Chapter 51
Thinking that it has only been two months since she woke up and came to this house, her younger brother has been found by the villagers no less than five times, and the degree of mischief can be imagined.

It is a rare opportunity to come forward, Hua Jin will not let it go.

"Hey...sister" Xiaosi grabbed her hand anxiously, "Sister, I didn't say no, don't you have to think about it?"

Obviously lack of confidence, he said with a guilty conscience.

But it's really difficult, those friends in the village can't do it without repairing it for a few days, how can they hold back!
Xiaosi really wanted to cry, but... the allure of the slingshot is not small!
"I'm sure, that's why I can't go back on my word. If I can't do it once, I won't let you go." Hua Jin raised her eyebrows.

Xiaosi gritted his teeth, fought for the slingshot, and then nodded: "A man who spits out a nail keeps his word, sister, you've got the slingshot."

Looking at the hooked younger brother Hua Jin, he smiled, "Okay, let's see how you behave."

Leaving behind the dejected Xiaosi, he greeted Miss Kitty and the others and went home.

But thinking about having a slingshot in the near future, he quickly regained his energy.

Isn't it just a good performance this month, he will definitely be able to do it.

Xiaosi pumped his fists to cheer himself up, and quickly caught up with his sister who had gone far away.

"Sister...wait for me."


The next day, after sending his son off, Hua Chengtian accompanied his daughter into the town again.

On the days before the fair, the streets were obviously much deserted, Hua Jin thought to the crowd watching.

With a clear goal, there was no delay and the car rushed to the gate of Xiufang and stopped.

At this moment, when the sun is rising, the embroidery workshop has opened its doors to welcome guests.

Hua Jin jumped off the bullock cart, followed by Qi Shi.

It was always inconvenient for a big man in Hua Chengtian to come to the embroidery workshop with his daughter, so Mrs. Qi worried and followed after thinking about it, and the two women entered the embroidery workshop holding hands.

Looking at the big girl and little daughter-in-law Hua Chengtian in the embroidery workshop, she still didn't go in in the end, and stopped by the side of the road guarding the ox cart.

Shopkeeper Zou, who was collecting money in the embroidery workshop, raised his head and his eyes lit up, especially when he saw what Hua Jin was holding in his hand, he was busy calling the staff to entertain the guests in front of the counter.

"Oh, Mrs. Qi, Jin'er, you are here!" Shopkeeper Zou walked out of the counter while speaking.

"It's been a few days since I haven't seen Jin'er and she's fresh again." Shopkeeper Zou looked at the delicate, white and smiling Hua Jin, which was really rare.

"Miss Qi, tell me why you are so good at giving birth?"

The Qi family didn't know how to answer these words, so they could only smile back.

Shopkeeper Zou just sighed, and didn't expect anyone to respond.

There were not many people in the shop at the moment, so shopkeeper Zou took Hua Jin and his wife directly to the inner room behind the shop, where she usually rests and entertains female guests.

"Sit down, be thirsty, drink some tea" as he said, he picked up the tea pot that had been kept warm on the stove.

"Thank you, Shopkeeper Zou." Mrs. Qi took it and thanked him.

Hua Jin also said thank you sweetly.

There is no need to be too hypocritical for a cup of tea.

Seeing the mother and daughter drinking tea, Shopkeeper Zou, who couldn't wait, spoke.

"I don't know if you are here today..." Shopkeeper Zou looked at the drawing paper on the table with hope shining in his eyes.

Hua Jin didn't dawdle and opened the drawing papers on the table, one by one for Shopkeeper Zou to look at.

As the papers were turned over one by one, shopkeeper Zou's eyes became brighter, especially when he saw the last few sheets, he held them in his hand and looked at them carefully, and couldn't help saying good words.

Then he looked at Hua Jin like a baby. The one with eager eyes was Hua Jin, a pseudo-child, who sat calmly on the seat and smiled at Yan Yan. If it was any other child, he would not even dare to look at each other.

