I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 174 Killing the South China Sea Storm with One Cudgel

Chapter 174
South China Sea.

The sea area was empty, and Jiang Che's figure stepped out of the void.

A white cloud fell at his feet.

With the fluctuation just now, he could perceive multiple powerful auras.

However, he had already refined the yin-yang jade pendant, and his breath was blocked, which could completely shield him from all investigations.

Even the Supreme Lord Lei Jie, as long as he is not face to face, cannot sense the yin and yang jade pendant in his body.

In terms of shielding the secrets of the heavens, the ability of the yin-yang jade pendant is indeed very powerful.


Spreading his hands, looking at the yin-yang jade pendant in his palm, a ray of light flashed in Jiang Che's eyes.

Integrating the heavenly spirit stone, this yin-yang jade pendant can be regarded as his first semi-immortal weapon.

Although Jiang Che hasn't tested the power of the Yin-Yang jade pendant yet, he can roughly judge it.

Fully mobilized, the power is absolutely earth-shaking.

Even in the face of the Supreme Thunder Tribulation, he has the strength to resist.

But if the other party also has a half-immortal weapon, then it's two things.

The essential gap is still very huge.

Although semi-immortal artifacts are not as rare as immortal artifacts, there are only a small number of them.

With the ability of Yin Yang Jade Pendant, his strength can be enhanced even more.

A trump card.

He will not push unless necessary.

It consumes a lot of energy, and the movement and movement are also very large!

Putting away the Yin-Yang jade pendant, Jiang Che looked towards the endless sea.

Searching the memory of the alien turtle, he got the information about the base camp of the Jiao Demon King.

In the base camp of the Flood Demon King, there is still a lot of wealth.

do not miss it.


The white clouds under his feet moved extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, Jiang Che disappeared into the vast sea.


A day later, Jiang Che completely entered the inner sea.

Flood Demon King's lair is in the inner sea.

"call out--!"

A long rainbow broke through the sky and suddenly stopped in the void.

Standing in the void, Jiang Che overlooked the endless sea below.

As soon as the consciousness moved, the majestic power of the primordial spirit erupted and instantly penetrated into the sea.

Soon, Jiang Che "saw" a splendid Crystal Palace at a depth of three thousand miles under the sea.

Compared with the Crystal Palace of the Black Flood Dragon, this Crystal Palace looks more majestic.

"It's here!"

Withdrawing his consciousness, Jiang Che pinched out the water-avoiding formula with one hand, covering his whole body, and in the next second, he instantly dived into the sea water.

After diving for three thousand miles, in the dark water, a huge crystal palace appeared in his eyes.

The formation covered the Crystal Palace and isolated the sea water.

The Crystal Palace radiated light, and the surrounding area was full of light.

Spiritual consciousness penetrates the formation, and the situation in the Crystal Palace is fully visible.

As the base camp of the Flood Demon King.

There are quite a few sea monsters stationed here.

There are more than 300.

However, most of the strength is the demons of Jindan and True Artistic Realm.

There is no peerless monster.

The only peerless monster under the Flood Demon King is the mysterious tortoise whose soul was searched by Jiang Che.

"Who are you!"

Jiang Che suddenly appeared at the gate of the Crystal Palace, and the two guarding sea monsters were startled for an instant, clenched the steel forks in their hands, and looked at him vigilantly.

"Bold people, do you know whose territory this is? This is my home..."

One of the sea monsters came back to his senses and shouted angrily, but before he finished speaking, his head was cut off by a burst of sword energy in an instant.

The dead body was separated directly, and blood flowed out.

Before the other Sea Clan monster could react, its consciousness was suddenly plunged into darkness, its breath of life was cut off, and it was directly wiped out by Jiang Che.

After finishing off these two generals, Jiang Che strode into the Crystal Palace.

The guardian formation penetrated directly, and easily entered the Crystal Palace.

As soon as he raised his hand, thousands of sword qi bloomed and swept the Crystal Palace.

More than 300 sea monsters had no power to resist, and were directly wiped out by Jiang Che.

The strong smell of blood instantly permeated the entire Crystal Palace.

