Chapter 147
Xuanning City.

Under the bright moonlight, a figure appeared by the Ningjiang River.

It was Jiang Che.

"Watching" several Xuanwu guards leave, he let out a sigh of relief.

This time, it can be regarded as a bargain for him.

It is also the easiest way to kill demons.

"Those who escaped from the sky prison... So, there should be more monsters imprisoned in the sky prison of the Xuanwu court."

Looking at the moonlight in the sky, Jiang Che narrowed his eyes.

But after thinking about it, he gave up the idea.

Breaking into the prison of the Xuanwu court is no different from courting death.

Although the Xuanwu Dynasty was not as powerful as Longteng, it was still a great dynasty.

With the current strength, it is not enough for him to be presumptuous.

"Look at the rewards first."

Withdrawing his gaze and banishing distracting thoughts, Jiang Che was determined, and immediately took out the reward.

The light flickered, and a golden elixir appeared in front of him.

There are nine lines on the pill, and a majestic breath permeates out.

Yuanshen shook.

"Nine-turn Primordial Soul Pill..."

Looking at the elixir in his hand, Jiang Che was slightly taken aback.

I bought one at Longling's auction, and now another one exploded.

"...It can be regarded as a life-saving elixir, not bad."

Glancing at the Nine-Turn Primordial Soul Pill in his hand, Jiang Che immediately put the pill away.

It can quickly restore the consumption of the soul and the physical body, and can save lives at critical moments.

You can use the secret method of God-King Conception at least twice.

"Through Wuning County, there is still more than a month to go, and we should be able to reach the territory of the Suzaku Dynasty."

After closing his eyes and studying the route map, Jiang Che immediately determined the route.


With one movement of the true energy in his body, the next breath, a golden light flashed, and Jiang Che disappeared by the Ningjiang River.


More than half a month passed by in a flash.

Jiang Che crossed many counties and cities, and also arrived at the capital city of the Xuanwu Dynasty.

Xuanwu City!
A city no less than the capital of Longteng.

The high wall stands tall, full of majesty and majesty.

On the outskirts, Jiang Che looked at the majestic Xuanwu City.

Outside the city gate, there are two huge statues of gods standing ten feet high.

And these two huge statues of ten feet are the totem of the Xuanwu Dynasty, the mythical beast Xuanwu!

Like a real basalt beast, it is majestic.

In the yin and yang eyes, the blazing fire of the world of mortals covered the entire Xuanwu City.

And above the imperial city, there is a golden basalt entrenched in the void.

And this golden basalt was also transformed by the luck of the xuanwu dynasty, exactly the same as the divine beast basalt.

Most of the dynasty's luck spirits are in the form of real dragons, but there are also other forms.

For example, the true spirit of luck in the Xuanwu Dynasty turned into the mythical beast Xuanwu.

The momentum is monstrous, no less than the luck golden dragon.

Under the gaze, Xuanwu, who was entrenched in the sky above the imperial city, seemed to have sensed something, and opened his eyes as if alive.

A pair of eyes looked at Jiang Che instantly.

The moment his pupils opened, Jiang Che instantly felt a strong sense of suffocation.

Oppression from the primordial spirit.

The yin and yang eyes closed instantly, and the suffocating pressure disappeared.

This was the first time that Jiang Che felt oppressed by the dynasty's luck and true spirit.

The last time he was in Dragon Dynasty, he didn't even feel this way.

And what can make the real spirit of luck aware actively, that is enough to make the real spirit of luck feel the existence of danger.

In other words, his current strength has been so strong that the true inspiration of the dynasty's luck has felt a little bit of danger.

But Jiang Che didn't have any malicious intentions, so the Spirit of Luck would not attack him.

Just a deterrent signal.

If he attacks the imperial city with supernatural powers, the spirit of luck will automatically counterattack without the help of the masters of the imperial city.

The luck of the dynasty is also the core of the dynasty.

With his current strength, he still can't withstand the attack of a dynasty's luck spirit.

Even with full firepower, he might not be able to block the blow of the true spirit of luck.

Don't look at the fact that the true spirit of luck will not take the initiative to make a move, but can only defend passively, but once it makes a move, the power will be devastating.

