I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 169 99 to 1 Primordial Spirit Tribulation

Chapter 169
After leaving Ancheng, Jiang Che flew straight into the sky without stopping, and soon disappeared without a trace.


Three days later, in the southern wasteland, there was an endless mountain forest.

Jiang Che's figure descended from the sky and landed on a mountain top.

Looking far away, there are mountains in the distance, mist rising, and within a hundred miles, there is no human smoke.

"Just here."

Jiang Che looked towards the void, and immediately after he waved his hands, the figures of Yuan Ling and Chaos Tengu appeared.

Here, it is located in an area in the southern part of the Southern Wilderness Suzaku Dynasty.

It was also a position carefully selected by Jiang Che.

For hundreds of miles, it was all barren.

The nearest villages and towns are more than 300 miles away.

The aura is barren, and there are basically no big monsters hiding here.

This place met his requirements.

Quiet and undisturbed.

Yuan Ling and Chaos Tengu were protecting the Dharma not far away, and Jiang Che had completely stabilized his mind.

However, he was not in a hurry to cultivate, so he checked all his belongings first.

All the various items in the map of mountains and rivers were transferred to the map of spring and autumn in heaven and earth.

There is only one world tree left.

The real body directly stepped into the map of mountains and rivers, and Jiang Che came to the World Tree.

Today's World Tree has grown to a height of 150 feet, with luxuriant branches and crystal leaves that shine like jade.

The growth of the world tree has also reached the limit that the mountain and river map can accommodate.

He has to move.

Only by transferring the World Tree to the Spring and Autumn Map of Heaven and Earth can it continue to grow.


A golden light bloomed, and in the next second, Jiang Che's figure instantly transformed into a golden body of a thousand feet.

The big hand covering the sky exploded with true energy, completely covering the World Tree.

True Qi poured into the earth, and the roots and soil of the World Tree were uprooted.


The sound of thunder in the sky shook, and under Jiang Che's power, the World Tree was quickly uprooted.

A huge deep pit with a range of more than a hundred feet was exposed on the ground.

The rhizome of the world tree is also intricate.

Uprooting the World Tree cannot destroy even a single trace, otherwise, it will affect the World Tree.

However, the World Tree is not so fragile and can withstand some strength.

Jiang Che completely enveloped the entire World Tree with true energy, broke through the time and space of the Mountain and River Map, and stepped out directly.

The vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth vibrated.

At the same time, Jiang Che opened the Spring and Autumn Map of Heaven and Earth, and sent the World Tree into the Spring and Autumn Map.

The big pit that was dug in advance was prepared, seamlessly connected, and put into the pit.

In an instant, the rhizome of the World Tree took root in the Spring and Autumn Map of Heaven and Earth.

After completing the transfer, he checked the World Tree, and after confirming that there was no problem, Jiang Che took off the golden body form.

"With the map of spring and autumn of heaven and earth, there is no problem in cultivating it to the fourth round..."

Seeing the World Tree rooted in the Spring and Autumn Map, Jiang Che let out a sigh of relief.

Although he was fully prepared, it still made him tense up.

Fortunately, no accident happened, and the big stone in his heart fell to the ground.

After transferring the World Tree, Jiang Che began to clean up the harvest obtained in the Panhuang Secret Realm one by one.

The biggest gain, without a doubt, is the puppets.

A silver puppet was sent out, and there were 49 other silver puppet.

Fifty golden puppets, and ten purple puppets in the late Yuanshen period.

This is his greatest achievement.

The silver puppet, he is going to make a move, but he has to wait until he has cultivated into a primordial spirit before making a move.

As for the golden puppets and purple puppets, he won't make a move and keep them.

Even in the future, he will not make a move.

It can protect the safety of family members.

Fifty golden puppets in the early stage of Yuanshen joined forces, and the power is not ordinary.

Ten purple puppets are even more terrifying.

Even stepping into the realm of Yuanshen is still his trump card.

If you make a move, it will be a loss.

Although he needs a lot of spirit veins and spirit stones, he will not consider selling golden puppets and purple puppets.

This value is not generally high.

If you keep it for your own use, it can also display greater value.

Pure Yang fairy fruit needs to be cultivated, but there is no need to sell golden and purple puppets.

Just 49 silver puppets, the value of this shot is extraordinary.

This large amount of wealth can also be relieved for a period of time.

There are many ways to make money.

The key is to see if the strength is enough!
The stronger the strength, the faster the way to make money.


