this, the old man's eyes became even more gloomy, and he looked at them coldly.

"Think...think...think, please grandpa let us live." The old man in front of me looked kind and kind. The people on the ground felt that hope was coming, and they quickly kowtowed.

They are afraid of death. Who would want to die if they were alive? If it were not for the fear of death, they would not go along with the boss.

"Okay, don't say that the old man didn't give you a chance, tell me what bad things you and your boss have done, and how many people have been robbed? Where is the lair, and how many people are there..."

"I said, I said, I said," the men tied into silkworm chrysalis scrambled to say while begging for mercy.

He's not a man of integrity, so he shouldn't do things like betraying people too smoothly.

Besides, who cares so much now that the boss is gone?
Looking at these people who are even willing to take action in order to fight for the chance to speak... If it weren't for the fear that the grass will grow again if the root is not removed, the old man Hua would not bother to take another look.

And these problems... The problems on the left and right have been settled. To eliminate harm for the people, we should simply eliminate them completely to avoid causing unnecessary trouble.

Old Man Hua also saw that these people were just relying on their large numbers, but in fact none of the powerful foreigners could show their strength. If possible, he would go and destroy their nests. At least they would be one less troublesome person.

As for reporting to the official, he had never thought about it, but thinking about the few government servants in the official office, Mr. Hua really felt that the county magistrate was afraid of being powerless, otherwise the gangsters would not be so rampant.

"Shut up." His head hurt from the noise. Old Man Hua pointed at someone casually: "You said..."

"Our boss's name is Lai Yansan."

"Lai Yansan, is this a nickname?"

"Yes, yes, the boss has a scar on his eye and is used to being called "Lai Yan". Everyone doesn't know what the boss's real name is anymore?"

"Where are the others? Is this operation coming?"

"Master Hui, here we come." The speaker looked at the corpse next to him.

Hua Qiang and the others followed their gaze and walked over. They saw the arrow on the chest flashing past. This was the person who took the lead before. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be their boss.

Even though he was dead, he was still angry and kicked him a few times and spat a few times.

...It's cheaper for him.

The old man Hua glanced at his granddaughter, a smile flashing in his eyes.

"How many people come this time, how many people are left in the nest."

"Eighty people have come, and there are only 80 people left behind in the old nest. Including the old, weak, women and children, there are about a hundred people." The man who spoke subconsciously hid those who were locked up and reserved for food reserves. That wandering look gave him away.

Others may not be able to see clearly in the darkness of night, but Hua Jin can see clearly.

Immediately, he whispered in the grandfather's ear, which made the old man glare angrily at the speaker, and said sullenly: "Are you sure there are only a hundred people and there are no others? The old man only gives you this last chance. I want to Let’s talk after it becomes clear.”

A naked threat, not a cruel one.

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