I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 117 The Secret of the Royal Family 【Subscription】

Chapter 117 The Secret of the Royal Family 【Subscription】

The day passed quickly.

The Yuhua Tianzhou traveled thousands of miles and finally entered the coast of the East China Sea.

On the upstairs boat, Jiang Che looked at the endless blue ocean, and his mind widened a bit.

East China Sea!

This is the first sea in the Eastern Desolation!
Endless rivers finally flow into here.

In the East China Sea, it is also the territory of the Sea Clan.

Under the calm ocean, there are also countless dangers lurking.

Of course, if you don't enter the core of the East China Sea, you will basically not encounter any danger.

There is no need to worry about encountering any danger when riding the Yuhua Tianzhou.

Even the giants of the Sea Clan dare not approach the aura emitted by Tianzhou.

The Sea Clan is bloodthirsty, but they are still wise, not to die.

As for the Quartet Sea Area, it is not very dangerous.

The truly dangerous sea area is the endless sea.

According to the rumors, the Supreme Thunder Tribulation may fall into the endless sea.

This alone is enough to prove the horror of the endless sea.

But no one knows how big the Endless Sea is.

Even if one super continent goes down, it will not be able to fill the endless sea.

And in the deepest part of the Endless Sea, it is said that there is an abyss where everything is buried.

According to legend, this abyss was also formed during the Dark Era.

The fight between the ancient immortal gods and the demon gods of the demon clan caused the endless sea to collapse, leaving an eternal trace in time and space, and this trace is now known as the dark abyss!
In the dark abyss, there are rumors about the existence of a new world. Of course, these are all legends, and Jiang Che doesn't know about them.

The world is vast and boundless, and he has not even traveled to the Eastern Wilderness, let alone other places.

"The scenery of the ocean also looks quite unique, what do you think, Junior Brother?"

Qin Ya came to him at some point, and changed into her sky blue clothes, which made people's eyes shine.

"It's really unique. In the future, I will definitely come again."

Jiang Che nodded and said.

"The world is so vast and endless, it's worth it to travel through it all in one lifetime." Qin Ya smiled.

"Breakthrough in the immortal way can give you an immortal lifespan. Senior sister's wish will come true," Jiang Che said.


Qin Ya let out a long sigh.

When Jiang Che was about to speak, suddenly, his eyes focused, and he looked at the ocean in the distance, and a boundless island appeared in their eyes.

This boundless island is located above the ocean. With his extraordinary eyesight, Jiang Che can clearly see that there is a city on the island, and there are piers on the seashore where various large ships are moored.

"Fairy God Island!"

Jiang Che came back to his senses.

Such a huge and boundless island must be the Immortal God Island.

According to the time calculation, it has almost arrived.

It is more appropriate to say that it is a continent than an island.

The vastness is boundless!

The Yuhua Tianzhou came slowly, and the Immortal God Island was getting closer and closer.

The figures of the Great Elder and Xuan Miaoyin also stepped out of the room.

"The sky boat is about to land, all disciples, get ready."

Beside the ear, the voice of the Great Elder resounded clearly word by word.

A group of disciples also came back to their senses.

Soon, Yuhua Tianzhou came to the center of the island.

Here, there are pavilions and palaces built, which are magnificent.

The Yuhua Tianzhou appeared in the sky above the center of Immortal God Island, and thousands of pairs of eyes looked at it in an instant.

"This is... Daoist Mo Qingtian's feathered boat!"

On the island, someone recognized the Yuhua Tianzhou.

In the pavilions and halls, one after another figures stepped out, filled with a terrifying aura, they were all giants of the immortal sect.

The feathered sky boat hovered over a square in the center of Immortal God Island and landed slowly.

Finally landed firmly.

Jiang Che and the others also came back to their senses, and got off the Yuhua Tianzhou one after another.

The ten elders also stepped off the Yuhua Tianzhou, and Xuan Miaoyin and the Great Elder were the last to step out.

As soon as he raised his hand, the huge Yuhua Tianzhou instantly turned into a ray of clear light and entered his body.

Jiang Che looked around and found that there were many giants coming.

The lowest is the existence of Yuanshen level.


Suddenly, Jiang Che sensed a terrifying aura, and suddenly looked not far away.

