I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 120 Records of the Demonic Confrontation in the Eastern Wilderness

Chapter 120 Records of the Demonic Confrontation in the Eastern Wilderness



The bell rang, and the sound of the Hong bell pierced through the Immortal God Island, shattering the white clouds of the nine heavens, revealing the clear sky.

The bright morning glow illuminates Xianshen Island.

In the central square, a huge crowd of people gathered.

The spectator seats were also full of people early on.

The scene reached an unprecedented lively scene.

Crowds of people.

When we arrived at the central square, it was already crowded with people.

Jiang Che glanced around, looking at each figure.

There is a lot of people.

Today's championship battle also detonated the audience.

Arriving at the seat where Daozong was, Jiang Che immediately sat down.

Qin Ya also sat beside him.

"Junior brother, it's up to you whether you can win the championship."

Looking at Jiang Che, Qin Ya said with a smile.

"...Senior sister, you also have hope." Looking at Qin Ya, Jiang Che said.

"I can't." Qin Ya shook her head, and continued: "I am sure about the others, but Yi Qingfeng and Chen Dongfeng, if I meet, I will definitely lose."

"The world is uncertain, you and I are dark horses, why should Senior Sister look down on me so much?" Jiang Che said flatly.


Qin Ya's eyes trembled, and she looked at him, her bright eyes widening.

These words... It feels so good to say.

"Junior brother, I can't tell, you are small, but your state of mind is so sophisticated."

After recovering, Qin Ya smiled.

Jiang Che: "If you are invincible in your heart, you will be invincible in the world. No matter how strong your opponent is, as long as you have an invincible heart in your heart, you can surpass it."

"Without the heart of invincibility, even if you have a whole body of cultivation, you will also lose. Spirit is very important."


"Junior brother, that's the way it is said...but...you can't be too ambitious, no, just don't." Qin Ya said.

"Hey, Senior Sister, if you are like this, you must not believe it. If you don't try it, how will you know?"

"And senior sister, your overall strength is also top-notch. Junior brother believes that you can do it. Go all out, even if you fail, there is nothing to regret." Jiang Che said.

Qin Ya lowered her head, and after a while, she raised her head and looked at Jiang Che: "...Junior brother, were you a storyteller before?"

Jiang Che: "???"

Qin Ya: "Your mouth is the most eloquent I've ever seen, but you can't be refuted by others. It's amazing!"

Jiang Che: "..."

"I'm here to cheer you up." Jiang Che said while looking at Qin Ya, his heart twitching.

"Okay, senior sister will go all out. If you can't beat it, you can use two more tricks to make you prepare in advance, junior brother."

Qin Ya smiled.

Jiang Che: "()"

"I thank you!"

"You're welcome, it should be, just treat the senior sister to a good meal afterwards."



All the people from the top ten immortal sects were present.

Although several sects of Baihua Palace and Tianyue Palace were wiped out, it didn't affect their viewing.

Today is also the highlight.

Also very interesting.

As for the others, Jiang Che didn't know most of them.

What kind of super aristocratic family, as well as the strength of the local immortal sect in the East China Sea, other Eastern Wasteland forces, etc., are known to very few.

Jiang Che could feel how many pairs of eyes were watching him.

But he's used to it.

Immortal Dao cultivation base is the lowest, but Martial Dao cultivation base is the highest one.

Among all the disciples of the top ten immortal sects, Jiang Che's situation is also unique.

Cultivation of Immortals is basically a fellow practitioner of Immortal Martial Arts.

But among the immortal sects, most of them are based on immortals and supported by martial arts.

Getting started in martial arts is much easier.

But the higher you go, the difficulty factor increases geometrically.

From a great master to a martial saint, this may be a bigger gap than Jindan to Yuanshen.

Every time Martial Saint takes a step forward, the gap is huge.

The difference between a junior martial saint and a peak martial saint is more than a hundred times.

Basically, the true power of martial arts can only be unleashed when one reaches the martial saint stage.

The existence of human immortal level directly equals with Lei Jie.

With this gap, a thousand martial saints are no match for a human immortal.

Human immortals not only increase their own strength, but also gain enlightenment, control the vitality of the world, and be accompanied by supernatural powers in every gesture.

And the gap between immortals is even bigger!
Being able to become a Martial Saint so quickly is also thanks to the Heaven-Defying Secret Martial Art of the Ten Thousand Monsters Golden Body Technique.

