Chapter 399 399. Based on trust
  Moreover, since it was Miss Huajin who had promised, even if his son didn't say anything, Qin Dagen was still prepared to let the little girl's family in because of his trust in Miss Huajin.

Miss Huajin is not very old, but Qin Dagen learned from the girl's work and her son's mouth that she was a well-measured girl with a kind heart but not a bad person. Since she dared to let this family come here, naturally I also approve of this company.

Moreover, the little girl has accurately named Miss Hua Jin, so they can't really drive her away. They just hope that this family is easy to get along with, otherwise they will be looking for trouble for themselves.

Seeing that the temperature was getting higher and higher, without further delay, Qin Dagen took the lead in walking, and Qin Shu followed suit.

The little girl was stunned for a moment and hurriedly followed, but there was a hint of worry in her eyes, worried that when they saw the family she mentioned, they would find out that it was the children who were changing their minds.

But she was a child after all, and the weather was hot. No matter how fast she was, how could she match the speed of two adults? When he arrived, he saw the two of them looking blankly at the door blocked by trees. The stunned brothers and sisters.

Her arrival also made Qin Shu, Qin Dagen and his son look at her.

Qin Dagen: "Are they your family?"

His eyes were incredulous. He had never guessed that the family the little girl mentioned was actually a group of children, and the eldest one looked not as big as the second child.

He couldn't imagine how such a group of children walked from the county seat to Shanggu Town in such a hot weather, especially in today's world. When he looked at these children, Qin Dagen had a hint of sympathy in his expression.

Qin Shu also didn't expect that all the things that he couldn't figure out before were now clear.

Yes, you know that Miss Hua Jin will not save people for no reason. It turns out that these are a group of helpless and pitiful children.

They didn't have much contact, but Qin Shu knew that she was a very smart girl.

It can be seen from the fact that hiring them to build the wall not only preserves their poor self-esteem, but also makes Huajia Village more secure and safer in the future.

"Brother Shu, don't be stunned, move quickly." If it were a group of adults, Qin Dagen might have to think twice, but looking at the ragged and thin children in front of him, especially the alertness in his eyes, Qin Dagen felt uneasy. It softened instantly.

These were not the children he had seen before, with a calculating look in their eyes.

Hearing this, Qin Shu also hurriedly helped. No wonder only a little girl came in. The trees blocking the door were carefully selected by him and his father to be relatively strong. Even he and his father had to use all their strength to move them away. Indeed, It’s not something these kids outside can shake.

Feeling the weight of the trees, Qin Shu couldn't help but think of Hua Jin. This girl had never entered through the gate. Thinking of the piles of bricks and stones that appeared in Huajia Village overnight, Qin Shu's eyes flashed.

Fortunately, we only need to move an exit that can allow the children to come in. Although it takes a little effort, it is not too tiring.

When there was enough space, the little girl hurriedly ran out. Qin Shu and his father stood at the door without disturbing them, watching the little girl whisper something.

Then two of the older children came over and bowed to them.

"Uncle, can we really move in?"

Da Liu and Gouzi were really happy to know that this was Huajia Village. However, when they learned that their benefactor was not there and that there was only a family that looked like a father and son in the whole village, Da Liu and Gouzi felt really uneasy.

However, they thought that since their benefactor, the elder brother, would definitely not harm them if he left this address, they struggled with the situation and Da Liu and Gou Zi were willing to believe in human nature for once.

Moreover, they are just a group of children. If the two of them really have any bad intentions, there is no need to act, let alone have a good attitude towards Hua'er. It is still very easy to deal with these children.

"Okay, but did you tell me the conditions for coming in?" After saying this, Qin Dagen had given up hope in working. Except for two or three older ones, the others were too small. He looked to be only five or six years old. "I told you, we will work." Da Liu said quickly.

"Okay, come in." Qin Dagen nodded. Feeling that the temperature was getting higher and higher, he took the initiative to get out without any further delay, thinking about helping the children push the wooden cart in.

When he moved, several children instinctively took a few steps back.

"Don't be afraid, it's too hot, we have to hurry up." Qin Dagen pointed to the wooden cart surrounded by several children and pulled it up.

The wooden cart, which was heavy for a child, was easily pulled away. He was stunned for a moment, and Liu called his younger brothers and sisters to follow him quickly.

Then Da Liu Gouzi Caogen helped to block the door with trees again. Look at the trees falling down layer after layer. Unless it was burned, it would be impossible to push it away easily from the outside.

The children didn't say anything and followed the two people in front of them silently.

As Qin Dagen walked, he was thinking about how to arrange these children.

It's definitely not okay to let these children stay outside like this in the open air. They can't sustain such a scorching sun for even half an hour a day.

There is a place in the Hua family, but Qin Dagen cannot arrange it at will without the permission of Miss Huajin. After much deliberation, he can only take it back to his own home for the time being. Fortunately, the woodshed at home was not too small when it was built. It can still accommodate these children if they are squeezed.

Qin Shu watched his father pull the car back to his home. He was slightly startled and frowned but didn't say anything.

Da Liu Gouzi and his younger brothers and sisters stood awkwardly in the yard.

"You can stay in my house for the time being, but there is not much space in my house, so I can only spare a woodshed." Qin Dagen opened the door of the woodshed and turned sideways to let the children have a look.

If they were unwilling, Qin Dagen would not force it, thinking that these children must have their own way of survival if they came all the way to Huajia Village.

Who would disagree? There is actually a lot of space in the firewood shed. Apart from a large amount of firewood, the remaining space is larger than the shabby tent they lived in before, and it is enough for their brothers and sisters to stay.

Sensing the family's kindness, Da Liu Gouzi Hua'er and several older children showed gratitude.

"Thank you, uncle." Da Liu thanked his younger brothers and sisters. Although his tone was still a little awkward and stiff, it was better than before.

"No, you will stay here temporarily and wait until Miss Huajin comes to make plans. By the way, you can call me Uncle Qin."

"Uncle Qin!" Gouzi was the smarter one among them, so he quickly shouted after hearing this.

Qin Dagen nodded: "Okay, it's getting late. You should quickly pack up, eat something and rest. If you have any questions, you can ask me when it gets dark. By the way, there is also a main room in the kitchen. I hope you don't enter casually."

What should be said must be made clear to avoid anything bad happening again.

Qin Dagen is already very kind to be able to help them. After all, no one would mind their own business at this time, and they are still strangers they don't know, even children.

If it weren't for his trust in Miss Huajin, no matter how pitiful these children were, Qin Dagen would treat them as invisible.

(End of this chapter)

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