"It should be an honor for me to be able to let the true spirit of luck detect the slightest crisis..."

Looking away, Jiang Che shook his head.

It was the first time he felt the awe from the true spirit of luck, which showed that he had grown to the level of a real giant.

However, compared with the top supreme, he is still far behind.

The gap between Yuanshen and Lei Jie is equivalent to that of Martial Saints and Human Immortals.

This is the hardest level.

After stepping through, the lifespan skyrocketed, and the strength reached the sky.

If you can't step on it, it will be an ant after all.

Even if the peak primordial spirit or peak martial saint is still an ant in front of the immortal Lei Jie, it's just that they are stronger, and if they really want to do it, it will not take much trouble.

"Go to the city first, rest for a day, and start tomorrow!"

After making up his mind, Jiang Che's figure flickered, and he headed towards Xuanwu City.

After paying the entrance fee, Jiang Che stepped into Xuanwu City.

In a foreign country, there is a special feeling in my heart.

Here, Jiang Che also saw the branch of Vientiane Commercial Bank.

The number one super firm in the Southern Wilderness, its strength should not be underestimated.

However, after the auction in Longling City, Jiang Che was more concerned about the mysterious Central Continent forces.

The fact that the Vientiane Commercial Bank was able to auction off the body of a peak human being was definitely inseparable from that mysterious Central Continent force.

However, the current him does not have enough strength to reveal the veil of the mysterious forces.

Perhaps only after stepping into the Thunder Tribulation Immortal can one be qualified.

Row upon row of high-rise shops.

The prosperity of Xuanwu City is no less than that of Longteng Capital.

It is also a super city with a population of over [-] million.



While walking forward on the street, Jiang Che stopped suddenly and looked back suddenly. There was a crowd of people in front of him, and it seemed that nothing special happened.

But Jiang Che always felt that someone was watching him.

This is telepathy.

But in Xuanwu City, Jiang Che could not use his spiritual sense to investigate, but his intuition told him that someone must be following him.

"I'm new here, I don't think I know anyone, right?"

"Lost money?"

"Or robbery?"

Jiang Che frowned, and stayed on the spot for a while, then he stepped forward again. At the corner ahead, Jiang Che suddenly turned around and walked into an alley.

After crossing five or six streets, the feeling not only did not fade away, but became more intense.

"If you want to die, then don't blame me..."

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and after a short breath, Jiang Che quickened his pace. After a while, he came to a relatively secluded alley.

The forward pace suddenly stopped, and he turned around instantly. At the entrance of the alley, a red figure quickly dodged.


So close to Tianya activated, and within a breath, Jiang Che quickly stopped this strange red figure.

Before him, a woman in red appeared and was stopped by Jiang Che, with a panicked look on her face.

Jiang Che looked at Ruozhen's red-clothed woman, with exquisite features. Although her appearance was not peerless, there was a unique heroic aura between her brows, a heroic air.

The cultivation base has insight at a glance, the golden core is at the peak, and the martial arts cultivation base has also reached the level of a great master, so he can be regarded as a master.

Looking at this heroic woman in red, Jiang Che frowned slightly: "In broad daylight, why did you follow me?"

As soon as Jiang Che opened his mouth, the woman in red seemed a little nervous, but she quickly calmed down and looked directly at him, "Who... who has followed you, is the main road your home? If you can walk, I can't?"

Jiang Che: "..."

Good guy, are you quite confident?

" look at me like that, I'm going to scream!" the woman in red said with a slightly red face.

Jiang Che: "(ー_ー)!!"

You still call?
You're the one following me, but you're still calling me?

Looking at the woman in red, Jiang Che's expression was indifferent: "Your Excellency and I have never met each other before, I hope you will be more understanding, if you follow me again, don't blame me for being rude!"

After speaking, Jiang Che turned and left.

The woman in red looked at Jiang Che's back, bit her red lips, and followed him immediately.

Turning the corner of the street, Jiang Che entered an alley again. He stopped and turned to look.

The woman in red also stopped in her tracks, only a foot away.

"Girl, please respect yourself, I'm not interested in you!"

Jiang Che's eyes were cold and his tone was cold.


