There was only that one house in the whole village, so it wasn't the one that others coveted.

It has only been a few days and there are people who want to find out. In a few days, the children may really not be safe. Regardless of whether those people are good or bad, at least leaving is the right thing to do.

Seeing that the benefactor's eldest sister also agreed with their approach, Gouzi became visibly happy again.

Does this mean that the eldest sister doesn't hate their arrival?

"Do you know who those refugees are?" Hua Jin didn't want to think too much, but the sudden appearance of a group of refugees was too strange.

"I know this." The grass root on the side raised his hand and looked at Hua Jin with bright eyes while holding back his timidity.

Seeing the encouraging smile from the benefactor, Cao Gen quickly said: "We heard their conversation in the yard. They came from further north, saying they came from..."

"Yicheng" Da Liu interrupted.

"Yes, it's Yicheng." Caogen scratched his head a little embarrassed. He had a bad memory and always forgot.

Yicheng, Huajin, if I remember correctly, isn't it a border town? People were fleeing from the border town so far away, and an ominous feeling suddenly surged over them.

"...It seems like someone has beaten me." Cao Gen said the most important thing.

"Did you say who it was?" Hua Jin became affectionate and serious, and Qin Shu, who had been silent until now, also looked solemn.

Facing the eldest sister who suddenly turned serious, Cao Gen couldn't help but feel a little timid after all, he was still a child. In an instant, his mind turned into a ball of mush and he couldn't remember anything clearly.

"Sister Jin" Gouzi took over the words at this time, "Then people seem to say it's Tatar..."

"It's the Tatar Army" Hua Jin helped to complete it, her expression became completely solemn.

…So it’s started now?
  Thinking of her dream of running in the rain, she thought it was after the earthquake, but it seemed that there were signs now.

Hearing this, Gouzi nodded fiercely, "It's just the Tatar army. They also said that these people are full of blood. They kill and arrest people everywhere. They don't treat people as human beings, only as food. It was very difficult for them to escape."

When Qin Shu heard about the Tatar Army, his expression was no better than that of Hua Hua. Even Qin Dagen, who was standing aside, didn't look good.

He is just a rough man who only knows how to farm. He doesn't know much, but he also knows who the Tatars are.

They were a group of barbarians, the Beicang barbarians who regarded Gu Yan as a piece of fat meat. If these people invaded, the common people would still be able to live well. Qin Dagen couldn't help but feel panicked.

On the other side, Ms. Li, who had not seen her family for a long time, finally came out uneasy and had a look. She happened to hear Gouzi's last words and was so frightened that her face suddenly turned pale.

Although the Li family has not experienced the suffering of war, she has heard from many people of the older generation that the Beicang people are all cruel and brutal. In their eyes, they only care about their territory and food, and nothing else.

I have just experienced a disaster and managed to survive, and I am just looking forward to the day. Those demons come again, they really don’t want the people to live!

The more Ms. Li thought about it, the more frightened she became, so much so that she bumped into the door unsteadily. Qin Dagen was shocked and ran to her, "Are you okay, baby?"

Li shook her head and forced a smile: "It's okay, I just didn't stand firm."

He looked at the child who was speaking: "My child, is Beicang really calling?"

Gouzi looked at the nervous woman at the door and nodded: "That's what those people said." Well, there was no luck left. Li looked at the child's father uneasily and couldn't help shouting, "His father." .”

"It's okay, it's okay, don't be afraid, she is far away from us." His daughter-in-law knew that, let alone her, he was also scared, but he was the head of the family and had to calm down and comfort her.

Is it just that it's really far? Qin Dagen felt a chill rush straight to his forehead.

But it did make Li feel a lot less uneasy, and then looked at Miss Hua Jin sheepishly.

Facing Li's gaze, Hua Jin's solemn expression relaxed, and she said with a smile: "Uncle Qin is right, the Tatar army in Beicang is far away from us, so don't worry about it for the time being."

"Yes, mother, don't think too much about it. There is a son here." Qin Shu also said quickly, "And they may not be able to fight." Qin Shu looked to the west, where there were only streaks of rays of sunshine, and the scorching sun. My head quietly disappeared to the side of the clouds, but the temperature was still very hot.

"No way?" Mrs. Li looked at her son.

"The county magistrate said that the disaster is not just for us, it is nationwide. The disaster will destroy everything, and then there is the plague. The surrounding countries will definitely not be able to escape, so they are anxious. It is true that I want to break in and expand the country's territory, but more importantly, I want to find more food, because... there is a shortage of food.

Didn't Gouzi say that many refugees fled over, which means that it is almost impossible for the Beicang Tatar Army to find more food. Even if they want to dig wild vegetables along the way, there will still be some leftover.

The most important point is that it is very difficult to march in this temperature. It is even harder without water and food. Therefore, my son speculates that even if the Beicang Tatars attack, as long as the temperature does not drop, we should not be in danger. What's more, the soldiers in Yuncheng Yuncheng were also fighting and delaying. Otherwise, how could so many people escape with the ferocity of the Beicang Tatars who killed and looted everyone. "

Hua Jin nodded and agreed with Qin Shu's speculation that her dream should have been after the earthquake, which meant that they were at least safe here during the extremely hot period.

Even now, they were standing in the yard doing nothing. Everyone except her was sweating profusely, and this was just the beginning. Soon it would be so hot that people would question life.

This is why when she saw her father finishing the door, she couldn't wait to send it down. She just wanted to finish the front and back doors while there were still people outside. It would make the village and Uncle Qin's family safer, but now there were more dogs. They have several children.

Qin Shu's words did have a great comforting effect. At least Li was no longer shocked, and her face had returned to its natural state.

"Miss Jin'er, look at Guang Guang, who is still standing outside while talking. Let's go in first." As she said this, she glared at the child's father, obviously blaming him for not inviting anyone in.

Qin Dagen heyed a few times, but was so busy talking that he didn't pay attention.

"No, I have other things to do here this time." Hua Jin smiled and waved her hand.

"Uncle Qin, brother Qin Shu, the door has been delivered."

"It's already arrived. Let's take a walk and put it on before it gets dark." Qin Dagen couldn't stand when he heard this. He started to walk out but was stopped by Qin Shu.

"Dad, just go empty-handed." Qin Shu looked at his father helplessly, and then handed the thing he had been carrying to his mother.

Qin Dagen, who had just reacted, scratched his head and smiled sheepishly.

Then I hurried to the woodshed, where the tools and other things at home were stored.

"Sister Jin, can we go too?" Gouzi looked at Hua Jin expectantly. Although they were young, they also wanted to help.

Hua Jin nodded and said with a smile: "Of course, but you have to pay attention to safety."

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