Chapter 449 449.Preparation

By the way, everyone except Hua Chengtian was shocked when they saw the unfamiliar tall wall in front of them, thinking that they had gone to the wrong place after not going down the mountain for a long time.

After confirming again and again, I realized that it was correct. This was Huajia Village, where their home was located.

Then he just stared in shock, still a little bit unconvinced that their village had such a tall wall inexplicably.

It was Hua Chengtian who signaled everyone to go up the ladder and climb up the wall himself, then took the ladder with difficulty and climbed down to open the door. After everyone came in and saw the familiar environment, they came back to their senses. At the same time, they also understood why Hua Chengtian came down the mountain. I even brought such a long ladder with me when I arrived. It turned out that I had already prepared it. This is why.

Except for the piles of bricks and stones, it is really empty. If you don't bring your own ladder, it will take a lot of effort to get in, and you may even be injured.

Don't even think about asking people to open the door. This place is still a short distance away from Huajia Village. It's completely deserted. Not even a fly can be seen, let alone anyone. No one can hear you even if you shout to your heart's content.

For this reason, the men who were close to Hua Chengtian all gave Hua Chengtian a thumbs up. They also saw that there were so many of them. Only Hua Chengtian himself did not show any surprise. He was obviously prepared for them. They knew the situation in the village very well, and everyone seemed to understand that this guy had left that guy a few months ago, and they were all chattering around him like three nuns and six wives.

Naturally, Hua Chengtian had expected it. After bringing everyone in and setting up the gate, he explained the cause and effect one by one as he walked. However, the credit for his daughter's contribution was placed on himself, especially when he mentioned that his family provided money and food materials as payment. You can't be the one who doesn't leave your name after doing good things for yourself. Hua Chengtian will never do this kind of thing, and it's not in line with his temperament.

Knowing that the wall that shocked them was actually built by the Qin family on their own, the shock that followed was no less than when they saw the wall.

The first reaction was that this was too awesome, and everyone's favorable impression of Qin Shu's family, which they had never met, suddenly rose.

So when he arrived in the village and saw the enthusiasm of Qin Shu's family, Qin Dagen, a man who was not good at talking, was at a loss. Fortunately, it was good to feel everyone's goodwill.

Hua Chengtian greeted Qin Shujia and told them they would move down the mountain soon before returning home.

Children like Da Liu Gouzi are also smart. Knowing that the benefactor's eldest sister's father is back, they clean the main house without asking.

Since the extreme heat has passed, the children have moved out of the cellar of the main house, or rather the basement, and moved to a wing. The Hua family's house is large, and even one wing is enough for their children.

Looking at the clean environment at home, Hua Chengtian, who already had a good impression of the children, had an even better impression at that time, especially when he saw the children's uneasy expressions.

"Da Liu, Gouzi, the house is well organized." Hua Chengtian gave an affirmative smile, which also made the children relax a little.

"Uncle Hua, just don't dislike it," Da Liu said nervously.

"Nothing to dislike, but we may have to work hard next. People in our village will all move out soon. Next, we will start to clean up the house and stabilize the wall. I will leave my home to you."

"Great, Uncle Hua said so, Sister Jin is going to live in the village." Gouzi looked at Hua Chengtian in surprise, he was so happy that even his nervousness disappeared.

"Yes, all come back." Hua Chengtian was also in a good mood. Although living in the valley was very comfortable, the meaning here was different after all. This was the place where they had grown up for decades.

Otherwise, it’s hard to leave your homeland!

"Uncle Hua, don't worry, my brothers and I are very strong and can help, and the sisters at home can also take care of us." Da Liu also spoke quickly. "Yes, yes," Hua'er Wan'er also nodded and looked at Hua Chengtian timidly. Although the father of the benefactor's eldest sister looked very kind, after all, he only saw two sides and could not help but be afraid.

"There are so many people in the village, so there is no need for you to do any work. You can just help clean up the house. Then the house will be very messy, and it will be very tiring to make food."

"Uncle Hua, we can still live here..." Gouzi was the smartest. He heard the meaning of the benefactor's sister's father's words and asked carefully. At the same time, there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes. If he could be with his benefactor, sister Living together means that no matter how much work the dog does, the dog is willing to do it.

"Of course, did I tell you to move out?" Hua Chengtian raised his eyebrows and smiled.

The children all shook their heads, but that's what they thought.

After all, they are just staying temporarily. Now that the benefactor's eldest sister and her family are coming back, they will naturally have to give up the house even if they don't talk about it. Isn't this a normal thing?

"Can we live here?" Hua'er looked at her benefactor's sister's father in surprise, her little face finally no longer looked uneasy and turned into a smile.

Hua Chengtian nodded again: "Of course, you have taken good care of the family so well, and I still need you to continue to take care of it. And since your sister Jin asked you to be younger brothers and sisters, you are also the children of our Hua family. It is not normal to live here." Well, besides, you don’t live here for free, but you have to work. Of course, if you are willing to move out, you can live there.”

"Hmm, Uncle Hua, we are very strong and can do a lot of work," Da Liu Cao Gen Gouzi said immediately, with a surprised smile on his face.

I'm used to living here, and now I really don't want to move.

"Okay, first put away the things I brought. There is still food in it. Let's eat together later."

Hua Chengtian thinks this idea is really good. Although he also has a lot of ready-made food in his space, it is okay to have a toothpaste from time to time. It is unrealistic and easy to expose three meals a day if they are all in the space.

With these children, he only needs to take out the ingredients and does not need to do it himself. Hua Chengtian thinks it is really good and saves him a lot of effort.

After appeasing these little guys, Hua Chengtian was not idle anymore. Using the ready-made wood in the yard, he first built a bed for himself, otherwise he would have to make a bed on the floor at night.

Evening food was served at Qin Shu's house, including the children, but the children were very sensible and brought their dry food over.

As for the other people in the village, they all brought enough food and worked on their own matters. Just cooking meals for more than a thousand people would take a lot of time, and it was unrealistic to eat at anyone's house.

Then Hua Chengtian and more than a thousand people worked from day to night, laying a large amount of adobe and using the bricks and stones from the village to reopen the houses in Huajia Village one by one according to the original location, but every day The house type is the same, with three main rooms, two wing rooms, a kitchen, and a woodshed. It is not enough to live in, just like in the valley, and I will add more later.

More than a thousand people worked at the same time, and the speed was quite fast. If it hadn't taken a while to make the adobe and expose it to the sun, it would have taken less than half a month to finish the house in the village.

(End of this chapter)

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