Everything was cleaned up and classified, and the sky completely dimmed.

Jiang Che sat cross-legged on the spot, and took out a jade box.

Opening the jade box revealed a huge Pure Yang Fairy Fruit.

The pure Yang fairy fruit cultivated in the second round is much stronger than the first round.

During the recovery time of two months, Jiang Che also ate a piece of pure yang fairy fruit to rebuild the seventh soul.

There are 63 Chunyang fairy fruits remaining.

It is more than enough to break through the realm of Yuanshen.

And he also wants to raise Yuanling to Yuanshen realm.

The strength of the avatar is enough, and in the future, there will be some things that don't require the deity to take action.

Yuan Ling can solve everything for him.

The smell of the pure yang fairy fruit emanated, and the surging pure yang celestial energy instantly aroused the greedy worms in the Chaos Tengu not far away.

A pair of green eyes fixedly stared at the Pure Yang Fairy Fruit in Jiang Che's hand.

Jiang Che glanced, and a thought came to him, and the Chaos Tengu came in front of him with a whoosh.

"Give you."

Handing the pure yang fairy fruit in his hand to Chaos Tengu, its face instantly revealed a humanized excitement.

He opened his mouth and swallowed the Pure Yang Fairy Fruit.

The body also exudes light in an instant.

This guy also ran over excitedly, lying on the ground, absorbing the energy of the Pure Yang Fairy Fruit.

Jiang Che took a look, and at the same time took out a Chunyang fairy fruit and handed it to Yuan Ling.

He also took out a pure yang fairy fruit and ate it, visualized the god king, frantically absorbing the surging energy of the pure yang fairy fruit.

Bursts of golden light shone on his skin, and his Dao Divine Body was also absorbing the energy of the Pure Yang Fairy Fruit.

His physical potential has not yet reached its peak, and his physical strength can continue to break through.

The last time I swallowed the pure yang fairy fruit to rebuild the seventh soul, the strength of the physical body also increased the power of ten dragons.

But the higher you go, the slower the growth.

However, the changes are quite astonishing. His qi, blood and essence are about ten times stronger than that of a peak martial saint.

Although it is incomparable with the vitality and blood of human immortals, it has greatly surpassed the general peak martial saints.


Time passed minute by minute.

Three months, fleeting.

Snowflakes were falling from the sky, and there was a chill in the air.

The mountains and forests are covered with snow, and at a glance, the world is covered with silver.

It was snowing.

It was quiet.

On a mountain top, Jiang Che's figure remained motionless for a long time.

Not far away, Yuan Ling and Chaos Tengu are protecting him.

In three months, Jiang Che absorbed a total of fifteen pure yang fairy fruits.

The Nine Primordial Spirits have been completely cultivated.


A light of primordial spirit bloomed, and behind Jiang Che, nine primordial spirits manifested at the same time.

Yuanshen exudes brilliant heavenly power, like a god!

The majestic divine power stopped the snowflakes falling around.

The surrounding time and space seemed to be frozen.

The nine primordial spirits are equally powerful.

And very strong.

The power of the primordial spirit, turbulent void.

"The god king is reversed, and the heavens are one!"

A majestic voice sounded, and Jiang Che's body erupted with even more terrifying primordial light.

The shining light of the primordial spirit enveloped the nine primordial spirits, and the nine primordial spirits began to gradually blend together.

The first soul is the main one, and the other souls are constantly fused.

The first soul is his original soul.

If other primordial spirits are shattered, he may not die, but if his own primordial spirit is shattered, then he will definitely die.

Absorb other primordial spirits and become the only primordial spirit.

Cultivate into the strongest primordial spirit.

This step is also the most difficult step in the thoughts of the gods and kings of the heavens.

And now, Jiang Che has also reached the most difficult step.

The second and third souls merged quickly.

The aura of the first primordial spirit continued to grow, and the power of the primordial spirit exuded became even more terrifying.

The power of his primordial spirit distorts the surrounding space.

Not far away, Chaos Chaos Tengu and Yuan Ling watched, not daring to disturb Jiang Che.

Now, he has reached the most critical moment.

Merging the primordial spirit to become the only one, this is also the most dangerous step.

In the slightest, the primordial spirit is injured.

At worst, the primordial spirit will be destroyed!

However, if he dared to merge with the primordial spirit, Jiang Che would not choose to merge without full confidence.

This is tantamount to making a joke of your own life.

If the primordial spirit is destroyed, the price will be too great.