In the end, the price of the pattern remained unchanged, but the price of the last five samples made Qi's bewildered again.

One picture was sold for a high price of one tael, and five pictures were worth five taels of silver plus [-] patterns for a total of eight taels.

The price made Qi speechless for a moment in surprise, and he took the money handed over by the shopkeeper in a daze.

The money can almost catch up with the income of the family's ten acres of land.

This year's year is not bad, the harvest is more than in previous years, and the harvest of one mu of land is more than two shi. After the tax, in addition to the two shi of wheat left by the family, I bought more than ten taels of silver.

Seeing that more than ten taels is a lot of money, but don't forget that there are two scholars in the family who eat money.

Counting the one or two girls who earned almost ten taels just by painting patterns last time, Mrs. Qi didn't know how she got out of the embroidery workshop.

I vaguely remember Zou shopkeeper telling my daughter how much to charge for such samples.

"What's wrong?"

Hua Chengtian pulled the ox cart to the mother-in-law's body, looking worriedly at the distraught daughter-in-law.

But... If he read correctly, the shopkeeper gave it away with a smile on his face.

"It's okay, I'm just a little excited, let me take it easy." Looking at the child's father's eyes, Mrs. Qi said while clutching her thumping chest.

I got... got it.

Looking at the relaxed daughter, Hua Chengtian didn't speak any more.

...It seems that it was sold for a good price again.

Immediately let the mother and daughter get on the ox cart and leave the embroidery workshop.

"Dad, stop for a second."

Hua Jin saw the bookstore from a distance, and shouted quickly.

Hua Chengtian tightened the reins and looked at his daughter strangely, his eyes filled with question marks?
Hua Jin said: "Father, I want to visit the book store?"

Hua Chengtian was not surprised that his daughter was always eager to learn, but he just wanted to go to the book shop to see why Hua Chengtian, who had always doted on his daughter, would have any objections, so he nodded immediately.

Seeing that her father agreed, Hua Jin hurriedly dragged her mother who had just recovered, and entered the bookstore.

Seeing her daughter choose a set of paints, Qi couldn't help asking: "My daughter, can I still use these?"

The previous ones were not all good, and the selling price was quite high. In fact, I really don’t understand why my daughter still buys paints.

"Mother, if I add bright colors to those pictures, will it make people's eyes more bright, and maybe the shopkeeper's price can be raised a bit."

What the daughter said was not unreasonable, and the price of more delicate things must be different, so she no longer entangled in the money for the paint.

Expensive is a bit more expensive, but my daughter bought it if she wanted to buy it with the money she earned.

I thought I would leave after buying the paint, but my daughter wandered around the book store again, and then chose two more books.

Qi glanced at it, but it was a pity that he couldn't read and didn't know what the book was, but it was useful if he thought about it, otherwise the child wouldn't choose it, and he didn't stop it either.

It's just that I felt a little distressed when I paid the money. The paint, two books and a stack of paper cost almost two taels of silver.

"Mother, don't feel bad, my daughter can earn it back." As soon as she left the shop, Hua Jin took her mother's hand to comfort Qi.

Not to mention mothers, she also thinks it is expensive. Two taels of silver are enough for ordinary people to live for a year or so. Some people may not be able to save two taels of silver for a year or two.

... The difficulty is money.

"Mother, take it easy." Patting the girl's hand, Qi's family became much calmer after getting on the ox cart.

The flowers are all gone, no more distressed.

And at such an old age, how could he be inferior to a child.

I didn't stay in the town much after that, I had everything at home, and I didn't finish the meat and fish I bought last time, so I didn't have anything to buy.

On the way back, Mrs. Qi couldn't help but talk about the money he earned eight taels of silver, so he told the child's father so much that the corners of Hua Chengtian's lips never twitched, looking at his daughter's eyes is so proud!
After arriving home, Mrs. Qi took out the money earned by Hua Jin and put it on the table, and then everyone in the family except Xiao Si who was not at home and ran out to play was shocked again.

(End of this chapter)

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