A ray of light descended from the sky, amidst the ray of light, thousands of flowers bloomed, and in the center of the ray of light, a beautiful woman in palace attire appeared.

Every move reveals a coquettish air.

Jiang Che's soul couldn't help trembling.

The hearts of the other disciples also trembled.

When this beautiful woman in palace costume appeared, the world seemed to be shaking.

This way of playing is a must!
"Thunder Tribulation Supreme..."

Jiang Che's heart shuddered.

At this moment, the voice of the beautiful woman in the palace costume also sounded: "Friend Xuan, friend Mo, long time no see."

While speaking, the beautiful woman in palace attire came in front of Xuan Miaoyin and the Great Elder under the bloom of thousands of rays of light.

Thousands of rays of light and the hundred flowers also disappeared.

"Teacher Hua, I haven't seen you for a long time, but I still have the same demeanor!"

The great elder laughed.

"Teacher Hua, your cultivation is better than before." Xuan Miaoyin also greeted.

"Haha, it's not as good as Mysterious Daoist, but this palace is almost at its limit."

Master Hua smiled charmingly.

"This woman... is so charming, I really can't stand it."

On the side, Jiang Che's soul and will caused ripples at close range.

Fortunately, it has stabilized.

The other disciples directly moved their eyes away, not daring to look.

If the spiritual will is not enough, it is easy to fall into the Tao.

The Great Elder seemed to be aware of it, and an invisible wave spread, and everyone felt much better.

"Teacher Hua..."

"This supreme being should be the lord of Baihua Palace..."

Listening to the conversation, Jiang Che probably guessed the identity.

Among the ten sects, apart from his master Xuan Miaoyin who is the Supreme Thunder Tribulation, there are only two women who are the Supreme Thunder Tribulation.

One of them is the lord of Baihua Palace, and the other is the lord of Tianyue Palace.

It's not hard to guess either.

"Master Hua, when did you arrive?"

The elder said.

"Not long ago, just an hour ago, you should be the last to arrive, but the others have all arrived."

The beautiful woman in palace attire smiled.

"Fellow Daoist Mo, Fellow Daoist Xuan, you are here!"

At this moment, a sound like a bell sounded.

The divine light of the void bloomed, and a burly middle-aged man appeared.

The breath is terrifying, and he is also a Thunder Tribulation Supreme.

"Haha, it's still early. Tomorrow is the day of the Immortal Gate Conference. Don't worry." The elder said with a smile.

"The great elder is so calm and relaxed, it seems that this time, Daozong came prepared!"

The middle-aged man smiled mysteriously.


The great elder smiled.

Immediately afterwards, several divine lights descended.

All the supreme masters of the immortal sect showed up.

The Great Elder and Xuan Miaoyin greeted each other.

"The scene is really big..."

Jiang Che sighed.

Immediately, the Great Elder gave an order, and the ten Yuanshen elders led Jiang Che's ten disciples out of the square and headed towards the residence of Daozong.

The Great Elder and Xuan Miaoyin, on the other hand, went to the other side with the other Immortal Sect Headmasters. They should be talking about something.

They are not qualified to listen to the talk of Supreme Lei Jie.


Under the leadership of the elder Yuanshen, Jiang Che and his party soon arrived at the residence of Daozong.

A luxurious mansion with countless large and small rooms.

The area is also very large.

Everyone has a separate courtyard.

The treatment is full!

Jiang Che entered the house and directly stepped into the room.

Tomorrow is the Immortal Gate Conference.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Jiang Che checked the information about the two rivals again.

Do not underestimate the enemy!

Yi Qingfeng and Chen Dongfeng, these two people can be said to be giant-level strengths.

According to the information, the cultivation bases of both of them have already reached the pinnacle of Jindan.

Its soul also becomes the primordial spirit.

It can be said that he has the ability to step into the Yuanshen giant at any time.

It's just temporarily suppressed.

Savings, continuous savings, so as to achieve the level of thick accumulation.

Breakthrough is the pinnacle.

This way is like him breaking through the Golden Core.

Continuous accumulation and precipitation.

Breakthrough is just a question of wanting and not wanting.

It's just that this kind of breakthrough method cannot be imitated. It's not that the talent is extremely enchanting.

They are also at the peak of Jindan, but these two people are strong enough to easily crush the average Jindan peak.