But after stepping into Wusheng, the growth slowed down a lot.

The required blood essence of demons is also a huge demand.

The quality has to be high enough.

Ordinary little monsters are no longer enough to be promoted to the Martial Saint level.

At least it is also a golden core demon.

Yuanshen Demon King giant.

As for the demon fairy in the Thunder Tribulation Realm... don't think about it, you can't kill him standing in front of you.

One breath and it's gone.


The bell rang again, and on the rostrum, yesterday's master Yuanshen hosted again.

Eloquent and eloquent, Jiang Che basically ignored it automatically.

When it was time to announce the start, he was in full swing.

On the projection of the magic weapon, the ten names shone brightly, reflecting in the eyes of everyone present.

Both names are red.

Jiang Che looked at Qin Ya who was at the side.

In the first round, it's her turn.

And Qin Ya's opponent is a disciple of Taixu Palace.

Yuan Qiu.

It is also a profound one.

But it's much worse than Yi Qingfeng's abnormal level.

"Senior sister, come on!"

Looking at Qin Ya, Jiang Che cheered up.

"This disciple, I should be fine." Qin Ya smiled brightly, stepped forward, and instantly came to Sifangjing.

At the same time, the disciples of Taixu Palace also came to the square mirror.

The two stepped into the small void world of the square mirror at the same time.

Thousands of eyes also looked at the square mirror.

The Great Elder looked serious.

If she wins this battle, Qin Ya will be able to get close to the top five.

Another victory, the top three also have a chance.

This time the first and second, Daozong's chances to start are too small.

The Great Elder is also very clear.

"Perhaps, if Jiang Che can give a little surprise, Xuan Miaoyin dares to bet with the Pure Yang Immortal Pill, there should be something interesting..."

Thinking of this, the Great Elder subconsciously glanced at Jiang Che who was sitting in the seat.



Under the attention of thousands of people, the war is about to break out.

It has reached this point, basically all cards are blown.

If you lose, there is no second chance.

Although Yuan Qiu from Taixu Palace is not as perverted as Yi Qingfeng, he is still a formidable enemy.

The supernatural powers collided, and the figures of the two were shrouded in light.

Jiang Che kept his eyes fixed on the picture in the square mirror.

The figures of the two collided extremely quickly, and various spells emerged one after another.

"Senior sister seems to be able to do a job with ease, so there should be no problem."

After watching for a while, most of Jiang Che had a bottom line in his heart.

Of course, how exactly that is still unknown.

In case there are any hidden cards.

Not sure.



The light bloomed again.

In the next breath, Qin Ya's figure rushed out.

"Heaven and earth storm!"

One-handed tactic, in an instant, a thick and huge tornado appeared, carrying the power to tear everything apart, and quickly dragged Yuan Qiu's figure into the tornado.


The next second, Qin Ya raised her hand again, and a terrifying lightning flash appeared in her palm.

Purple lightning intertwined.

The small void world instantly flashed and thundered.


A violent bolt of lightning descended from the sky and instantly blasted into the tornado, completely submerging Yuan Qiu's figure.

Under the two lore moves, Yuan Qiu was completely injured.

The breath fell off a cliff.

But Qin Ya still didn't relax her vigilance, raised her slender hand, and the infinite sword energy gathered into one, forming a giant blade, which fell down brazenly.


There was an explosion that shook the void, and the light engulfed Yuan Qiu's figure.

next interest.

Yuan Qiu's defense was shattered, and he passed out completely.

Qin Ya, win!
A smile appeared on the elder's face instantly.

The elders of the giant souls in Taixu Palace looked a little ugly.

But when they looked at Yi Qingfeng at the side, they felt a little more at ease.

It's okay, and this trump card has not been shot.

This time the champion, only Xuantianzong's Chen Dongfeng is a strong opponent.

As long as he wins the championship, the Taixu Palace will definitely grow again and become famous in the East, which will also be huge for the future development.

Thinking of this, the elders of the giant souls in Taixu Palace felt a little bit better.

Qin Ya and Yuan Qiu, who was unconscious and badly injured, left the square mirror, stepped out, and Qin Ya returned to the seat.

His face was a little pale, and it seemed that he had exhausted Qin Ya a lot.

