Chapter 393
  After all, four-legged animals can always move faster than two-legged people.

As more and more refugees appeared, the appearance of Lingyun Prefecture also appeared in front of them. Except for the barely maintained city wall, the city was in a mess, which also made many refugees who came with hope almost despair.

After going through all kinds of hardships to escape all the way, some people even died of heat on the road. They thought they would have hope when they arrived in Lingyun Prefecture, but they didn't expect that the people in the prefecture city were no better than them.

With such a disappointing situation, more refugees dispersed through the prefecture city towards the surrounding counties and towns. They were already exhausted from running for their lives along the way. Even so, most of them wanted to find a place to relax for a few days to recover. From long memory.

The government is also powerless, without food or medicine. It can't even take care of the people in its own city, let alone this overwhelming number of refugees.

What can be done is not to prevent these refugees from entering the city, allocate part of the troops to maintain order in the city, and evacuate the victims to various places. As for the rest, they can only depend on their own destiny.

Fortunately, although the weather is hot now, there are still abundant plants. In addition, the refugees have also harvested a season of food. As long as there is water, they can still survive.

Because of this, although the refugees were a little desperate, they did not give up and continued to move forward.

At first, I could still walk for a while during the day, but as the sun rose and set, the temperature continued to rise every day. Except for traveling at night, traveling during the day was almost life-threatening. Therefore, many refugees seemed to be stuck wherever they went. , There are also people who can't stand the heat and seek out mountains to hide in the mountains.

But more people still choose to travel, but they have changed to staying in the day and going out at night. Although the speed is slower, it is safer.

After all, Lingyun Prefecture is so different from what they imagined. It doesn't even have a decent city wall, let alone a river to protect the city wall. Can it stop the Northern Tatar Army?
  Thinking of the cruelty of the Northern Tartars, it is common for them to eat people alive. These have become the beliefs that motivate them to keep moving forward. It is not for anything else but for their children. They have survived until now and always want to see their children safe. grow up.

As Sun Tan led less than [-] remnants to arrive at Lingyun City in embarrassment, the earliest arriving refugees had already walked far away, and some had even reached Crescent City.

Looking at the people walking back and forth at the Crescent City Gate, the refugees who came here suddenly burst out with hope, because the faces of these people did not look like the numbness they had seen along the way.

I even saw Bartering in the city. Although their faces changed suddenly due to their sudden arrival and they left in a hurry, the order here seemed to have begun to be restored. Even the government officials who blocked them felt friendly for a while. .

Without being ignored by the people in the city, they were soon concentrated in an abandoned village.

According to the words of the yamen officials, they must be quarantined here for seven days. After seven days, if there are no problems, they can go to the government to register their household registration.

As for why there is no problem, they all understand it after experiencing the plague.

But this also means that this place is willing to keep them. As long as they are registered with the government, they are not refugees who can be driven away at will. This has made many people think.

Not only is this place far enough away from Yuncheng, it is also absolutely far away from Lingyun Prefecture City. They really can no longer bear the hard work of traveling. Even if they travel at night, they will be sunburned. This is not a bad thing for them. In the end, The important thing is that this is the place that looks the best along the way. If they continue walking, it may not be as good as Crescent City.

Of course, some people choose to stay, while others choose to leave. Most of the people who choose to leave are those who own cars and livestock. Although they go out day and night, their situation is much better than them. Having cars and livestock means that You can bring enough water with you, at least you won’t be exposed to the sun and your skin will peel off, and you won’t want to move even if it hurts.

The ultimate goal of these people is almost to go to the imperial city. They think that the situation at the emperor's feet should be much better, at least safer, and they don't have to worry about it all day long.

Of course, there are also those who are undecided. Most of them choose a secret place directly outside the city as a temporary resting place, thinking of settling down first and waiting for a few days before making a decision. Among them, people from one village followed the river to the deserted village where Da Liu and the others were.

Suddenly, so many refugees who had left their homes came, and the children, including Da Liu, were so frightened that they closed the courtyard door tightly as if they were facing a powerful enemy.

There is such a complete house in such a remote and deserted village, and it is also the target of everyone's attention.

The big dog heard the banging on the door outside, and their faces turned pale with fright as they hugged their younger brothers and sisters. If so many people had any evil intentions, they children would not have the ability to resist at all.

Fortunately, the banging on the door and the scolding of an old man finally stopped, and Da Liu Gouzi and his younger brothers and sisters relaxed a little.

Even though this was like a thorn in his back, he didn't dare to sleep to death at night. The older children of Da Liu Cao Gen Gou Zi even took turns to watch the night, and their weapons never left their hands.

Fortunately, except for the knock on the door when he first arrived, the whole day was relatively quiet, and it seemed that he was being controlled by the old man.

You could clearly hear the movement of this group of people chopping down trees and building tents, which made Da Liu Gouzi and the others even more uneasy.

This means that these people are not settling down temporarily. To be able to make such a big move, at least they have to rest here for a while.

Theirs is the only house in the whole village. It used to be inconspicuous when no one was around, but now there are hundreds of people here. If no one covets his house, the big dog will not believe anything he says, so he only makes some noises in the yard as a warning. People outside are even more afraid to go out.

In this way, Gouzi and the others spent several days in fear, praying sincerely that these people would leave quickly. Unfortunately, it was counterproductive. Through the courtyard wall, they could see from a distance that the simple wooden shacks of these people had been built. He had no intention of leaving. The most important thing was that Da Liu, who was on guard last night, heard some movement outside the courtyard. If he hadn't yelled in a grown-up voice, someone might have already entered the courtyard.

Apparently...someone couldn't bear it anymore.

Compared with the simple shacks and wooden houses, their brick and stone houses are of course more sun-proof and shaded, so they are naturally coveted targets.

Da Liu didn't dare to rest that night. When the sky was slightly bright, his brothers and sisters all woke up and told them what happened during the night.

A few older ones had wrong expressions, and even a few younger ones also had sad faces.

"Brother Liu..." Gouzi clenched his fists, took a deep breath and said firmly: "Why not... let's leave!"

"Leave?" Da Liu frowned. He had also thought about leaving in the past two days, but where could these children go if they left here? Even if they went to the city, they could not keep the food they had worked so hard to grow.

Caogen Huahua, Wan'er, and his younger brothers and sisters also looked at him, and they all became entangled when they heard these two words.

The days of wandering were really hard in the past, but now they have finally settled down. The children really don’t want to repeat the precarious days of being bullied every day.

(End of this chapter)

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