Accumulation and precipitation, but the realm has not been broken through, does not mean that the strength does not increase.

This kind of savings, breaking through the primordial spirit, also swept away invincible.

This is also the terrifying aspect of Tianjiao and evildoers.

Invincibility at the same level is a routine operation, and it is not difficult to leapfrog challenges.

It's not an exaggeration for two golden elixir peaks to be regarded as two primordial spirit giants.


Just as Jiang Che was carefully checking the information in his mind, suddenly, a voice transmission from an elder sounded in his ears.

"Jiang Che, someone is looking for you!"

Standing up from the bed, Jiang Che looked out the window, frowning slightly.

Someone looking for him?

I am in Xianshen Island, do I have other acquaintances?

Can't you?
With doubts in his mind, Jiang Che immediately left the room.

After stepping out of the mansion, Jiang Che quickly came to the mansion lobby.

In the lobby, two figures appeared in his eyes.

One is the elder Yuanshen, and the other is an acquaintance of Jiang Che.

And this person is the steward of Marquis Hong Wu's Mansion, Jiang Hong!
"Uncle Hong, why are you here?"

Seeing Jiang Hong appearing here, Jiang Che was very surprised.


Looking at Jiang Che, Jiang Hong also had a smile on his face.

"Uncle Hong, why are you here?"

Jiang Che stepped forward and said in surprise.

"This time the master came to watch the battle on behalf of the court, and the old slave came with the master."

Jiang Hong said with a smile.

"My dad is here?"

Jiang Che was slightly taken aback.

"Yes, it's not that I just found out that Daozong has arrived, so the master asked me to invite you to go before I come."

Jiang Hong nodded and said.

"That's it, that's fine." Jiang Che nodded, then looked at the Yuanshen elder, and said, "Elder Yun, I need to go out."

"Okay, fine, but remember to come back, tomorrow is the official day of the Xianmen Conference."

Elder Yun nodded.


Jiang Che nodded, and immediately followed Jiang Hong and left the Daozong mansion.

"This time, father is here on behalf of the court?"

Walking on the road, Jiang Che asked curiously.


Jiang Hong nodded, and then said: "Master represents the imperial court as a distinguished guest to watch the battle. The Fairy Gate Conference is also a very important day, and the imperial court also attaches great importance to it, so come here."

"That's it."

Jiang Che nodded, feeling clear in his heart.


Soon, following Jiang Hong, Jiang Che came to a mansion on the east side of the center of the island.

There were two innate master guards standing guard at the gate, Jiang Che did not stop, and followed Jiang Hong into the mansion.

Inside the house.

The first thing that caught the eye was an artificial rockery. The water flowed down from the top of the rockery, shrouded in a cloud of mist.

Stepping into the mansion, under the leadership of Jiang Hong, through the promenade courtyard, Jiang Che soon came to a pavilion in the garden of the mansion.

Breeze Pavilion!
Inside the pavilion, a middle-aged man in a black robe was drinking tea.

The spirit was terrifying, and in Jiang Che's eyes, it was like a blazing sun.

And this person is his father, Hong Wuhou, Jiang Zhen!

"Master, the son is here!"

When he came to the Qingfeng Pavilion, Jiang Hong spoke.


Jiang Che also followed suit.

His father came, he was very surprised.

Although the imperial court would also send people to watch the battle, he did not expect that his father would also come.

"Well, you go down first, I'll talk to Che'er."

Jiang Zhen nodded and said lightly.


Jiang Hong nodded, then turned and left.

Jiang Che came back to his senses, and immediately stepped into the Qingfeng Pavilion.

"sit down."

Jiang Zhen spoke.

Jiang Che nodded, and then sat down at the stone table.

At close range, his powerful soul seemed to be able to feel that Jiang Zhen's body was like a burning furnace, and his blood was shocking.

"Father, are you about to break through Immortal?"

Jiang Che blinked and said.

"Not yet, it's not that easy." Jiang Zhen shook his head.

"My child saw that his father's qi and blood were several times stronger than last time, so it should be soon, right?"

Jiang Che guessed.

"Your martial arts secret method is really good, and it's coming soon." Jiang Zhen nodded.

"Father has become a fairy, so no one will be able to shake father after that." Jiang Che smiled.