The light of the primordial spirit continued to shine, like a big sun, emitting the fluctuations of the primordial spirit visible to the naked eye.

Constantly spread.

In the forest, wild beasts trembled.

This primordial spirit coercion is as terrifying as Tianwei.

The beasts in the mountains and forests remained motionless.

Half an hour later, the fourth soul merged, and Jiang Che didn't stop, continuing to merge with the fifth soul.

The first soul became stronger.

The breath continuously distorts the surrounding void.

It was as if time and space were about to be shattered.

Day to night.

When the dawn rose on the second day, all of Jiang Che's primordial spirits were fully integrated.

The primordial spirit manifested behind him is full of infinite and surging primordial power.

The golden light is shining like a fairy.


Above the sky, a thunderclap exploded, piercing the sky.


The primordial spirit entered his body, and Jiang Che opened his eyes at the same time.

In the black and white pupils, a light like golden lightning burst out.

Standing up slowly, the surrounding void produced extreme vibrations.

Ripples keep popping up.

Like the waves.

The breath changes, earth-shaking!
The nine primordial spirits blend together to achieve uniqueness.

His breath became as unfathomable as a vast abyss.

Standing there, it seems that the heaven and the earth are integrated, and there is a feeling of transcending the heaven and the earth.

After three months of cultivation, Jiang Che finally reached the peak with the assistance of the Pure Yang Fairy Fruit.

He is still at the peak of Jindan, but his aura of primordial spirit is comparable to that of the peak of primordial spirit.

The strength of the physical body is not short and strong, reaching the terrifying power of five hundred dragons.

Dao Divine Body is also approaching the limit.

However, he still didn't comprehend the Immortal Entrance.

Now, there is only a hint of insight.

It still takes a long time to break through martial arts and immortals.

"It's time to cross the tribulation!"

Looking at the void, Jiang Che thought for a moment.

He has reached the limit. If he does not overcome the catastrophe, any battle may trigger the catastrophe.

It is necessary to cross the catastrophe.

Completely stepped into the realm of the primordial spirit.

The spiritual sense explores the world, and within a few hundred miles, any situation can be seen.

Jiang Che didn't delay too much, and the suppressed breath was released in an instant.

Chi! ! !
The spirit soared to the sky, reaching the level visible to the naked eye.

Like a divine sword, cutting through the void.

The aura of heaven and earth was smashed by the powerful spirit.


The moment the breath was released, bursts of thunder sounded from above the sky.

The clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds.

Within a hundred miles, the sky and the sun are covered.

It's like the scene of annihilation appears.

Yuan Ling and Chaos Tengu retreated wildly.

After escaping from the range covered by Jieyun, he stopped.

If Jiang Che's Yuanshen Tianjie was contaminated even a little bit, the consequences would be very serious.

If you are not careful, you may be finished.

Jiang Che's body was dragged up by an invisible force, and he stood in the void.

In the sky, black clouds of calamity shrouded, and red lightning flashed through.

The catastrophe is constantly brewing.

The enveloping Tianwei also continued to grow.

Even Jiang Che felt a deep pressure.

But he didn't have any fear.

He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Du Jie stepped into Yuanshen, he paid more than others, but the strength he got in exchange was quite abnormal.

Breakthrough is the pinnacle!
He didn't dare to say that he swept the Yuanshen Realm, but if he stepped into the Yuanshen Realm, there were definitely only a handful of people who could defeat him.

Even Gu Changge and Xing Jianfeng, who are at the peak of Yuanshen, Jiang Che has enough strength to face head-to-head.

This is also the self-confidence brought about by one's own strength.

He had waited a long time for this moment.

Break through the primordial spirit, just today!

The wind howled in the sky, like the roar of ghosts and gods.

Within a hundred miles, it was completely shrouded in darkness.

What can be seen is the lightning that shuttles through the clouds of calamity.

The red electric light and the breath released made Chaos Tengu feel fatal.

This catastrophe might kill it.

The catastrophe continued to brew.

In the deep cloud of calamity, majestic sacred heavenly palaces appeared faintly.

It's like the Heavenly Court Shrine in mythology.

Yuanshen catastrophe!

This is also the most difficult step for a monk.

Jiang Che also noticed the looming Heavenly Court Shrine in the depths of Jieyun.

A strong sense of oppression swept over.

At this moment, a terrifying dragon chant came from the Heavenly Court Shrine, followed by a huge red thunder dragon of a hundred feet rushing out of the Shrine, sweeping directly towards Jiang Che.

