Chapter 42 42. Use my

Hua Chengtian was so moved by the child's last words, my daughter is feeling sorry for him!

No wonder he has been encouraging him to buy it, the feeling is to make up for him and his family!

Let's just say that my daughter is so sensible, how could she let him spend money for no reason, the original reason is here.

But...Looking at the big fish in the wooden basin, although Hua Chengtian didn't want to disappoint his daughter and loved her very much, but...

"Father, buy it." Hua Jin urged again as if she didn't see her father's entanglement, and then turned to Li Laosan, "Uncle, help me pack all these fish."

Li Laosan didn't move, but looked at his new brother Hua Chengtian.

Of course, he wouldn't take the child's words too seriously, but when he thought that Big Brother Hua would not agree, his jaw almost dropped from shock.

Brother Hua actually nodded. Although the pain in his eyes was so obvious, he really nodded.

Li Laosan was really shocked.

This big brother Hua really refreshed his cognition.

It turns out that there are really people who can spoil children to such an extent.

Although what he bought was his, he also wanted to say, isn't this just nonsense?It's not a rich family, and that's not how money is made!
"Brother Hua, are you sure?" After reacting, Li Laosan kindly reminded Hua Chengtian.

"Well, put it all on."

Although I still feel a little distressed, but since I agreed, there is nothing to worry about. Fortunately, I came out today just in case I brought some extra money, otherwise my daughter would not be able to buy it if she wanted to. Hua Chengtian, who was sighing, nodded affirmatively at Li Laosan, and then smiled dotingly at the girl next to him. He really owed this child in his previous life, otherwise he couldn't bear to let his daughter feel a little disappointed.

It seems that we will have to work harder in the future! ! !

"Daddy, you are the best and best daddy in the world."

Hua Jin looked at Hua Chengtian radiantly, his proud appearance made Hua Chengtian's heart ache, and he instantly felt that it was nothing to buy a few fish.

Hua Jin is really happy, she is already prepared that her father will refuse, after all her request can be said to be nonsense.

She also thought that if her father disagreed, she would use her trump card to act coquettishly and cute, anyway, she wanted to buy it back.

She eats white and fat, and everyone in the family is black and thin, Hua Jin can't pretend not to see.

Isn't the original intention of making money just to let the family live a good life and eat well, and the younger brother can go to school?

Now that the money is earned, let's start now!

But I still misjudged my father's love for her, it can be called doting, unconditional doting, even if there is a lot of money in the family, I feel so distressed, I still didn't choose to protect her after she said it.

How could Hua Jin, such a relative, not be hot in her heart, she was burning hot at the moment, and when she realized it, she had already hugged her father, expressing her love for him with words and actions.

Even though these seem naive, isn't she just a naive little girl now?
She found that since she became a little girl, she didn't know if it was a subtle influence, but anyway, her mentality became smaller.

There are some actions that she thinks she can't do, but she does it naturally every time, and naturally blends into this family.

Being hugged by his daughter like this, Hua Chengtian's heart softened, and he smiled like a fool, making it hard for Li Laosan to see it.

Even so, I was very happy to be able to sell all the fish, and I didn't have to worry about the remaining few fishes falling into my hands, so I quickly weighed them.

"Brother Hua has a total of 93 catties, let's count it as 830 Wen." Li Laosan gave a figure after a moment of hesitation.

Hua Chengtian didn't even think about it and knew that Brother Li, the owner of the stall, was being cheap again.

Ten Wen per catty would cost more than 900 Wen.

"Brother Li, you have too little, no, no." Although it would be a fool not to take advantage of the advantage, but he can't make an inch of it even if he is righteous, Hua Chengtian hurriedly waved his hands.

"Brother Hua rounded up all my fish. It should be cheaper, otherwise I would lose the fish when I brought them back. I have to thank Brother Hua." Li Laosan is also a straightforward man, telling the truth.

"But it's too cheap." Hua Chengtian was really embarrassed.

"There are so many things, there are countless things in the water, I am not happy that Brother Hua is being polite." Li Laosan said seriously, frowning.

Seeing what Li Laosan said was true, Hua Chengtian was not a coy person, so he nodded after thinking about it.

"Okay, thank you Brother Li."

When Hua Jin heard more than 800 words, she felt guilty for a moment. While her father was talking to that Uncle Li, Hua Jin quickly ran to her mother and extended her hand to her.

"Mother, fish money, pay with my fancy money."

When I encouraged my father, I wanted to make good money for my family. Since it was her idea, of course it was her who paid the money.

It was rare for Mrs. Qi to stare at her daughter. The fish stall was right next to theirs. How could they not hear the conversation between the father and daughter?

It is also true that the fish at the stall next door is really good, and the next time I go to the market, I may not be able to meet such good fish.

Fish is a hard thing to catch, and few people usually sell it. If this brother's fish is on the New Year's Day, it will definitely be sold out early, and it can be sold at a good price.

It's a pity that everyone who is not year-round is living a fine life, and most of them are reluctant.

No matter how much she has, she also feels sorry for the child, the father, the child and the parents-in-law. Since the child insists on buying it, then buy it. It happens to be supplemented together.

Otherwise, I will definitely have to buy it, but I will definitely not buy so many.

"You!" Qi Shi stretched out his hand and nodded his daughter's head and said angrily: "Mother knows that you have earned money today and is happy to improve the family's life, but money is not spent like this. You have to plan carefully to live, save it for emergencies and save it for yourself. This time it's fine, but next time Mother won't spoil you, you know?"

Give is definitely given, but what should be said still needs to be said, although the children have always been pampered, the Qi family who should be taught has never been left behind.

Knowing what Mother meant, Hua Jin nodded repeatedly, anyway, she just agreed.

"It's good if you really know." Looking at Hua Jinqi's medicine head, he handed her the one tael of silver that had just been warmed up on his body, "Take it and pay for it."

The husband actually has money in his hand, but since the child has this heart, let her pay for it by herself, and only when she spends her own money will she feel more distressed.

"Thank you, mother." Hua Jin returned to her mother with a bright smile. Holding the money, Hua Jin quickly ran to her father to collect the money, and put the money into Li Laosan's hand the moment her father paid.

"Uncle Li, use mine..." Hua Jin smiled sweetly at Li Laosan, and the smiling Li Laosan, a man who was nearly nine feet tall, couldn't help but soften his heart.

Looking at the fair, generous, cute and sweet-mouthed little girl, she seems to understand why Big Brother Hua spoils the child so much.

If there is such a child in his family, he can't help pampering him, but it's a pity that there are only a few bastards in the family, and they make themselves dirty every day, which is a headache to watch.

But the money... Li Laosan gave it to Hua Chengtian.

Hua Chengtian is also wondering about the one tael of silver that his daughter gave out.

Thinking about how it is possible for a daughter to have so much money?
(End of this chapter)

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