The brothers who went out to the village came back. It was still very chaotic outside. This time they went out and encountered people who killed people and robbed goods. If they were not powerful enough, they might have fallen into it and been locked up as a food reserve.

Hearing what they described... a lot of people didn't even finish the evening meal last night, it was disgusting.

The people of Lijia Village are a good example. If it's easy outside and they won't encounter opportunities, they will seize it and go to Huajia Village and follow them up the mountain.

Everyone in Huajia Village is very contented. Now that the most important problem besides food has been solved, they feel so at ease!

He looked at Hua Chengtian with burning eyes. Fortunately, Hua Chengtian was married and had a son, otherwise many people would have recommended themselves.

"Okay, now everyone feels at ease. Don't worry about it now. We have seen the things. Those in need can exchange whatever they want and buy whatever they want."

"Yes, yes, we all can't wait, let's start quickly."

A mother-in-law also shouted, mainly because there was really not much salt at home, so she planned to save more this time.

Everyone tacitly didn't ask how the salt was boiled, and they all knew how to use it. Even a few careless people in the village kept their mouths shut, which made Old Man Hua very satisfied.

But it has to be said.

"Before we begin, I would like to remind everyone that salt is not allowed to be handled in private. We must keep our mouths shut tightly, otherwise no one will be able to escape if the government finds out. Do you understand?"

"Don't worry, village chief. We all can save it. We must keep our mouths shut."

Everyone in the village benefits from this, and no one is a fool. Hua Chengtian works so hard for everyone. You must know that the village chief's family is not short of salt at all. Everyone remembers this love, and no one is a fool.

"Huaman is right. What he said is what we old guys want to say. Everyone must remember, who brought our village such a good life to everyone?
Look at Lijia Village, and then look at what the villages of those who defected to our village are like now. I think everyone knows it. Every family in our Huajia Village is good, but we can't do such ungrateful things and harm others and ourselves. , Chou said that if someone is found to be betraying the village, don't blame us old guys for turning their backs and denying them. I think everyone knows what the consequences will be. "

Several clan elders also expressed their opinions respectively, and they all had serious expressions on their faces, beating the people in the village, especially those in the village who made people worry.

They are all old people who have matured. They are illiterate rough people who don't know much about the truth, but the experience they have gained after living for decades is the most precious thing.

Now it seems that the flood has passed, but in fact the situation outside is still very serious.

A good official met in Shanggu Town, and he squeezed out some grains for the people, but that was all. There was no trace of the relief grains or anything like that, and there were also people who had escaped from other places, which showed that the disaster was not Things are not getting better as they imagined, and this situation is obviously because the imperial court simply does not care about the people everywhere, or it has too much time to take care of itself.

After all, according to Luo Song, this disaster seems to have affected a large area, and all the states adjacent to Lingyun Prefecture have not escaped. If this is true, then the day will be really chaotic, they old guys I was actually quite panicked.

Now I have finally found a place to avoid disasters, and I have achieved my own independence. It can benefit future generations and no one is allowed to destroy it.

Therefore, he said harsh words without any ambiguity, making everyone realize the seriousness of the matter.

Not to mention that several clan elders suddenly became so serious, it really scared everyone. Following the clan elders' words and thinking of the consequences, everyone's heart trembled. Thinking of their current life and the misery of the people outside, they all nodded firmly and beat them to death. No nonsense.Not only do they also have to watch the newly integrated villagers of Huajia Village, after all, people's hearts are not revealed at all in the Salt Lake. As for fine salt, no one can say how much they will think about it. At most, they just secretly ponder that Huajia Village has a strong foundation. There is even fine salt.

Seeing that everyone really took it to heart, the expressions of several clan elders also softened.

"Okay, everyone just understands. After all, we are a whole. We are all prosperous and we are all damaged. If you want to live well in these terrible years, you have to hug together for warmth and twist your heart into a rope. Old man, I don't have much ability. , but as long as the people in the village need the old man, I, Huaman, will naturally do my best to help him live well."

Seeing that the intimidation effect has been achieved and the atmosphere has been achieved, Old Man Hua began to deceive people's hearts again.

After all, after beating a stick, you still have to give a sweet date, in order to better unite people's hearts.

"We all listen to the village chief, work together and live well!"

The villagers shouted with excitement after hearing these words.

"Yes, yes..." echoes continued.

"Okay, as expected, this is what we, the people of Huajia Village, should do. Well, I won't say much and we can't wait. Let's start changing if necessary."

After saying that, he looked at his grandson and granddaughter: "Yunao Yunxiang, you brothers will take notes. Xiaosi Jin'er, you are responsible for weighing and collecting the things."

"Yes, Grandpa."

As soon as he said this, the four children all had smiles in their eyes, and everyone could not wait to line up.

Some young people who have a good relationship with the Hua family brothers are also helping out. Luo Song is definitely indispensable. At this moment, he and the young people are moving baskets of things and sorting them into categories.

They took out some items one by one and laid them out, including the salt, sugar, and various condiments that everyone needed most. As each item appeared, the aunts, aunts, and daughters-in-law in the queue couldn't help but smile with joy. On their expressions, the women were even happier when they saw that there was even brown sugar.

As for food, it is not the focus of everyone's attention. Although more than a year has passed, thanks to the village chief, there is really no shortage of food for every household. If you save a little, each family will still be able to survive for two or three years. What's more, What's more, this season's grain seeds have already been planted in the ground and can't be harvested in a few months. Therefore, everyone's attention is focused on daily necessities, especially salt and sugar.

What is surprising is that I thought that fine salt would be expensive. After all, this thing has always been expensive. Just looking at it, I know that it is not easy to spend the cost and energy.

What’s surprising is that it’s only [-]% more expensive than coarse salt. Salt is not as good as grain, as long as it has a little taste. You can live with one pound of it, which can be eaten for half a year or even a year. It’s actually not expensive at all. You can bite your teeth and eat it. Affordable.

And don’t forget that they can also exchange items for the same price.

Home-saved eggs, home-made miso, pickles, home-woven linen, bamboo stream, etc. can be exchanged for anything that can be used.

This is the method most people choose. They use their own things to buy and trade, and exchange one thing for another. Not only do they save money, but the most important thing is that they don’t feel bad.

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