Chapter 377 377. It’s a worthwhile trip
I estimated the approximate location of the darkroom, took out a sharp work shovel, and started working.

It feels good to work with great strength, and there is no need to use force at all. When the shovel is shoveled, it will be a piece of work. Normally, it would take half a day for one person to dig. Hua Jin dug a large piece in a short time, and almost cleaned up the surrounding silt, revealing the collapse walls and various debris.

Hua Jin's eyes stayed on the rusty metal wrapped in mud for a few seconds longer.

Just by melting these few big iron lumps, you can make a lot of things. Even if you don't find what you want, Hua Jin feels that the trip is worthwhile, and then squints at the ground.

She only remembered that the shopkeeper touched something and then the secret door appeared. The secret door was very small, only enough space for one person to pass through, and it seemed to go diagonally downward.

At that time, I was only focused on buying weapons and didn't think much about it. Now I think about it, the darkroom in this iron shop should be in the basement, otherwise there wouldn't be such a big space and the privacy wouldn't be so good.

After collecting several large iron lumps, Hua Jin found the location in his mind, stood on it, and then continued digging.

You won’t know until you dig it out, and there’s no other way.

When the surface was dug up and the hard material struck by the shovel was removed, Hua Jin stopped and her eyes couldn't help but light up.

If I remember correctly, the floor of this iron shop does not seem to have any bricks and stones, it is a solid rammed earth surface.

From the stiffness of the piercing touch, it is easy to tell that the thing below is either a stone or a metal object.

No matter which of these two types it is, Hua Jin wants to see it.

Immediately, he speeded up and cleared away the dirt and debris on the top layer. Several rectangular bluestone slabs appeared in front of him, which was in sharp contrast with the rammed earth on the side. If there was no Mao Ni Hua Jin underneath, he would definitely not believe it.

Thinking of the letter she sent to the county town overnight, she just didn't know if it was still there.

Just looking at the tightly inlaid bluestone slab, Hua Jin raised her eyebrows, but a few stones couldn't stop her.

There were plenty of tools. The next moment she appeared in the space and picked through them, finding various types of crowbars. Coupled with her unparalleled strength, it was not a big problem to open them.

After trying it one by one, Hua Jin finally took out the cutting machine from the space after the bluestone slab was pried into two pieces as she expected, because there was a neat row of wood under the bluestone slab.

It was very dry and there were no signs of erosion from the rain. This made Hua Jin happy and speed up the movements of her hands.

Soon a hole appeared that could allow one person to enter.

Black, pitch black, nothing can be seen, this is the feeling in Hua Jin's eyes, but when the mental power spreads, the corners of his mouth rise.

Then a long wooden ladder appeared in her hand, and she carefully put it into the hole. After fixing it, she took out the flashlight in the space and eagerly went down the wooden ladder.

Except for a musty smell that has been unventilated for a long time, the darkroom is well-kept. I have to boast that the waterproof sealing of this darkroom is really good, and there is no trace of being soaked in water.

To the naked eye, everything is covered with shelves, and there are tons of weapons, even worse than last time.

Hua Jin was happy, and then there was a lot of picking up and picking up. No matter whether it was the shelves or the corners, nothing was left behind. Even the nails on the wall were all pulled out.

When these are dissolved, they can produce a lot of arrowheads!
In just a few moments the darkroom became empty.

Hua Jin couldn't hide her excitement until she left the darkroom.

Then there was another round of digging and digging, and all the weapons in the blacksmith shop were not moved. It can be seen that the shopkeeper left in a hurry. Hua Jin couldn't bear to not loot everything, but he felt a little sorry for the shopkeeper. This wave of zero She is determined to buy Yuan Gou.

After half an hour, Hua Jin was satisfied and stopped the shovel in his hand.

She was really busy here, and the result of searching for most of the night was not as much as the metal in a corner here.After collecting a pile of iron, Hua Jin was satisfied and ready to leave. The next stop was the original shop.

Presumably because of the gust of wind she brought about that year, these shopkeepers should have seized the opportunity to purchase another batch of rough stones.

This time, I was not disappointed either and still gained a lot.

In this way, they walked all the way to the outside of the city. Different from one night, Hua Jin never let go of the smile on his lips.

Having overfulfilled her task and eager to go home, she entered the space to wash up, change clothes and disinfect without stopping.

Fortunately, my mother and grandma were already vaccinated when I came out, which will last for a few days, otherwise the family would go crazy.

There are newly imported weapons and piles of iron tools in the space. Although they are rusty, they will not be affected after being processed. Even if they go home and be punished by their mother, it is still worth it.

Huajin in Shanggu Town didn't plan to dig. There weren't many iron shops anyway, and their capable county magistrate had already sent people to clean up the leaks before she could pick them up, and the usable things were gone.

Along the way, the car drove at a drifting speed, and the speed of one hour was compressed to more than half an hour. Hua Jin returned to Shanggu Town before entering the early morning.

Thinking that we should not favor one thing over another in the county town, we drove straight into Shanggu Town. It was like a ghost traveling through every well in Shanggu Town, blending with the streams in the space.

Like the county seat, the last stop is the official residence. Fortunately, this place is obviously much better than the county seat. At least the people in the official residence have not fallen into danger. There are people patrolling the mansion, but the door is closed.

Even if the plague was so raging, the door would be closed for her, and she wouldn't be worried about her long life.

At least not a single body was seen on the streets of Shanggu Town.

Then came the surrounding villages. As long as there were wells and people, Hua Jin didn't miss them.

As for the dead villages, Hua Jin directly controlled the corpses and sent them to each family and then burned them.

Even Shangqin Village, where Qin Shu was located, was the same. It had turned into a dead village. It was all poured with cooking oil and burned.

The space of this thing has been reset a lot. Hua Jin doesn't feel bad about using it at all, and he wouldn't hesitate to change it to gasoline. After all, it uses less.

It was the middle of the night, and even if there was thick smoke, no one would notice it. Even if it was discovered, it would be unintentional.

The whole process lasted for a long time. It was not until the sun rose that Hua Jin returned to the outskirts of Huajia Village. She entered the space to wash up, disinfect, and change clothes. It was already after noon when she came out again to eat, drink, and rest.

Looking at the surrounded Huajia Village, Hua Jinta admired Qin Shu and his son. In short, it can be said in two words, "Awesome". Even the place reserved for the gate has been blocked by several broken trees. I thought It's difficult to get in easily.

The sun was still strong after noon, but at this moment they, including the only female family, were working tirelessly.

Although she was very tired, she looked very energetic and seemed to have gained some muscle. When she saw her cheeks that were no longer so sunken, she felt that she was a bit oppressive. Hua Jin instantly felt much better.

Withdrawing her mental power, Hua Jin climbed over the half-finished wall that was as tall as one person, and walked towards her home at the back of the village.

How can such a strenuous labor load be accomplished with just a little food?

Glancing at the family who were busy working, Hua Jin arrived at the front door of her house but did not go in. Suddenly, there was a pile of things on the wooden table in the yard.

(End of this chapter)

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