She took out a few pills and swallowed them, and her pale face gradually eased a lot.

Seeing that Qin Ya's expression softened a lot, Jiang Che said, "Senior Sister, congratulations, you have entered the top five, and you have made another step forward."

"It's almost the limit." Qin Ya said.

But suddenly, her expression froze.

He looked at the two bright red names on the projection of the magic weapon.

Jiang Che, Chen Dongfeng!

She turned her head with difficulty, looked at Jiang Che who was at the side, and said, "Junior brother, we encountered it earlier."

Jiang Che also had some surprises.

I thought that I would encounter two strong opponents in the second round, but I didn't expect that I would encounter them in the first round today.

This is the most powerful person who competes with Yi Qingfeng for the championship.

"This... I'm afraid it will be difficult!"

The Great Elder's face changed slightly, and he sighed inwardly.

Chen Dongfeng!
This disciple is at the same level as Yi Qingfeng.

Jiang Che, I'm afraid it will be difficult to stop him.

"Will there be a miracle?"

Glancing at the mysterious sound at the side, an idea suddenly appeared in the mind of the Great Elder.

"It's okay, we will meet sooner or later."

Jiang Che smiled, stepped forward, and came to the square mirror.

At the same time, Chen Dongfeng also came to the square mirror.

The two looked at each other, took a breath, and stepped into the square mirror at the same time.

All eyes were on the square mirror.

Chen Dongfeng, the most popular disciple, and the other, broke the record of the Donghuang Immortal Sect Conference, and stepped into the ranks with the cultivation base of the early stage of Jindan.

We met in the first battle.

Two people, there must be one person who stops here.

"Junior Sister Xuan, do you think Jiang Che will win?"

The Great Elder looked at Xuan Miao Yin and said.

"you guess?"

There was no change in Xuan Miaoyin's face.

Great Elder: "..."

Asking no results, the Great Elder continued to look at the square mirror.

In the vast void of the Gobi Desert, both Jiang Che and Chen Dongfeng appeared with their feet on the void.

A powerful air current wrapped around the two of them.

"You're not bad, it's okay if you can get to this point."

Chen Dongfeng's voice sounded.

Rarely did not act immediately.

Jiang Che looked at him and said, "Thank you for your evaluation, but... I hope to go one step further. I'll be happy if you automatically admit defeat."


Chen Dongfeng's expression changed in an instant, and with the next breath, he raised his hand, and the vitality of heaven and earth exploded, turning into a terrifying flood dragon, galloping and roaring, and charged directly at Jiang Che.

A shot is a powerful supernatural power, leaving no room for it.

The vitality dragon descended like a real dragon, with overwhelming momentum.


As soon as Void shook hands, a golden light shot up from Jiang Che's body, and a sky dragon manifested, fully aroused the magic seal of Tianlong town, and killed the vitality dragon.

The space distorted instantly, and in an instant, the void produced an extreme collision.


Within a hundred miles, the vitality of heaven and earth was completely destroyed, and a devastating high-pressure shock wave swept all around.

The figures of Jiang Che and Chen Dongfeng were submerged in it in an instant.

In the square mirror, the figures of the two people can hardly be seen, only the distorted space and the scene of destruction can be seen.

The light engulfed it, and under the shining light, nothing could be seen at all.

The two of them seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

Pairs of eyes stared at the mirror surface of the square mirror without blinking, for fear of missing something.


There was a sound of collision, and in the next breath, in the wave of destructive light, the two figures retreated violently.

It was Jiang Che and Chen Dongfeng.

With one strike, the auras of the two were disturbed to varying degrees, but their foundations could not be shaken.

In the next second, there was an explosion in the void, the air exploded, and the figures of the two burst out again.

The ultimate confrontation.

In a short moment, the two fought for no less than a hundred rounds.

His breath trembled and his face was pale, but it didn't cause fatal damage to the two of them.

Jiang Che also knew very well that it was impossible for ordinary attacks to hurt this Chen Dongfeng.

After a short confrontation, he basically understood Chen Dongfeng's strength.

There is a kind of pressure in the primordial realm.

To win, the degree of difficulty is too great.

But he definitely won't stop there.

He must win this battle.


Terrifying lightning lingered all over his body, and endless electric light filled the air. Jiang Che seemed to instantly transform into a thunder god.