Hearing this, the face of the woman in red instantly turned red with embarrassment.

"We met!"

The woman in red clenched her fists tightly, suppressing the emotions in her heart, and said.

Jiang Che: "?"

Jiang Che carefully looked at the woman in red in front of him. There seemed to be a trace of familiarity between the outlines, but he didn't remember seeing this person before.

"Girl, did you recognize the wrong person? This is my first time in Xuanwu City." Jiang Che frowned.

The woman in red bit her red lips, looked at him, and said, "Xuanning City, Ningjiang Temple..."

Xuanning City, Ningjiang Temple?
Hearing the woman in red speak, Jiang Che was slightly taken aback.

But at this moment, the voice of the woman in red sounded again: "I am the one who greeted you back then, Xuanwuwei, Hongluan!"

"It's you!"

Having said that, Jiang Che remembered it.

"I'm sorry, there were too many things back then, so I can't remember clearly." Jiang Che said.

Hongluan: "..."

"Miss Hong has something to do with me?" Jiang Che asked with a relaxed expression.

"I saw you just now, and I was a little uncertain, so I followed. I didn't expect it to be you. I want to treat you to dinner. Thank you for your help." Hong Luan whispered.

"Hey, it's all right, killing demons and eliminating demons is the duty of a practitioner, you don't have to be polite, Miss Hong." Jiang Che waved his hand.

"I...can you save face?" Hong Luan looked at him, blushing and said.

"Are you familiar with the red girl in Xuanwu City?" Jiang Che suddenly changed the subject and asked.

"Well, my home is in Xuanwu City." Hongluan nodded.

"That's it, then you can have a meal." Jiang Che smiled.

Hongluan: "..."

What do you mean you can have a meal like this?

Do I look like a womanizer?

Bah, smelly man, he only wants good things...

"Red girl?"

Seeing that Hongluan didn't speak, Jiang Che stretched out his hand and shook it in front of her eyes.

"Ah? Yes, that's fine." Hongluan recovered and nodded.

Jiang Che: "..."

Is this woman okay?

"I know there is a good place, you come with me." After finishing speaking, she turned around quickly.

Jiang Che's heart twitched, and he immediately followed.

Soon, the two came to a relatively secluded mansion.

On the horizontal plaque, three beautiful fonts are written.

"Here? Can I eat?"

Looking at the mansion in front of him, Jiang Che sideways looked at Hongluan beside him.

It looks like a private mansion, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a place to eat.

What is this woman up to?
Want to be the overlord?

I'm not such a casual person!
Jiang Che became slightly vigilant in his heart.

Hongluan looked at him and said: "This is my friend's mansion, she is known as the God of Cookery in Xuanwu City, her culinary skills are the best in the world, eating here is more peaceful and comfortable."

"Is it?"

Hearing Hongluan speak, Jiang Che was dubious.

Hongluan immediately took out a sound transmission bell, and after secretly transmitting the sound, the door of Tianxinju opened soon.

A graceful woman in white appeared.

Dressed in white, his face is stunning, but it looks very cold, like an iceberg.

But when she looked at Hong Luan, she showed a smile on her face: "Girl, have you forgotten my sister since you haven't been here for so long?"

The Bingshan woman stepped forward, holding Hongluan's little hand with her slender jade hands.

As for Jiang Che at the side, he just ignored it.

He didn't pay much attention to it, and her appearance didn't attract much attention from him, but he felt that the strength of this Bingshan woman was not simple.

The soul has turned into a primordial spirit, his cultivation is still at the peak of Jindan, and his martial arts cultivation has also reached the peak of a great master. His overall strength is somewhat stronger than that of Hong Luan.

It is only a matter of time before stepping into the primordial spirit realm.

A bright smile appeared on Hongluan's face, looking at the Bingshan woman, she said, "Sister Tianxin, I'm here!"

"You stinky girl, you haven't come here for so long, I thought you forgot my sister."

The Bingshan woman looked at her dotingly, and reached out to touch Hongluan's quiet face.

It can be seen that the relationship between the two is very good.

"Who is he?"

When the Bingshan woman looked at Jiang Che, her expression changed completely, her face was icy cold.

"This is my...friend, bring him to Miss Tianxin for a meal today." Hong Luan said.