"Becoming a human immortal, I'm afraid you will be targeted too. On the surface, there is a lot of beauty, but in fact there is a certain amount of pressure." Jiang Zhen took a sip of clear tea and said.

Jiang Che: "???"

"Father, I'm afraid there are no human immortals in today's Daqian? Even if your majesty is only a peak martial saint, if your father becomes a human immortal, even if your majesty fears your father, there may be nothing you can do about it?"

Jiang Che opened his mouth slowly.

He doesn't understand the officialdom and the power of the emperor, but becoming a human immortal is not a simple breakthrough.

No matter how strong a martial saint is, he can't resist a human immortal.

It is much easier for a human immortal to kill a martial saint than to kill a great master.

In this realm, the Human Immortal is comparable to the Supreme Thunder Tribulation of the Immortal Dao, one can imagine how terrifying the gap is.

Even a peak martial saint is definitely not a single-handed enemy of a human immortal.

It is not difficult to break through the Immortals and sweep the cadres.

What pressure?
Is there anything he doesn't know about this?
"You, it's too simplistic. Immortals don't smash the vacuum, and they aren't invincible."

Jiang Zhen looked at him, smiled and shook his head.

"Then what does father mean by pressure?"

Jiang Che came back to his senses and asked.

"It's not as simple as you think to be a royal family."

With a flash, Jiang Zhen said solemnly.

"Although His Majesty is not an immortal today, it does not mean that there are no immortals in the royal family."


Just one sentence made Jiang Che's heart tremble instantly.

Daqian royal family, there are still immortals?
Today's Daqian, isn't the strongest warrior Emperor Qian?

The Daqian Emperor Taizu is a human being, but... he died a long time ago.

Rumor has it that the Daqian Emperor Taizu failed in the impact and smashed the vacuum, and finally fell shortly thereafter.

In the Daqian Imperial Mausoleum, Emperor Taizu is buried.

Could it be that he is the emperor after Emperor Taizu?


It seems that it has never been said that after the Great Emperor Taizu, there will be no immortal emperors.

The emperors after Emperor Taizu also went through several terms, and the most outstanding emperor was the previous emperor, Emperor Yuan!
That is, Emperor Qian's father!

Recover the lost ground, expand the territory of Dagan, and make Dagan more brilliant. The record is better than that of the previous emperors.

Moreover, his talent is extraordinary, and he has reached the peak martial saint after a long time.

However, he did not become a fairy in the end.

After reigning for more than 100 years, he finally passed away. It has been decades since the current Emperor Qian succeeded him.

Today's Emperor Qian has been in power for more than [-] years.

But my father said that there are immortals in the Daqian royal family, which is unbelievable.

Could it be that Emperor Taizu is still alive?

Death, just a legend?
not right...

Jiang Che was full of doubts, and looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"Father, is Emperor Taizu still alive?"

"Emperor Taizu is naturally not alive."

Jiang Zhen shook his head.

"What does father mean?"

Jiang Che looked at him puzzled.

Jiang Zhen took a sip of tea and said calmly, "Emperor Taizu is dead, but Emperor Yuan is still alive and has become a human immortal."


Jiang Che's pupils trembled violently.

Good guy, Emperor Yuan is still alive? !
How is this possible? A state funeral was held decades ago.

Notify the whole country.

come back to life?
Or fake death?

This emperor is playing around, holding a state funeral for himself...

"This is the secret of the Daqian royal family, but it is not a top-notch secret. The Thunder Tribulation Realm of the top ten immortal sects are all clear."

Jiang Zhen said lightly.

Jiang Che: "..."

This is the "Fake Death Plan"!

This operation is simply too six.

"Even if Emperor Yuan is not alive, the means left behind by Emperor Dagan Taizu, even if it's just a peak martial saint, can still go head-to-head with human immortals, and even beat human immortals."

Jiang Zhen said lightly.

"...What method is so terrifying?" Jiang Che asked in disbelief.

"It is the physical body of Emperor Taizu, tempered by the fate of the country, and can resurrect Emperor Taizu when necessary. Although he does not have the most peak strength, it is still enough to crush ordinary immortals."

Jiang Zhen said slowly.

Can you resurrect the Emperor Taizu?
This horse has been dead for nearly a thousand years, right?

It has been more than 1000 years since the founding of the country, and the total history is about 100 years.