The last second was still full of vitality, but the next second, it was completely dead.

Jiang Che didn't let go of the corpses of these sea monsters, and they happened to be dog food for the Chaos Tengu.

Instantly eliminating all the demons and ghosts in the Crystal Palace, Jiang Che strolled into the main hall of the Crystal Palace.

Soon, he came to the treasury of the Crystal Palace.

The door of the treasure house was smashed with one punch, and a powerful aura of precious light bloomed instantly.

The light shines.

In the treasury, spiritual stones, spiritual veins, magic weapons, elixirs, and various natural and earthly treasures appeared in his eyes.

Looking at these treasures, Jiang Che's eyes shone brightly, and with a flick of his Taoist robe, the world in his sleeves instantly swept away, and all the treasures in the treasury were plundered.

The spirit veins and spirit stones fed the World Tree, and the fruits of the World Tree once again matured by three points.

Jiang Che then carried out a blanket search, not letting go of every corner of the Crystal Palace, and gained a lot.

After searching everything, Jiang Che stepped out of the Crystal Palace.

With a movement of the Taoist robe, this huge crystal palace was quickly wrapped and pulled up, and it was included in the Spring and Autumn Map of Heaven and Earth.

Crystal Palace also has value.

Although it can't be sold for too much money, it is still a fortune.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

Thoroughly search and clean.

After doing all this, Jiang Che also patted his ass and left.

After rushing out of the sea and stepping on the white clouds, Jiang Che searched the memory of the strange turtle.

A message emerges.

This is another peerless monster.

The relationship with the Jiao Demon King is very good.

The main body is a hydra, an ancient alien species.

Born with nine supernatural powers.

Although it is not as powerful as the Jiao Demon King, it is also a peerless monster in the late stage of Yuanshen.

His innate supernatural powers are even more comparable to a terrifying demon at the peak of his primordial spirit.

"Next target, Hydra!"

Jiang Che's eyes were fixed, and according to the memory of the alien turtle, he knew the location of the hydra's lair.

Although the wealth of the peerless great monster in the late Yuanshen period is not as rich as that of the Flood Demon King, it must be indispensable.

Before the Hai Clan reacted, with a few extra votes, he could cultivate the third round of Pure Yang Fairy Fruit.

This is also the fastest way to make money!

So close to the horizon activated, Jiang Che headed towards Hydra's base camp at the fastest speed.

Similar to my own route, this ticket cannot be missed.


Two days of work.

Jiang Che came to an island in the inner sea.

Standing on the island, Jiang Che looked at the pitch-black water.

"Such a strong evil spirit should be here."

Jiang Che was determined.

But he didn't act rashly, he first made sure that the Nine-Headed Insect was there.

In addition to wealth, there must be no shortage of rewards.

This peerless monster.

He certainly can't miss it.


Blowing out a breath, a gleam of light flickered, and an invisible air flow instantly poured into the pitch-black sea water.

The dive was more than 2000 miles deep and arrived at the base camp of Hydra.

The base camp of Hydra is also the Crystal Palace.

Jiang Che discovered that these peerless monsters seemed to like the Crystal Palace.

Most of this is probably learned from the Dragon Clan.

The largest Crystal Palace, there is no doubt that it must be the Dragon Clan's Crystal Palace.


Jiang Che stood on the island and waited for a moment, when a ray of light entered his body from the pitch-black water.

The closed eyes opened in an instant.

At this moment, Hydra is in his base camp and has not gone out.

After confirming that Hydra was in its lair, Jiang Che didn't waste any time.

At the next breath, the Witch God's stick was revealed.

The true energy burst out, and the patterns on the body of the stick burst into light instantly, black evil energy surged, and the will of the witch god manifested behind him.

Jiang Che raised his hand and swung a stick, and a sky-shattering evil spirit roared out instantly.

boom--! !

Void torn.

The pitch-black sea water was forcibly smashed into cracks like an abyss by a stick.

The sea water poured back, setting off huge waves of thousands of feet, and the fluctuations swept hundreds of miles.

This one was a shock in an instant.

When the stick is released, the sky and the earth change color, and ghosts and gods tremble!