The Bingshan woman looked puzzled, and looked at Jiang Che again, her eyes full of vigilance.

"Oh, sister Tianxin, take us in first, I'm starving to death." Hongluan took her jade hand and said coquettishly.

The Bingshan woman looked at her with enthusiasm restored on her face, but she was still full of vigilance when she looked at Jiang Che.

"Okay, come in."

The iceberg woman nodded.

A smile instantly appeared on Hongluan's face, and she looked at Jiang Che.

Jiang Che didn't hesitate, and stepped into Tianxinju.

Entering Tianxinju, what greets your eyes is a garden planted with spiritual plants.

Jiang Che took a look, and among them, most of the spiritual plants were expensive natural materials and earthly treasures.

And beside this spiritual planting garden, there is a purple bamboo forest.

"This is Purple Spirit Bamboo..."

Looking at this purple bamboo forest, a strange color flashed in Jiang Che's eyes.

This woman has a lot of background. There are only so many treasures in the house, so she is not afraid of being robbed or stolen?
"By the way, you... what's your name?"

At this time, Hong Luan's sound transmission sounded beside his ears.

Jiang Che came back to his senses, looked at her, and replied via voice transmission: "Jiang Che is here."

"Jiang Che..."

Hongluan nodded and remembered it in her heart.


After passing through the arches, the promenade, and the courtyard, Jiang Che arrived at the main hall of Tianxin Residence.

But the footsteps of the Bingshan woman still did not stop, leading the two of them to move on.

Soon, they came to a pavilion in the mansion.

There is a small river flowing around, and all kinds of spiritual plants are planted beside it, and the flowers are blooming, so it is a good place.

In the pavilion, there is a jade table made of jade, surrounded by several jade stools.

Sitting in the pavilion, you can enjoy the surrounding scenery, which makes people feel refreshed.

"Just here, how about it?" The Bingshan woman turned her head and looked at the two of them. In fact, she was looking at Hongluan. As for Jiang Che, she didn't take a second look.

"Yes." Hongluan nodded with a smile, then looked at Jiang Che at the side, and said, "What do you think of this place?"


Jiang Che nodded slightly.

The Bingshan woman's black eyebrows frowned slightly, but seeing Hongluan's happy look, her brows relaxed again.

Hongluan smiled, looked at the Bingshan woman, and said, "Sister Tianxin, let me introduce you formally. This is my friend, Jiang Che."

"Hmm." The Bingshan woman nodded slightly with a cold expression.

"Brother Jiang, this is my good friend, Lan Tianxin, the number one God of Cookery in Xuanwu City, and his craftsmanship is unrivaled in the world!"

Jiang Che also nodded slightly, as a greeting.

This woman didn't seem to want to see him, and there was no need for Jiang Che to put a cold face on his hot ass.

Eating is second, he mainly learned about the situation of Xuanwu City through Hongluan.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even bother to eat.

He doesn't have much interest in the world's best culinary skills, and he can still restrain his appetite.

"Girl, come with me to pick out what you like to eat." Lan Tianxin looked at Hong Luan and said.

"But..." Hongluan glanced at Jiang Che.

"No problem, I can do whatever I want," Jiang Che said flatly.

"Alright then." Hong Luan nodded.

Immediately, she followed Lan Tianxin and left.

Watching the two daughters go away, Jiang Che glanced at the surrounding environment.

I have to say that women really enjoy it.

Of course, except his master.

Little Qiongfeng's environment is good, but most of it is natural, and on the days of practicing with Master, he mostly only sees drinking.

"I don't know if there is an auction on the scale of Longling in Xuanwu City, um, I will ask later."

Looking at the scenery around the pavilion, a thought flashed in Jiang Che's mind.


"You don't seem to know him very well, do you?"

The mansion, Lan Tianxin said while walking and looking at Hong Luan.

Hongluan blushed slightly, and nodded: "Sister Tianxin, I can't hide anything from you, I only met him twice, let's add this time."


Lan Tianxin looked at her, his eyes widening.

"Girl, you don't look like a nymphomaniac. You've only met twice and you're friends? And you brought this man to me?"