The first catastrophe is coming!

The stronger the strength, the more terrifying the coming catastrophe, and similarly, the stronger the heaven and earth rewards after crossing the catastrophe.

The red thunder dragon rushed out, galloping and roaring, and opened its mouth to spit out, a thunder column made of lightning swept directly towards Jiang Che.

The thought exploded, and Jiang Che tensed his nerves. In an instant, a bright light burst out from his body, and without any dodge, he abruptly bombarded towards the thunder dragon.


As soon as the impact hit, the sky was shrouded in thunder in an instant.

Space warping.

The thunder is dazzling.

Jiang Che's body was instantly attacked by lightning.

But with his physical body, this blow was not enough to hurt him.

After shattering the lightning, Jiang Che took a step forward, and a heavenly dragon transformed with true energy roared out, rushing directly towards the red thunder dragon.

The magic seal of Tianlong Town broke out directly!


The sky trembled, and a devastating shock wave spread and swept across, impacting the void.

The light engulfed Jiang Che's body like a torrent.

A hundred miles away, Yuan Ling and Chaos Tengu retreated again.

No refund will work.

The power of this catastrophe is too strong, and it cannot be approached at all.

The Heavenly Dragon and the Red Thunder Dragon, transformed by true energy, fought like a real Heavenly Dragon.

The earth cracked, and the thousand-zhang mountain peaks disappeared in an instant and were razed to the ground.

Mountains and rivers collapsed, and plants and trees were wiped out.

This scene, like a real scene of annihilation, makes people feel fear.

The turbulent fluctuations also spread a hundred miles away.

Great movement!

But now, Jiang Che couldn't care less about attracting the attention of passing monks.

Crossing the catastrophe is the right thing to do!


The second blow broke out again, and the red thunder dragon was blown up by Jiang Che, turning into lightning and flying across the void.

Jiang Che stood in the midst of the lightning, and as soon as he raised his hand, the Great Sky Thunder Technique erupted, and in an instant, all the red lightning that filled the sky was absorbed by him.

A huge world-killing thunder ball formed and appeared behind him.

The first catastrophe passed.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of a tiger roaring came from the Heavenly Court Shrine deep in Jieyun.

A thunder tiger made of lightning descended.

Purple lightning flashed.

The breath is more terrifying than the red brontosaurus.


The thunder tiger roared, and the infinite power of heaven and earth was absorbed.

The electric light around him is even brighter.

But before the Thunder Tiger broke out to attack, a blood-red lightning ball directly hit the Thunder Tiger.

With the spear of the child, attack the shield of the child!
Attack with the power of Heavenly Tribulation Lightning.

For Jiang Che who is practicing the Great Sky Thunder Technique, it is not a problem.

The lightning flashed, and the huge lightning ball instantly smashed the Thunder Tiger into the air.

The body built by lightning almost collapsed, but it was still not destroyed.


Jiang Che exploded his supernatural powers again, the dark mountains and rivers manifested, and the blood-colored Abi God Bridge appeared, blasting the void and descending alive.


Under the second blow, the thunderbolt tiger collapsed in an instant, turning into pure purple lightning in an instant.

Jiang Che erupted the Great Sky Thunder Technique in an instant, absorbing all the pure lightning transformed by the Thunder Tiger, and transformed it into a huge purple thunder ball ten feet in length.


Immediately afterwards, the third catastrophe came instantly.

In the Heavenly Court Shrine, a Suzaku made of lightning manifested.

Carrying the will of Heavenly Tribulation, the breath is even more terrifying.


There was a sound of bird chirping, and in the next breath, the overwhelming thunder and flames rushed towards Jiang Che.

Suzaku is on fire!

A special flame like the flames of the phoenix.

Burn everything!
The void was burned, and the earth was ablaze.

But looking at the Suzaku flames spewed out by the Thundering Suzaku, Jiang Che's eyes burst out with a bright light.

A thought erupted, and Dutian Shenhuo manifested instantly.

Suzaku Yanhuo, that is also the innate divine fire.

It just happened to be able to improve his Dutian Shenhuo.


The shock wave generated by the collision of the two innate fires made Jiang Che take a few steps back.

Under the gaze of the gaze, the Dutian God Fire was blazing, and after a few breaths, it directly swallowed the Suzaku Flame Fire.

The purple divine fire has a touch of red.

Thundering Suzaku uttered a bird song that shook the world, and once again spewed out a large amount of Suzaku flames.

