Chapter 395 395. It’s getting more and more difficult

Qin Shu and his parents and brothers were exhausted after a busy night. They ate something simple in the early morning, washed up, and then returned to the cellar to rest.

Although the room was cooler than the outside, it was still hot. After the cellar was ventilated, most of the family chose to stay in the cellar during their rest time.

It is precisely because of this that the father and son spent a lot of energy building the cellar, no less than when building the house.

They divided it into two parts, that is, two rooms. One is used to store grain and vegetables, and the other is where they rest. It is also the room connected to the exit of the cellar.

In order to maintain privacy, the cellar door was left under the bedroom and was lengthened and widened. Since there were no outsiders in the village, it was not deliberately hidden and kept open all day long.

Of course, water is also indispensable under such high temperatures. There are several huge water tanks in the cellar, which are full of water and tightly covered with stone slabs.

Although the cellar is a bit stuffy, the temperature is much lower. In addition, the cellar exit is large, so there is no need to worry about the possibility of being suffocated. After washing with the slightly cold well water, the family quickly falls asleep. .

At the same time, Da Liu Gouzi, who had been walking for more than ten days, took a wrong path and returned after going through hardships and finally found the right path and appeared on the official road of Shanggu Town.

Thanks to the smaller targets when traveling at night, and because they are more cautious, as long as they encounter something alive, their first reaction is to hide, no matter what. It is precisely because of this that despite stumbling along the way, there is no danger, no matter whether it is people or food. We came to Shanggu Town.

Looking at the dog who said firmly that he had arrived, they couldn't care less about their happiness. They looked at the sky that was gradually showing the white color of fish belly and they anxiously looked for a temporary place to stay.

On the same road, they did not dare to enter the town. Although Liu was considered a grown-up at fifteen or sixteen years old, and Gouzi and Caogen were also in their teens, they were not in their prime after all, and with so many younger brothers and sisters, they were like this The combination looks easy to bully.

Who is stupid enough to live to this moment? How could he treat himself as a living target?

But every time, I was not so lucky to find a resting place in time. A flood uprooted many big trees and chopped them down. Not to mention the houses, although they were deserted outside the town. There are quite a few villages, but Da Liu and the others dare not enter, especially villages where there are no people and those that have been burned by fire.

In the end, I chose a place close to the mountains. Although it took more time and was more strenuous, there were many trees and shady sides. You just had to arrive before the sun rose.

However, during this period, when the sun hadn't risen yet and he saw the inhabited village, he settled his younger brothers and sisters and hid Da Liu, so he chose to go to the village alone.

We had arrived at Shanggu Town, and we knew the general direction of Huajia Village, but we still didn't know if we didn't go in to find out. He and his younger brothers and sisters were too tired from walking all the way, so naturally they would take as few unnecessary steps as possible.

As for whether there would be danger, Da Liu was still a little confident. Although he was not strong enough at fifteen or sixteen, he was still a man, let alone carrying an ax on his back.

Da Liu was also nervous when he entered a strange village. He tried his best to appear unafraid and hold his chest high.

Unfortunately, even in the early morning, he couldn't see people as easily as he thought. Even if he did, they would rush by with a hoe or a bucket. Apart from looking at him curiously, they would say nothing. None.

"Hey..." Da Liu, who had stretched out his hand, silently put it down with the sound of the door slamming. A flash of disappointment flashed in his eyes, but he understood that even a stranger would have ignored him.

But he didn't ask anyone and didn't give up, so he could only continue walking further into the village, but still no one paid him any attention.

Just when he was about to give up and turn around, a slightly hoarse voice called him to stop.

A very rough voice. It seems that since the disaster, there are very few voices of adults and children that are not hoarse. The only difference is that of men and women.

"What...are you doing? Who are you looking for?" A middle-aged man holding a pole came out of an adobe house and looked at him cautiously.

"Hello, uncle." Da Liu did not answer first, but called politely. His parents told him that it is not strange to be polite to many people, especially when you ask for something from others.

He didn't move around casually. After all, the other party looked very cautious, and the pole in his hand was protected in front of him.

The man looked at him warily but did not speak this time.

After finally meeting someone who was willing to talk to him, Da Liu didn't want to let it go, so he spoke quickly after being polite.

Don't get straight to the point.

"Hello, uncle, I want to ask for directions?"

"Ask for directions?" The man looked at the young man in front of him. He was about the same height as him. Although he was thin, he was in good spirits. Although he was pretending to be calm, the uneasy man in his eyes could still be seen clearly, and he suddenly felt relieved.

Here Da Liu quickly nodded, "Yes, I would like to ask how to get to Huajia Village?"

"Huajia Village?" The man was a little surprised.

Obviously the young man asking for directions was not from the surrounding village, otherwise how could he not know where Huajia Village was.

After all, it is one of the largest villages here, and it is also a village with little unity. Especially when they led the villagers to grow winter vegetables and burn charcoal a few years ago to make Huajia Village live a better life, they did not want to make the surrounding villages envious of them.

"Yes." Da Liu quickly nodded again, looking at the man closely with expectation.

"What's your relationship with Huajia Village?" After asking, the man couldn't help but asked one more question out of curiosity.

"Oh, I'm looking for a relative. A distant cousin of mine married to Huajia Village. Now my family can't live well, so..." Da Liu didn't dare to tell the truth, so he used the most understandable and practical excuse.

What is the reason for the younger generation... Anyone with a brain will understand it, and of course the man will know it too, and he will nod his head in understanding.

Knowing that he was asking for directions, he felt relieved and was not worried about what he would bring to Huajia Village. After all, with the strength of Huajia Village, such a young man would definitely not take him seriously.

He told the location of Huajia Village with peace of mind, and then hurriedly picked up a bucket to fetch water. Within a few words, he felt that the temperature had risen again.

After carefully writing down the address the man said, Da Liu quickly bowed to the man and ran out of the village faster than the man.

As the man thought, the temperature was too high, so he hurried to find his brothers and sisters before the sun came up.

Fortunately, the address given by the man was not much different from the address given by the benefactor, except for being more detailed. This was exactly what they needed right now, and it was not worth risking the risk to run into the village.

Seeing that Da Liu had come back safely, Gou Zi, Hua Er, Cao Gen and the others, who had been looking worriedly, all breathed a sigh of relief. Then, the brothers and sisters took advantage of the sky just showing the white fish belly to speed up their journey. As the sun rose, That moment found a temporary home.

But the day was getting more and more difficult. Even hiding under a tree under a rock on the back of the mountain still made them sweat non-stop. Even when they fell asleep, they were uneasy, as if they were in a steamer. generally.

(End of this chapter)

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