In the seabed of more than 2000 miles, this great power also penetrated.

The bottom shakes.

Crystal Palace shook a bit.

This time, all the sea monsters in the Crystal Palace were alarmed instantly.

"what happened?"

"Where did the vibration come from?"

"It seems to come from the sea!"


In the Crystal Palace, the sea monsters under Hydra's command showed panic.

Seeping from the sea surface, that is definitely not an ordinary force.

It doesn't happen naturally, it's man-made.

Could it be that the king's enemy has come to him?

Just when all the sea monsters were terrified, a burly figure stepped out of the Crystal Palace hall.

The whole body is filled with a terrifying demonic aura.

A group of sea monsters looked at the figure that appeared, and immediately knelt down and saluted: "See you, the king!"

And this burly man is Hydra.

Looking up at the pitch-black water, his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate.

There was no chance for the other sea monsters, the Hydra figure moved, broke through the sea water, and headed towards the sea in an instant.

But at this moment, Jiang Che was standing in the void holding the Witch God Stick.

The surging sea water instantly destroyed the island.

A stick of churning sea water caused great vibrations in hundreds of miles of sea area.

Earth-shaking, it looks more terrifying than a tsunami.


At this moment, a terrifying figure rushed out of the sea.

A monstrous demonic aura emanated from the sky, standing above the turbulent sea water, his eyes were cold, and he looked at Jiang Che in the void.

"Human Race!"

Hydra's eyes flashed, and the eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Who are you, don't you know that this is my king's territory? Today, if you don't kneel down and make amends, then don't even think about leaving here."

The Hydra's voice sounded, penetrating through the void, and landed in Jiang Che's ears like thunder.

In the void, Jiang Che looked at the Hydra that appeared, and made sure that the target was correct, and immediately moved the Witch God Wand in his hand.


A stick crushed the void, and a shocking black evil spirit roared towards him.

The hydra was shocked instantly, and with a flash of light, eight snake heads appeared.


The eight snake heads burst out with different lights, and instantly met Jiang Che's terrifying blow.

But in front of the Witch God Stick, Hydra's supernatural power was directly crushed.

Life and death.

A stick landed on him, and the majestic force instantly tore his body apart.


The body was directly blown away with a stick, and a cloud of blood burst out.

Only the primordial spirit of Hydra remained.

But before he could use his primordial spirit to escape, a bright yin-yang divine light broke through the sky in an instant.


The yin and yang divine light directly shattered the soul of the hydra, and it was shattered.

The peerless monster in the late Yuanshen period was instantly killed by Jiang Che in an instant.

The battle is over.

The demon book vibrated at the same time, and the rewards of the ninth rank of the universe word burst out.

With a flick of Jiang Che's Taoist robe, he directly swept the storage ring that fell into the sea water.

As soon as the figure moved, a brilliance enveloped the whole body, and the water-avoiding formula protected the body, and dived directly into the pitch-black sea water.

Two thousand miles under the sea, in the base camp of Hydra.

A group of sea monsters were just about to rush out of the sea to have a look.

But suddenly, in front of the Crystal Palace, a handsome young Taoist in Tsing Yi Taoist robe appeared.

Holding a purple stick in his hand, he instantly surprised all the sea monsters.

Before he could react, Jiang Che directly made a move.

The Heavenly Sword Art erupted, and thousands of sword qi rushed out, piercing through the guardian formation of the Crystal Palace.

In just one breath, hundreds of sea monsters in the Crystal Palace were wiped out.

A strong smell of blood filled the Crystal Palace.

After finishing off Hydra's subordinates, Jiang Che swaggered into Hydra's Crystal Palace.

In a short while, all the wealth in Hydra's treasury was searched.

Although it is not as rich as the Flood Demon King's wealth, it is still a peerless monster.

There are still many treasures.

All the spirit stones and spirit veins are in the bag.


After stepping out of the Crystal Palace, Jiang Che followed suit and directly put away Hydra's Crystal Palace.

disappeared into the sea.

So close to the horizon activated, one step across the void, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.


South China Sea.

In the depths of the inner sea, a golden shrine hall appeared one by one.