Dagan Emperor Taizu established Dagan and died after only 100 years in power.

After nearly a thousand years of death, can he be resurrected?

This is simply a fantasy!
Although the body of a human immortal can survive for a thousand years, but after being dead for a thousand years, is there still fighting power?

"It's not a real resurrection. It's just nourishing one's body with the fate of the country. With the nourishment of the fate of the country, it can be guaranteed to be immortal for ten thousand years, and then become a puppet through the supreme secret technique. Although it doesn't have peak combat power, it still has sixty to seventy percent strength, which is enough to sweep away ordinary immortals."

Jiang Zhen said slowly.

Jiang Che: "..."

His father told him this royal secret, which shocked his heart.

But think about it, Emperor Taizu has the strength to smash the vacuum.

Peak Immortal!

Even if it is only [-] to [-]%, it is far beyond the average human immortal.

"Actually, Emperor Taizu didn't die by impacting and shattering the vacuum, but was killed by a demon god of the demon clan, leaving eternal damage, and finally died. He claimed that he died by impacting and shattering the vacuum. How could it be possible? The peak human immortal, even if his body is annihilated, can be resurrected with only a drop of blood left. The impact and shattering of the vacuum will not kill him, but the damage caused by the demon god of the demon clan is permanent, so he will eventually die."

Jiang Zhen threw another bomb.


Demons again!

The Dark Era has passed such a long time, more than ten thousand years, at least 10,000+ years ago.

Emperor Taizu was killed by the demon god of the demon clan.

Jiang Che felt very shocked!

"Father, how do you know this?" Jiang Che came back to his senses, and blinked his eyes.

"Of course there is a way to know, but most people don't know the truth." Jiang Zhen said lightly.

Jiang Che lowered his head, there was nothing wrong with his words.

There are too many hidden things in the world, and most people only know the so-called "truth" that they want you to know!
The real truth can always be known only with sufficient strength and status.

If it is announced to the whole country again that Emperor Yuan is still alive, it will definitely be considered a lie.

But this was told by his father, and Jiang Che absolutely believed it.

"In this way, including the physical body of Emperor Taizu, there are two immortals in the Daqian imperial family..."

Jiang Che came back to his senses and said.

"It should be three."

"Before Emperor Taizu died, he trained one of his sons into a puppet and buried him in the imperial tomb."

Jiang Zhen said lightly.

Jiang Che:? ? ?
Jiang Che was dumbfounded for a moment.

Is this... so explosive?
Before he died, he took this son as his back? !

Train your own sons into puppets.

This is simply too cruel!

Jiang Zhen looked at him and said, "You have been familiar with history books and classics since you were a child, and you should know that the first prince was established by Emperor Taizu."

Jiang Che thought for a while, and quickly found the relevant information in his memory. When he came back to his senses, he nodded his head: "Your child knows, according to the history books, in the [-]rd year of Qianli, Yang Qing, the son of Emperor Taizu, died of a mental disorder. After that, Emperor Taizu appointed a new crown prince, Yang Quan, as the crown prince, and became the second emperor of Daqian."

Jiang Zhen nodded and said: "Correct answer, but this is not the truth as you see it. The real reason is that the Emperor Taizu suffered eternal damage from the demon gods of the demon race, and the prince at that time also became a human immortal. By chance, he was eroded by the spirit of the demon gods in the emperor Taizu's body and turned into a puppet for killing the demon race. The emperor Taizu had no choice but to kill the prince and imprison the prince in order to keep his life safe and avoid being turned into a lifeless creature."

"But I couldn't find a cure. In the end, I had no choice but to train the prince into a puppet, retaining the strength of a human immortal, and buried him in the imperial mausoleum to protect Daqian. Then, Emperor Taizu died not long after."



Hearing his father's words, Jiang Che's heart was turbulent.

The story is tortuous and bizarre!

Simply incredible.

Having said that, he understood why Emperor Taizu would attack his son.

If you don't take action, when you die, the newly established Daqian will inevitably collapse.

At the same time, it also let Jiang Che clearly know how terrifying the demons are.

The peak human immortal is definitely a god in the world!
But he still couldn't stop this terrifying Demon Race Demon God.

 Thanks to the book friend 202306072 for the support of thousands of coins, and thanks to the support of the book friend Caikong for the hundred coins.

(End of this chapter)

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