Chapter 75
After leaving Shanggu Town, the father and daughter drove the ox cart along the official road and headed towards the county seat.

Hua Jin really realized how slow the ox cart was when he was actually walking on the road. This was the speed that his father had accelerated, and it only took about twenty miles in half an hour.

It's really too slow. If it weren't for the fact that there are other pedestrians on the road who really want to pull out the electric car in the yard from time to time, the time can be shortened by at least half. Unfortunately, I can only think about it.

Huajin covered her head very tightly, not only wearing a rabbit fur hat on her head, but also a rabbit fur scarf around her neck. With the worry of her mother and grandma, she replaced the thin winter clothes and put on thick winter clothes.

In fact, Hua Jin wanted to say that sitting in the carriage was really not cold, but she couldn't express how much her family loved her.

But when Hua Jin was in a hurry and sat on the shaft of the car with her father, she realized the foresight of her grandmother and mother.

Even fully armed, it feels really cold!

The cold wind blew through any gaps into the clothes, Hua Jin quickly tightened the clothes again, except for the two eyes that kept watching the road, the neck was tightly wrapped, and the feeling was better.

Now she doesn't think it's exaggerated at all, it's much colder here than she thought.

"What are you doing out here? It's so cold outside." How could the girl's actions escape Hua Chengtian's eyes, and she couldn't help feeling distressed.

"Father, I'm not cold" I'm sure I don't say it's cold when I come out!

"Father, are you cold? How long do we have to go?"

Hua Chengtian shook his head, and there were indeed many children who had a smile in their narrow eyes. Thinking that children are children after all, it was only a short time before they began to worry.

"It's early," he said, "Our Shanggu Town is more than a hundred miles away from Xinyue County, and we won't be able to make it by night."

"It turns out that the county seat is called Xinyue County, have you been there before?"

Hua Jin became curious, besides chatting with her father could pass the boring time on the road.

"I went there once with your grandfather."

"How is the county seat? Is it lively?"

Hua Chengtian nodded to the staring eyes of his daughter Xingchen: "Of course, the county seat is equivalent to many ancient towns, and there are so many people and it's naturally lively."

"Father, tell me about the things in the city..."


In this way, the father and daughter, you and I, hurried along the road and talked, and the time passed without knowing it.

It wasn't until Huajin felt the sound of stomach protesting that she realized that it was already past noon and it was afternoon.

At this moment, Hua Chengtian also stopped the ox cart. After walking for so long, the big yellow ox needs to take a break to drink some water and eat something.

The car stopped beside the official road and tied the rhubarb to a tree beside the road. While Hua Chengtian was adding water and food to the cattle, Hua Jin got into the car and took the steaming food out of the space.

"Father..." Hua Jin urged.


After getting in the car, the father and daughter ate a steaming meal, and their stomachs became hot immediately.

For the first time, Hua Chengtian felt the benefits of the girl's space up close, and it was simply too convenient.

Just imagine that when you are cold all over, a bowl of hot porridge immediately warms up your whole body. This feeling is not too comfortable.

The next step is to hurry on the road. The father and daughter did not dare to delay any longer. After eating and resting for a while, they untied the ox cart and prepared to set off.

The rest of the journey was very smooth. In order to get to Huachengtian early, the ox cart drove quickly, and finally arrived at New Moon City before night fell. Just before the city gate closed, he paid two yuan of head tax and invited the gatekeepers to drink tea and entered the city.

Even though it took a few extra pennies, it was still safer to come into the city than to stay outside the city overnight.

If it's just Hua Chengtian himself, he's going to find a place outside the city to nest overnight and go in tomorrow morning.

But the girl followed, and Hua Chengtian was worried about finding any place, not to mention him. When they set off, the old couple repeatedly arranged for him to take care of their granddaughter. If they knew that he would sleep outside at night, they would not be able to spare him.

So as soon as he entered the city, Hua Chengtian found a good-looking inn and stopped.

The bullock cart was handed over to the clerk of the inn. I was going to ask for two rooms, but I finally heard that my daughter asked for one.

In the words of my daughter, she can sleep in the space, and with that money, she might as well buy more delicious food when she goes back.

Hua Chengtian thought so too, the main reason is that people in other places would not be free to gossip about strangers, even if they couldn't hear them, they asked for a room.

This is Huajin's first time staying in an ancient inn. Although the sky is dark and the outside is not very clear, the inside of the inn is still pretty good.

Most of them are made of wooden structures, and once you enter, you will feel an antique feeling, not to mention the carved beams and painted buildings, but the difference is not far away.

The lobby is very spacious and is reserved for guests to rest, drink tea and have meals.

"Father, I'll treat you to dinner." Hua Jin touched her stomach and said grandly.

He also succeeded in amusing Hua Chengtian, but the girl must agree to invite him to dinner!He knew that his daughter earned a lot of money these days.

Yesterday, it was divided into more than 20 taels, which is richer than his father.

Immediately said happily: "My daughter is still filial, so daddy will wait to eat."

"Don't worry, Dad, I'm sure you'll be satisfied with what you eat." Hua Jin was also happy, and then motioned for the waiter to introduce.

The conversation between the father and daughter made the clerk blink in surprise, but as the clerk hadn't seen anything for many years, the next moment he returned to normal and hurriedly reported a few signature dishes of the inn.

"Miss, the Qiaoxiaodian's signature vegetable sauce beef that you guys came to today happened to have, 150 renminbi a catty, and 130 renminbi a piece of wild quail, as well as chicken tongue soup, deer belly stuffed with Jiangyao, mandarin duck fried beef tendon, anchovy shark's fin, Kung Pao hare, eight-treasure wild duck, etc. It is estimated that a lot of dishes were reported at one go, saying that cross talk is definitely a good material, Hua Jin couldn't help but look at him in admiration.

The cheapest ones cost a few hundred coins, and the expensive ones cost hundreds of thousands of coins.

Hua Chengtian frowned when he heard that, one dish was worth the price of several dishes in the town restaurant, but he didn't say much, just asked his daughter to order two enough to eat.

Most of the waiters are watching people order, if you show timidity, he will dare to belittle you.

Hua Chengtian didn't care, the main reason was that he didn't want his daughter to be wronged.

Hua Jin nodded, but she didn't listen to her father's advice. She picked up a few that sounded delicious and ordered them. She wanted to taste them first. If they tasted good, she would pack a copy and take it home for her grandparents and elder brothers to taste.

A serving of sauced beef is definitely a must. Huajin has been greedy for beef for a long time. The ancient cattle are so precious that they cannot be slaughtered casually, and they are registered with the government. It is rare to let Huajin go.

Not only did I ask for three catties in a row, the main reason was that I was afraid that it would be gone tomorrow.

Looking at it, Hua Chengtian's distressed mouth twitched, a bit regretful that he let his daughter treat him, and then he regretted it even more when he watched the dishes spit out from his daughter's mouth, but he couldn't sweep his daughter's sex, so he could only feel distressed secretly.

One dish of beef in sauce, one dish of anchovy shark's fin, one dish of eight-treasure wild duck, one roast chicken, one dish of vegetarian stir-fry, one serving of warm mutton soup and two bowls of dry thick rice, which made the waiters beside me happy from ear to ear.

 Looking for all kinds of tickets (﹡o﹡)
(End of this chapter)

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