The crimson Suzaku flame instantly covered Dutian Divine Fire.

But in just a moment, Dutian Shenhuo rushed out and directly swallowed all the Suzaku Yanhuo.

Jiang Che could clearly feel that Dutian Shenhuo was improving crazily.

The improvement of the heaven and earth spirit fire that was swallowed before is even greater.

Controlling Dutian Shenhuo, he rushed to Thunder Suzaku in an instant.


At the same time, Jiang Che made a move, and the Great Sun Tathagata Seal erupted, shattering the Thundering Suzaku and turning it into pure Suzaku Flame.

Dutian Shenhuo absorbed all of it in an instant, and then returned to his body.

"At least a tenfold increase!"

Feeling the increased power of Dutian Shenhuo, Jiang Che felt careless.

He wished for a few more Thundering Suzakus.

There is only one chance like this.

After successfully surviving three catastrophes, Jiang Che's aura still remained at its peak.

Immediately afterwards, another roar came from the Heavenly Court Shrine, and a golden basalt descended.

The golden lightning criss-crossed, and its aura was more terrifying than the Thundering Suzaku.

Jiang Che didn't care too much, and instantly activated his supernatural power, blasting out abruptly.

The figure disappeared, and he directly fought with the golden lightning basalt.

Without the help of a magic weapon, he can still overcome the calamity.

Although the golden Xuanwu is powerful, Jiang Che still has full confidence.

Supernatural powers collided, and light waves swept across.

The restored void collapsed again.

In a moment, Jiang Che completely killed the golden basalt, passing the fourth day of calamity.


A divine beast built with lightning descended.

Tianlong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu...

There are also rare ancient beasts.

Each one is unique.

The Ninth Heaven Tribulation was shattered, and Jiang Che also suffered some injuries.

However, after swallowing the elixir, he quickly returned to his peak state.

Standing in the void, Jiang Che looked at the Heavenly Court Shrine in the sky.

No surprises, this time, he still has the tenth path of catastrophe.

Other people's catastrophes are all nine, with the exception of him, there is one more.

I don't know if it's because of Tian Jie's displeasure, but Jiang Che has already made all the preparations.

The hundred-mile calamity cloud shrank and turned into a ten-mile calamity cloud.

But the vast heavenly power emanating from it is even more terrifying.

The Golden Core Tribulation almost killed him.

The tenth catastrophe, maybe the superimposed power of the nine catastrophes is even more terrifying.

Jiang Che also raised his spirits.

The robbery cloud kept shrinking, and finally turned into a few miles in size.

The cloud of calamity rolled like ink, and the Heavenly Court Shrine within it became clearer.

Jiang Che also felt a mortal danger.

Without hesitation, he instantly activated Fa Tian Xiang Di.

Turning into a golden body of thousands of feet, like a fairy standing in the void.

And at this moment, the final catastrophe that was still brewing also came completely.

In the Heavenly Court Shrine, nine purple thunder dragons rushed out roaring.

The aura of each thunder dragon is enough to compare with a peak primordial spirit.

In an instant.

Jiang Che also unleashed all his offensive powers in an instant.

Six paths of reincarnation and three layers of attack rushed out, meeting the nine-headed thunder dragon.

The thunder dragon carrying the will of the heavenly tribulation is terrifyingly powerful.

With a collision, a destructive shock wave instantly swept hundreds of miles away.


Jiang Che's golden body also suffered a huge impact.

Heavenly Tribulation lightning shuttled through, tearing his flesh apart.

The Yuanshen was also attacked by the lightning of the Heavenly Tribulation.

Severe pain swept in like a tide.

Jiang Che clenched his teeth, while resisting, while using magical powers to meet.

Lightning flashes, covering the void.

Thunder dragons collapsed one by one.

In an instant, the nine thunder dragons were destroyed, and the robbery cloud in the sky also completely dissipated at this moment.


The golden light descending from the void poured into Jiang Che's body.

His aura returned to its peak in an instant, and continued to rise.

Heaven and earth rewards!

In an instant, Jiang Che's breath stabilized completely.

Yuanshen has also become stronger!
Somehow, his lifespan also broke through to a new height, reaching a thousand-year lifespan.

The golden light dissipated, and Jiang Che's figure manifested, returning to his normal form.

A horrible breath overflowed from his body.

At this moment, he has reached the realm of primordial spirit!

Become one of the giants in the world!

(End of this chapter)

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