Chapter 35 35. It should be... easy to raise, right?

I can understand, it would be rare for him to have such a cute and smart daughter.

Shopkeeper Wang smiled and did not speak. Instead, he took out money from his body, counted 160 copper coins and handed it to the other party. "If Brother Hua catches prey in the future, feel free to send it to us. The price is absolutely fair."

"Thank you, shopkeeper Wang." Seeing that Hua Chengtian was surrounded by his own child, he also relaxed, took the copper plate and put on a smile again, nodded and took the two children away from Shiweixian.

"Father, there's a lot of money, we'll catch more in the future."

What the girl said made Hua Chengtian laugh out loud: "My girl, this time is a special case. The rabbit is big enough and it is alive. Otherwise, the price per catty will be two or three yuan lower. Besides, wild rabbits in the mountains are not easy to catch. Our family is not a professional hunter. Even if it is a professional hunter, it doesn't mean that there will be harvest every day, especially when the mountain is closed by heavy snow in winter.

While Hua Chengtian was happy, she was also worried that her daughter would have such thoughts, so she quickly opened her mouth and told her to let her know that she should get rid of the thoughts she shouldn't have.

"Father, I know" Hua Jin replied with an expression that your daughter is not stupid, "Dad, I didn't say go up the mountain, don't we have a few little wild rabbits? I read in the book that wild rabbits can produce several litters a year. Dad, how about we raise wild rabbits? If we raise them well, don't we have to worry about not being able to make money?"

Don't say that, Hua Chengtian's heart is really moved, if it is really feasible to raise rabbits according to what the girl said.

It's just... Are there any books on this subject in my son's place?
But then I thought that my son often borrowed books from his classmates to read at home, and it was not impossible to bring back some miscellaneous books.

Thinking of this, I suddenly feel that it is better to be a girl, smart and eager to learn, otherwise I would not know this, and I looked at the younger son who took out the pancake and ate it slowly, and the disgust on his face should not be too obvious.

Hua Jin is still waiting for her father's answer, completely unaware of her father's doubts and has already found the reason for her.

"My daughter is just smart, it's just... we haven't raised this thing before, can we cultivate it?" Hua Chengtian vaccinated the daughter in advance, so that the little rabbit would not be sad because he didn't feed her daughter.

"It should... be easy to raise." Hua Jin was also stunned for a moment, only thinking about raising rabbits to make money, but forgot about whether rabbits are easy to raise.

It can grow so well in the wild, so it shouldn't be difficult to raise, right?
Hua Jin thought uncertainly, after all, she had never raised her.

Then I searched for knowledge points in this area in my mind, um... not too many, all of them were accidentally read from the Internet, but it is better than nothing.

What are you thinking so much about?Not all experience is accumulated slowly, anyway, it is a no-cost business, it is nothing more than a waste of energy, and the worst is to start from scratch.

After thinking about it, Hua Jin didn't struggle anymore, "It's okay, Dad, let's try it anyway."

"Yes, my daughter is right." Hua Chengtian smiled, and he was relieved that the child was in a good mood.

"Then let's try."

If he really had this idea, he couldn't let the two children torment themselves. Hua Chengtian immediately decided to pay more attention to the growth of a few little rabbits when he went back and was fine.

"Hmm..." At this moment, the father and daughter had the same thought in their hearts, they both wanted to pay more attention to the little rabbit.

Hua Jin even thought about going into the space at night.

She suddenly thought that if there is electricity in the space house, maybe there is also the Internet?
Even a little impatient.

As for Xiaosi, he didn't care about the conversation between his sister and his father at all. He was wondering whether he should take another bite of the pancake in his hand.

The smell of the oil cakes stimulated him to salivate constantly, and he couldn't help but want to take a bite, but he also wanted to give his grandparents and mother a taste, so he returned to their booth amidst the entanglement.

When they saw the empty bamboo baskets, they knew that the two rabbits had been sold.

Old man Hua: "It's sold."

Hua Chengtian nodded, "Sold it, sold it to the Food Fairy, the shopkeeper is kind."

When the son said this to the old man Hua, he knew that the price was good, and the wrinkles on his face suddenly deepened, and both Mrs. Qi and Mrs. Hua also laughed.

Today's business is good, including a lot of things sold, Mrs. Hua thinks this is the good luck brought by her granddaughter, before when she didn't bring her granddaughter, the business was not so good, and it didn't sell out so quickly, and some even sold out in the afternoon.

He smiled from ear to ear, and then looked at his son: "When you come back, you can watch the stall with your father. I will go to the embroidery workshop with your daughter-in-law."

"Well, mother, you go." Hua Chengtian nodded.

Seeing that grandma and mother were about to leave, Xiao Si, who was still struggling with the pancakes in his hand, came to his senses, ran up to grandma and mother as if offering a treasure, and said, "Grandma, mother, the pancakes specially reserved by Xiao Si, are delicious, try them."

"My grandson is really filial." Looking at the bitten pancake, the old lady's eyes twitched, and she still boasted.

"But the milk is not hungry, you can eat."

"Mother..." Xiao Si looked at Mother again.

"Mother is not hungry, Xiaosi can eat by himself."

The food that this child has eaten is too bad, Qi hastily refused.

Then Xiao Si ran to Grandpa and asked him to eat it by himself. As for Daddy, Xiao Si had subconsciously forgotten about him, and happily ate the few pancakes left, without even noticing that grandma and mother took their sister away.

Hua Jin touched the flowers on her body and looked a little nervous. She followed her grandmother and mother towards the inner street. When she followed her mother and stopped at the door of a shop, she realized that the embroidery workshop was not too far from Shiweixian.

The facade is a very ordinary shop that looks normal, the difference is that the paint color on the surface of the door is brighter, it is that kind of bright red, and there are four big characters of Zouji Embroidery Workshop neatly written on it.

In the shop, the big girl and the young daughter-in-law came and went and saw that the business was very good, and then they also entered the embroidery workshop with grandma and mother.

As soon as I entered, I found that the embroidery workshop is much more unique than the door face. The space is really not small. There are several people who greet people, but they are all women.

The shops are full of beautiful things, basically all the things that women need, such as embroidered purses, handkerchiefs, needlework, various auspicious knots, fabrics, and ready-made clothes of various styles and colors, etc. This is not a small scale in a small town. Seeing these brocades seems to give me a little more confidence.

There are still female guests in front, and it will be their turn after a while.

Mrs. Qi's Hua is a regular visitor here, and the guys who often bring in work can tell what they are doing at a glance, and they don't spend much time entertaining them.

"Hello Shopkeeper Zou." Finally it was their turn, and Mrs. Qi looked at the woman at the counter with a flattering smile.

"Miss Qi is here, the interval is a bit long this time!" Shopkeeper Zou replied with a smile on his face, took the package handed over by Mrs. Qi and began to inspect it.

It was indeed a day later than the delivery time, and Qi Shi was also a little embarrassed: "Yes, there are a lot of things at home recently and the busy farming season, so it didn't delay the shopkeeper's sales."

"No, no, Madam Qi, don't be nervous, I'm just asking casually." Shopkeeper Zou seemed to see Qi's nervousness and laughed hurriedly.

 Please collect, please collect, please collect, thank you for your recommendation and monthly pass, love you (﹡o﹡)
(End of this chapter)

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