At the critical moment, Jiang Che brazenly unleashed the Lightning and Thunder Fist.

The terrifying lightning rushed towards Chen Dongfeng at an extremely fast speed.

Standing in the void, watching the terrifying blow, Chen Dongfeng's face remained unchanged.

One step into the air, the void burst, and the infinite vitality of the world gathered, and the bright light bloomed, forming a shocking vitality hand, which blasted out instantly.


The void exploded, the space distorted, and the high-pressure shock wave destroyed everything with destructive force.

The square mirrors trembled to the extreme.

The confrontation between the two directly shook this specially reinforced spatial artifact.

There seems to be a feeling of breaking the square mirror.

Lightning destroys everything, covered by light.


Jiang Che spat out a mouthful of blood, and his figure flew backwards at an extremely fast speed.

The corners of Chen Dongfeng's mouth also overflowed with blood. Looking at Jiang Che who flew out, his eyes flashed, and with the next breath, vitality surged, and another terrifying vitality dragon galloped and howled towards Jiang Che.


The speed was extremely fast, and one blow hit Jiang Che perfectly.

But Chen Dongfeng didn't show a trace of happiness.

"not good!!"

As if sensing something was wrong, Chen Dongfeng's heart shuddered, the golden core in his body trembled, powerful true energy rushed out, and the infinite winds of heaven and earth gathered and turned into a layer of protection.

And at the moment of completion, the golden Buddha light shone, and a terrifying Buddha manifested.

One hand came down and locked Chen Dongfeng.


The bergamot fell blatantly, a shock wave of destruction swayed away, and the square mirror trembled again.

Inspired by the Great Sun Tathagata Seal, Chen Dongfeng was blasted into the ground with one blow.

Looking at this scene, Xuantianzong looked solemnly up and down.

Even the face of the elder Yuanshen changed.

Although the battle is in the small void of the square mirror, their experience is enough to judge the strength of this blow.

Chen Dongfeng will be fine...

Several Yuanshen elders tensed their minds, but the face of the head teacher of Xuantianzong did not fluctuate at all.

His eyes were also very calm.


In the small void, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

Da Ri Tathagata hit Chen Dongfeng with a perfect blow.

Life and death shot into the depth of the earth hundreds of feet.

A super big handprint appeared, and the terrifying power strangled the surrounding air and completely destroyed it.


And at this moment, a figure with disheveled hair rushed out.

The Taoist robes all over his body were shattered, his black hair was draped over his shoulders, and the corners of his mouth continued to overflow with blood, causing a strong turmoil in his breath.

"Sure enough, a monster!"

Jiang Che's eyelids twitched. This Chen Dongfeng, as expected, was quite terrifying.

The big day Tathagata India was only hit hard.


Rushing into the void, Chen Dongfeng shook hands, and in an instant, the infinite vitality of heaven and earth rioted, and a destructive gust appeared.

Standing in the storm, Chen Dongfeng's black hair fluttered like a god in the wind, and the aura in his body kept soaring.

A phantom like a fairy appeared behind him.

His aura reached an infinite peak in an instant.

Jiang Che's pupils shrank, and without hesitation, the Buddha's light flashed all over his body, and a phantom Buddha like a fairy god appeared.

"The Tathagata destroys the world!"

Jiang Che did not neglect in the slightest, and urged the most powerful blow of the Great Sun Tathagata Seal.

The ancient Buddha behind him seems to be stepping out of the world.

At the same time, the fairy phantom behind Chen Dongfeng also launched a powerful attack.


The void of hundreds of miles collapsed directly and turned into pitch black.

The collision of the strongest blow caused the square mirror to tremble extremely.

The light flashed, as if it wanted to destroy the square mirror.

But at this moment, the square mirror raised a divine light, and the trembling mirror surface stabilized instantly.


"Why is it all black?"

The mirror recovered, but it was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

The whole audience stared in astonishment.

Made, watching is the most exciting time, something went wrong at this time? !

"Master, son, he..."

Jiang Hong looked solemn, staring at the dark square mirror.

"Relax, read on."

Jiang Zhen spat out a few words, but his expression was extremely solemn.

And at this moment, the dark mirror surface, the light reappeared again.



The two figures fell to the ground like meteorites, spurting a mouthful of blood together.

But in the next breath, a strong purple light ignited, and Jiang Che appeared intact.