Every figure is filled with a powerful monster.

It is a giant of the Sea Clan.

The cultivation bases are all at the peak of Yuanshen.

There are dozens of people.

"The Jiao Demon King, Hei Yuan, and the Hydra all died within a few days. The attacker was vicious. Their three subordinates, and even the base camp, were all wiped out. According to calculations, this attacker is most likely a human cultivator."

In the main hall, a giant of the Sea Clan who was at the peak of Yuanshen spoke.

"What do you guys think about this?"

There was silence in the hall, and after a while, a giant of the sea tribe said, "Even the demon king can be killed. Could it be that this human monk is a thunder robber or a human immortal?"

"Impossible." As soon as the Sea Clan giant finished speaking, another Sea Clan giant spoke.

The other sea clan giants looked at him instantly.

Stared at by a group of giants of the sea clan, the giant of the sea clan slowly said: "If there is the existence of the Supreme Thunder Tribulation or the Supreme Human Immortal, then we can't calculate it at all. This person should be the arrogance of the human race, and he should also be an existence at the peak of the primordial spirit."

"Brother Moore is right." A sea clan giant nodded.

And at this moment, a giant of the Sea Clan said: "I have already consulted several elders of the Dragon Clan. The elders of the Dragon Clan mean that we should join forces to thoroughly investigate all the human monks in the sea area. If you meet a human monk, do it directly."

"If you do this, I'm afraid the consequences will be very serious, right?"

Another Sea Clan giant spoke.

"That's right, if we attack all the human cultivators in the whole territory, it is very likely to offend the human race forces from all sides. If we join forces, it will be dangerous."

Another Sea Clan giant spoke.

"Human monks dared to massacre my South China sea giants in my South China Sea. It was originally a fault of the human race. In my opinion, if you meet a human monk, just kill them directly. Otherwise, you would think that our South China sea sea tribe is a soft persimmon, and anyone can squeeze it."

A sea clan giant spoke with a loud voice.

Soon, it got the support of several sea clan giants.

"Yes, I support brother Yuankong's proposal, all human monks should be killed!"

"Yes, I support it too!"

"Me too!"

"Kill these human monks directly. In the South China Sea, why has it been the turn of human monks to be so arrogant!"

"It must be killed, to avenge the dead giant of my sea clan!"


Voices of support resounded through the golden hall.

Soon, more than half of the giants of the Sea Clan expressed their support.

"Is it the vegetable market? You are all the elites of our sea clan, so noisy, what a shame!"

At this moment, outside the golden hall, a majestic voice came.

The sound was like thunder, overshadowing all other sounds.

In the hall, the gazes of the giants of the Sea Clan instantly turned to the entrance of the Golden Hall.

The figure of an old man in golden robe appeared in front of the sea clan giant.

It was also the aura of the peak Yuanshen, but his aura was three points more terrifying than every giant of the sea clan at the peak of the Yuanshen present.

In the whole body, a golden dragon-shaped aura is faintly permeated.

A giant of the Dragon Clan.

Within a few steps, he stepped into the golden palace and came to the top position.

"I've seen Elder Mo Yuan!"

All the giants of the Sea Clan came back to their senses and saluted the golden robed old man.

The golden-robed old man glanced at the giants of the Sea Clan, and said: "The human monk slaughtered my three giants of the Sea Clan. This is an unforgivable crime. This human monk must be killed to avenge my dead Sea Clan giant!"

Hearing this, the giants of the Sea Clan who supported the killing of the cultivators instantly became excited.

"Elder Moyuan is wise!"

"I support Elder Moyuan's opinion!"

"What are human monks afraid of? This is my South China Sea, our territory. It's not up to these damned human monks to be so arrogant!"

"Yes, I also agree with Elder Moyuan's opinion!"


One by one, the giants of the Sea Clan spoke.

More than half of the voices agreed.

At this moment, a sea clan giant stepped forward, looked at the golden-robed old man, and said: "Elder Moyuan's words are correct, but I think massacres of clan monks are also disadvantageous to us. In the South China Sea, there are also many human monks, and many of them are related to the various immortal sects. If they order all slaughter, I am afraid that the immortal sect forces on the mainland will definitely not let it go. They may join forces to attack us. At that time, I am afraid that our situation will be even more dangerous."