"Oh, sister Tianxin, please keep your voice down, there is a reason for this." Hong Luan said with a blushing face.

"Why can't you bring me here after only seeing you twice?" Lan Tian said coldly.

"It's not what you think. I was out on a mission to track down a peerless monster who was a giant of the primordial spirit. In the end, this person killed the great demon with a single sword. I invited him to dinner just to thank him."

Hongluan said.

"Is that so?" Lan Tianxin looked at her suspiciously.

"I swear, that's it."

"If it wasn't for this person, I'm afraid it would have been a little troublesome, so I just want to thank you, there is no other meaning."

Hong Luan said with a straight face.

"That's fine, my sister trusts you." Lan Tianxin nodded.

"Okay, sister Tianxin, don't be suspicious, hurry up and get something delicious, I haven't eaten your cooking for a long time." Hong Luan shook her arm and said.

"All right, all right, you stinky girl, there's really nothing I can do about you." Lan Tianxin smiled dotingly, and patted her head.


On the pavilion, Jiang Che was sitting on a jade stool and was sorting out the route map when he heard footsteps, and the figures of Lan Tianxin and Hong Luan appeared in his eyes.

There was still delicious food in his hand, like fish, and a scent wafted out of his nostrils.

"Brother Jiang, I kept you waiting." Hong Luan said as he put the food on the table.

"No problem."

"Try it, Sister Tianxin's craftsmanship is outstanding." Hongluan looked at him and said.

Jiang Che nodded, took the jade chopsticks, picked up a piece of snow-white meat similar to fish, and took a bite.

In his mouth, a scent stimulated his taste buds.

Soft, tender, fresh and fragrant!


Jiang Che nodded slightly.

He really didn't boast about his skills, even if he was a little tempted.

"As long as you like it, there are a few more dishes, and they will be here soon." Hong Luan smiled, then turned around, and left the pavilion with Lan Tianxin.

Jiang Che also put down his chopsticks and waited aside.

The taste is delicious, but he still has the restraint he should have.

After a while, the two brought a table full of delicacies.

Not a single repeat.

The second daughter also sat down.

"Brother Jiang, thank you for the last shot." Holding the cup, Hongluan said with a smile.

"You're being polite, it's just a matter of raising your hands." Jiang Che smiled.

Then he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

It was slightly cold in the roar, but it soon became hot again.

This wine is not ordinary, but compared with Master's Immortal Drunk, it is much worse.

The three chatted while eating.

Jiang Che also inquired about the situation in Xuanwu City, but to his disappointment, there was no large-scale auction in Xuanwu City.

But soon Jiang Che was relieved again.

An auction of the level of Longling is probably the top in the entire Southern Wilderness.

No, that's normal too.

The three of them ate for an hour before ending.

On the pavilion, Jiang Che got up, looked at Hong Luan and Lan Tianxin: "Thank you for your hospitality, I will take my leave first."

"Ah? You... are you leaving now?" Looking at Jiang Che, Hong Luan asked in surprise.

"I'm full with wine and food, I don't want to disturb you too much, and I have other things to deal with, so I'll take my leave first." Jiang Che said slowly.

"Then...then I'll see you off."

Hong Luan said.

"No, I shouldn't get lost. I'll see you later!" Jiang Che smiled, and as soon as he finished speaking, his figure disappeared out of thin air.

One step left Tianxinju.

I have also inquired about the news that should be inquired, and it is useless to stay longer.

"This guy, why does he have the feeling of avoiding like a snake and a scorpion?" Seeing Jiang Che disappear out of thin air, Hong Luan frowned.

"This person is devoted to Taoism and practice, and I'm afraid he has no interest in other things." Lan Tianxin said from the side.

Hearing this, Hongluan's face turned red instantly, and she looked at her with resentment: "Sister Tianxin, you are thinking wrong."

"I don't think this person is suitable for you." Lan Tianxin said seriously.

Hongluan: "..."


After leaving Tianxin Residence, Jiang Che immediately came to an inn in the city to stay.

Night falls.

Xuanwu City is also quite lively at night.


After wandering around in several places in the city and getting a taste of the characteristics of Xuanwu City, Jiang Che returned to the inn and rested.

(End of this chapter)

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