At the critical moment, he used the Ziyuan Pill.

Take a chance.

"The Tathagata destroys the world!"

Without hesitation, Jiang Che once again unleashed a killing blow, and the Great Sun Tathagata Buddha, who was like a fairy god, manifested, and the air pressure was empty.

It fell with one blow.

Chen Dongfeng, who was severely injured, seemed to have swallowed the powerful magic pill, and his aura had recovered by half, but Jiang Che had taken the slightest chance by taking the Ziyuan pill, and the small gap instantly widened.

The golden core was activated to form a layer of protection. In an instant, Chen Dongfeng was hit by the blow of the Great Sun Tathagata.


The lore hit hit, followed by a sky dragon roar, and the strongest blow of the magic seal of Tianlong town was also launched at the same time.


The sound of the dragon's roar shook the void.

Out again.


The spirit trembled, and the soul blow of Thor's thorn erupted instantly, and the hundred Thor's thorns rushed towards Chen Dongfeng in an instant.

At the same time, the Lightning Ben Lei Fist was launched directly.

Terrible flashes of lightning.

Immediately afterwards, Wan Dao's sword energy formed a lore-killing heavenly sword, which fell blatantly.

The strongest blow of the Heavenly Sword Art directly rushed out.

But it was still not over, Jiang Che erupted with qi and blood, and the qi and blood around his body shone like a bright sun. The qi and blood condensed a little, and Fudo Wangquan merged with the martial arts concept, reaching the strength beyond fifty dragons, smashing the void, and descending with one punch.

Within a few breaths before and after, Jiang Che broke out almost all of his lore.

That scene of destruction greatly stimulated the hearts of all the spectators.

Almost all the hole cards were revealed.

The lore superimposes, and the explosion doubles!
Chen Dongfeng's figure was completely caught under Jiang Che's destructive attack.

Boom boom boom! ! !
The square mirror trembled violently, as if it was about to shatter.

Jiang Che's true energy was completely exhausted, more than half of the blood around him was consumed, and a full half of his soul power was also consumed.

The destructive shock wave swept through the small void, sweeping through the void beyond a hundred miles.

Completely destroy everything that exists.

The light faded, and Chen Dongfeng's figure appeared.

Drenched in blood, the divine light in his eyes had completely dimmed, and his aura fell to the bottom.

Looking at Jiang Che, he held his last breath, and the golden light rose, but in the next breath, he couldn't hold on any longer, and fell directly to the ground.

Suffering a fatal injury and continuing to erupt, then he will truly die.


Seeing that Chen Dongfeng had completely fallen into a coma, Jiang Che also heaved a sigh of relief.

Kneeling on one knee, panting in embarrassment.

Consumable also reached the level of metamorphosis.

Jiang Che could no longer support himself.

The divine light from heaven swept over, and he and the fainted Chen Dongfeng left the square mirror.

Defeated... Defeated? ! ! !

Xuantianzong was in disbelief all over his face.


how can that be!

Chen Dongfeng's strength was as strong as that of an elder in the early stage of Yuanshen, so how could he be defeated by a disciple in the early stage of Jindan.

Xuantianzong was silent from top to bottom.

Even Xuantianzong's face fluctuated.

This result is very uncomfortable.

But... this is the truth!
Chen Dongfeng was indeed defeated.

It's not that he's not strong enough, but that this Taoist disciple is perverted to an outrageous degree.

Breaking through this kind of leap, if this is the same level of cultivation, who can beat it? !


Humanoid monster!


The battle is over.

There was an uproar.

Chen Dongfeng, who was most capable of winning the championship, lost!

Completely ended!

Xuantian Palace was also completely destroyed.

Pairs of eyes looked at the ragged boy.

Daozong, what kind of super king bomb is this prepared? !

Chen Dongfeng, who was comparable to Yuanshen level, was defeated by him.

Although it was a tragic victory, it was finally won.

The process was tragic and the price was serious, but the result has already been decided.

This kind of evildoer has almost never appeared in the history of the Eastern Desolation.

The central square was silent.

This evildoer of the Taoist sect gave everyone a chill from the depths of their hearts.

Chen Dongfeng was originally a monstrous existence, but this Daoist Jiang Che was even more monstrous!

Why can Jindan be so perverted in the early stage? !

(End of this chapter)

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