As soon as the voice of the giant of the sea clan fell, the voice of the next giant of the sea clan rang out: "Hmph, brother Wu, what do you mean by this? Are you going to give up? Pretend that this never happened? Did the three giants of my sea clan just die in vain?"

The voice was full of anger, asking questions angrily.

The Sea Clan giant looked calm, looked at the angry Sea Clan giant, and said: "Brother Hong, don't be angry. Vengeance must be avenged, but we have to be rational. Our purpose is to avenge the three dead Sea Clan giants, not to make all the monks our enemies. We can find out the trace of this person, track his breath, and then solve it."

"But there is very little breath left by this human cultivator. How can we check this vast sea?"

Another Sea Clan giant spoke.

The sea clan giant surnamed Wu was still indifferent. He cast his eyes on the golden-robed old man in the center and said, "Elder Mo Yuan, I have an idea. I wonder if Elder Mo Yuan can adopt it. If there is no problem, I think we should be able to find out who is the culprit who killed my three sea clan giants."


The old man in the golden robe looked at him, thought for a while, and said, "Okay, let's talk about it first."

The giant of the sea clan surnamed Wu immediately said: "Elder Mo Yuan, don't my sea clan have a half-immortal treasure, the Wuyuan mirror. In this treasure, some information about our sea clan's enemies is recorded, and aura is also left behind. Since we have captured the aura, we can record the aura into the Wuyuan mirror for comparison. I guess, since this human monk killed three of my sea clan giants in a row, he must have a lot of enmity with our sea clan. Maybe we can compare them in the breath comparison. The person's information is clear at a glance, if there is no comparison, we are using other methods."

"In this way, we can ensure that there will be no unnecessary conflicts with most human monks."

"As long as this person is found, we can send forces to besiege him. At that time, this human monk must be doomed."

"Besides, not long after the situation happened, I concluded that this person should be in the inner sea area. If he got the result, he could besiege him with all his strength. I don't know what Elder Moyuan thinks of this method?"

Hearing this, the old man in golden robe and all the giants of the Sea Clan brightened their eyes.

This method is not bad!
How did you forget Wu Yuanjing?
Moreover, Wu Yuanjing is in the hands of the Dragon Clan. Elder Mo Yuan, can't it be easily detected?
"I agree with Brother Wu's method. This method is feasible and can avoid some unnecessary troubles."

One person spoke.

"I think it's okay."

"Compare it first, anyway, it won't waste too much time."

Another Sea Clan giant spoke.

"Yes, as long as this person's information is found out, then the whole territory of the sea clan will be launched to investigate, and this person will definitely be found in a short time."

Another sea clan giant spoke.

At this moment, the giant of the Sea Clan surnamed Wu spoke again: "In order to prevent accidents, we can secretly track any monks in the Inner Sea if there are monks in the Primordial Spirit Realm of the human race. As long as the conclusion is drawn, we can quickly lock this person."

"When the time comes, take it in one fell swoop!"

"Brother Wu's words are justified, I agree."

"I agree too!"

"Me too!"


This time, the proposal of the sea clan giant surnamed Wu was unanimously approved.

Qi Shushu looked at Elder Moyuan in the center.

"Okay, let's do that."

Elder Mo Yuan's voice sounded.

All the giants of the Sea Clan clapped their hands instantly.

Immediately, the giant figures of the Sea Clan disappeared in the Golden Palace.

At the same time, the order was conveyed to countless sea monsters.

A storm swept across the South China Sea in an instant.


South China Sea, void.

Jiang Che walked on white clouds.

Standing above the white clouds, after sorting out his harvest, he set his sights on the reward light group on the bronze atlas in his mind.

The reward of the ninth rank of Zhou Zi!
Killed the Hydra burst.

With a single thought, Jiang Che immediately withdrew the reward.


A light flashed in his mind, and a large number of golden words appeared in his mind.

Flying and circling like life.

Jiang Che closed his eyes, absorbing the information in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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